All Politics Is Local

Ken AshfordEducation, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

How is Trump’s “Arm The Teachers” solution playing across the states? Not well for the most part: The State (South Carolina): “SC politician giving guns to teachers in message to ‘deranged psychotic degenerates.’” Greenville News (South Carolina): GOP “Governor candidate Catherine Templeton calls for arming teachers while opening campaign.” News & Observer (North Carolina): “NC education chief says more cops … Read More

Washington State Governor Calls Out Trump On His Stupid Armed Teachers Idea (and Tweeting)

Ken AshfordGun Control, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

President and Armchair Warrior Trump writes a script of what he THINKS — without talking to experts or the people effected. He gets taken down, and he doesn’t like it (arms folded) Armchair Warrior, you ask… Why yes. Trump: I would have run into the school with no weapon — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) February 26, 2018

Yes, NRA Spokeswoman Dana Leosch Lied To Stoneman Douglas Student Emma Gonzalez

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Emma Gonzalez, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, had a simple question for National Rifle Association (NRA) national spokesperson Dana Loesch during CNN’s gun violence town hall: “Do you believe that it should be harder to obtain the semi-automatic … weapons and the modifications for these weapons to make them fully automatic, like bump stocks?” Instead of providing … Read More

Armed Teachers: A Pathological And Ineffective Idea

Ken AshfordEducation, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

School teachers carrying firearms and readied for gun battles in grade school classrooms is a level of social pathology that signals the end of any viable, coherent society. Travel such a path, and the barbarism and fearmongering of the American abattoir can only accelerate. — David Simon (@AoDespair) February 21, 2018 UPDATE:… but it’s lucrative! JUST IN: President Trump suggests … Read More

Gun Debate Continues

Ken AshfordGun Control, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Last night’s “town hall” on CNN was riveting. The students asked better questions than the adults, and I’m not the only one to note that they would not allow the responder to filibuster or waiver.  For example, student Emma Gonzalez asked NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch, “Do you believe that it should be harder to obtain the semi-automatic and – – … Read More

Sarah Sanders Press Conference – 2/20/2018

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Cybersecurity, Election 2018, Gun Control, L'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Her first press conference since the shooting — Sarah Sanders is reading her statement about the Parkland massacre like it’s a book report she really doesn’t want to deliver. — Matt Novak (@paleofuture) February 20, 2018 “It’s very clear that Russia meddled in the election. It’s also very clear it didn’t have an impact in the election,” Sarah Sanders says … Read More

The Kids Are Alright

Ken AshfordGun Control, Rightwing Extremism/ViolenceLeave a Comment

We have never seen victims in the wake of a horrible mass shooting strike back at inert politicians, including the president. We surely have never seen children call their elders to task and plan a massive march — Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) February 19, 2018 Wednesday, February 14, Valentines Day, 2018. Nikolaus Cruz, a troubled possible deranged right-wing gun nut, … Read More

High School Shooting: The Aftermath

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun Control, YoutubeLeave a Comment

I feel like I can go back to the last mass shooting and cut and paste. With 17 dead (so far), the “day after” talk surrounding yesterday’s shooting is all too predictable. We learn about heroes: We learn details: ATF: Cruz bought assault rifle in Feb. 2017 — Justin Miller (@justinjm1) February 15, 2018 And graphic video [WARNING] — And … Read More

Breaking: School Shooting in Florida [UPDATE: 17 Dead]

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Crime, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

3:15 pm ET – Shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida. Broward County Sheriff Office saying 20-50 hurt. Students and teachers told to barricade although some are evacuated. SWAT team present.  Shooter(s) unknown and at large. 3:25 pm — Reports are that the police know who the shooter is, but not saying anything until confirmed. He is a student. … Read More

Massacre Barely Makes Headlines

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Chelsie Cline posted this last Wednesday, and she got a response from her ex-boyfriend Tim Smith. Yesterday, Smith fatally shot his Chelsea Cline, 25, and three of her friends at a car wash early Sunday before turning the gun on himself. He’s not expected to survive. Full story.

Newtown: Five Years Later

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun Control, HistoryLeave a Comment

Five years ago today, a gunman went into Sandy Hook elementary school and opened fire. I covered it on this blog, as the day unfolded. And I visited Newtown two weeks after the event — the town was still reeling. In the five years since the Sandy Hook shooting, Congress has enacted strong legislation to prevent the use of AK-47’s … Read More

In Fairness, It Is Hard To Keep All These Mass Shootings Straight

Ken AshfordGun Control, Race, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

This week saw another mass shooting, this time in Northern California (4 dead, shooter killed — UPDATE: 5 dead — they found his wife’s bodied hidden in his house). Trump, returning from his Asia stint, tweeted this in response late last night: Unfortunately, the Sutherland Springs Texas shooting was LAST week’s mass shooting.  He deleted the above tweet, although it does … Read More

Oh Yeah. Another Mass Shooting

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

I suppose it is worth mentioning that a gunman opened fire in a church in a small town in Texas and killed 26 people (4% of that town’s population), ranging in age from 11 months to 77 years old. A good Samaritan with a rifle heard the shots from across the street, and shot the gunman, 26 year old Devin … Read More

Latest Updates On Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Focus still seems to be the shooter, now-deceased 64 year old Stephen Paddock. The pictures of the hotel show TWO broken-out windows. One of them was to shoot at the concert-goers.  The other one, it turns out, was broken so that Paddock could shoot at two large aviation fuel tanks. He actually did shoot at the tanks. The bullets left two … Read More