The Bloody Morning After

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

You know what is the worst thing about today — the first full day after a horrible mass shooting in the United States? [UPDATE – Extremely graphic NSFW disturbing video can be seen here — view at your on risk] The worst thing is that there is nothing to say that hasn’t been said previously in other horrible mass shootings. We … Read More

USA Breaks Record For Mass Deaths By Gun Shooting

Ken AshfordCrime, Disasters, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

And here we go again. Politicians will send thoughts and prayers and… My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2017 … right… condolences and sympathies, etc… and then nothing will be done. So here’s what happened. There are now at least … Read More

Is The “Second Amendment People” Comment Trump’s Worst Gaffe?

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Gun Control, Rightwing Extremism/ViolenceLeave a Comment

As we all know by now, Trump yesterday hinted that gun lovers could (or should? or would?) shoot Hillary Clinton and/or a Supreme Court nominee as a response to Hillary Clinton selecting judges for the Supreme Court.  Here’s the comment and campaign responses in a nutshell: The spin from the Trump campaign is laughable.  Today, his campaign surrogates received the … Read More

Aaaand Trump Steps In It

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

He was doing so well, until he started riffing.  He went a little too far from the script. Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges — nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I dunno. [Applause and … Read More

50 Years Ago Today

Ken AshfordGun Control, HistoryLeave a Comment

Fifty years ago today, Charles Whitman, a 25-year-old engineering student and former Marine armed with a small arsenal of weapons, killed 13 people and wounded over 30 more during a shooting rampage atop the University of Texas Tower in Austin. The episode casts a long and complicated shadow. It is considered by some to have marked the beginning of the … Read More

How’s That Open Carry Working Out For You?

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Although it was a tragedy, the Dallas sniper shooting of 5 police officers was a reality-based experiment on the theory that a good guy with a gun beats a bad guy with a gun.  Not only did the bad guy with a gun kill five armed good guys, but the bad guy was killed with a robot using explosives (one … Read More

More and More, It Looks Like The Dallas Cop Killer Was A Nut

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun Control, Race, Racial Homicides, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Dallas police now believe that Micah Johnson, who shot and killed 5 Dallas police following a Black Lives Matter march, was actually planning some sort of mass attack, but advanced his plans to take advantage of the BLM march. His house was full of bomb making equipment, far too much to have put together in recent days.  He had received … Read More

Two Deadly Police Shootings In Two Days

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun Control, Racial HomicidesLeave a Comment

Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old black man, was standing in the parking lot selling CDs as he had for years when two white cops arrived on Tuesday night. By Wednesday morning he was dead and protesters were in the city’s streets. Calls erupted from Congress and the NAACP for an independent investigation into the shooting, which the Justice Department announced within … Read More

Democratic House Sit-In Enters Day Two

Ken AshfordCongress, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

Late last night, Ryan managed to adjourn the House until after the July 4th break: After a chaotic, daylong occupation of the House floor, Republican leaders moved in the middle of the night to cut off House Democrats’ gun control “sit-in” by adjourning the House through the July 4 — without a vote on gun control. Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) … Read More

Realistically, Here Is What Would Happen

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Terrorist — we’ll call him Shooter A — walks into a crowded room (say, a nightclub) and starts opening fire.  Immediately, some people fall, stricken by Shooter A.  Others instinctively dive under the tables or behind the bar or run out of the room to the bathrooms. Brave Shooter B, a patron, reacts quickly.  In half a second, he draws … Read More

The Four Bills Up For Debate And Vote In The Senate

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Thanks to Senator Murphy’s 15-hour talk-a-thon on the Senate floor last week, Senate Republicans are willing to allow votes on certain gun control proposals. But don’t expect success — in part because 60 votes are needed to break a threatened Republican filibuster. Nevertheless, here are the four proposals – all submitted as amendments to a Justice Department spending bill…….. The Democratic proposals: Brought … Read More

Supreme Court Cases We’re Watching

Ken AshfordGun Control, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

It’s getting close to the end of the Supreme Court term, and this is when controversial cases start coming out. Although a few cases were handed down today, they weren’t the ones on my particular radar.  The ones of national import, I believe, are: Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin (argued December 9, 2015).  This case, a challenge to … Read More