The Clinton Gun Plan And The Mental Health Factor Of Gun Control

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Gun Control, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

I was going to write a post about mental health and gun control, but I see that Hillary Clinton just came out with a plan, so I’m going to talk about that as well.  First, the Clinton plan: Fight for comprehensive background checks. Advocate for comprehensive federal background check legislation. Close the “Charleston Loophole.” Tighten the gun show and Internet … Read More

Eh, What Are You Gonna Do?

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

The callousness of Jeb Bush is appalling.  Here’s that American can-do spirit: It’s interesting.  Maybe we should have students attend school in wombs — then the GOP might care if they die.  Because only deaths inside women matter to these people.

Shorter Ramesh Ponnuru

Ken AshfordGun Control, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Shorter Ramesh Ponnuru (ex-convict at National Review Online): “Okay, I admit that the alarming amount of guns is responsible for all these mass shootings.  Why can’t the left admit that dead American kids are a small price to pay for the civil liberties of gun owners?”

Mass Shooting Obama Response Montage

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun Control, Obama & AdministrationLeave a Comment

AFTERTHOUGHT:  What I liked about Obama’s response speech this time was this: And I would particularly ask America’s gun owners — who are using those guns properly, safely, to hunt, for sport, for protecting their families — to think about whether your views are properly being represented by the organization that suggests it’s speaking for you. What Obama seems to want … Read More

Four Bullshit Pro-Gun Arguments

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

1. “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Catchy. But bullshit. A murderer without a gun has a pretty hard time committing mass murder, unless he uses a grenade or bomb or something.  And most people don’t have access and/or the technical know-how to use those.  To really rack up those mind-blowing death counts – to make sure that many … Read More

Oregon Mass Shooting

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

As my tweets suggested yesterday, there was yet another mass shooting yesterday — this one at Umpqua Community College (“UCC”) in Oregon.  Nine killed, not including the shooter, and seven injured. I will not name the killer.  In these circumstances, I often do name the killer, but one of the things that has come out is he wrote on his blog, … Read More

But Did She Have A Conceal Carry Permit?

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

The first paragraph is all you need to know: A 31-year-old woman was arrested by Waco, Texas police late Monday night with about 30 grams of methamphetamine in her purse and a fully loaded handgun, with a round chambered, in her vagina, according to a local television report.

Why Ben Shapiro Is An Ass (And Peggy Noonan Is A Liar)

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Gun Control, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

This is so unbelievably bizarre.  Esquire even calls it “the dumbest response to the Virginia TV shooting”.  Shaprio (and, which posted this — Shapiro is the Editor) argues this:  After the Charleston shootings, he says, the “entire political and media establishment” blamed the Confederate flag.  So if they were consistent, he goes on, then we should blame Black Lives Matter … Read More

Gun Problem? Us?

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

“We don’t have a gun problem. We have a criminal problem. We have a society that thinks it’s completely permissible to shirk responsibility. We have people who have no problem with what Planned Parenthood does in terms of fetal parts harvesting. We don’t teach a respect for life. We glorify violence in movie, music, film and books. This is what … Read More

Terrible Live Shooting On TV This Morning

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun Control, Race, Racial HomicidesLeave a Comment

Troubling video (not bloody, but shocking) Unbelievable shooting on live TV in the Roanoke area this morning. Prayers to my friends at WDBJ7. — Jacob Wycoff (@4cast4you) August 26, 2015 Both the reporter and the cameraman are dead. During an interview on CNN, General Manager Jeffrey Marks confirmed that today was Parker’s last day with the station. Marks also … Read More

Even The Gun Nuts Don’t Want A Piece Of This

Ken AshfordGun Control, Race, Racial Homicides, Rightwing Extremism/ViolenceLeave a Comment

A few days ago, I mentioned the presence of armed white people — the Oath Keepers — present on the streets of Ferguson during the racial tensions.  They were there, they said, the protect a reporter from the ultra-right wing website, InfoWars. Except now we learn that Infowars denies knowing these guys or what they’re doing. Maybe that’s true, maybe … Read More

Today’s Movie Theater Shooting

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Crime, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

And the winner is…. Anitoch, Tennessee’s Carmike Hickory 8 Theaters The movie was:  Mad Max The shooter is: Dead (shot by police) Shooter characteristics:  White male, age 51 Shooter weapons: pepper spray, gun, hatchet, surgical mask and 2 backpacks (possible bombs?) # of victims:  0 dead, 3 treated for pepper spray, 1 with bruises from hatchet Motive: TBD Is he crazy?:  TBD … Read More

Good Ol’ Boys Shooting At The U.S. Military

Ken AshfordGun Control, Rightwing Extremism/ViolenceLeave a Comment

For the second day in a row, shots were reportedly fired Wednesday near a Mississippi military facility where part of the “Jade Helm 15” training exercise was expected to take place. Soldiers training at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg reported shots fired into the air around 8 a.m. local time, according to a news release obtained by local TV station WJTV. … Read More

The Hubbub About Cecil

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun Control, In PassingLeave a Comment

Seems like the Internet went absolutely bonkers yesterday about how a policeman killed a completely innocent black man dentist killed a completely innocent lion.  It’s important to understand exactly what he did.  He didn’t merely shoot and kill a lion who was iconic to the region and the center of a research study; he poached it: Walter Palmer, the Minnesota … Read More