I guess that’s what… good? Oh, okay. Good.
Morgan Freeman In Serious Condition After Mississippi Car Wreck
Sad…. Happened last night. Car flipped several times. Let’s hope for the best…. UPDATE: MSNBC is reporting he was talking at the scene of the accident, so that bodes well….
Little Tremble in California
The Nevada Seismological Lab Helicorder webcam (in my righthand column) caught it: UPDATE: Happened six minutes ago as I write this. Data from USGS says it was a 5.8. Epicenter is 3 km ( 2 mi) SW of Chino Hills, CA, which is an LA suburb. Happened at 2:42:15 pm. EST, which is 11:42:15 am Pacific Time. News reports just … Read More
Heller Decision In
5-4 in favor of individual gun rights, meaning that you can own a gun for self-defense and hunting (rather than for being in the militia, which arugably is what the Second Amendment says). Justice Scalia wrote the opinion, joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito. Justice Breyer dissented, joined by Justices Stevens, Souter, and Ginsburg; there’s … Read More
Ted Kennedy Has a Brain Tumor
It’s malignant: (CNN) — U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy has a malignant brain tumor, doctors treating him at Massachusetts General Hospital said Tuesday. Kennedy was hospitalized Saturday morning after suffering a seizure at his family’s compound at Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. "Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain identified the cause of the seizure as a malignant glioma in the … Read More
Obama And Wright (The Latter Gets Thrown Under The Bus)
Well, I think Obama is doing (as I type this) what he needs to do. Here in WInston-Salem, he is STRONGLY denouncing Wright. Hopefully, this will put an end to the matter. UPDATE: Reformed log cabin Republican Andrew Sullivan: That was a very impressive, clear and constructive re-framing of the core message of his candidacy; and a moment given to … Read More
Baby News [Bumped and Promoted]
Heather is delivering her baby today, after staying up all night with contractions. Looks like her husband Jeff was live-blogging it from the hospital this morning (they’re still waiting around as of 8:45 am), although as the day goes on, I suspect he will have better things to do. Thought and prayers to the two three of them. UPDATE: Cassandra … Read More
And Four In Charlotte….
News of five bodies, apparently murdered in Iowa, was in the news this morning…. Now comes breaking news of four bodies, apparently murdered, found in Charlotte…. Sadly, as the economy gets worse, I think we’re going to see more and more stories like this.
Fallon Out; War With Iran In?
In a recent article in Esquire, CENTCOM Commander Adm. William "Fox" Fallon openly criticized the idea of a possible war with Iran, which Fallon called an "ill-advised action". Fallon implied that he would resign rather than go to war against Iran. (Fallon is not alone on this; most military leaders are opposed to war with Iran). Breaking news out of … Read More
Student Body President Of UNC-Chapel Hill Shot Dead
Breaking news: Chapel Hill police have identified a woman found dead near the University of North Carolina campus Wednesday morning as the university’s student body president. Eve Carson, 22, a UNC senior and biology major, was found shot multiple times in the head about a half-mile from campus. Police have also issued a bulletin for Carson’s blue 2005 Toyota Highlander … Read More
BREAKING: McCain Relationship With Female Lobbyist?
I think this New York Times article is a little short on facts, long on innuendo. And, it was 8 years ago. Nevertheless, it’s going to be the story for the next few days… Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, waves of anxiety swept through his small circle of advisers. A female … Read More
Breaking News: Richardson Bows Out Of ’08 Race; 6.5 Magnitude Off Of Oregon Coast
The two are not apparently related.
Rove To Quit
Cool. Apparently without irony, he told reporters that he is going to go dove-hunting. Seriously. People think that Rove was an "evil genius" because of his strategic brilliance. Carpetbagger thinks that a lot of hype, but: His significance has everything to do with his cutthroat, win-at-all-cost style. Rove believes the political rule that there are no rules. Laws are meant … Read More
Another Bridge/Overpass Collapse
This time in Arizona. Thankfully, no one hurt, probably because it was under construction. Do these things happen in threes?