Not much of a college basketball fan myself, but the city of Winston-Salem has come to a stop as news is spreading that Wake Forest BB coach Skip Prosser just died.
More Cracks In The Wall: Rove Subpoenaed
Breaking news from CNN: they have issued a subpoena to Karl Rove to testify about his role in the Department of Justice attorney firings. If he goes the route of Harriet Miers and Joshua Bolton — i.e., refusing to comply — he (like them) faces contempt of Congress charges.
MSNBC: WASHINGTON – The House Judiciary Committee voted contempt of Congress citations Wednesday against White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and President Bush’s former legal counselor, Harriet Miers. The 22-17 vote, which would sanction the pair for failure to comply with subpoenas on the firings of several federal prosecutors, advanced the citations to the full House. The full House … Read More
I’ve Seen This Movie….
Breaking news: A strong earthquake struck northwestern Japan on Monday, causing a radioactive water leak and fire at one of the world’s most powerful nuclear power plants and turning buildings into piles of lumber. At least seven people were killed and hundreds injured. The plant leaked about a half-gallon of water in a building housing one of its reactors, said … Read More
Breaking News: Iraq War Not Just A “Civil” Internal One Anymore
Turkey invaded? Oh, great. UPDATE: Avarosis gives the 30-second background and analysis about the possible implications: In a nutshell, Turkey is worried, has been worried, about the Kurds in northern Iraq. (You’ll recall that Iraq is mainly made up of three groups, Kurds, Sunnis and Shias.) Turkey has a good number of Kurds in eastern Turkey – 20% of Turkey’s … Read More
Falwell Dead? [Update: Yes]
Breaking news Obviously, I’m no fan, but it’s always momentous when an influential man passes. His zenith was in the Reagan era, when he set this country on a path which dictates much of the social and political landscape today. UPDATE: Retrospective from the Carpetbagger. Also, the GOP ’08ers are having a debate tonight. Look for lots of lavish praise … Read More
BREAKING: Supreme Court Upholds Ban On Partial Birth Abortion
MSNBC story here. Opinion here. No time to read the opinion and give my expert legal analysis, but it’s clear that Stenberg v. Carhart (2000) is effectively overturned (although the majority opinion denies that they are doing so). The different between that case and this one? Alito is on the Court; O’Connor is not. UPDATE: Lyle Denniston of SCOTUSBLOG does … Read More
Breaking: Libby Guilty
on four of five counts in his perjury and obstruction of justice trial. The verdict isn’t as important as what the whole Plamegate process and trial actually revealed, i.e., the Vice President’s main adviser has just been convicted of obstructing an investigation not just of himself but of the Vice President, and the trial brought out substantial evidence that Cheney … Read More
Breaking News: Gas “Cloud” in Manhattan
This doesn’t smell good. UPDATE: Source of the gas smell is unknown. Officials are saying it’s not likely a terrorist attack. RELATED: Downtown Austin closed due to the mysterious death of birds. Weird stuff happening today.
CNN has the headline, no article. MSNBC has something — he’s being replaced by Robert Gates, CIA Director under Bush 41. The NY Times editorial from this morning is prescient. UPDATE: Apparently, it’s been in the works for some time. Yet, Bush said last week that Rummy would stay on for the remaining two years. So . . . Bush … Read More
Not What We Think
It has the earmarks of an accident…. but you always wonder. UPDATE: Looking like the pilot was a pitcher for the New York Yankees — Cory Lidle. The plane was registered in his name, and his passport was found on the street below. ANOTHER UPDATE: I note from the Cory Lidle link above that the Yankees placed Cory Lidle on … Read More
A Foul Wind
Well, this doesn’t sound good…. Thousands evacuated from N.C. town APEX, N.C. – As many as 17,000 people were urged to flee homes on the outskirts of Raleigh early Friday as flames shot from a burning hazardous waste plant and a chlorine cloud rose high over the area. CNN adds: Family wakes up after knock on the door at 1 … Read More
One Night In Bangkok
CNN and MSNBC are reporting that there may be a coup attempt in Thailand…. This story is only minutes old — even AP has nothing. UPDATE: 12:10 p.m. – Okay, everyone’s got the story now. Still, some good blogger coverage at Bangkok Pundit and 2bangkok. I confess. I have absolutely no knowledge of Thai politics. I couldn’t even hazard a … Read More
Yeah, I Saw That Coming
After hours and hours and hours of focusing on John Mark Karr, the news organizations are going to eat a LOT of crow. Why? DNA evidence shows he didn’t do it. And they’re not filing charges. He’s just a weirdo wannabe.