Moon Transits The Earth

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

At first blush, this may not seem all that amazing — a short filmed sequence of the Earth… with the moon going in front of it.

After all, we live in a time where such a thing can be generated on even the simplest computer.

But keep in mind, this is REAL, and reflects the first time in history of mankind where such an actual moving image was captured.

Recorded a few months ago, you get to eyewitness space history here, on this blog, right now (unless of course, you’ve already seen it on the news or elsewhere on the web).

It comes from the Deep Impact probe.  The Deep Impact spacecraft was the one that smacked a chunk of copper into a comet so that we could see what materials were below the surface. After the impact, the spacecraft kept going (with the mission renamed EPOXI), and it’s being used to do all sorts of interesting observations.

In late May, 2008, it turned its cameras back to Earth and observed us over the course of a several hours. During this time, from EPOXI’s point of view, the Moon passed directly in front of the Earth! The images were put together into this amazing sequence

This is a view that is literally impossible from the ground. Only a spacefaring race gets the privilege of this view from a height.

Take a look at that, folks. It’s us, seen from 50 million kilometers away

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

This is fun.

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog   

A webshow about Dr. Horrible, a very inept supercriminal with dubious superpowers, attempting to be accepted into the Evil League of Evil, while winning the heart of the girl he loves.

And it’s in the style of a Broadway-style musical. starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathon Fillion from Firefly, and Felicia Day.

Harris is hysterical with great comic timing, and of course, his Broadway musical chops put him in good stead.

Very sweet at times, too.

The first two episodes webisodes are up (click the link above) and also available on iTunes.

Late Night Comedians Can’t Find The Funny In Obama

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

The New York Times addresses this "problem":

Comedy has been no easier for the phalanx of late-night television hosts who depend on skewering political leaders for a healthy quotient of their nightly monologues. Jay Leno, David Letterman, Conan O’Brien and others have delivered a nightly stream of jokes about the Republican running for president — each one a variant on the same theme: John McCain is old.

But there has been little humor about Mr. Obama: about his age, his speaking ability, his intelligence, his family, his physique. And within a late-night landscape dominated by white hosts, white writers, and overwhelmingly white audiences, there has been almost none about his race.

“We’re doing jokes about people in his orbit, not really about him,” said Mike Sweeney, the head writer for Mr. O’Brien on “Late Night.” The jokes will come, representatives of the late-night shows said, when Mr. Obama does or says something that defines him — in comedy terms.

“We’re carrion birds,” said Jon Stewart, host of “The Daily Show” on the Comedy Central channel. “We’re sitting up there saying ‘Does he seem weak? Is he dehydrated yet? Let’s attack.’ ”

But so far, no true punch lines have landed.

Why? The reason cited by most of those involved in the shows is that a fundamental factor is so far missing in Mr. Obama: There is no comedic “take” on him, nothing easy to turn to for an easy laugh, like allegations of Bill Clinton’s womanizing, or President Bush’s goofy bumbling or Al Gore’s robotic persona.

This is probably true, now that I think of it.

Fortunately, Andy Borowitz got a hold of five jokes from the Obama campaign:

Obama Releases List of Approved Jokes About Himself

Bid to Help Late Night Comics

Saying he is "sympathetic to late night comedians’ struggle to find jokes to make about me," Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill) today issued a list of official campaign-approved Barack Obama jokes.

The five jokes, which Sen. Obama said he is making available to all comedians free of charge, are as follows:

Barack Obama and a kangaroo pull up to a gas station. The gas station attendant takes one look at the kangaroo and says, "You know, we don’t get many kangaroos here." Barack Obama replies, "At these prices, I’m not surprised. That’s why we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil."

A traveling salesman knocks on the door of a farmhouse, and much to his surprise, Barack Obama answers the door. The salesman says, "I was expecting the farmer’s daughter." Barack Obama replies, "She’s not here. The farm was foreclosed on because of subprime loans that are making a mockery of the American Dream."

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Why the long face?" Barack Obama replies, "His jockey just lost his health insurance, which should be the right of all Americans."

Q: What’s black and white and red all over?
Barack Obama: The New Yorker magazine, which should be embarrassed after publishing such a tasteless and offensive cover, which I reject and denounce.

A Christian, a Jew and Barack Obama are in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean. Barack Obama says, "This joke isn’t going to work because there’s no Muslim in this boat."

The Coveted Marie Jon Apostrophe Endorsement

Ken AshfordElection 2008, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy1 Comment

Well, I guess one could say that I am flattered that syndicated columnist Marie Jon Apostrophe reads my blog, or, at least, my posts concerning her columns, even though she does nothing but leave cryptic comments.

It also looks like I may have gotten through to her.  For the first time in months, she’s written a column about Barack Obama that doesn’t mention that he is, you know, black and attended a black church where the pastor was black.  Blackity, black, black, black.

But yesterday’s Marie Jon Apostrophe column is ostensibly about John McCain, and why Marie Jon is going to vote for him.  Shorter version: Well, he’s the better candidate because he’s not Obama.

But let’s dive in:

McCain gets my vote

Nice title.  Catchy.  To the point.  This bodes well.

While some might be undecided on who to vote for this coming Election Day, for others it’s a no-brainer. Although the news media would like us to believe otherwise, there is still an enormous political gap between the Left and the Right.

I admit to being confused already.  I don’t think the news media is trying to make us believe there is no divide between the Left and the Right.  In fact, the media benefits from such a gap, since they can play out the whole "horse race" thing.  So I’m confused.  Perhaps a random out-of-left-field totally irrelevant quote by a 19th century British politician would help clarify.

    "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it; and this I know, my lords, that where laws end, tyranny begins" — William Pitt

Nope.  No help at all.

The American people must wake up to the the facts. The Democratic Party has moved well to the left of liberalism, and Barack Obama is — by his record — as far left as one can get in the party.

And those are facts, people.

Sorry America, but we can’t afford an Obama presidency. It would be political and social mayhem having a Democrat House, Senate, Supreme Court and Executive branch.

Speaking of things we "can’t afford", we’ve had, in this decade, a Republican House, Senate, and Executive Branch (and a split Supreme Court), and we’ve run up huges deficits and debts.

For many decades the United States would be held under the sway of a very unjust, destructive force.

Ooga booga booga.

Our citizenry would have to deal with the extreme rulings of a Supreme Court gone wild.

As long as its on video.  Nothing like seeing a drunk Ruth Ginsberg showing us her ta-tas.

There would be no more checks and balances.

Little history here, Marie.  The concept of "checks and balances" was intended to mean that the various branches of government act as checks and balances — NOT THE PARTIES within each branch.  In fact, there were no political parties when the concept of "checks and balances" became the framework for the Constitution.

Liberal judges would change our country’s disposition. Even if Americans were roused from their lethargy and subsequently voted in a Republican president and Congress, it would be too late. They would not be able to neutralize the highest court of the land.

Like when that liberal Supreme Court desegregated schools?  Hell, we’re still paying for that.

Once a liberal Supreme Court is installed, all traditional values will be null and void. Everything will change to satisfy the progressives’ mind-set. Nothing would be sacrosanct, from the war against terror to the right to bear arms, late-term abortion and the varied definitions of marriage.

Late-term abortions are sacrosanct to Marie?  And war?  Huh.  Didn’t see that coming.

America needs a Republican president who will appoint judges to the Supreme Court without a litmus test. Only then can liberalism’s hold of our federal benches be defeated. Our country might then be spared from the dictates of a black-robed oligarchy.

Isn’t that a litmus test, Marie?  Making sure no liberals get on the bench?

Senator John McCain is not trying to run as a Ronald Reagan conservative. He is a maverick.

Where have I heard that before?  Oh, right.  From you, Marie.

Yet, even his worst critics understand that our nation would be much better off in the hands of President John McCain than President Barack Obama.

You didn’t seem to think so, Marie.  Here’s what you wrote about McCain a few months ago:

McCain agrees too often with the far left Democrats and allows them to erode conservatism. He has absolutely no compunction in siding with them when he wants to appear as a policy maker. Is it by chance that everything he initiates also has a Democrat’s name attached to it? He will say he is exhorting bipartisanship when in actuality; the maverick enjoys tweaking the nose of the party he probably should have departed a long time ago.

You still think we’re "much better off" in the hands of President John McCain?

Given this dire grim warning, be aware: Democrats will weaken our economy with their tax policies.

Because it’s doing so well now?  In any event, I addressed this in an earlier post today.

A progressive president in the White House will lead to more social and political changes. Many of Obama’s policies would become irreversible. "Change" for the sake of change without collective wisdom is unwise.

Obama claims that he is for change. Indeed, he changes his own political stances with each passing day. Which Barack are Americans voting for? He is so com se comsa. With his gifted, articulate tongue, he speaks disingenuously to perfection.

He also has the junna say qua that I can’t really describe.

Image crafting doesn’t have its risks for Obama. Most Democrats trust that if he is voted into office, anything he says that is contrary to what he stood for during the campaign will be shelved. As soon as he is sworn in as president, he will revert right back to his radical liberalism.

These are facts, people, derived from Marie Jon Apostrophe’s crystal ball about what the future will hold.

Democrats are not grumbling about changes they’ve heard Barack make in his political positions. They understand the game of posturing and pandering to the general electorate. The Rev.Jeremiah Wright had twenty years to mold his protégé.

Okay, can we have, say one example of Obama changing is political position?  And even if you can point to one, how are you and only you apparently able to tell which is his "true" position?

Finally, Marie, you really need to drop this Machurian candidate thing.  Obama and Wright were not that close.

Senator John McCain, however, can prevent this tragic wayward turn. He will not raise taxes or weaken the economy. He will reduce big government spending.

McCain is a promise-keeper whose presidency will ensure that America will win in Iraq. The new democracy will become a rich Arab nation, free from radical Islamic rule. The Iraqi people will always know that America stood behind them.

They will send us ponies and cotton candy.

Contrary to the propaganda of our own press, we are a humane people who want to help uphold Iraqi sovereignty. Our troops have given their lives to save people who once lived in fear of a hideous despot named Saddam Hussein.

Who has been dead for, what, two years?  So, uh….

As a result, we have reaped many as yet-unquantified dividends.

Assuming "we" are stockholders in Halliburton….

Every day that we spend in Iraq, we are protecting our homeland as well as bringing stability to the Middle East. We’ve won many hearts and minds in Iraq. Our troops have been both protectors and ambassadors of goodwill and freedom.

And I’ve addressed this earlier, too.  Seems like our military commander in Iraq — a person who ought to know — doesn’t agree with you there, Marie.

We will need another strategic plan for Afghanistan. America can put their faith in a war hero who has served in the military.

Sadly, that war hero you refer to — McCain — thinks we don’t need another plan for Afghanistan.

John McCain’s family is steeped in a patriotic history and tradition.

Like divorcing your wife after she gets in a debilitating car accident?

They have served their beloved country well. It should come as no surprise that the sons of John and Cindy are military men.

Ah, well.  He’s got my vote.

McCain will be a good steward of our recourses.

Good, because our "recourses", whatever they are, are getting out of hand.

Under his leadership, nuclear power and newly developed oil fields will become realities.

Finally.  After all these years, we’ll finally see nuclear power.

There will be many different energy strategies employed to help our nation back on its feet.


Gas prices will begin to tumble to meet the needs of the consumers’ pocketbooks as soon as the word is heard that we are taking care of business. There will be no years of waiting to see fuel prices come down. It is the Democrats who have long promoted doing nothing about finding new oil reserves, building nuclear plants and developing the alternative energy sources they claim to adore. Vote them out!

Oh, dear.  Wrong again, Marie.  You need to read my blog more, dear.

McCain is a man thinking about America’s future. On all levels — whether environmental, social or political — he is able to weigh in.

"Elect McCain.  He can form opinions."

McCain has been blessed with the wisdom of that comes with age and experience.

And being white.

There will always be those who vote their party line, no matter how irrational a candidate’s flip-flopping appears to be. Barack Obama has served three years in the Senate (two of them campaigning for President) and was a Chicago street organizer. Has half of America lost their minds? It begs an answer to address his obvious lack of experience and qualifications.

You know who had even less experience than Obama when he ran for President?  Another one-term senator from Illinois.  Abraham Lincoln.

There is no substance there, just words

The sober, sound minds of our country will understand who is best qualified to lead the greatest nation in the world. Let’s pray there are enough of them. Here, there is no doubt. John McCain is for me.

Kind of sounds like there is doubt, Marie.  You haven’t given a single reason what program or policy of McCain’s you actually like.

You know how you mentioned that "there will always be those who will vote their party line", no matter what?

Marie, meet mirror.

Can’t Kill Or Capture Our Way To Victory

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment


Barack Obama warned yesterday against the risk of a “creeping militarization” of U.S. foreign policy, saying the State Department should lead U.S. engagement with other countries, with the military playing a supporting role.

“We cannot kill or capture our way to victory” in the long-term campaign against terrorism, Obama said, arguing that military action should be subordinate to political and economic efforts to undermine extremism.

This is the kind of statement that drive the wingnuts on the right insane.  Obama being soft on terrorists blah blah blah  Why, we’re likely to get a wingnut screed along these lines:

[C]an American politicians ever rid themselves of this unreality-based trope? This belief is part and parcel of the same idiocy that lead the State Department to embrace "spa days" for Muslims to “build bridges” with the Arab world and President Bush to open up our aviation schools to more Saudi students to “improve understanding.”

But here’s the thing.  The quote at the top of his post?  I lied.  Barack Obama didn’t say that.  Here is what the article actually said:

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates warned yesterday against the risk of a “creeping militarization” of U.S. foreign policy, saying the State Department should lead U.S. engagement with other countries, with the military playing a supporting role.

“We cannot kill or capture our way to victory” in the long-term campaign against terrorism, Gates said, arguing that military action should be subordinate to political and economic efforts to undermine extremism.

Looks like one of the Bush boys is off-message.  But, quite decidedly, correct.

Local Politics: Dem In NC-11 Running Virtually Opposed

Ken AshfordElection 2008, Local InterestLeave a Comment

Gr2006052501537From Kos:

At one point, the GOP was bursting with enthusiasm about gaining back their long-lost and well-deserved House majority, and high on their target list for this goal were seats like North Carolina’s Republican-leaning 11th District, now represented by freshman Democrat Heath Shuler.

Except that their candidate has now suspended his campaign.

Republican Congressional candidate Carl Mumpower has suspended his campaign to unseat incumbent Heath Shuler, saying he’ll eliminate about 80 percent of formal campaigning until at least half of the Republican leaders in the 15 counties in the 11th Congressional District commit to core party principles.

"I’m not going to be doing any fundraising or advertising—there won’t be any active campaigning for the Republican Party," Mumpower said this morning. "I’ll put things on hold until I get party officials to commit to the principles and to the process of holding elected officials accountable."

"Core party principles".  Apparently, Mumpower was particularly troubled by a recent vote in Congress to override President Bush’s veto of the Farm Bill.  (Even Elizabeth Dole voted to override).

Of course, there may be another reason why Mumpower is suspending his campaign.

He’s only got $906.90 cash on hand.  That can’t be good.

An Uneducated President Is Not A “Plus”

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

I touched on this yesterday, but it seems to me that the GOP strategy of touting one’s educational ineptitude is really not a good selling point.  It’s kind of like pandering to stupid people:

"Hey, I’m a moron, just like you.  And if I can get in the White House, so can you.  Because I’m a regular Joe, a non-Ivy league school attending beer-drinking bowling lout, just like you.  So a vote for me is a vote for you!"

I think it paid off well for George Bush 43, which is why they’re going back to that playbook.

But of course, we’ve seen the results of George Bush 43, the most unpopular presnit evah!

Anyway, McCain has been playing the "humble idiot" card heavily.

Now, obviously, being able to access your email isn’t an important prerequisite to being Leader of the Free World.  You probably won’t need to do that.  You probably won’t have time to do that.  And you’ll probably be surrounded by tons of staffers who will do that for you anyway.

But that’s not my point.  My point is the being boastful of the fact that you don’t know how to do that.

I hope that people will see that McCain is, in this sense, a worth successor to Bush… a man out of touch with contemporary things…. and that’s a BAD thing!

UPDATE:  Jill at Brilliant at Breakfast:

Because we all know just how important it is to be a "regular guy", right? After all, look around us at the country the regular guy that people wanted to have a beer with is leaving us. But if that’s still the standard of qualification for the presidency, than I say we just cut to the chase and elect this guy:


A Useful Set of Graphs

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & Deficit, Election 2008, HistoryLeave a Comment

Presidents and the economy.

In the graphs, the parties are color-coded by the traditional Republican red and Democratic blue. Individual terms are in a lighter shade, and the party average is the darker shade.

Technical note Unless otherwise noted, the figure shown is average annual growth rate for a president’s term, from the year, quarter, or month of inauguration to the quarter or month of the next inauguration. For two-term presidents, results are the averages of both terms.

The bottom line is that, on average, Democratic administrations post better growth numbers, lower unemployment rates, lower federal deficits, higher stock growth, and more equality.  It helps explain why Americans have a sense that Democrats are better at economic issues than their Republican counterparts.

But here’s the graphic summaries….



Strong advantage Dems.  Almost down the line, Dems have done better on this metric that Republicans.  Even the Carter years weren’t that bad.



Strong advantage Dems.  Like GDP, a clear difference with Democratic all recent Democratic presidents doing better than all recent Republican presidents.

It should be noted that Reagan’s first term, marked by recession, dragged down his average.  His second term had an emplotment growth rate of 2.7%, slightly stronger than Clinton’s 8 year average.



Strong advantage Dems.  With the exception of Reagan, unemployment has gone up under every recent Republican candidate’s watch, and down for almost every Democrat’s watch.  On average, the jobless rate has risen by 1.0 points under the GOP, and fallen by 1.9 points under Dems (–1.3 points if you start in 1949).



Slight advantage Republican.  Really a mixed bag here, with both parties almost equally split on the zero mark.  On average, Democrats preside over a small increase in inflation, and Republicans over a small decrease.  The Carter and Reagan administrations are clearly outliers, but the basic truth holds: Republicans are slightly better at curbing inflation.



Advantage Dems.  This might be a surprise to some, as the label of "tax and spend" Democrats seems to have stuck.  This term "fiscal shift" means the move toward either a deficit or a larger deficit (negative numbers), as opposed to moving toward a surplus or a larger surplus (postive numbers). 

On average, a Republican in the White House has meant a shift of –1.9% of GDP in the government’s budget balance (i.e., towards smaller surpluses or bigger deficits), while a Dem has meant a 1.5% improvement in the budget position (or 1.8%, if you start in 1949, thereby omitting the huge World War II deficit).

This graph, in my view, may not be particularly helpful, as the changes in fiscal shift may come about as the result of tax policies from prior administrations.  So keep that in mind.

Stock Market


Slight advantage Dems.  The blue years have an edge on stock returns, with the S&P 500 rising an average of 4.7% a year in real terms (price only, excluding dividends, deflated by the CPI) under Democratic administrations, compared with 2.9% under Republicans. (Starting the clock in 1949 raises the Dem average to 6.9%.).

Of course, the stock market doesn’t go up or down based on who occupies the White House; there are tons of other outside factors.  But again, it’s a correlative phenomenon which might explain the perception — misguided or not — that the stock market does better (albeit slightly) when a Democrat is in charge.

Bond Market


Strong advantage Republicans.  Republicans are a lot more bond-friendly. Real total returns—price plus coupon, deflated by the CPI—averaged +4.2% a year under Republicans, vs. –2.1% under Democrats.

Income Distribution


Strong advantage Democratic.  A metric that is near and dear to me.  The Gini index is an economic figure which shows the varience in income levels among Americans.  For example, if the Gini index is zero, that means that all Americans are making the same income; nobody is richer or poorer than anybody else. 

This graph notes the changes in the Gini index under each administration.  When the Gini index goes up, that means that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer (i.e., more income inequality) during that adminstration.  When it goes down, that mean that there is less income inequality over the course of that administration.

On average, inequality has risen in Republican administrations, and fallen in Democratic ones.

I say this graph shows a "strong advantage for Democrats", but this of course assumes that having less income inequality is a good thing.  Some might disagree, and argue that our country should have uber-rich and uber-poor.  It all depends on what you want, I guess.

Anyway, food for thought in this election season.

Jesse Helms — Leader Against HIV?

Ken AshfordCongress, Health Care, In Passing, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

What is Elizabeth Dole smoking?  From the Congressional Record dated July 14, 2008:

SA 5074. Mrs. DOLE submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2731, to authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2009 through 2013 to provide assistance to foreign countries to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: On page 1, line 5, strike ‘’and Henry J. Hyde’’ and insert ‘’, Henry J. Hyde, and Jesse Helms‘’.

That’s right.  Elizabeth Dole wants to change the name of the

"Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008"

to the

"Tom Lantos, Henry J. Hyde and Jesse Helms United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008"

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that Jesse Helms probably would like his name attached to a bill that seeks to rid tuberculosis and malaria.  But HIV/AIDs?  Jesse is rolling in his grave (as are, I suspect, thousands of victims of HIV/AIDs).  Jesse was no fan of AIDS prevention, as Joe My God notes:

Jesse Helms, the man who in 1987 described AIDS prevention literature as "so obscene, so revolting, I may throw up."

Jesse Helms, the man who in 1988 vigorously opposed the Kennedy-Hatch AIDS research bill, saying, "There is not one single case of AIDS in this country that cannot be traced in origin to sodomy."

Jesse Helms, the man who in 1995 said (in opposition to refunding the Ryan White Act) that the government should spend less on people with AIDS because they got sick due to their "deliberate, disgusting, revolting conduct."

Jesse Helms, the man who in 2002 announced that he’d changed his mind about AIDS funding for Africa, but not for American gays, because homosexuality "is the primary cause of the doubling and redoubling of AIDS cases in the United States."

This last bit is true.  Helms did come around (after two decades) to think we should fight AIDS in foreign children who aren’t, you know, teh gay.  Some moral epiphany, huh?

On the other hand, one could argue that putting Helms’ name on an AIDS prevention bill has a ring of justice to it — kind of a posthumous "fuck you" to a man who is too dead to complain. 

What’s next?  The George Wallace Civil Rights Act?

The PZ Myers Brouhaha

Ken AshfordGodstuff3 Comments

UPDATE: A helpful perspective from Heather in the comments….  be sure to check it out

I occasionally read PZ Myer’s blog: Pharyngula.  PZ, a biologist and assistant professor at University of Minnesota, is a very good writer (excuse me, very well writer) known mostly for his eloquent posts debuking creationism and intelligent design theories.  While not usually incidiary, PZ — an unapolgetic atheist — does get snarky from time to time.

On July 8, PZ penned a post regarding an incident that happened at a catholic church at the University of Central Florida.  A student named William Cook attended the mass there, and received the Eucharist.

For the uninitiated, the Eucharist is a small bread wafer blessed by a priest. According to Catholics, the wafer becomes the Body of Christ once blessed and is to be consumed immediately after a minister passes it out to churchgoers.

But Cook didn’t consume the wafer.  He wanted to show it to a friend, who had come to Mass out of curiosity about the Catholic faith.  But Cook got three steps away from the altar, when he was stopped by miffed Catholics who told him to eat the wafer.  Cook stuck it in his mouth, but took it out when he returned to his pew.

What followed was an in-church skuffle, and Cook left… with the unconsumed Eucharist.  This action only made thing worse.

The incident got the attention of William Donahue, President of the Catholic League.  William Donahue is, to many (myself included) the Jerry Falwell of Catholics.  Always looking for something to get outraged about.  You know.

Anyway, that got the attention of PZ Myers, who wrote about the incident, and Donahue’s over-the-top reaction in a post entitled "It’s A Frickin’ Cracker!"  To illustrate his point, he (somewhat tongue-in-cheek) asks his readers to send him an "unused" Eucharist for an experiment he is going to do on it (nothing unsavory, he assured).

As a result of his post, Bill Donahue himself issued a press release calling for the University of Minnesota to fire Myers.  And Myers himself gets death threats.

So, to sum:

1. Poor kid takes home uneaten eucharist to show his friend.
2. Church and catholics go batshit crazy.
3. PZ thinks this is ridiculous and says so, also says he may do some things to a cracker.
4. Church and catholics go batshit crazy.

The parallels have been interesting.  Catholics have been arguing that Myers was demeaning something which they hold sacred, and that is beyond the pale.  The problem, in my view, is this: Where were these Catholics when the Koran was being descrated?  Or the Muhammed cartoons?  Interestingly, many of the people who sent nast emails to Myers suggest that he attack the Koran.

So what’s the message?  We should respect religions, but only if the religion is mine?

The mainstream media has picked up on it.

And a woman who sent a death threat to Myers from her work email (at 1-800-FLOWERS) has been fired, even though (it was later learned) that her husband actually used her account to send the threat.

My take?  Well, what Myers said was simply his opinion: the eucharist is a cracker and not the literal body of Christ.  Some of Myer’s critics insist that it IS the literal body of Christ, and to those people, I suggest that they look up the word "literal" in the dictionary.  But even if you disagree with Myers, it’s just one man’s opinion.  Is the Catholic Church so weak that their panties get in a wad over this?

And as for death threats, is that would Jesus would do?   This is what makes me wonder about religion.  For some people, it’s about their religion and their church.  They seem to have forgotten about the teachings of those they worship.

Sad, really.

And It’s Not As Cute As Emily Mark

Ken AshfordScience & Technology, Youtube1 Comment

The Italians have come up with a robotic barista that, supposedly, can make coffee for you.

The above Youtube video doesn’t impress me.  As far as I can tell, it takes two humans to nudge the robot (for some reason), which doesn’t appear to be making my grande mocha frappachino with a double shot of espresso anyway.  In fact, it doesn’t seem to be doing much of anything, but responding (somewhat robotically) to these two annoying humans poking at its arms.

The robot does have, however, a rather comical-looking football helmet-like thing on its head which — as we all know — is standard issue for baristas.  I guess.

I’m not robotic engineer, but I think they have a few bugs to work out.

Right Next Door To “404 Not Found”

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

It’s pretty common for Chinese businesses to advertise their business in both English and Chinese.  This, for example, is a photo of a typical Hong Kong street.


Well, a Chinese restauranteur decided to do the same thing, and have his restaurant’s awning reflect both Chinese and English.  Unfortuately, he didn’t speak English, so he used the powers of the Internet to do a Chinese-to-English translation.




70’s Movies On Broadway

Ken AshfordTheatreLeave a Comment

Two to look forward to:

9to5gals200(1)  9 To 5: The MusicalCould be cute.  The Joe Mantello-directed production will begin Broadway previews March 24, 2009, and open April 23, 2009.  Dolly Parton wrote the music and lyrics.  Will star four-time Emmy Award winner (West Wing) and Tony Award nominee Allison Janney as Violet (I love her!), Stephanie J. Block as Judy, Megan Hilty as Dorelee, and two-time Tony Award nominee Marc Kudisch as Mr. Hart. (Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Parton and Dabney Coleman played the respective roles in the movie.)

To be honest, I’m of mixed mind about this.  The plot — women as secretaries working under under a chauvenist boss — seems a little bit dated.  Don’t get me wrong — things are not still 100% hunky-dory for women in the workplace.  But most companies have, since the 1970s [NOTE:  Yes, I know 9 To 5 was, technically not a "70’s movie" since it came out in 1980, but it had that 70’s movie mentality], come to terms with sexual harrassment and dealt with it in their policies and procedures.  I’m not sure the "9 To 5" shennanigans could go on today, and I’m not sure the musical will work as a period piece.

But we’ll see.

Dogday200(2)  Dog Day Afternoon.  Not a musical, thank goodness — this based-on-real-events story doesn’t need high-energy dance numbers ["I Wanna Go To Wyoming" and "Attica, Attica"] or soulful ballads ["I’m Dyin’ Here" and "I Like To Get Kissed (When I’m Being F*cked)"]. 

The cast of the Barefoot Theatre Company production features Jeremy Brena, Charles Casano, John Gazzale, Lydia Gladstone, John Harlacher, Betty Hudson, Kendra Leigh Landon, Ruben Luque, Victoria Malvagno, Amanda Plant, Lorriane Rodriguez, Gil Ron, Francisco Solorzano, Anika Solveig, Joli Tribuzio and Steven R. Weinblatt — i.e., people you’ve never heard of.  It opens today, but sadly, it is a limited engagement (ending on August 16).  One hopes someone will pick it up if it meets critical acclaim.