Ted Kennedy Has a Brain Tumor

Ken AshfordBreaking NewsLeave a Comment

It’s malignant:

(CNN) — U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy has a malignant brain tumor, doctors treating him at Massachusetts General Hospital said Tuesday.

Kennedy was hospitalized Saturday morning after suffering a seizure at his family’s compound at Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

"Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain identified the cause of the seizure as a malignant glioma in the left parietal lobe," according to a statement from the doctors treating the senator.

"The usual course of treatment includes combinations of various forms of radiation and chemotherapy," they said.

The story is less than ten minutes old, and already there is much (sickening) rejoicing at The Free Republic:

"I would take a stab at what Mary Jo will say to him but I don’t think they’re going to meet in the same place."

"Strange how you can wish all sorts of terrible things upon someone who has almost single-handedly destroyed the country and then you hear about something like this and you remember what your grandmother told you about not saying anything if you have nothing nice to say, so……"

"Not wanting to get banned,I won’t reveal my complete thoughts on the matter.But if I did they would feature the frequent use of the word "hell"."


UPDATE:  The comments were so bad, the forum had to be shut down

Tracy Lett’s Bug Has A Body Count

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

This I didn’t know:

This creepy but not entirely successful 2006 psycho-thriller about paranoia and insect infestations was directed by William Friedkin, most famous for The Exorcist.

Despite dealing with a few murders and plenty of craziness in its own plot, the crime it inspired was considerably more horrific and strange. In January, blaring headlines like “Millionaire executive unhinged by horror film killed daughter” announced the tragedy, apparently trigged as stressed-out insurance executive Alberto Izaga watched Bug in a theater with his wife. (It was the only movie playing that had available seats; perhaps this tragedy could’ve been avoided, ironically, if the film were more popular?) Soon after, his wife would find him babbling incoherently in the middle of the night, shouting about the film, the Devil and death. Experiencing what his wife would call an “extreme and sudden” breakdown, he bludgeoned his two-year-old daughter to death while yelling “God doesn’t exist! The universe doesn’t exist! Humanity doesn’t exist!” Judged not guilty by reason of insanity, the judge passed sentence thusly: “This is a truly agonizing case. No sentence I pass can ever match the sentence you will pass on yourself.”

I have a feeling the hubby was pre-disposed to insanity, and it really wasn’t the movie’s fault.

John McCain And Jesus — Yeah, I Get Them Confused

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment


Georgia Republican Party chairwoman Sue Everhart said Saturday that the party’s presumed presidential nominee has a lot in common with Jesus Christ.

"John McCain is kind of like Jesus Christ on the cross," Everhart said as she began the second day of the state GOP convention. "He never denounced God, either."

Everhart was praising McCain for never denouncing the United States while he was being tortured as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

"I’m not trying to compare John McCain to Jesus Christ, I’m looking at the pain that was there," she said.

Riiiiight.  She’s not comparing McCain to Christ; she’s just saying that he is "kind of like Jesus Christ".

WTF? Taylor Hicks To Join Cast of Grease?

Ken AshfordTheatre3 Comments

No, no, no.  He’s a soul singer, not a song-and-dance man….

NEW YORK (AP) — Taylor Hicks is going from "Idol" to "Angel."

The "American Idol" alum will join the Broadway cast of "Grease" on June 6, playing Teen Angel in the revival of the popular musical.

The gray-haired singer — whose "Idol" fan base was called "The Soul Patrol" — said he plans to add "soulful flavor" to his performance of "Beauty School Dropout." The flashy role, he said, is "a classic fit for a classic performer."

"It’s a big number, and, you know, I’ve made some pretty grand entrances before," Hicks told The Associated Press on Thursday. "And this one is probably the grandest entrance I’ve had in my career."

Well, besides "Idol." Hicks, 31, took home the title in the fifth season of the top-rated Fox show — the biggest stage on television.

He later lost his record deal with J Records, a label within Sony-BMG, which signs the show’s singers, and had been looking for the perfect part to make his debut on The Great White Way.

"If you’re gonna be a great entertainer and you’re gonna be a great performer, than these are the things that you have to do to season yourself in that manner," said Hicks, who views this "opportunity of a lifetime" as a way to improve his "Idol"-tested skills.


Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

That’s how much I paid for gas this morning.  First time I went over $50.

Still, gotta love the hybrid….

CNN has an interesting story on the subject…

Who’s To Blame For $4 Gas

Prices have surged over the past four years – and there’s a bunch of reasons why.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — It’s hard to imagine now, but in 1999 gasoline sold for 90 cents a gallon. How’d we get from there to $4 a gallon?

There is no short answer – many things happened, and together they formed a chain of events from cheap gas to $100 tankfuls.

Read the whole thing

Final Weekend – Whorehouse

Ken AshfordTheatreLeave a Comment

Tickets are going fast!

Rosemary Harris* came and loved it!

* NOTE:  For those of you under 30 and/or a geek, Rosemary Harris played the Aunt in the Spiderman movies.  For those of you over 30 and artsy-fartsy, Rosemary Harris is the Tony and Emmy Award winning actress (Tony for Best Actress in The Lion in Winter; Emmy for her role in the classic miniseries The Holocaust).  More from wikipedia.

I Bought Something For $10

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

I don’t know what it is.

But I bought it anyway.

I went to this site, the SomethingStore:

SomethingStore is a fun new website that operates simply: We will send you something, an item selected randomly among many things from our inventory, for $10 (free shipping) and you will find out what your something is when you receive it. What will yours be?

Your Something May Be Anything

It maybe something you need, something you want or something you desire. Yours may be a cool gadget, rare book, table game, handmade necklace, reverse clock, box of gourmet chocolates, set of shiny shower curtains, popular video game, big-box retailer gift card, the latest version of a software, a set of kitchen knives, a pair of designer jeans, garden tool, kitchen appliance, unique home decor item, electronic equipment, magazine subscription, office supply item, or…

Your something will most likely be brand new, though it may also be refurbished or antique.

I’ll let you know what it is….

RELATED POST:  What Is It That P.T. Barmun Used To Say?

They Just Can’t Stop [Gay Marriage in NC and CA]

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Here we go again.

Just one day into the 2008 legislative session, Sen. Jim Forrester (R-Gaston) once again filed an anti-LGBT, anti-marriage state constitutional amendment. A similar bill is expected in the state House. Equality North Carolina is working to defeat these attempts to write discrimination into our state constitution.

The proposed bill mirrors those introduced in the last four sessions, which Equality North Carolina and our allies have successfully blocked.

"We can’t let our guard down this year," said Ian Palmquist, Executive Director. "The far right would like nothing better than to put this amendment on the ballot and turn out radical conservative voters for the 2008 elections. We can’t let Sen. Forrester and his cronies play politics with our lives, our rights, and our families."

The amendment would not only prohibit same-sex marriage—which is already not recognized in the state under current law—but would also ban any other form of relationship recognition for same-sex couples. In fact, the language is so broad it could prevent private companies from offering partner health benefits.

Equality North Carolina is actively lobbying against the amendment and is calling on supporters to contact their legislators.

You can send a message to legislators through Equality North Carolina’s web site.

UPDATE:  Meanwhile, the California Supreme Court placed that state in the same situation as Massachusetts — it struck down the ban on gay marriage.  And here’s the ruling.  Quote from the controlling opinion:

Our state now recognizes that an individual’s capacity to establish a loving and long-term committed relationship with another person and responsibility to care for and raise children does not depend upon the individual’s sexual orientation, and, more generally, that an individual’s sexual orientation — like a person’s race or gender — does not constitute a legitimate basis upon which to deny or withhold legal rights.

We conclude that, under this state’s Constitution, the constitutionally based right to marry properly must be understood to encompass the core set of basic substantive legal rights and attributes traditionally associated with marriage that are so integral to an individual’s liberty and personal autonomy that they may not be eliminated or abrogated by the Legislature or by the electorate through the statutory initiative process. These core substantive rights include, most fundamentally, the opportunity of an individual to establish — with the person with whom the individual has chosen to share his or her life — an officially recognized and protected family possessing mutual rights and responsibilities and entitled to the same respect and dignity according a union traditionally designated as marriage.

Okay, then.

Glenn Greewald has a nice analysis of the California Supreme Court decision — what it means and what it doesn’t mean.

This hasn’t stopped the hardcore wingnuts from going insane, as evidenced by these actual quotes from commenter at the Free Republic (courtesy of Pam Spaulding)

…and the country continues its downward spiral toward oblivion.

Caligula would be proud of this decision. What next, animals?

There is a constitutional amendment in the works for voters to vote on in November, which could overturn this ruling. But California may be too socially liberal to overturn this court order. Stay tuned.

Unfortunately I”m unable to listen to Rush, has he mentioned this? And more importantly has he commented on this?

The militant homosexualists and their communist allies have now forced us to go to the labor and expense of amending the California constitution to make it absolutely clear that marriage will not be redefined out of existence in this state.

So be it. The amendment will pass in a landslide.

Here come the polygamists over the border to win their “rights” via the courts too…just wait a couple weeks.

California is beyond hope; let the Mexicans have it

In the years past this would be a big event. National Coverage, huge battle, Major Protests……now it even bare got covered in evening news.

Disastrous turn of events. Maybe the Religious Base would get motivated now.

Doesn’t look like it. We are doomed.

As a long time California resident, I knew this disgusting day was coming. California was once a model state, the model in every respect for the other states of this country — fiscally, in education, and its politics. It was clean state, free from mega-perverison, copious numbers of illegal immigrants, and we had politicians that gave a damn about something other than their personal empowerment obtained through pandering and runaway spending.

Actually, I am surprised the vote was so close, given the runaway PC crap and liberalism that has turned California into a socialist dung heap. All this done too, without the regard for the legal nightmare that this move is going to make — as usual, ONLY LAWYERS WILL PROFIT from this. Meanwhile you will have to explain to your young children, how Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith can be man and “wife” — Actually, I am headed for San Francisco now, to marry my dog.

No, little boys and girls in public schools, that’s who’s next. And polygamy,.. and anything else until the word marriage has no meaning at all.

God instituted marriage way back at the “beginning”. And, satan’s been trying to destroy it ever sense. But, we all know (or should) who wins in the end.

This is probably the worst thing that could have happened for the liberals in this election. While it may not have the same deep impact as it did in 2004, there’s no way this helps Obama or the Dems in this election and it provides fuel for such constitutional amendments in both California and Arizona and Florida that will be before the voters this year. Any conservative fuel on the fire will make the Dems worry.

As for that fruitcake judge Ronald George, you’ve been living in Frisco, too long, Mr. Judicial Activist. You’re such a fruit.

Once again a few fruitcakes in black robes have overturned the will of the people.

I no longer wonder if their will be a revolution to save America but when.

Amazing!! You know why the gays fight so hard for “gay marriage”, right? Now every school must teach that this is an alternate lifestyle included with all others….that is the main reason. Your 6 year child will now be brainwashed into thinking this is “ok”….what a sick group of people. They won’t let 16 year old kids drink, smoke or drive, but they’ll let or support them having sex and risk getting all sexually transmitted diseases including HIV!!

BTW, did you know that 95% of civil unions end up separated before 3 years!!! 95%!!!!!

It was inevitable. Never mind what the majority of California citizens want. The narcissistic judges follow the money showered by narcissistic gays who are so enamoured of their own bodily orifices and appendages that they crave others built exactly like themselves to play with, like toddlers. I recently read that the gay market has $60 billion in disposable income, which is why they are pandered to by politicians, media, and corporations. And you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, wait ‘til Obama is president. Can we just find a state and secede NOW?

Any Constitutional Amendment is dead in the water because the GOP are milquetoast.

Much of “conservative” talk radio is in the back pocket of militant homo lobby due to their preponderant status in entertainment and advertising.

Now, more than ever, we need Alan Keyes for President. Before it’s too late. http://alankeyes.com He’s the complete Reagan conservative who has been right all along. The McCain GOP will do little more than wink at this travesty.

Rape Victim Pleas For Help On Youtube

Ken AshfordCrime, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

This is painful to watch:


The video is hard to turn away from. A sobbing 16-year-old sits in her bedroom and, staring into a camera, says she has been raped.

"Hi, my name is Crystal … I need some help. I didn’t want to do it this way, but it’s the only way I know that’s going to work, that someone out there in the world is gonna listen to me."

The teen, whom CNN interviewed but is not identifying by her last name, is among dozens of young people who are turning to social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace to talk about sexual assault.

For an online generation, the Web offers what traditional counseling does not. It’s a chance to communicate without having to face someone or fear their judgment. Some people are seeking legal advice and medical information, and many younger victims believe they can warn others about their accused attacker, counselors say.

There also are people like Crystal, whose case was dropped by the Orange County, Florida, state attorney’s office, who feel slighted by the justice system.

I hope this is not a hoax.  Then again….

Random Fact Of The Day

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Origin of the phrase "Logging On"

This phrase’s predecessor was "logging in" (sometimes still used interchangeably). Back when mainframe computer operators used to go on shifts, they’d have to write everything they did in a paper log, beginning when they arrived. So when you log on to a computer today, you’re signing in.