Additions To Webcam

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

I’ve had three webcams to the right hand "Live Webcams" column.

(1) Lindsey Lights, a live shot of the well-known house in Ontario Canada with an incredible light display set to music (you’re better off, however, watching the live video stream when it is up and running)

Here’s a Youtube of last year’s display:

(2) Some webcam in Lewisville, pretty close to my house.

(3)  NASA TV

Meteor Shower Alert

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

For those of you who have never seen a meteor shower, it’s really beautiful.

It’s that time of year: the annual Geminid Meteor Shower, and astronomers are saying it’s a "great year" to view it.  This is because, unlike last year, the moon will be in crescent phase (rather than a full moon), making the night sky darker and the meteors easier to see. 

Under normal conditions on the night of maximum activity, with ideal dark-sky conditions, at least 60 to 120 Geminid meteors can be expected to burst across the sky every hour on the average, on the peak night. 

The Geminid Meteor Shower is very popular, because the meteors last longer in the sky (travelling half as fast as other meteors in other showers) making them easier to catch.  Once you’ve seen a few, and at peak times, it kind of looks like field mice scurrying across the night sky.

Although you can probably see the shower any night this week (if you know where and when to look), the peak night is December 13-14.

If you’re lucky, you might even catch an "earth grazer", which is quite different from a typical streak-across-the-sky meteor.  Earthgrazers are much larger and slower, having entered the earth’s atmosphere.  It’s a slow-moving ball of fire.  It often gets mistaken for a UFO.  Here’s what one looks like:

Earthgrazers are usually low in the horizon.  But pretty rare.

So how do you know where and when to look?  Well, the meteors eminate from the Gemini constellation.  Gemini will start to come above the horizon — in the east-to-northeast — at twilight.  You might be able to catch a few meteors even that early. 

Gemini should be easy to find, if you can find Orion’s belt.  Take a look at this picture below to see where Castor and Pollux are in relation to Orion’s belt (Try to envision this picture without the labels and lines).  Generally, you will find this in the eastern sky (lower in the eastern sky if you are going out earlier; higher if you are going out later).


(Just a note — I think Mars — not depicted in the map — will be in there somewhere, so don’t let it throw you.  You can tell Mars by its reddish tint).

10 pm will be a decent viewing time, and 2 am is probably optimal, since Gemini will be almost directly overhead and the radiant path of the meteors will be visible.  Unfortunately, the moon will be rising starting at about 1:30 am, so that tends to make them harder to see.

The meteors will appear to emanate from the star Castor in the Gemini constellation, but here’s the thing — you probably won’t see them if you look right at Castor. After sunset, you should face generally east and look halfway up.   You won’t need binoculars or a telescope (in fact, those devices limit your field of vision — you often "catch" meteors out of the corner of your eye).  Obviously, the further you are from ambient light (from the city), the better.

Happy skywatching!

Review: New “Barney VI” Film Is A Dog

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Bcam07beazleyEver since Barney Bush made his first Christmas movie, it has become an annual tradition to be enjoyed by an ever dwindling selective audience.  In fact, the only people who are still interested in the "Barney" Christmas movies are probably the Bush family themselves.

This year’s Barney movie, with the subtitle "Holiday In The National Parks", does nothing more than make this reviewer convinced that it is time to retire the franchise.

Don’t get me wrong: it is exciting to see such a celebrity-packed movie.  And the surprises never end.  Look!  It’s Secretary of the Interior, Dirk Kempthorne!  Wow! 

And who can forget the dynamic performace of the Director of the National Park Service, Mary Bomar.

Even Tony Blair makes an appearance, noting that he, like Barney himself, is a "Scot".  It’s funny because it’s true!

And country music star Alan Jackson makes an appearance as well, probably because he was in the White House on the day they happened to shoot the video.

And of course, President Bush, Laura Bush, and even the Bush twins appear in the film, although not in the same scene or room.  (Apparently, they don’t get along with each other).

But as exciting as it is to see people like the Secretary of the Interior, Dirk Kempthorne, the film gets bogged down in its rather tiresome theme — the same theme that runs through in all the previous Barney films.  The audience is tortured with seemingless endless shots of Barney and Miss Beazely running through the White House, pushing a Christmas ornament (how many times have we seen that before).  And endless montages of White House decorations being put up.  Scenes like that can’t possibly hold a candle to the sheer excitement and thrill that one sees when the Secretary of the Interior, Dirk Kempthorne, graces the screen.

The plot is loosely based on a White-House-dog-makes-good theme.  In the opening scene, President Bush explains to Barney that the White House is designated a national park.  At that point, Barney, for reasons not entirely explained or explored, desires to become an honorary Junior Park Ranger. 

But Barney’s dreams are not easily attainable.  From his meetings with the frightfully exciting Secretary of the Interior, Dirk Kempthorne, as well as the equally enthralling Director of the National Park Service, Mary Bomar, we learn that in order to become a Junior Park Ranger, you must "come up with a big idea to help shine the spotlight on the parks".

Discouraged by this news, Barney runs to the Bush twins, where Jenna reminds him that she became engaged in a national park.  Following a bizarre (and somewhat uncomfortable) dream sequence in which Barney envisions being married to Miss Beazley, Barney runs around the White House for, like, the umpteenth time, while people around him are putting up Christmas decorations.

And not "running around" in a particularly interesting/comical way, like Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci in "Home Alone".  Nope, just running around.  Up and down the newly-cleaned floors of the White House.

Apparently, "running around" was all that was needed to become meet the criteria, because — SPOILER ALERT! —  Barney and Miss Beazly are sworn in as Junior Park Rangers.  I guess (although it’s not made clear) their "big idea" was to have the national parks serve as places for doggie weddings.

To this reviewer, I found the whole "Junior Park Ranger" plot line a little far-fetched.  I seriously doubted that the United States Government would bestow such a title on a couple of terriors (not to be confused with "terrorists"), even if they are the President’s terrorists terriors.  But more importantly, I didn’t care

Bcam07mrsbushThe performances by Barney and Miss Beazley were predictably cute, but the human performaces were stilted.  I honestly believe that the part of Mrs. Laura Bush was actually a computer generated effect, or possibly Cesar Romero reviving his "Joker" character from the hit TV series Batman.

Much of the film was shot from the viewpoint of Barney, with the human actors looking into the camera and talking to the camera as if it was Barney.  That may have been "cutting edge" for the first Barney film several years ago, but now it is hackneyed and forced.

The soundtrack, largely provided by the "President’s Own" United States Marine Corps Band was jazzy and uplifting and definitely had a Christmas appeal, but it couldn’t save this film.

And the biggest sin of all — at times it seemed as if the whole film was just one giant public relations advertisement for the National Park Service, and had nothing to do with Christmas.

For these reasons, I give the film two large paws down.

If one can endure the entire 7-minute waste, there is a "Cannonball Run" type outtake at the end.  It seems that when Barney was filming his scene with the President of the United States, Barney ran off!  Hahahahahahahahaha!   You see, they were filming the scene, and the dog ran away!  And the President had to say "Come here, Barney" because his dog had run out of camerashot!!  I mean, who could have predicted that outtake?  Pure comedy gold!

Good Advice

Ken AshfordCourts/LawLeave a Comment

Michigan Law Abuse Watch (MLAW) is an organization tracking how runaway lawsuits is resulting in seriously ridiculous warning labels and signs.

Like, after the hot McDonald’s coffee lawsuit, we are now seeing "Caution: coffee is hot" warning labels.

They held their annual contest of the dumbest warning labels.  This year’s winner cautions us to "avoid death".


Someone get me a pen; I need to write that down in case I forget.  "A-V-O-I-D  D-E-A-T-H."  Got it.

Personally, I think the 2nd place winner is better.  It appears on a Shrek Donkey iron-on T-shirt transfer:


"Do not iron while wearing shirt".  Good to know.

Why I’m Against Megan’s Law

Ken AshfordCrime1 Comment

This is why:

Convicted rapist Michael A. Dodele had been free just 35 days when sheriff’s deputies found him dead last month in his aging, tan mobile home, his chest and left side punctured with stab wounds.

Officers quickly arrested Dodele’s neighbor, 29-year-old construction worker Ivan Garcia Oliver, who made "incriminating comments, essentially admitting to his attacking Dodele," the Lake County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement.

Prosecutors said they have investigated the possibility that the slaying of Dodele, 67, stemmed from his having been listed on the state’s Megan’s Law database of sex offenders. If so, his death may be the first in the state to result from such a listing, experts said.

Oliver pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree murder, burglary and elder abuse when he was arraigned Nov. 30.

In a jailhouse interview Wednesday night, Oliver said he has a son who was molested in the past, and he took action to protect the child.

"Society may see the action I took as unacceptable in the eyes of ‘normal’ people," Oliver said. "I felt that by not taking evasive action as a father in the right direction, I might as well have taken my child to some swamp filled with alligators and had them tear him to pieces. It’s no different."

Although Oliver did not say he killed Dodele, he said that "any father in my position, with moral, home, family values, wouldn’t have done any different. At the end of the day, what are we as parents? Protectors, caregivers, nurturers."

Now, this wasn’t a revenge killing.  The father wasn’t getting back at Dodele because Dodele molested his kid.  In fact, as the article continues, Dodele wasn’t a child molester at all.  Rather,

"He was convicted of other bad things, but nothing involving a minor," said Richard F. Hinchcliff, chief deputy district attorney for Lake County. But "it would be easy to understand why someone might think so looking at the website."

Dodele’s crimes involved sexual assaults on adult women, records show.

Now, Dodele certainly is a bad egg, and I’m not promoting him as a model citizen.  But this is a good example of what happens when we allow citizens to act in the place of the law.  They get it wrong.

The White House Take On Waterboarding Is Laughable

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Just take a moment to digest this press briefing with WH spokesperson Dana Perino yesterday. A reporter asked whether the questioning of Abu Zubaydah was in line with “the interrogation program approved by President Bush.”

Perino responded by saying, “All have been done within the legal framework that was set out after September 11th…. The entire program has been legal….", adding "The United States does not torture"


Q: But when you have a former CIA officer, John Kiriakou, now saying that waterboarding was used — since you’re saying the interrogations were legal; he’s saying on the record now, waterboarding was used in at least one case. You’re saying waterboarding is legal?

PERINO: Ed, I’m saying I’m not commenting on any specific technique. I’m not commenting on that gentleman’s characteristics of any possible technique. I’ve given you a very general statement about interrogations being legal, limited and —

Q: You just said it was legal.

PERINO: I’m sorry?

Q: You said it was within the legal framework.


Q: Everything that was done.


Q: So waterboarding is legal.

PERINO: I’m not commenting on any specific techniques.

Got that?  The U.S. government engaged in waterboarding — that’s a documented fact.  And Perino says the U.S. governments interrogation techniques were legal.  But she doesn’t want connect the dots, as obvious as they are.  She can’t bring herself to actually say that "waterboarding is legal".

And why not?  Well, obviously because that would be a political and international scandal.

But the reason Perino won’t comment on waterboarding is because — according to Perino — terrorists might be listening to the White House press briefing.

Q: Dana, can I come back to the waterboarding question? I understand the rationale for not wanting to discuss specific techniques — it’s to not tip off America’s enemies, to help them train as to how to evade what questioning they get. After a retired team member is on nationwide television explaining exactly what was done, is there an al Qaeda operative anywhere who doesn’t know that this might be in the arsenal?

PERINO: Obviously, al Qaeda listens closely to everything that we do and say, and that’s something that we should be — that we should keep in mind…. [M]atters of sensitivity should remain classified and not spoken about publicly.

This is mindnumbingly stupid.  So stupid, in fact, that I don’t see how Perino herself can believe it.  Waterboarding is on the news constantly; it’s discussed by the presidential candidates; they’re having congressional hearings over the subject, and so on.  Hasn’t that horse already left the barn?  Perino is working on the assumption that al Qaeda terrorists get their information exclusively from White House press briefings. 

Remarkably dense.

Lede Paragraphs That Give Me Pause

Ken AshfordEnvironment & Global Warming & Energy, GodstuffLeave a Comment

Daily Mail:

Pope Benedict XVI has launched a surprise attack on climate change prophets of doom, warning them that any solutions to global warming must be based on firm evidence and not on dubious ideology.

"Firm evidence" such as walking on water, changing water into wine, resurrecting the dead — that sort of thing?

UPDATE, IN THE SAME VEIN — From our favorite Christian news service, a Christian doctor has some advice…

If Christians plan to use hypnotherapy, says Dr. Stevens, they should use extreme caution. "The Bible talks to us about [being] alert and self-controlled — and in hypnosis you’re really giving the control of your mind over to someone else," he warns.

Update On Paris HIlton

Ken AshfordRandom Musings1 Comment


Paris Hilton is looking for a boyfriend and knows exactly what qualities Mr. Right should possess.

"Right now I’m single but I am looking for a nice boy," she told reporters in Berlin on Wednesday. "He should be funny,…
…and loyal."
"I changed all the light bulbs to energy safe light bulbs and I’m buying a hybrid car right now," Hilton said, adding she also turned off the lights at home, didn’t leave the TV on or the water running when she left the home.
Whaaa?  Even before we were all energy conscious, who leaves the water running when they leave the home?

“Woot” Is Now A Word

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Not only that, it’s the "word of the year".  (Last year’s "word of the year" was Stephen Colbert’s "truthiness").

It’s actually spelled with two zeroes instead of two os’, as in "w00t".

"Woot" is an exclamation of joy or triumph, usually accompanied by a waving of the fist in the air.  Although the article doesn’t mention it, I believe it originally derives from the audience reactions during the 1980’s Arsenio Hall show.

101 Christmas Specials Online …from Fanpop

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

This nice linkable compilation is from the folks at Fanpop.  (Believe it or not, they have another list of 101 Christmas specials too!)

The Essentials
I’m reposting these from last year’s list because these are the items most people want to see. If you can only watch a couple of holiday specials, these are the ones to watch. This is the proverbial ‘hall of fame’ of Christmas programming.

1. It’s a Wonderful Life (click to watch)

2. A Charlie Brown Christmas (click to watch)

3. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (click to watch)

4. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (click to watch)

5. Frosty the Snowman (click to watch)

6. A Christmas Story Movie (click to watch)

Cartoons, Animation & Puppets
It’s just not Christmas without all the cartoon holiday specials. While the titles in this year’s list might be a little more obscure than those from last year, I’m certain there’s something for everyone in this part of the list.

7. The Secret World of Santa (click to watch)

8. Robotboy – Christmas Evil (click to watch)

9. Stroker & Hoop – A Cold, Dead, White Christmas (click to watch)

10. Pucca Christmas Special (click to watch)

11. A Chipmunk Christmas (click to watch)

12. South Park – A Very Crappy Christmas (click to watch)

13. South Park – Mr. Hankey’s Christmas Classics (click to watch)

14. Bah Humduck – A Looney Tunes Christmas (click to watch)

15. Samurai Pizza Cats Christmas Special (click to watch)

16. Justice League Christmas Special (click to watch)

17. X-Men Cartoon – Have Yourself a Morlock Little Christmas (click to watch)

18. Pinky & The Brain Christmas Special (click to watch)

19. A Johnny Bravo Christmas (click to watch)

20. Rocko’s Modern Christmas (click to watch)

21. Frosty Returns (click to watch)

22. Animaniacs Christmas (click to watch)

23. Tiny Toons Adventures Christmas Episode (click to watch)

24. The Berenstein Bears Christmas Tree (click to watch)

25. A Christmas Story (click to watch)

26. Bill & Mandy Save Christmas (click to watch)

27. Caspar’s First Christmas (click to watch)

28. Yogi’s First Christmas (click to watch)

29. The Adventures of Gumby – Scrooge Loose (click to watch)

30. A Special Sesame Street Christmas (click to watch)

Take a break from the Christmas cartoons and learn a little about Christmas in Yellowstone or about the making of Band Aid’s "Do They Know It’s Christmas"…

31. The Making of How the Grinch Stole Christmas (click to watch)

32. Christmas in Yellowstone (click to watch)

33. Do They Know It’s Christmas Documentary (click to watch)

34. A Visit to Santa (1963) – Christmas Around the World (click to watch)

Old School Christmas Programs
I dig the old-school, black-and-white programs. It’s a great way to see how people viewed the holidays a half century ago.

35. A Pup’s First Christmas – Short Cartoon (click to watch)

36. Snow Foolin’ – Short Cartoon (click to watch)

37. Santa Claus’ Punch and Judy (click to watch)

38. The Night Before Christmas – 1903 Silent Film (click to watch)

39. Laurel & Hardy: Big Business, Christmas Trees (click to watch)

40. Scrooge – 1935 Feature Film (click to watch)

41. Alfred Hitchcock – Santa Claus and the 10th Avenue Kid (click to watch)

42. The Jack Benny Program – Christmas Shopping (click to watch)

43. The Night Before Christmas – 1946 Version (click to watch)

Parodies & Humor
It’s easy to poke fun at the crass over-commercialization of Christmas and all its attendant excesses. It’s no wonder that once again we have a fine selection of clips that skewer this beloved holiday.

44. The Twelve Pains of Christmas (click to watch)

45. A Very Special Clone High Snowflake Special (click to watch)

46. The Twelve Days of Christmas – Indian Style (click to watch)

47. Robot Chicken Christmas Special (click to watch)

48. Denis Leary’s Merry F$*!@*n Christmas (click to watch)

The Christmas sitcom episode is a time-honored tradition. Queue the laugh track and get ready for some comedy.

49. Growing Pains – A Christmas Story (click to watch)

50. Friends: The One With Christmas in Tulsa (click to watch)

51. Fraiser – Mary Christmas (click to watch)

52. Frasier – The Fight Before Christmas (click to watch)

53. Sabrina the Teenage Witch (click to watch)

54. That 70s Show – Christmas (click to watch)

55. That 70s Show – Hyde’s Christmas Rager (click to watch)

56. The Nanny – Christmas Special (click to watch)

57. Boy Meets World – A Very Topanga Christmas (click to watch)

58. Alice – A Semi-Merry Christmas (click to watch)

59. Alice – Mel’s Christmas Carol (click to watch)

60. The Vicar of Dibley – Christmas Special (click to watch)

61. Full House – A Very Tanner Christmas (click to watch)

62. Welcome Back Kotter Christmas Special (click to watch)

63. Doris Day Christmas Episode (click to watch)

64. McHale’s Navy – The Day They Captured Santa (click to watch)

Crime & Christmas
In looking at some of the clips available this year, I was struck by the number of videos that dealt with bad behavior during the holidays.

65. Rambo Cartoon: When S.A.V.A.G.E. Stole Santa (click to watch)

66. Sherlock Holmes – The Christmas Pudding (click to watch)

67. Scarecrow & Mrs. King – The Long Christmas Eve (click to watch)

68. The Racket Squad – The Santa Scam (click to watch)

80s Nostalgia
Now if I only had a G.I. Joe Christmas special we’d be all set…

69. He-Man and She-Ra Christmas Special (click to watch)

70. Christmas Comes to Pac-Land (click to watch)

71. The Cabbage Patch Kids’ First Christmas (click to watch)

72. ALF Christmas Special (click to watch)

73. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Alien Christmas (click to watch)

Because people in space and in the future celebrate Christmas too. Even people in a galaxy far, far away (click for the Star Wars Holiday special which isn’t in the main list since it was covered last year).

74. MST3K – Santa Claus (click to watch)

75. SDF Macross – Christmas Episode (click to watch)

76. Dr. Who – The Christmas Invasion (click to watch)

Holiday Songs & Music
Christmas wouldn’t be the same without all the great music. Sure some might say holiday music is hokey, but that’s ok. I like hokey. I’ve even thrown in Adam Sandler’s Chanukah Song for good measure (I know, different holiday – but it’s still a great tune!).

77. The Muppets with John Denver: The Twelve Days of Christmas (click to watch)

78. Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Christmas Song (click to watch)

79. Carrie Underwood: Do You Hear What I Hear (click to watch)

80. Destiny’s Child: 8 Days of Christmas (click to watch)

81. Chris Brown: This Christmas (click to watch)

82. Jackson 5: Santa Claus is Coming to Town (click to watch)

83. Bon Jovi: Please Come Home for Christmas (click to watch)

84. Frank Sinatra: Merry Little Christmas (click to watch)

85. The Carpenters: The Christmas Song (click to watch)

86. Adam Sandler: The Chanukah Song (click to watch)

Advertising – the real meaning of Christmas. Um, well, not really but you know what I mean.

87. Coca Cola Polar Bears (click to watch)

88. Nintendo 64 Holiday Ad (click to watch)

89. 80s Oreo Cookie Commercial (click to watch)

90. Victoria’s Secret – Heidi Klum Sings Santa Baby (click to watch)

Viral Christmas Videos
Because you will always be subjected to your distant cousin or long-lost friend sending you links to these videos long after you originally watched them on YouTube.

91. Christmas Fight! Two Toddlers Battle Over a Gift (click to watch)

92. Dick in a Box (click to watch)

93. Crazy Christmas Light Display (click to watch)

94. Rabid Child Gets Nintendo 64 from Santa (click to watch)

The Weird, Wacky and Awful 😉
Last year’s list included the twin abominations of the Star Wars Holiday Special and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. Once again, through the help of my fellow Fanpoppers, I present some of the most awful holiday entertainment known to humankind.

95. Nick & Jessica – A Family Christmas (click to watch)

96. Twisted Sister: Oh Come All Ye Faithful (click to watch)

97. First Dog Barney’s Holiday Extravaganza – Featuring G.W. Bush (click to watch)

98. Ozzy Osbourne & Jessica Simpson: Winter Wonderland (click to watch)

99. Santa and the Fairy Snow Queen (click to watch)

100. The Christmas Dream – 1950 (click to watch)

101. The Santa Claus Story (click to watch)

Glow In The Dark Paint

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

BikeLittle bit of a breakthrough in the glow-in-the-dark world.

A company has come up with a new kind of glow-in-the-dark paint.  What’s special about it is this: it doesn’t need light to "charge", AND the glow will last for 12 years before it fades (12 years is the "half-life").

The light is not strong — don’t expect it to replace light bulbs.  It puts out about as much radience as those glow-in-the-dark sticks.  But being in paint, you can cover a wide area.  The downside is that you can’t turn it off, so I wouldn’t recommend painting your walls with the stuff.  It can (and probably will) be used in fabrics as well — it’s (supposedly) non-toxic and safe.

I can see it as being practical for, say, stop signs.  And graffiti artists will have a field day.

So it’s time for all of us to learn a new word: "litroenergy".

You can read more about it here.

Dems Virtually Tied In Iowa, NH, SC

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment


With just slightly more than three weeks until the first nominating contest, three new MSNBC/McClatchy/Mason-Dixon polls show that the Democratic contest isn’t just a dead heat in Iowa — it’s also tied in New Hampshire and South Carolina. In Iowa, Clinton has the lead over Obama, 27%-25% (although that’s within the poll’s 5% margin of error), while Edwards comes in third at 21%. In New Hampshire, it’s Clinton 30%, Obama 27%, and Edwards 10%. And in South Carolina, it’s Clinton 28%, Obama 25%, and Edwards 18%.

Looks like a horserace again….

I’m a long way from figuring out which Dem I will vote for, but I’m leaning 40% Obama, 35% Edwards, and 25% Clinton.  I have yet to take detailed looks at what each has to offer, especially on domestic issues.

UPDATE:  For what it’s worth, techies (stage techies, not computer geeks) endorse Clinton.

ANOTHER UPDATE:  I guess it doesn’t matter, since the Democrats will win under any nominee (unless it is a McCain-Clinton or McCain-Obama battle).  Interestingly, Edwards polls most favorably against any likely Republican nominee.


Would Jesus Believe In The Death Penalty?

Ken AshfordElection 2008, GodstuffLeave a Comment

Mike Huckabee got big laughs Wednesday night during the YouTube debate when he sidestepped a question about how Jesus might view capital punishment.  Huckabee responded by saying Jesus was too smart to run for public office.

Funny?  Not really.  Evasive?  Definitely.

The Arkansas Times notes the Huckabee has received the question before, and always dodged it.  Flashback to 1997, when Huckabee was governor of Arkansas:

On the eve of Arkansas’ recent triple execution, Huckabee made an appearance on an AETN call-in program broadcast statewide. A caller confronted him with a touchy question: How, how, as a minister of the Gospel, could he justify the state-sanctioned taking of life given the Bible’s many injunctions against slaughter and in favor of the Christian virtue of forgiveness?

Huckabee responded almost flippantly. First he cited Genesis to the effect that those who do violence will have violence done to them.

I’m assuming this is Genesis 4:15 — the whole slaying Cain bit.  Of course, in that passage, God does not say who will exact violence on those will do violence.  (Presumably, that is answered in

Next he claimed that there exist both Old and New Testament passages that support capital punishment, although he failed to cite any.

Yeah.  You would think between then and now, Huckabee would be able to cite the biblical verse in favor of capital punishment.  But then come the money quote:

"Interestingly enough, if there was ever an occasion for someone to have argued aginst the death penalty, I think Jesus could have done so on the cross and said, ‘This is an unjust punishment and I deserve clemency.’ "

Riiiight.  All Jesus said was "God, why hast thou forsaken me?"*. 

And since his gripe was to God rather than to the act of dying at the hands of the state, he must therefore have improved of state-sponsored execution.  Silence from Jesus about a subject connnotes agreement with it.  (We can assume, therefore, that Jesus supported the infield fly rule, since he is not quoted as saying anything on the subject).

Make sense?

Can’t believe this guy is polling so well….

* although the Bible is self-contradictory on this matter…

UPDATE:  Not related to the death penalty, but still yet another problem for Huckabee:

In June 1998, the Southern Baptist Convention issued a “statement on the family” that asserted, “A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.” Two months later, then-governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee was one of 131 signatories to a full-page ad in USA Today specifically endorsing the Convention’s view on marriage:

You are right because you called wives to graciously submit to their husband’s sacrificial leadership.

Someone should ask him if he still believes this.