California Boy Is Al Qaeda, Apparently

Ken AshfordDisasters, Right Wing and Inept Media, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Fox News and conservative blogs have been falling all over themselves trying to — forgive the pun — fan the flames of fear by suggesting that the California wildfires were intentionally set by (cue dramatic music) al Qaeda.  Read here and here and here and here and here and… all these.  While evidence suggested arson, nothing other than paranoia suggested that al Qaeda was involved.

So naturally, this comes as no surprise:

A boy playing with matches has confessed to starting a wildfire that destroyed 63 structures near Los Angeles, officials said on Tuesday.

The unidentified youngster, believed to be a preteen, was questioned by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department investigators on October 22, a day after the Buckweed fire started rampaging across 38,000 acres in the Santa Clarita area, 30 miles north of downtown Los Angeles.

The boy "admitted that he had been playing with matches," said sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore.

It was initially believed that downed power lines had started the fire.

The boy was sent home after confessing, and the District Attorney’s office will consider whether to press charges.

You would think that those who pointed to al Qaeda would have egg on their faces, and maybe exercise more caution before they engaged in Chicken Little the-sky-is-falling speculation and fearmongering.

You would think…

FURTHER THOUGHT:  Is al Qaeda responsible for this, too?

Obama Implosion

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

He’s making some very bad campaign choices, and putting off potential supporters.  I’m amazed, even within myself, at how the sheen as worn off, and what a spectacularly bad campaign he is running.  In a detailed insightful post, Chris Bowers explains the problems with the Obama campaign, and indeed, the candidate:

Obama seems to have shot his own coalition in both feet and both hands. Maybe he kept shooting it because it just wouldn’t die. I don’t think there is any need to worry about that now.

Obama consistently refused to stand up for the people who once formed the heart of his coalition. Further, instead of showing leadership during difficult congressional fights, Obama consistently talked about reaching across the aisle and forming consensus while the other side of the aisle was regularly shooting down consensus legislation on Iraq, FISA, habeas, SChip and much more. How much more hollow could that make his rhetoric sound, especially when he was in the Senate when that all happened? In short, he did nothing that was necessary to keep his coalition of African-Americans and creative class progressives together. In fact, it wasn’t even as though he sacrificed one for the other, since he continues to trail Clinton among African-Americans. Instead, he sacrificed the more overtly and naturally anti-Clinton segment of his coalition and made no gains in other areas as a result. This is especially bad when one considers that Obama lost the half of his coalition among whom he was actually winning. This is especially, especially bad when one considers that he cut off the half of his coalition that forms a much larger percentage of the electorate in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Basically, it was political suicide for Obama to not stand up for this segment of the coalition, and to keep preaching to them about the need to froge unity with conservatives and Republicans. He actively brought down the coalition that, at first, it appeared he would ride to victory.

Barring a miraculous victory in Iowa, I think that Obama is done and Clinton is the nominee. I don’t see how Edwards comes back with only $1.5M to spend on ads in Iowa. Further, Richardson hasn’t made any gains in the state in four months, and everyone else trails Clinton by about 25% in the state right now. Seriously, I think it would take a miracle for it to change. From the start, Obama was the only one with a real chance, but now has just suffered too severe a blow with the white, progressive creative class that he needed to win the state. After five months of losing ground among this group, the vicious, deserved, and nearly blogosphere-wide criticism of Obama today seems like too much to overcome. It is the nail in the coffin for his campaign. He just can’t win the primary without those voters, and I don’t see how he gets them back now.

All true, which is why we see this (click to enlarge):


Note the Obama dip these past few months.  Conversely, Clinton seems to be running the right campaign.  As Yglesius writes:

It also might be worth noting in this regard that I think almost everyone would agree that Clinton’s had the best-run campaign — free of mistakes, and seemingly drawing blood on those occasions when they’ve felt the need to attack.

O Arturo, Prince of Irony

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

LegaldocumentfilefoldersThe State of Texas generates too many reports.

Various state agencies and commissions are required by law to write monthly, quarterly, and/or yearly reports.  A LOT of paperwork apparently, especially when you consider that some reports are obsolete (For example, there are still report requirements for the Human Rights Commission, which the Legislature abolished in 2003).

The preparation and storage of all that paper is becoming a problem, according to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in their recently-unveiled 668-page report, following a massive 18 month study.

NOTE:  The people who prepared the report envisioned having to write further reports on the problem, thereby ensuring their job security:

As for the commission’s massive report on reports, Heskett predicts it won’t go away.

"For the report to be effective, it must be ongoing," he said.

Words That Make Women Cringe

Ken AshfordWomen's IssuesLeave a Comment

Betty_crocker_moist_fistFunny article on certain non-dirty words that apparently make a lot of women cringe.

One of the big offenders:  the word "moist".  There’s even a Facebook group with over 70 members dedicated to "I Hate The Word M***t".

And they’re not kidding.  Some comments:


My friends and family taunt me with this word constantly. I hate the way it sounds so nasal at the beginning of the word and that it sounds exactly like the meaning. Like its onomatopoeic or something. Urgh.

I’m glad I’ve finally found a place I can feel I belong!

I hate it went the word m***t is used in cookery programmes to describe the food. Its not appropriate!!!

M***t haters of the world unite! I despise the sick, repugnant word! It?s almost as bad as vaginal! Uurrrrhh – Gotta go chuck now!

AHHH i can’t believe there’s a group for this! amazing!! I have wanted to barf on anyone who has said m***t for my whole lifeee gah EWWwweewww

More on word aversion here, including some other not-liked words:  hardscrabble, guru, pugulist, tissue, baffle, squab, cornucopia, slacks…

Bush: A Case Study In “How He Works”

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

April 2006 — a question to the President from a student at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies:

Student: "I was hoping your answer might be a little more specific. (Laughter.) Mr. Rumsfeld answered that Iraq has its own domestic laws which he assumed applied to those private military contractors. However, Iraq is clearly not currently capable of enforcing its laws, much less against — over our American military contractors. I would submit to you that in this case, this is one case that privatization is not a solution. And, Mr. President, how do you propose to bring private military contractors under a system of law?"

A good question for which Bush didn’t have an answer.  Instread he laughed it off and said it was a good question, and he would look in to it.

Bush: "I appreciate that very much. I wasn’t kidding — (laughter.) I was going to — I pick up the phone and say, Mr. Secretary, I’ve got an interesting question. (Laughter.) This is what delegation — I don’t mean to be dodging the question, although it’s kind of convenient in this case, but never — (laughter.) I really will — I’m going to call the Secretary and say you brought up a very valid question, and what are we doing about it? That’s how I work. I’m — thanks. (Laughter.)"

Here’s the video clip of the exchange:

Flash forward to today, and we see just how private military contractors like Blackwater are held to a system of law.  Short answer: they’re not.

State Department investigators offered Blackwater USA security guards immunity during an inquiry into last month’s deadly shooting of 17 Iraqis in Baghdad — a potentially serious investigative misstep that could complicate efforts to prosecute the company’s employees involved in the episode, government officials said Monday.

LATEST:  Apparently, the State Department is now saying it wasn’t "blanket immunity", but rather, "limited immunity".  Not that that really makes a difference…

That’s Franken-steeen!

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

For Halloween, the first screen adaptation of "Frankenstein":

Running about 12 minutes, it was made by the Thomas Edison Film Company in 1910.  It was believed to have been lost by fire in 1914, until an archival copy was re-discovered in the 1970’s.

No, it’s not very good.  Frankenstein’s monstor looks like a reject from Cats.

Busy, Busy, Busy

Ken AshfordPersonal, Red Sox & Other Sports, TheatreLeave a Comment

The closing weekend of Little Shop of Horrors was successful and loads of fun.  Show got even tighter and the audiences were relatively large and appreciative.  Strike, which I thought would be the worst, was completed in about 3 hours — that includes transporting and unloading everything back at the shop.  Night hadn’t fallen yet, and we were all off to a final cast dinner.

And now I’m head-deep in Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever rehearsals.  I’m very blessed with a lot of seasoned adults — I can just give them blocking and not worry too much about them.  A lot of the kids are very seasoned and talented as well, but there are so many of them, and it’s going to be a tremendous task getting them where I want them.

In the meantime, what did I miss?  Oh, yes.  The Red Sox won the World Series in a four-game sweep.  I missed the third game entirely (didn’t even TIVO it).  I watched the fourth game in a state of semi-exhaustion.  It wasn’t the most exciting game, but for the fact that the Red Sox won and took the title.  I must say, it’s very odd being the non-underdog.  The Red Sox are the new Yankees — the big bad team that everybody loves to hate.  Well, not everybody.

What else did I miss?  I guess there was a tragic fire on the coast.  Yeah, that was bad.

But things are settling down again, and even though I’m in rehearsal, it’s a little different when you’re directing.  And VERY different when directing 30+ kids.  Oy.

I forge on.

Suburban Housewife Counterterrorist Does What The FBI Can’t

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Interesting story in Wired about a woman in Montana who spends her free time infiltrating Jihadist online chats:

Ff_rossmiller_fRossmiller developed her remarkable talent for chatting up terrorists after September 11, when she started going into online forums and cajoling valuable information from other visitors. She has passed along numerous case files to federal authorities. Her information has led US forces abroad to locate Taliban cells in Afghanistan, discover a renegade stinger-missile merchant in Pakistan, and help another foreign government identify a ring of potential suicide bombers. She has also assisted in nabbing two domestic would-be terrorists and seen them both convicted of felonies: National guardsman Ryan Anderson received five concurrent life sentences, and Michael Reynolds, convicted in July and awaiting sentencing, faces a similar fate. Timothy Fuhrman, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Salt Lake City office, says Rossmiller was "instrumental in the successful outcome of those cases."

Rossmiller succeeds by exploiting a fundamental flaw in al Qaeda’s famously decentralized organization. The absence of a strict hierarchy makes it pretty easy for a cunning person to mix among the terrorists. So she poses as a potential al Qaeda soldier looking for like-minded comers. She creates multiple characters and uses her older and more respected personae to invite the new ones into private forums. There are other self-taught counterterrorists like her, but they tend to translate and discuss, lurk and report. Rossmiller works the terrorism boards as if she were playing a complex videogame. Her characters come complete with distinct personalities and detailed biographies that are as richly conceived as any protagonist on an HBO series. She keeps copies of everything, time-stamps files, and takes screenshots. She has an Excel spreadsheet that details the 640 people with whom she has had contact on these boards since 2002.

She taught herself Arabic, and now chats using flowery language from Muhammad Atta and other terrorists.  And…

she invested in a proxy server application, which creates a fake IP address off a known IP server someplace real. That way, Rossmiller could send her email as someone living, say, in Yemen, and anyone closely examining the email header would see that the message did appear to come from Yemen. Rossmiller researched the area she was purporting to be emailing from and learned the neighborhood so she could casually mention a nearby restaurant or mosque, sometimes even the name of a local imam.

It’s all very interesting stuff, but it does raise some questions — namely, why isn’t our government doing this?  As the article suggests, the FBI is getting tips from her.

The reason is quite simple — the FBI is bumfuzzled.  In fact, the FBI…

has failed in every attempt to modernize its technology since 2001, and it so restricts the software available to agents that they can’t even begin to match what Rossmiller does. "The FBI is a dinosaur in many respects," says [White House conterterrorism official Roger] Cressey.

Rossmiller agrees. "I went to a meeting in Great Falls, and we got to talking, and someone had to look something up online," she says. "I asked, ‘What do you use for Internet access?’ and one agent said, ‘We have to go to the public library down the street.’"

She also tells a story about another agent who had to get permission to open a Yahoo account because it violated office regs. "They weren’t allowed," she says.

WTF?  If the FBI wants to have internet access to monitor internet chat by terrorists, they have to go to the public library?

So, we’re spending billions of dollars to fight a war in Iraq, and leaving the actual cybertracking of terrorists . . . to Montana amature hobbyists?

Bizarre.  The incompetence with which this so-called "War on Terror" is being fought is astounding.

Ordering Pizza Online

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Don’t you hate ordering pizza online?

What you want….


What you end up getting….


NO, NO, NO, DAMMIT!  Can’t you see that I ordered the PEPPERONI on the left, and the MUSHROOMS on the right?!?!?!?

Courtesy of The Sneeze

How to Ruin Halloween

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Ua83218250Joel Stein (shorter):

Why can’t Halloween be all about demons and Satan, rather than about scantily-dressed nurses and pirates?

Actually (and predictably), there is a Christian right backlash against the whole demonic thing as well.

Over at Pat Robertson’s CBN you’ll find an entire page dealing with Halloween, complete with godly advice guaranteed to ruin the holiday for the kids:

As Christians you and I are placed in this world to be a light in a world of darkness. There is no lasting benefit to ignore a holiday that exists around us, but it also does harm to celebrate Halloween as it has originated and grown over the centuries.

My suggestion? Christians should be teaching their children (age appropriately) that:

  • there is a spiritual world filled with goodness from God and evil from Satan (Eph. 2:1-10);
  • life with Christ has power over darkness (I John 4:4); and
  • those who celebrate Halloween either are unaware of its roots, or are intentionally promoting a world where evil is lauded and viewed as an ultimate power.

To counter the evil influence of Halloween, we need to join together and celebrate the reality of the heroic efforts of Christian saints over the evil in their day.

How to do this?  Well, CBN writers have come up with this oh-so-fun Halloween game:

Use M & M’s candy to help focus your family’s prayers of intercession for others.

Sure.  Um, okay.  ‘Splain me that, Lucy.


  • For every green M & M you chose, pray for your spouse (present or future) or some other significant person in your life. This is a great way to get kids thinking about what qualities they want to find in a future mate. Encourage them to pray for this person’s safety, spiritual and physical growth, and so on).
  • For every red M & M you chose, pray for a member of your family by name (a parent, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandchild, niece, nephew, cousin, aunt, uncle, and so on).
  • For every orange M & M you chose, pray for a teacher in your life (a co-worker, a professor, a pastor, a Bible study leader, a child’s school teacher, a mentor, or another teacher).
  • For every yellow M & M you chose, pray for one of your neighbors (a neighbor near your home, an office-mate, a person whose desk is near yours at school, or a neighbor close to your church).
  • For every dark brown M & M you chose, pray for a leader in your life (a politician, a local businessperson, a celebrity, a member of your church’s staff, the President, or another leader).
  • For every light brown M & M you chose, pray for Christians in other countries.

Of course, you can seriously screw up this game by buying those new pastel-colored M & M’s.


Over at, they’ve come up with other ways to ruin Halloween for your kids:

Some churches and schools reserve a portion of the parking lot for "Trunk or Treat." The kids can be in one safe place and load up with candy served from open car trunks. At our church we’d have to use the side doors from all the minivans. Organize a community outreach such as a "Harvest Festival" with food, games, and gospel skits or messages. Invite your neighbors and kids’ sports teams. If you are comfortable allowing your kids to wear a costume, encourage them to dress up as Bible characters. Learn the character’s story together and use it as a witness to those who might ask, "Who in the world is Elijah ?" Avoid scary costumes and those that don’t honor God.

C’mon, kids.  We’re going to a parking lot to play "Trunk or Treat!".  Yaaaaaaaaay!

But remember, Halloween isn’t just for the kids.  It’s also for the unborn, who are — God tells us — people, too.

So why should they be left out?  Thankfully, they’re not.  Now the unborn can celebrate Halloween, too, with —

Halloween costumes for the unborn!!!



Email Chain

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

Via Matt Yglesius:

Chris Hayes has a great piece on the bizarre world of right-wing chain emails, in which all manner of vicious slurs and lies circulate for months or even years without anyone in the MSM noticing. Sometimes they pop up on a sufficiently mainstream place — Fox News, Rush — for someone in the real press to bother running an item pointing out that the story in question is false, but then the meme just dives back underground again where it lives on.

From time to time, I’ve received these bizarre emails, and every single one of them — I’ve checked them out — is demonstrably false.

Tort Reform

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

From Feministing:

Germantool "German playboy" Rolf Eden is suing a 19-year-old woman for ageism because, after he wined and dined her, she refused to sleep with him.

Despite a night on the town with Eden, which ended back at his place, she refused to have sex with him, saying the he was too old for her.

"That was shattering. No woman has ever said that to me before," Eden told the tabloid. "I was crushed." He has filed charges with the prosecutors’ office, he said. "After all, there are laws against discrimination."

Yeah, let me tell you what’s up, Rolf. Purchasing a meal and a few drinks for your ladyfriend has NEVER meant you’ve bought the right to sleep with her. I’m sorry she’s not into septuagenarians, but that’s not exactly grounds for a lawsuit.

UPDATE:  Breaking news…just in:

The Georgia Supreme Court has upheld a ruling that Genarlow Wilson’s 10-year prison sentence for having consensual oral sex with a fellow teenager is cruel and unusual, and ordered him released from prison.

I believe I wrote about this a while ago.  Basically involved a 17 year old engaging in consensual oral sex with a 15 year old girl.  Notably, he was black.  I’m sure that had nothing to do with it though, right?  This being rural Georgia?