More On The Frost Attacks

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

From Sadly No:

I will stop blogging about this eventually, but Right Wingnutistan’s latest foray into unabashed insanity has even me stunned. Big Daddy Ezra K writes:

Something has really gone wrong on the Right. Become sick and twisted and tumorous and ugly. To visit Michelle Malkin’s cave is to see politics at its most savage, its most ferocious, its most rageful. They say they’ve spent the past week smearing a child and his family because that child was fair game — he and his family spoke of their experience receiving health care through the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. For this, right wingers travel to their home to inspect its worth, they insinuate that the family is engaged in large-scale fraud to receive government benefits, they make threatening phone calls to the family.

This is the politics of hate. Screaming, sobbing, inchoate, hate. It would never, not in a million years, occur to me to drive to the home of a Republican small business owner to see if he “really” needed that tax cut. It would never, not in a million years, occur to me to call his family and demand their personal information. It would never occur to me to interrogate his neighbors. It would never occur to me to his smear his children.

And that, my friend, is what is truly stunning. I say a lot of nasty things about right-wing crazies such as Dan Riehl. But it would never occur to me to invade his privacy by posting live dispatches about his living conditions from the shrub outside his driveway. What Malkin and her fellow travelers are doing is creepy and immoral, and they don’t seem to give a damn about it one way or another. The idea that these people make up any significant part of our population- even if it’s only 30%- is terrifying to me. Where does this sort of viciousness come from?

The New York Times now covers it, and provides facts about the Frost family.  No, they may not be destitute (nobody ever said they were), but they were precisely the type of middle-class family that SCHIP was designed to protect.  In fact, most lower middle class families cannot afford medical bills when one of their family members suffers a catastrophic illness or injury.  Emphases are mine.

So when Democrats enlisted 12-year-old Graeme Frost, who along with a younger sister relied on the program for treatment of severe brain injuries suffered in a car crash, to give the response to Mr. Bush’s weekly radio address on Sept. 29, Republican opponents quickly accused them of exploiting the boy to score political points.

Then, they wasted little time in going after him to score their own.

In recent days, Graeme and his family have been attacked by conservative bloggers and other critics of the Democrats’ plan to expand the insurance program, known as S-chip. They scrutinized the family’s income and assets — even alleged the counters in their kitchen to be granite — and declared that the Frosts did not seem needy enough for government benefits.

But what on the surface appears to be yet another partisan feud, all the nastier because a child is at the center of it, actually cuts to the most substantive debate around S-chip. Democrats say it is crucially needed to help the working poor — Medicaid already helps the impoverished — but many Republicans say it now helps too many people with the means to help themselves.

The feud also illustrates what can happen when politicians showcase real people to make a point, a popular but often perilous technique. And in this case, the discourse has been anything but polite.

The critics accused Graeme’s father, Halsey, a self-employed woodworker, of choosing not to provide insurance for his family of six, even though he owned his own business. They pointed out that Graeme attends an expensive private school. And they asserted that the family’s home had undergone extensive remodeling, and that its market value could exceed $400,000.

One critic, in an e-mail message to Graeme’s mother, Bonnie, warned: “Lie down with dogs, and expect to get fleas.” As it turns out, the Frosts say, Graeme attends the private school on scholarship. The business that the critics said Mr. Frost owned was dissolved in 1999. The family’s home, in the modest Butchers Hill neighborhood of Baltimore, was bought for $55,000 in 1990 and is now worth about $260,000, according to public records. And, for the record, the Frosts say, their kitchen counters are concrete.

Certainly the Frosts are not destitute. They also own a commercial property, valued at about $160,000, that provides rental income. Mr. Frost works intermittently in woodworking and as a welder, while Mrs. Frost has a part-time job at a firm that provides services to publishers of medical journals. Her job does not provide health coverage.

Under the Maryland child health program, a family of six must earn less than $55,220 a year for children to qualify. The program does not require applicants to list their assets, which do not affect eligibility.

In a telephone interview, the Frosts said they had recently been rejected by three private insurance companies because of pre-existing medical conditions. “We stood up in the first place because S-chip really helped our family and we wanted to help other families,” Mrs. Frost said.

“We work hard, we’re honest, we pay our taxes,” Mr. Frost said, adding, “There are hard-working families that really need affordable health insurance.”

Democrats, including the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, have risen to the Frosts’ defense, saying they earn about $45,000 a year and are precisely the type of working-poor Americans that the program was intended to help.

Ms. Pelosi on Tuesday said, “I think it’s really a sad statement about how bankrupt some of these people are in their arguments against S-chip that they would attack a 12-year-old boy.”

The ugly Michelle Malkin is quoted in the article, too.

The U.S. Government Blog

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

That’s right.  The United States Government has a blog, because that’s what all the kids are into these days, and the U.S. Government is nothing if not "hip".  It’s been up for a month now.

It’s called "Gov Gab: Your U.S. Government Blog".  I’m not lying.  Look at the url.  It’s a dot-gov.  Not a dot-com.  Not a dot-net.  A dot-gov.

This is a good idea and long overdue, because now we can see what the United States government is up to, and become the informed citizenry necessary to the functioning of a vital democracy.  Take, for example, this post from a couple of days ago:

Little Tiny Grasslings

My husband struggled all summer to grow a new lawn to replace the awful clover and weeds that were growing in our 10’x 10’ front yard. He started in June, first with some regular grass seed. Faithful twice daily watering resulted in only partial success so he moved on to a more fool proof product, you know, the seed that’s covered with newspaper and fertilizer (the stuff that’s bright blue?). I guess it’s supposed to make the germination process a little easier since the newspaper keeps in the moisture and the fertilizer helps it grow. Faithful watering of this particular seed worked beautifully and —

Wait, WTF?!?

There’s so much I’ve already learned about my government, just from this (partial) blog post.  For example, I had no idea that the U.S. government:

  • was a woman
  • was married
  • had a very small front yard

Wow.  They didn’t teach that stuff in civics!

So who writes the U.S. government blog, the blog of the most industrialized and powerful nation of all known humankind?

Is it the President?  No, silly.  He’s a busy man.  Besides, he’s just one man.

No, sir.  Blogging for this great country requires six (count ’em, six!) bloggers.  You can read their bios here, but here’s a typical bio:

Sam is a twenty-something Southern belle who brought her pointed-toe shoes (now peep toe) and passion for all things accessories to the federal government 4 years ago. When she’s not relying on the kindness of bureaucrats or telling anyone who’ll listen about all of Uncle Sam’s great resources, you can find Sam shopping for the latest bargains, planning her next exotic vacay, or cheering on her beloved Georgia Bulldawgs. Other passions: flea markets, banana pudding, and celebrity gossip.

Ooookay then.

But for me, I need to have a face to go with the blog.

And so here it is, ladies and gentleman, the face of the United States government:


His name is Jake.  He likes Dave Barry, and — I’m not making this up — spends time "negotiating meal times with his cat".

Pledge allegience to him.

Don’t Think About What You’re Thinking About

Ken AshfordSex ScandalsLeave a Comment

From the Smoking Gun:

OCTOBER 8 – An Alabama minister who died in June of “accidental mechanical asphyxia” was found hogtied and wearing two complete wet suits, including a face mask, diving gloves and slippers, rubberized underwear, and a head mask, according to an autopsy report.

The police ruled out foul play, and said that the minister, Reverand Gary Aldridge was home alone when he died (in some autoerotic kind of thing — trust me, if you want the full skinny, click the link above).

Now the best part:

Immediately following his death, church officials issued a press release asking community members to “please refrain from speculation” about what led to Aldridge’s demise…

"Please refrain from speculation"?  The man was wearing rubberized underwear and was hogtied!  Kinda hard not to speculate….

UPDATE:  Could have guessed.  He was a colleague of Falwell’s.

White House Leaked Secret Surveillance Info To Fox News; Tipping Off al Qaeda

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

From the Washington Post:

A small private intelligence company that monitors Islamic terrorist groups obtained a new Osama bin Laden video ahead of its official release last month, and around 10 a.m. on Sept. 7, it notified the Bush administration of its secret acquisition. It gave two senior officials access on the condition that the officials not reveal they had it until the al-Qaeda release.

Within 20 minutes, a range of intelligence agencies had begun downloading it from the company’s Web site.

So far so good….

By midafternoon that day, the video and a transcript of its audio track had been leaked from within the Bush administration to cable television news and broadcast worldwide.

The article specifically mentions Fox News, who went with the story.

The result?

…this premature disclosure tipped al-Qaeda to a security breach and destroyed a years-long surveillance operation that the company has used to intercept and pass along secret messages, videos and advance warnings of suicide bombings from the terrorist group’s communications network.

If this sort of leak had happened under the Clinton adminstration, you would expect conservatives to be seething, calling for hearings into the leaks, accusing Dems of treason and/or incompetence, and even invocation of "impeachment".

But don’t hold your breath….

Right Wing Bloggers Attack 12 Year Old Kid

Ken AshfordHealth Care, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

It all began when the Democrats tapped a 12 year old kid, Graeme Frost, to speak on the Democrat weekly address.  Bush had just vetoed SCHIP, the bi-partisan bill designed to deliver funding for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.  Graeme was a beneficiary of SCHIP, having suffered severe injuries (along with his sister) in a car accident several years ago. 

In the radio address, the young Graeme said:

If it weren’t for CHIP, I might not be here today. … We got the help we needed because we had health insurance for us through the CHIP program. But there are millions of kids out there who don’t have CHIP, and they wouldn’t get the care that my sister and I did if they got hurt. … I just hope the President will listen to my story and help other kids to be as lucky as me.

Conservatives turned their targets on young Graeme Frost and his family.  A poster at the fringe site Free Republic alleged that Frost was actually a rich kid being pampered by the government.  For example, it was said, Graeme and his sister Gemma attend wealthy schools that cost “nearly $40,000 per year for tuition” and live in a well-off home valued at $400,000.  Furthermore, the father, Halsey Frost, has owned his own company “Frostworks" (a woodworking business) and owns the business property.  He employs his wife, but neither of them "chose" to get health insurance.

Smelling a scandal ("Hey! These people are rich!"), A-list conservative bloggers (including National Review, Wizbang, Powerline, and the Weekly Standard blog) — not to mention conservative radio blowhards have all launched assaults on the Frost family started piling on.  The reprehensible Michelle Malkin, purporting to be a "citizen journalist", actually visited the business property.  (Even though she was told by an employee that the Frosts were "struggling", she dismissed the account, because it didn’t fit in with her narrative).  Later, Malkin did a drive-by of the Frost home and reported her observations on her blog.

Right wing bloggers have been harassing the Frosts, calling their home numerous times to get information about their private lives.

The notion that this is "journalism" is silly, since the people investigating and harrassing the Frosts aren’t interested in the truth.  They’re interested in the smear.

Among the things they didn’t bother to consider (or find out) before they engaged in reckless speculatation and privacy invasion:

  • The Frost family makes $45,000 per year.  A family of six; $45,000 per year.
  • While two of the children go to private schools, this does not mean that the family is forking over "nearly $40,000" every year.  Graeme (the kid who did the Democratic radio address) attends a private school with a tuition of $15,000.  But he won a scholarship, and the family only pays $500 per year.  His sister Gemma attends another private school to help her with the brain injuries that occurred due to her accident.  With a tuition of $23,000, the state pays for that.
  • While there house has a value of over $400,000, it was bought 16 years ago for $55,000.

So even though that have some property (home and business) does this make them well off?  Hardly.

Hilzoy explains:

The Frost family seems to have around half a million dollars in assets! And yet their children are getting government-sponsored health care! This certainly sounds bad, unless you happen to be familiar with an arcane financial instrument called a mortgage, which allows a person to purchase a home or commercial property even if she cannot come up with the full price, and to pay off the balance over time. During the term of the mortgage, the buyer owns the house, but also owes money, often quite a lot of it, to the bank that lent her the money to buy it with. This means that the assessed value of the Frosts’ properties tells us very little about their actual net worth. Since charity forces me to assume that right-wing bloggers are unfamiliar with mortgages, I probably should not fault them for not knowing this. However, even a shred of journalistic integrity would have required that they familiarize themselves with the terms on which most Americans buy property before leaping to conclusions.

FrostsSome of the wingnuts found a picture of the Frost family, and noted the glass-fronted cabinets in their kitchen.  Ha, ha!  All high-falootin!

Except they totally ignore the fact that the father is a woodworker.  Isn’t it possible that he did the cabinets himself (and or obtained the materials at a discount???)

While the wingnuts are attacking the Frost family, trying to show that they are rich fatcats trying to get free health insurance when they could afford it themselves, the Frosts themselves are, indeed, the ideal family for the Democratic position on SCHIP.  They are a hard-working family, just getting by.  Should they have to sell their home and business if, as actually happened, some family members get hit with an accident or catastrophic illness?  Not at all.

As for the smear campaign, Christy Hardin Smith gets it right:

Compassionate conservatism and family values, my ass.  Let me get this straight:  this family has tried to better themselves at every turn, they love their children, they are getting these kids the best education possible through some amazing scholarships and intervention service help to try and help them improve and perhaps have some semblance of a childhood to progress as much as possible past their injuries, they are facing catastrophic medical bills, they want to save their kids — whatever it takes…and the right wing has a problem with that.  Telling, isn’t it?

And ,as always, what Digby says:

This is so loathesome I am literally sick to my stomach. These kids were hurt in a car accident. Their parents could not afford health insurance — and sure as hell couldn’t get it now with a severely handicapped daughter. And these shrieking wingnut jackasses are harassing their family for publicly supporting the program that allowed the kids to get health care. A program, by the way, which a large number of these Republicans support as well.

They went after Michael J. Fox. They went after a wounded Iraq war veteran. Now they are going after handicapped kids. There is obviously no limit to how low these people will go.

They’d better pray that they stay rich and healthy and live forever because if there is a hell these people are going to be on the express train to the 9th circle the minute they shuffle off their useless mortal coils.


UPDATE:  ABC News gets into the fray and sets the story straight, something the "citizen journalists" didn’t bother to do.

UPDATE:  Conservative John Cole has had it with his conservatice brethren:

In short, they are a white, lower-middle-class, committed family, who is doing EVERYTHING the GOP Kultur Kops would have you believe people should be doing. They aren’t gay. They aren’t divorced. They didn’t abort their children. They aren’t drug addicts or welfare queens. They are property owners, entrepeneurs, taxpayers, and hard-working Americans. I bet nine times out of ten in past elections, if you handed this resume to a pollster, they would think you were discussing the prototypical Republican voter. Hell, the only thing missing from this equation is membership to a church and an irrational fear of Muslims and you HAVE the prototypical Bush voter.

They are, however, not without fault. They are unable to afford insurance through normal means (and now that they have pre-existing conditions, probably couldn’t get traditional insurance anyway), and managed to get several of their family members injured in a traumatic accident. And, it appears, those are the big blind spots for compassionate conservatism. That, and the real big sin- allowing themselves to advocate for a policy that the Decider was going to veto. Here it is, so you can see their grievous sin that requires they be destroyed:

“Hi, my name is Graeme Frost. I’m 12 years old and I live in Baltimore, Maryland. Most kids my age probably haven’t heard of CHIP, the Children’s Health Insurance Program. But I know all about it, because if it weren’t for CHIP, I might not be here today.

“CHIP is a law the government made to help families like mine afford healthcare for their kids. Three years ago, my family was in a really bad car accident. My younger sister Gemma and I were both hurt. I was in a coma for a week and couldn’t eat or stand up or even talk at first. My sister was even worse. I was in the hospital for five-and-a-half months and I needed a big surgery. For a long time after that, I had to go to physical therapy after school to get stronger. But even though I was hurt badly, I was really lucky. My sister and I both were.

“My parents work really hard and always make sure my sister and I have everything we need, but the hospital bills were huge. We got the help we needed because we had health insurance for us through the CHIP program.

“But there are millions of kids out there who don’t have CHIP, and they wouldn’t get the care that my sister and I did if they got hurt. Their parents might have to sell their cars or their houses, or they might not be able to pay for hospital bills at all.

“Now I’m back to school. One of my vocal chords is paralyzed so I don’t talk the same way I used to. And I can’t walk or run as fast as I did. The doctors say I can’t play football any more, but I might still be able to be a coach. I’m just happy to be back with my friends.

“I don’t know why President Bush wants to stop kids who really need help from getting CHIP. All I know is I have some really good doctors. They took great care of me when I was sick, and I’m glad I could see them because of the Children’s Health Program.

“I just hope the President will listen to my story and help other kids to be as lucky as me. This is Graeme Frost, and this has been the Weekly Democratic Radio address. Thanks for listening.”

Pretty strong stuff. I can see why this rabid dog needs to be put down with the full force of the wingnutosphere. And it just goes downhill from there. We learn from our intrepid “reporters” on the right that $45,000 is now rich, which is news to me and everyone else who remember mocking Democrats when they tried to claim $100k combined income was considered rich. You righties do remember that, don’t you?

After noting the "taunts, catcalls, contempt, and jealousy" directed by conservatives at the Frost family, Cole concludes:

I simply can not believe this is what the Republican party has become. I just can’t. It just makes me sick to think all those years of supporting this party, and this is what it has become. Even if you don’t like the S-Chip expansion, it is hard to deny what Republicans are- a bunch of bitter, nasty, petty, snarling, sneering, vicious thugs, peering through people’s windows so they can make fun of their misfortune.

I’m registering Independent tomorrow.

LOLCat Bible

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

If you aren’t familiar with LOLCats or Icanhascheezburger by now:

(1)  Where have you been?; and

(2)  Don’t bother to read further.

it seems that some intrepid timewaster is translating the Bible into LOLcat-eze.  Here’s a sample from Genesis 1:

1. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat was invisible, and he maded the skiez and da earths, but he did not eated it.

2. The earths wus witout shapez & wus dark & scary & stufs, & he rode invisible bike over teh waterz.

3. & Ceiling Cat sayz, i can has light? and & light wuz.

4. & Ceiling Cat sawed teh light, to sees stufs, & speraratered the light form dark & stufs

5. & Ceiling Cat sayed light Day & dark no Day. Teh evning & morning was teh first day.

6. & Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has teh ceilingz of waterz, with waterz up & waterz down. & he maded hole in teh Ceiling.

7. & Ceiling Cat doed the skiez with waterz down & waterz up, & stuff.

8. & Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has teh firmmint, so evning & morning was teh twoth day.

9. & Ceiling Cat gotted all no waterz into ur base, so no waterz wus not wetted

10. & Ceiling Cat called no wather Earths, so tehre.

11. & Ceiling Cat sayed, wants grass and stuff! so yield seedz & stufs, and fruitzors & vegbatels.

12. & Ceiling Cat sawed that weedz ish teh good stuff, so, letz tehre be weed. (& catnipz 2, so wen i makes kittehs they can getz hai.)

Odd Headline

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment


Woman’s fall casts cloud over balloon festival

Yeah. Bummer for the festival.

What’s next? 

"Deadly 747 Crash Takes Toll On Farmer’s Crops; Says He’s ‘Bummed Out’"?

Actually, Columbus Was Kind Of A Prick

Ken AshfordHistoryLeave a Comment

Let’s first dismiss the Euro-centric notion that Columbus "discovered" America.  He didn’t.  There were already people — yes, there were actual people — living here, and to suggest that Columbus "discovered" America is to suggest that the people already familiar with the land don’t count (for some reason).

Secondly — even if we were to dismiss the millions of Native Americans living in North, Central, and South America — Columbus wasn’t the first from the "Old World" to discover the land on which they lived.

That said, why do we honor this guy?

First of all, Queen Isabella had promised a lifetime pension to the first man who sighted land. A few hours after midnight on October 12, 1492, Juan Rodriguez Bermeo, a lookout on the Pinta, cried out he had spied land ahead. Most likely Bermeo was seeing the white beaches of Watling Island in the Bahamas.

As they waited impatiently for dawn, Columbus let it be known that he had spotted land several hours before Bermeo. According to Columbus’s journal of that voyage, his ships were, at the time, traveling 10 miles per hour. To have spotted land several hours before Bermeo, Columbus would have had to see more than 30 miles over the horizon, a physical impossibility. Nevertheless Columbus took the lifetime pension for himself.


But that’s nothing compared to Columbus’s treatment of the native Americans.

On October 12, 1492 (the first day he encountered the native people of the Americas), Columbus wrote in his journal: "They should be good servants …. I, our Lord being pleased, will take hence, at the time of my departure, six natives for your Highnesses." These captives were later paraded through the streets of Barcelona and Seville when Columbus returned to Spain.

From his very first contact with native people, Columbus had their domination in mind. For example, on October 14, 1492, Columbus wrote in his journal, "with fifty men they can all be subjugated and made to do what is required of them."  These were not mere words: after his second voyage, Columbus sent back a consignment of natives to be sold as slaves.

And for slaves that were not sent back to Europe, he used them to mine for gold and other valuables, often working them to death.  Women slaves were routinely raped; slaves were mutilated for the harshest infractions.  And once a slave outlived his or her usefullness, they were simply killed.


So that’s why we close the banks and government offices today.

It’s Official: The Surge Has Failed

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment


As you’ll recall, when the "surge" was announced in January, its stated purpose was to create the conditions for progress toward the goal of national reconciliation. We were promised a report in September on the surge’s results. What we got in September was a very, very, very quiet admission that, in terms of its stated goals, the surge had completely and utterly failed. This combined with a loud insistence that the surge was succeeding in terms of some other goals, and that reconciliation was around the corner so why do you hate the troops and want al-Qaediranians to kill little children?

Now we read this morning that top Iraqi politicians want to abandon national reconciliation as a goal. They’re not missing benchmarks or running behind schedule, they’re just saying it’s not going to happen. The surge hasn’t worked, isn’t working, and won’t, according to Iraqis, ever work.

Somehow though, I don’t think this is going to change U.S. policy.

Before You Complain About Government

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

The vast majority of Americans dislike government.  "Government" is a dirty word to them.

But before you seriously complain, it might be useful to read this article and discover what a typical 24-hour day of yours might be like without government.  It might make you think about how much we take for granted.  Here, for example, is just how much you rely on your government in one hour:

6:30 a.m. You are awakened by your clock radio and listen for a few minutes to the news before getting up. But you can listen to your favorite station only because the Federal Communications Commission brings organization and coherence to our vast telecommunications system. It ensures, for example, that radio stations do not overlap and that stations signals are not interfered with by the numerous other devices – cell phones, satellite television, wireless computers, etc. – whose signals crowd our nation’s airwaves.

6:35 a.m. Like 17 millions other Americans, you have asthma. But as you get out of bed you notice that you are breathing freely this morning. This is thanks in part to government clean air laws that reduce the air pollution that would otherwise greatly worsen your condition.

6:38 a.m. You go into the kitchen for breakfast. You pour some water into your coffeemaker. You simply take for granted that this water is safe to drink. But in fact you count on your city water department to constantly monitor the quality of your water and to immediately take measures to correct any potential problems with this vital resource.

6:39 a.m. You flip the switch on the coffee maker. There is no short in the outlet or in the electrical line and there is no resulting fire in your house. Why? Because when your house was being built, the electrical system had to be inspected to make sure it was properly installed – a service provided by your local government. And it was installed by an electrician who was licensed by your state government to ensure his competence and your safety.

6:45 a.m. You sit down to breakfast with your family. You are having eggs – a food that brings with it the possibility of salmonella poisoning, a serious food borne illness affecting tens of thousands of Americans every year. But the chance of you getting sick from these eggs has now been greatly reduced by a recently passed series of strict federal rules that apply to egg producers.

7:00 a.m. You go into your newly renovated bathroom – one of a number of amenities that you enjoy in your house. But the fact that you can even own your own house is something made possible by government. Think about this: “ownership” and “private property” are not things that exist in nature. These are legal constructs: things created by laws that are passed and enforced by government. You couldn’t even buy your home without a system of commercial laws concerning contracts and a government that ensures that sales contracts are enforced. So the fact that you live in your own home is, in part, a benefit of government and the rule of law.

7:01 a.m. Government also helps you own your house in more than the legal sense. On a more practical level, the federal government actually gives you money every year to help pay for your house. It’s called a mortgage interest tax deduction and it is one of the larger benefit programs run by the federal government – amounting to over $60 billion dollars a year. You can also deduct any real estate taxes you pay. These largely overlooked subsidy programs have enabled millions of people to buy their first home or to move up to a larger home than they could afford otherwise.

7:02 a.m. Back in the bathroom. You use the toilet and flush it. Your local government then takes care of transporting this waste, treating it, and disposing of it in an environmentally responsible manner – all without a second thought by you.

7:20 a.m. As you are getting dressed, a glance outside the window shows some ominous clouds. You check the weather on your TV. All these weather forecasts are made possible by information gathered and analyzed by the National Weather Service, a government agency. Everyday, on your behalf, it takes in 190,000 weather observations from surface stations, 2,700 from ships, 115,000 from aircraft, 18,000 for buoys, 250,000 from balloons, and 140 million from satellites – all just to help you plan what to wear and make sure you don’t get stuck in a snow storm. And oh yes, this agency may save your life with its hurricane and tornado warnings.

The article concludes:

Many conservative critics of government like to portray it as a malevolent force whose extensive network of laws and regulations are increasingly invading our lives in harmful ways. They have it half right: government policies do affect our everyday lives in many ways, but these efforts are usually beneficial.

Read the whole thing.

Public Morality

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Globe columnist James Carroll defines the wrong track we’re on:

If this nation followed the pattern of its own historic reckoning with the ever unfinished work of public morality, political discourse would be defined by the dual-project of eliminating nuclear weapons and building international structures of peace. Instead, we are paralyzed by a war that no one wants, unable to change what matters most.

Last week, this story reached a climax of sorts, with developments like these:

War Cost. With new budget requests, the Iraq war price tag jumped over the $600 billion mark – enough, extrapolating from figures of the National Priorities Project, to add 9 million teachers to public schools for a year. Where would American education be if that happened instead? And where Iraq?

Mercenaries. We learned that the United States government has surrendered to "private contractor" hit squads the primal function of protecting its own diplomats in Iraq. Such unaccountable and profit-driven forces betray the foundational American military ethic. Hessians at last.

Abolition. Barack Obama made a major speech calling for a return to the long-abandoned goal of nuclear elimination. "We need to change our nuclear policy and our posture, which is still focused on deterring the Soviet Union – a country that doesn’t exist." The major news media ignored this important declaration, obsessing instead with horse-race polls and fund-raising totals. Nuclear reform (antidote to proliferation and terrorism both) is not a campaign issue.

Torture. The Bush administration was revealed to have again secretly approved "enhanced" interrogation methods at restored CIA "black sites," where prisoners are once more held without treaty protections – measures that Congress and the Supreme Court have already rejected. Despite scandals, US torture continues.

Government Wants To Raise Your Kids

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

I always thought the right wing was about small government.  But no longer.  Now they want to tell you how to raise your kids. is a government website run by the Department of Health and Human Services that is meant to provide parents with “information” to help “teens make healthy choices.”

But this “information” is not grounded in science. A recent federal report concluded that abstinence-only programs have had “no impacts on rates of sexual abstinence.” Yet the latest public service announcement by “encourages parents to talk with their kids about waiting to have sex.”

In the ad, various children say that they want their parents to talk to them about sex and tell them to “wait.” Near the end, the narrator says, “Tell your kids you want them to wait ’til they’re married to have sex.” Watch it:

In July, ThinkProgress noted that revised its website to include ideological, unscientific claims about abortion, stating that “some women” feel “sad and some use more alcohol or drugs” after having an abortion.

Additionally, when the site launched in 2005, it told parents “to convince their teens to stop having sex by telling their children that they are ‘worth it.’” But no resources were provided for “parents whose teen remains sexually active, implying that these youth are not ‘worth it.’”

Did you like that ad?  You better have, because you paid for it.  That’s what your tax dollars are going for.

Just last week, Bush vetoed a bill which would would have provided health insurance to children living in poverty.  The veto came because Bush didn’t want to spend that kind of money (he was trying to assert his fiscal conservative cred, even though he’s the biggest spending president in history).  It’s a little hard for me to understand why the government will spend money on media buys for the ad above, but not of health insurance for kids.  Go figure.

Sweeney Todd At UNCG

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, TheatreLeave a Comment

ToddwebGood luck getting tickets.  We had to pull a few strings to get ours for Friday night (which was sold out).

Here’s what you missed: Emily Mark as Mrs. Lovett.  ‘Nuff said.

Oh, sure.  Zac Campbell’s menacing brooding Sweeney was a thrill.  And the actors who played Anthony, Joanna, and Judge Turpin also shined.  The ensemble was strong.  The set and costumes were amazing (this being closer to the original true Sweeney of Broadway, rather than the watered-down Patti Lupone revival).

But in such a dark story of revenge and lust, if Mrs. Lovett doesn’t succeed in bringing the funny, well — you just want to leave the theatre and kill yourself.  Fortunately, Emily was simply amazing.  Her strong voice was in full force and — for me — she stole the show in what was already a strong production.  And talk about impeccable comic timing.

I hear tell there’s an "Emily Mark" fan club on Facebook.  It’s no wonder.  She’s really really good.

Can you tell I’m a fan, too?

Transplanted Northerners

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

I could have used this info ten years ago when I moved from the North to the South:

In the South: If you run your car into a ditch, don’t panic. Four men in a four-wheel drive pickup truck with a tow chain will be along shortly.  Don’t try to help them, just stay out of their way. This is what they live for.

Don’t be surprised to find movie rentals and bait in the same store….do not buy food at this store.

Get used to hearing "You ain’t from round here, are ya?"

Save all manner of bacon grease. You will be instructed later on how to use it.

Don’t be worried at not understanding what people are saying. They can’t understand you either. The first Southern statement to creep into a transplanted Northerner’s vocabulary is the adjective "big’ol," truck or big’ol" boy. Most Northerners begin their Southern-influenced dialect this way. All of them are in denial about it.

The proper pronunciation you learned in school is no longer proper.

Be advised that "He needed killin" is a valid defense here.

If you hear a Southerner exclaim, "Hey, y’all, watch this," you should stay out of the way. These are likely to be the last words he’ll ever say.

If there is the prediction of the slightest chance of even the smallest accumulation of snow, your presence is required at the local grocery store. It doesn’t matter whether you need anything or not. You just have to go there.

Do not be surprised to find that 10-year olds own their own shotguns,  they are proficient marksmen, and their mammas taught them how to aim

In the South, we have found that the best way to grow a lush green lawn is to pour gravel on it and call it a driveway.

AND REMEMBER: If you do settle in the South and bear children, don’t  think we will accept them as Southerners. After all, if the cat had kittens  in the oven, we wouldn’t call ’em biscuits.