9/11 Before 9/11

Ken AshfordHistoryLeave a Comment

Some objects which pre-dated 9/11/01, taking on signficance only afterward:

(1) A postage stamp


(2)  A 1979 ad for Pakistani Airlines (click to enlarge)


(3)  An ad that ran a few days earlier


(4) Tourist coffee mug:


More here.

UPDATE: And then there’s this.  In March of 2001 Fox TV aired Episode One of a new show spun-off from The X-Files. In the first episode of this new show, The Lone Gunmen, an inside faction of the government posing as terrorists hijacks a 727 by remote control. They do this because the cold war is over they need an excuse for war to increase arm sales. They target the World Trade Center, but their plot is foiled at the last minute.

9/11 — Six Years Later

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/Idiocy, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

I have nothing to say.  I certainly understand the need for memorial services (especially for the families) and, on a day like today, it’s impossible for any of us not to reflect back on the events of 9/11/01.

It’s just that nothing can be said that hasn’t already been said.  Let’s not turn it in to an annual pageant.

Also, I might add, remembering 9/11 ain’t what it used to be:

9/11 has been robbed of its significance. It no longer lights up the neurons recalling an American tragedy, but instead activates that understand political strategy. I hate them for that. So this isn’t a 9/11 remembrance. We’ve never been allowed to forget 9/11. Not for an instant. What we have been allowed to forget is 2,974 individuals who perished in that attack, who didn’t die because they wanted to invade Iraq or because they thought Republicans were insufficiently competitive in elections, but because they were murdered. Remember them.

I guess my biggest problem is people — particularly those on the right — using 9/11 as their cultish emotional lodestone to further policies which are are, quite frankly, offensive and Anti-american.  Everything from tapping phones, to instituting torture, to the Iraq War.  To them, 9/11 is terrorist porn — a chance to put up horrifying graphics and, well, terrorize you.  I sincerely believe many of them are using this day to urge Americans not to remember the victims, but to remember the fear.  In doing so, they become the extension of the terrorist’s arm — fearmongererss’ unwitting assistants.

It has all been done in the name of 9/11, which is not what the day should be for:

9/11 Is Tired of Your Tears:
9/11 is weary. 9/11 woke up tired this morning, staring at the clouds and rain, wishing she could just go back to bed. But 9/11 knows she doesn’t get a break. Sure, sure, the other dates told her that after a while she would fade into memory, half-forgotten except for ceremonies that would drag her out of the house, but the reassurances of 12/7, 11/22, and 4/19 have proven to be wrong. It would be one thing to just have to get up on her namesake anniversary. But, no, 9/11 has to be out all the time, the favorite whore of politicians and pundits.

9/11 doesn’t know who’s gonna call on her. Every day, it seems, yes, that someone else rings her up and tells her to meet them at a speech or after an appearance. She knows the routine. She knows her job. 9/11 dresses in her mourning duds, the ones that look like she’s paying respects to the dead, but with enough of a slit up the leg to let whoever her suitor is that night know that she is always available for them.


The worst is the campaign season. How she has to show up at the Republican debates to fellate each candidate. How she has to be under the desks at Fox hand-jobbing the O’Reillies and Hannities, fingering the Coulters and Malkins. How Joe Lieberman has done things to her so disgusting she wants to burn them out of her mind. She wanted to be a high-price escort, but she knows that, even though everyone thinks she’s so good at what she does and say how much they respect her, she’s no different than a Lower East Side Suicide Girl-wannabe trick.

9/11 wants just to be loved. She wants someone to take care of her and tell her she doesn’t have to do this anymore. She doesn’t wanna be the American alpha and omega. She just wants flowers, a nice ritual or two, and then a simple thoughtful note every now and then.

UPDATE:  Oh, boy!  Kaye Grogan proves my point.

Like it or not . . . 9/11 is forever a part of history

Oh, yay.  Another bunch of . . . Kaye Grogan ellipses.

Grogan_bUnfortunately, many people are insensitive and wrapped up selfishly in their own little socialite cocoons, assuming they deserve immunity from the hardships of life.

Yeah, people!  What’s wrong with you?  Get out of your houses and suffer more!

After listening to people calling into C-Span when the question was asked: "has there been too much emphasis and time dedicated to the victims of the 9/11 attack?" — I was appalled at how many of the callers said "enough already!" Others stressed it was time to move on.

I somehow suspect that people were saying much as I was: commemorate 9/11, but let’s not make it an annual media frenzy.  [UPDATE:  Hmmm.  The bereaved 9/11 families seem to agree.  When asked (by the WTC Family Center) if they agreed with this statement: "9/11 bereaved adults continue to view the media as a source of the triggers for their grief and frustration at high rates of response", 71% agreed (Source)"]

Well, it’s obvious these people bypassed losing a loved one on that fateful day as the Twin Towers in New York City toppled to the ground, the Pentagon suffered substantial damage involving another intentional plane crash, and the innocent people on a flight believed headed to the White House crashed along with the terrorist tormentors, in a Pennsylvania field.

Diagram that sentence, and win a pony!

All of these people who were only guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time — will forever be an unwilling part of history.

As opposed to being a willing part of history, I suppose.

Only the participating terrorists and their cohorts knew of the approaching disaster, the others were just pawns in the hands of madmen who were on a mission to destroy America or at the very least to terrorize her citizens.

I tend to think that even the madmen realized they couldn’t actually destroy American with just four planes.  America is a big place.  I think it was more of an act to terrorize "her" citizens.  Maybe that’s why it’s called "terrorism" . . . just a thought.

So, if you’re one of the people who begrudge the 9/11 memorial, and commemorating the memory of those unfortunate enough to be listed among the 3,000 victims, take your dog for a walk or something else "unimportant" while the families of the victims rightfully console each other.

Kaye, in the meantime, will stayed glued to the television while her dog urinates all over the carpet.  "Mom!" her kids will cry.  "We’re hungry!"  But Kaye will have none of that. 

"Shuddup!" she’ll holler back from her vodka-stained couch.  "I’m watching callers on C-Span talk about 9/11 commemorations.  This is important!"

I am sure that every family member mourning the loss of a father, mother, spouse, sibling, child or friend during the worst attack on American soil in history, would love to change places with someone who escaped being involved on a personal level.

Well, yes, I suspect that is right.  But again, I don’t think anyone has suggested that they shouldn’t mourn.  The point (again) is that maybe we don’t need to make it an annual national holiday.

With possible preplanned future attacks on US soil on the terrorist hit list — no one is exempt from becoming a victim themselves or losing a loved one.

Other things that people are not "exempt" from: lightning strikes, car accidents…

In fact, the likelihood of those opposed or resentful toward 9/11 sufferers — the same type of tragedy happening to them multiplies, as the attacks become progressively worse.

Got verb?  No? Okay…

I’m not sure what Kaye is saying here, but I think she’s saying that if you are resentful of 9/11 sufferers, you are more likely to be attacked by terrorists than people who wallow in 9/11.  Interesting theory.

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the September 11 horrendous attack, and many misguided propagandists along with drama kings and queens are still convinced that President Bush ordered the attack.

Kaye’s not a drama queen.  Nooooooooo…..

Not only is this pure speculation (without any substantial evidence to back up the claim) but pure lunacy.

Pure lunacy.  Unlike, say, the claim that Bush is planning to merge Canada, the United States and Mexico (what Kaye has called the "undercover plot of a North American Union"?

This proves if a lie is told long enough — believers will spread the lie as factual.

Um…. where to go with this?  Iraq?  The Bible?  The undercover plot of a North American Union?

I guess the president is writing Osama bin Laden’s scripts too, since he is supposed to be in cahoots with him — making sure threats of future attacks on the United States are more intimidating and believable.

Actually, Kaye — weren’t you just trying to be intimidating about future attacks on the United States?

While I don’t support President Bush’s policy on illegal immigration and his willingness to allow Mexican trucks access to our highways, the idea that he orchestrated 9/11 is preposterous and completely insane.

Hey!  I understood that sentence!  And I agree with it (at least, the latter part)!

As long as enough people are in the "Twilight Zone" I guess their rambling about 9/11 being an insider job — will keep their vicious boats afloat.

Ah, there it is.  Two metaphors in one sentence.  Twilight Zone, and "keep their boats afloat".  Not quite sure what a "vicious boat" is — I tried Google images and came up short — nor do I understsand and why Rod Serling fans possess them.  But it’s Kaye — best not to ask why.

Many people also speculate that the oil wells in Iraq are the real driving force of why the Bush Administration was so gung-ho on invading Iraq. Not only is this ludicrous, but a lie. Otherwise the United States military would have seized the oil wells by now, and branded the United States logo on them.

The United States has a "logo"?  I guess that would be the American Flag or the American Seal.  And the National Anthem is our "jingle".

Other misinformed people deny that former Iraqi leaders had anything to do with the 9/11 attack. Well, how do they explain that the biggest majority of killed and captured terrorists has occurred in Iraq?

Oh dear.

Oh dear dear dear.

Kaye, honey.  Even if you use a very broad interpretation of "terrorists", the reason why the majority of killed and captured terrorists have occurred in Iraq is because that’s where we are.  If we had poured our military resources into invading, say, the Phillipines, then that’s where we would find the majority of terrorists.

Let me ‘splain, using animals.  I have a theory that the majority of frogs in my state are located in my backyard.  So if I expend all my time and resources in my backyard, I’m sure as hell going to find several frogs.  Can I sit back and claim, "Ah, I was right.  The majority of frogs are in my backyard, because that’s where I caught the majority of them?"

Also, Kaye is ignoring the simple fact that these "terrorists" — those of the pure al Qaeda stripe — have come into Iraq from outside …after the power vacuum we left following the toppling of Saddam.

Hmm . . . a dog returning to its own vomit, immediately comes to mind.

That’s because you haven’t fed him, Kaye.  Or walked him.  You’re too busy watching 9/11 ceremonies on TV.

Can you imagine the chaos if the same Iraqi war theorists were in a position to actually be making crucial decisions affecting all American citizens?

What’s the role model that we can use for comparison?  The way the Bush Administration made "crucial decisions" involving Katrina?

This may be a lot closer than you think!

And that’s the bottom line!

I can tell.  It’s at the end of your essay, Kaye.

Below, a screenshot of Google on 9/11 at 9:54 a.m., 9/11/01.  The "I’m Feeling Lucky" seems a bit out of place:


Women’s Fashion News

Ken AshfordWomen's IssuesLeave a Comment

The latest trendy trend?

White eyeliner.


My review:

Ladies, please.  Don’t.

Really.  No kidding.  Don’t.

You look alien.

Or diseased.

Or both.  You look like a diseased alien (it doesn’t help if your a stick figure model like the one pictured above, either).

It may be okay if it’s not too overdone, but otherwise?

Otherwise, you look jaundiced.  Or an albino.

Like a diseased albino jaundiced alien.

My $0.02.

Help Find Fossett

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

A little over a week ago, adventurer Steve Fossett was reported missing in Nevada, after he failed to return from a solo flight. 

Now you can now help search for Fossett using your personal computer.  Using new satellite images of the search area, you can browse through online images, searching for signs of the plane.

You can also use Google Earth if you want to get a closer look at a particular piece of ground (according to this article, current satellite images for import into Google Earth became available last Saturday). If you find something, simply flag the image and a team of experts will inspect it. Every image will be reviewed by multiple volunteers, so don’t worry that you might accidentally miss something.

The volunteer search is being coordinated through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk system, a central system where you (and hundreds/thousands) can work from your computer (typically for pay, although not in this case).  You can get started searching by clicking the link….

Libs/Conservatives Have Different Brains

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment


The brain neurons of liberals and conservatives fire differently when confronted with tough choices, suggesting that some political divides may be hard-wired, according a study released Sunday.


Conservatives tend to crave order and structure in their lives, and are more consistent in the way they make decisions. Liberals, by contrast, show a higher tolerance for ambiguity and complexity, and adapt more easily to unexpected circumstances.

In other words, we see the world as a nuanced place.  Shades of gray.  not all-black or all-white.

MORE:  I guess another outcome of the study was that liberals tend to process things, while conservatives acted in a predictable knee-jerk reaction kind of way:

Here’s how it worked: college students, whose politics ranged from “very liberal” to “very conservative,” were tested on their ability to recognize a change in stimulus. While sitting in front of a monitor, study participants were shown either an M or a W. When an M appeared on screen, the participants were instructed to tap a keyboard. When a W appeared, they were supposed to do nothing.

M appeared four times from frequently, so the college students got into a habit of tapping the keyboard in a “knee-jerk fashion.”

Each participant was wired to an electroencephalograph that recorded activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, the part of the brain that detects conflicts between a habitual tendency (pressing a key) and a more appropriate response (not pressing the key). Liberals had more brain activity and made fewer mistakes than conservatives when they saw a W, researchers said. Liberals and conservatives were equally accurate in recognizing M.

More specifically, liberals were more than twice as likely to correctly identify the changes on the monitor, and on electrical measurements of the brain area that monitored the conflict “between a habitual tendency … and a more appropriate response,” liberals were five times more likely to show brain activity.

And just in case the letters mattered, researchers tried it again with lots of Ws and fewer Ms, and the results were the same.

Britney Bombs

Ken AshfordPopular Culture2 Comments

I don’t watch MTV Music Awards anymore because:

(a) I don’t listen to the latest in "music"

(b)  I’m the wrong demographic

(c)  MTV, despite its name, really isn’t about the music anymore

Still, I was amused to read this:

As in most train wrecks, it was hard to focus on just one thing as the Britney Spears disaster unfolded on MTV’s Video Music Awards. There was just so much that went wrong.

Out-of-synch lip-synching. Lethargic movements that seemed choreographed by a dance instructor for a nursing home. The paunch in place of Spears’ once-taut belly. At times she just stopped singing, as if even she knew nothing could save her performance.


Chocolate Overload

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Both_bars For chocolate lovers, this is a nice review of what is like to eat a chocolate bar with 99% cocoa.  Keep in mind that a regular Hershey bar is 11% cocoa, and a "Special Dark" Hershey bar is only 45% cocoa.  Most exotic varients of "dark chocolate" only clock in at around 60%.

I especially liked this part:

I carefully opened the cardboard shell of the 99% bar and pulled out a foil tray. I was more than a bit surprised to find warnings on the wrapper that instructed me to work my way up to the 99% bar via the 70% and 85% versions.

It goes on:

I was at first struck by a mild bitterness, but that quickly passed (and was not to return for the rest of the session). The super-dark chocolate melted quickly and imparted a decidedly creamy mouthfeel, not unlike a fine caramel. Perhaps the most surprising trait was the absence of chocolate flavor, at least not in the traditional sense. The confection was not tasteless — no, it was simply unlike any chocolate I had ever experienced. Even the 85% bar was a world apart.

Read the whole thing.

Debbie Does The Circle Of Life

Ken AshfordPersonalLeave a Comment

Congratulations to Heather and Jeff

And now, making his/her national debut**, the Tony Award winner of 2031, Baby Maggs!….


Pictured above:  Baby Maggs relaxing in the green room.

Thoughts, love, and prayers to the three of you!

RELATED:  Uh, Jeff?

** except for Heather’s blog, of course.

[Even though this was posted Friday morning, I’m going to keep this post promoted to the top for the weekend]

Southwest Airlines: Now Flying To Prudeville

Ken AshfordWomen's IssuesLeave a Comment

Does Southwest Airlines have a dress code or something?

“We don’t have a dress code.”

Tell that to Kyla Ebbert, who was escorted off a Southwest Airlines flight two months ago for wearing an outfit far less revealing than a bikini top.

Ebbert, a Mesa College student and Hooters waitress, was allowed to stay on the plane, but only after she put up a fight and, she says, was lectured on how to dress properly.


She had a doctor’s appointment that afternoon in Tucson, where temperatures had topped 106 all week. She arrived at Lindbergh Field wearing a white denim miniskirt, high-heel sandals, and a turquoise summer sweater over a tank top over a bra.

After the plane filled, and the flight attendants began their safety spiel, Ebbert was asked to step off the plane by a customer service supervisor, identified by the airline only as “Keith.”

They walked out onto the jet bridge, where Keith told Ebbert her clothing was inappropriate and asked her to change. She explained she was flying to Tucson for only a few hours and had brought no luggage.

“I asked him what part of my outfit was offensive,” she said. “The shirt? The skirt? And he said, ‘The whole thing.’ ”

Keith asked her to go home, change and take a later flight. She refused, citing her appointment. The plane was ready to leave, so Keith relented. He had her pull up her tank top a bit, pull down her skirt a bit, and return to her seat.

Ebbert says several flight attendants overheard the conversation and, after an embarrassing walk down the aisle, she took her seat and spread a blanket over her lap. She kept her composure until the plane landed, when she called her mother and broke down.

She took a photo of herself with her cell phone so her mother could see her clothes.

Here’s how Kyla Ebbert looked that day:


And by the way, here’s an advertisement photo from Southwest Airlines from a coupla decades ago.  These are what the flight attendants wore:


And another:


That’s go-go boots, orange mini-skirts, and orange hot pants, folks.  Just sayin…

The Long-Awaited Patraeus Report

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

FIRST:  Bush tells the American people to wait for General Patraeus’s report so we can have an assessment of the situation in Iraq.  He says this repeatedly.

NEXT:  In the meantime. we get reports and data from the National Intelligence Estimate, the Government Accountability Office, the Congressional Research Service, the U.S. Embassy, and the Independent Commission on the Security Forces of Iraq, all of which point to very little security progress and no political progress in Iraq.  Bush tells the American people to wait for General Patraeus’s report so we can have an assessment of the situation in Iraq.  He says this repeatedly.

NEXT: We learn that Patraeus’s report won’t actually be written by Patraeus.  It will be written by the White House.

NEXT:  We learn that the White House will merely "tweak" Patreaus’s report.

NEXT:  Patreaus assures us that he will indeed be writing the report.

TODAY:  We learn that there actually won’t be a written report.

Possible Hurricane?

Ken AshfordDisastersLeave a Comment

We managed to avoid Dean and Felix, but this one is off our shores:


ABNT20 KNHC 071515
1130 AM EDT FRI SEP 7 2007


[Note: Post updated with most reevnt information as of 2:00 p.m. today]

Bush Thanks “Austrian” Troops In Iraq

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

Too bad he was in Australia. [Note: There are no Austrian troops in Iraq; there are, however, 1,500 Australian military personnel]

UPDATE:  Apparently, that gaffe was one among many:

“Thank you for being such a fine host for the OPEC summit,” Bush said to Australian Prime Minister John Howard.

Except Bush was attening the APEC summit.

Bush quickly corrected himself. “APEC summit,” he said forcefully, joking that Howard had invited him to the OPEC summit next year.

Except neither Australia nor the U.S. are OPEC members, so Howard probably didn’t extend an invitation to a summit neither can attend.

And finally…

Then, speech done, Bush confidently headed out — the wrong way. He strode away from the lectern on a path that would have sent him over a steep drop.

The Truth About The Mayor Of 9/11

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

Robert Greenwald’s hard-hitting film:

Greenwald focuses on Giuliani’s bone-headed decision in the mid-nineties to place New York’s Office of Emergency Management "Command Center" within the World Trade Center, despite the recommendations of his emergency advisor.  The WTC was the only place in America that had been the target of terrorist attacks (the 1993 bombing) so it made absolutely no sense to put your command center at something that was a known terrorist target.

The reason that we saw Giuliani on TV walking the New York streets on 9/11 was simply because he had nowhere to go, his command center having been knocked out by the attacking planes.

The film notes that Giuliani picked the WTC because he wanted it within walking distance of City Hall, a rather ridiculous consideration. 

But why did Giuliani want the command center to be nearby?  The short film doesn’t go into it, but it’s not hard to guess, given how it was laid out:

Giuliani’s office had a humidor for cigars and mementos from City Hall, including a fire horn, police hats and fire hats, as well as monogrammed towels in his bathroom. His suite was bulletproofed and he visited it often, even on weekends, bringing his girlfriend Judi Nathan there long before the relationship surfaced. He had his own elevator.

Yup, it was a convenient love nest for Rudy, and as a likely result, some rescue worker deaths could have been prevented.