About Lisa Nowak, The Diaper-Wearing Stalker Astronaut Lady

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

SonyvtrDespite a frustrating amount of "Inaudibles" and blacked out language, I found the transcripts of her police interview to be riveting. 

Nowak is clearly stressed, but able to somewhat control the interview.  Somewhat.  She doesn’t seem to comprehend the trouble she is in, and seems more concerned about getting information about her romantic rival than anything else.

On the opposite side of the dialogue,…:

Detective Becton comes across as an adept interviewer who carefully employs the whip and the feather—alternately challenging and comforting Nowak, while acknowledging her accomplishments in space. At one point, he tells her that he brought his daughter to see her shuttle launch last July 4th. “I’ve got all the video clips, four, five, six video clips. It was the very first shuttle my daughter saw go up,” he says. He also suggests that Nowak see a counselor: “You have a lot going on inside of you. It’s either a lot of pain, a lot of anger, or it’s both. And right now you’re bottling it up a lot.”

It’s a nice little cat-and-mouse game. 

Part One of the transcript

Part Two of the transcript

The Cost Of Ignorance

Ken AshfordHealth CareLeave a Comment

Heather points to this upsetting story:

A couple says their vacation was ruined when an RV park owner told them they weren’t welcome after discovering their 2-year-old foster son had the HIV virus.

Last week, Dick and Silvia Glover went to the Wales West RV Park in Silver Hill, Ala., with their foster son Caleb. When the boy was banned from using the pool and showers, the Glovers said they were offered an uncomfortable and painful choice: They could either keep Caleb out of the water or leave.

"We weren’t sure if somebody could get the virus if the child upchucked on them or from blood or what," said Ken Zadnichek, the park’s owner. "We didn’t know what the risk was. That’s why we asked for something from their doctor or the county health department."

Dick Glover said the request for a doctor’s note made it clear Caleb was unwelcome.

An Alabama newspaper quoted Zadnichek as saying, "I’m not responsible for their feelings. I’m responsible for the well-being of everybody in the park. If their feelings got hurt, I’m sorry. That’s the way it’s got to be."

Upset and dismayed, the couple left with their son.

If you follow click through the link, you read some very supportive comments to the above story.  Things like:

This a prime example of the lack of HIV infection education among our own nation. It’s obvious we need to educate our own Americans in our country before we go out and spend millions on other countries AIDS situations. I do applaud those that have donated money to the third world countries, but this is an outlash as to how uneducated some of our own people are on the do’s and don’ts when HIV prevention and caution is needed.


First of all, the HIV virus is only spread by blood or sexual contact. The boy should have been allowed to swim in the pool and I think it is wrong that the family was asked to leave. If I were that family, I would be filing a lawsuit.


I just want to stress……
You do not get HIV from:

donating blood.
mosquito bites or bites from other bugs.
sneezes or coughs.
touching, hugging or dry kissing a person with HIV.
the urine or sweat of an infected person.
public restrooms, saunas, showers or pools.
sharing towels or clothing.
sharing eating utensils or drinks.
being friends with a person who has HIV/AIDS.

Sadly, you also read things like:

They should hang the parents, then send the little brat back where he came from. The tax payer should not have to keep them up. The USA should never let people with HIV in this country. Going to other Countrys to get children to adopt, should be stop.

I just hope that people like this last person don’t vote.

But then, it comes as no surprise that there is so much ignorance about medical matters — when you read things like this:

Former Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona told a Congressional committee today that top officials in the Bush administration repeatedly tried to weaken or suppress important public health reports because of political considerations.

Dr. Carmona, who served as surgeon general from 2002 to 2006, said White House officials would not allow him to speak or issue reports about stem cells, emergency contraception, sex education, or prison, mental and global health issues because of political concerns. Top administration officials delayed for years and attempted to “water down” a landmark report on secondhand tobacco smoke, he said in sworn testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

How Low Can You Go?

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment


Gallup has Bush at his lowest ever:

President Bush’s job approval rating — now at 29% — has fallen to the lowest point of his administration and is within seven percentage points of the lowest job approval rating in Gallup Poll history. Bush’s job ratings have dropped 61 percentage points since the all time high point of 90% in September 2001.

Take solace, Mr. President.  Truman once had an approval rating of 22%.

What’s more, Bush’s disapproval ratings are 66%.   Sixty-six percent.  That’s what Nixon polled at — the week before he resigned in disgrace.  And that’s only 1% away from the record of 67% (held by Truman).

More findings: 62 percent of people say it was a mistake to go into Iraq, 60 percent say the economy is getting worse, and only 68 percent of Republicans approve of Bush, thanks largely to the immigration fight.

Furthermore, 36% approve of impeachment for Bush — not a huge number, but far higher than any impeachment poll for Clinton (who actually was impeached).

Seriously — How Hard Is It To Come Up With A Porn Name?

Ken AshfordCourts/LawLeave a Comment

PornstarnameYou just take the name of your first pet, and the name of the street you grew up on.  So my porn name would be Nitya Pleasant View which, ironically, is also the porn name of my brother and sister.

Okay, that’s not a good porn name, but it works well for most people.

Even if it doesn’t work well, I would think that it would be quite easy to come up with a fairly decent porn name just by using your imagination.  Unless you’re so unimaginative that you would actually be a porn star yourself:

Lara Madden, 25, is an actress in the pornography industry. She is a former Houstonian who has appeared in about a dozen X-rated movies under the stage name "Syvette Wimberly."

That’s the problem.

The real Syvette Wimberly was one of Madden’s classmates at Kingwood High School. The women knew each other in the ninth grade.

Wimberly does not believe it’s a coincidence that her old classmate is now using her name.

"I imagine she knew the name and maybe thought it sounded catchy and was unique," Wimberly said.

Wimberly is suing Madden for invasion of privacy and emotional distress.

I’ve read the complaint, and I have to say, I think Ms. Non-Porn Wimberly doesn’t have a strong case.  It’s not like Lara Madden was trying to capitalize on the good name of (the real) Syvette Wimberly.  More importantly, you don’t have a "right to privacy" with your public name — so it’s not an invasion of privacy for someone to use the same name (so long as, of course, they are not pretending to be you.  That would be "fraud").

And intentional infliction of emotional distress?  There is simply nothing in the complaint which even alleges that the name-using was done with the specific intention of hurting Ms. Wimberly.

Sorry, Ms. Wimberly.

Red Sox Mid-Season Checkup

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other Sports1 Comment

  • 53 wins (best in both leagues)
  • 34 losses
  • 10.0 game lead in AL East (last year at this time, it was 3)
  • .609 precentage (best in both leagues)
  • Team batting average: .273
  • Team ERA: 3.76 (third best in both leagues)
  • Only team in baseball this year to have six representatives at the All-Star Game

Not complaining….

UPDATE:  In comments and via email, Mom notes that the Sox have the same record this year that they had at this point in the ’06 season, when they fell apart in August and missed the playoffs for the first time since 2002.  The difference of course is that they have a 10 game cushion to fall back on this time which they didn’t have before.

She’s going to the game on Sunday.

This Is Getting Ridiculous

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment


As President Bush faces GOP pressure to change his war strategy, the White House announced Tuesday that an upcoming progress report will result in "the beginning of a new way" in Iraq.

Six months after announcing an increase of nearly 30,000 U.S. troops that became known as the "surge," Bush is scheduled to appear at a town meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday where he’s expected to push for a "post-surge" phase of the four-year war, senior officials told CNN.

See how it works?  We had the "surge" strategy, and next comes the post-surge "new way" strategy.  Then there will be a "post-new-way" strategy.  And on and on and on….


Bush made a brief statement on Iraq early in his Cleveland visit.

"And finally, I’m going to spend some time talking about the war on terror and our need to succeed in Iraq. And I’m going to remind the people in the audience today that troop levels will be decided by our commanders on the ground, not by political figures in Washington, D.C., and that we’ve got a plan to lead to victory."

What he’s thinking we’ll forget is that the commanders on the ground are picked by the political figures in Washington — specifically, Bush — who will tell Bush what he wants to hear.

No Shit, Sherlock

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment


Muscular young men are likely to have more sex partners than their less-chiseled peers, researchers at the University of California Los Angeles said on Monday.

These same researchers are working on a theory that young men are attracted to women with large breasts and long legs.  "It’s just a theory", said one UCLA researcher, "but we’re sure that there will be empirical evidence to support it."

Marie Jon Apostrophe – Fact Fabricator

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Marie Jon’:

Terrorism is not spawned from Christianity or Judaism. There is no upheaval emulating from Baptists, Lutherans, Seventh Day Adventists, Pentecostals, Mormons, Catholics, Church of Christ, Presbyterians, or Orthodox, Conservative or Reform Judaism.

Oh, Marie.  Don’t you read my blog?

Three Burleson men who belong to a "radical Christian activist group" were in the Johnson County Jail on Friday night after a church deacon caught two of them attempting to ignite an explosive device on Independence Day at a church under construction in north Burleson, authorities said Friday.

New Hampshire Bank Robber Disguises Himself As A Tree

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

708a1bank2I guess because the bank was on Elm Street, he thought he could dress up as an elm:

Police said this morning a tip has led them to an arrest in the leafy robber case.

James Coldwell, 49, of 50 Lowell St. has been charged with robbery in connection with a Saturday morning holdup at the Citizens Bank branch at 1550 Elm St.

The robber had duct taped tree banches to his head and torso to disguise himself, police said.

Then there was the foliage. "He had tree branches duct-taped on his person, as if he was trying to camouflage himself in the woods," Goodno said.

Apparently he didn’t realize there are no more elm trees on Elm Street.

Despite his indiscrete getup, the robber got away with an undisclosed amount of cash — and all his leaves intact.

Bank surveillance photo shown above.

Best quote comes from the Manchester cop with the unlikely name of Dick Tracy:

Images of the robber on bank cameras were of little help, said Capt. Richard Tracy. "You can’t see much, except for the leaves around his head," Tracy said last night. "There are no leads yet. But we’re trying to pick him up in time for recycling."

I, For One, Welcome Our New Lesbian Overloards

Ken AshfordCrime, Right Wing and Inept Media, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

Seriously, this is loony tunes, even for Bill O’Reilly:

A "national underground network" of pink pistol-packing lesbians is terrorizing America. "All across the country," they are raping young girls, attacking heterosexual males at random, and forcibly indoctrinating children as young as 10 into the homosexual lifestyle, according to a shocking June 21 segment on the popular Fox News Channel program, "The O’Reilly Factor."


After this introduction, O’Reilly went to a split-screen live interview with "Fox News crime analyst" Rod Wheeler.

"Tell me what’s going on," O’Reilly said.

Wheeler, a Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department officer-turned-paid Fox News commentator, launched right in: "Well, you know, there is this national underground network, if you will, Bill, of women that’s lesbians and also some men groups that’s actually recruiting kids as young as 10 years old in a lot of the schools in the communities all across the country," he reported. "And they actually carry a number of weapons. And they commit a number of crimes."


Nine-millimeter Glocks painted pink? Dykes taking over? More than 150 lesbian gangs in the Washington, D.C., area alone? These claims are, as Wheeler suggested, "very, very interesting." They’re also very, very flimsy. Gaithersburg, Md., Detective Patrick Word, president of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Gang Investigators Network, an intelligence-sharing organization of 400 criminal justice professionals in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia, said there is no evidence whatsoever of a lesbian gang epidemic in his region. "Our membership reports only one lesbian gang," Word told the Intelligence Report.

Sgt. Brett Parson, a member and former commander of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department’s Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit, also questioned Wheeler’s numbers. "We have 150 to 175 total gangs in the D.C. area, and out of those only nine where the predominance of members are female," he said. "You simply can’t make the jump that they are lesbians. I think it is fair to talk about violence and female gangs. But to sensationalize or marginalize a community by making a statement like that seems irresponsible."

Confronted by the Intelligence Report, Wheeler was unable, in several phone and E-mail exchanges over a two-day period, to specify a single law enforcement agency or officer, police report, media account or any other source he relied upon for his D.C. area lesbian gangs claim. But he insisted that his report was accurate and that any law enforcement officer who disagrees is "out of touch." "For some reason or other, these organizations don’t lay it on the line because they don’t know what is going on on the streets," said Wheeler. "This is a serious crisis and the so-called experts are missing it."

Hmmmm.  Could it be that this "Fox analyst" guy named Wheeler is pushing his own agenda, rather than making a conclusion based on, you know, evidence?

According to Wheeler’s personal website, he is a member of Jericho City of Praise, a conservative Christian megachurch in Landover, Md., whose leadership publicly advocates against equal rights for gays and lesbians.

Ah.  Okay, then.

Vitter Was For The Sanctity Of Marriage Before He Was Against It

Ken AshfordRepublicans, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

From the campaign website of Senator David Vitter (R-La):

Vitter Statement on Protecting the Sanctity of Marriage

“This is a real outrage.  The Hollywood left is redefining the most basic institution in human history, and our two U.S. Senators won’t do anything about it.

We need a U.S. Senator who will stand up for Louisiana values, not Massachusetts’s values.  I am the only Senate Candidate to coauthor the Federal Marriage Amendment; the only one fighting for its passage.  I am the only candidate proposing changes to the senate rules to stop liberal obstructionists from preventing an up or down vote on issues like this, judges, energy, and on and on.” stated David Vitter.

This is how he was described in a 2004 profile in Salon:

A family-values far-right conservative named David Vitter appears headed for victory on Tuesday in the U.S. Senate race in Louisiana. . . . He presents himself as a morally righteous, clean-cut family man, and his wife and three young children have become virtual campaign props. . . .

Sounds like a stand-up "family values" kind of guy, huh?  Except — whoops, there it is:

Louisiana Sen. David Vitter, whose telephone number was disclosed by the so-called "D.C. Madam" accused of running a prostitution ring, says he is sorry for a "serious sin" and that he has already made peace with his wife.

He may have made peace with his wife, but if he’s smart, he’ll sleep on the couch for a while.  Because this is how Mrs. Vitter was talking in an interview in 2000:

Asked by an interviewer in 2000 whether she could forgive her husband if she learned he’d had an extramarital affair, as Hillary Clinton and Bob Livingston’s wife had done, Wendy Vitter told the Times-Picayune: "I’m a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary. If he does something like that, I’m walking away with one thing, and it’s not alimony, trust me."

UPDATE:  Vitter got his start in Congress after replacing former Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA), who “abruptly resigned after disclosures of numerous affairs” in 1998. At the time, Vitter argued that an extramarital affair was grounds for resignation:

“I think Livingston’s stepping down makes a very powerful argument that Clinton should resign as well and move beyond this mess,” he said. [Atlanta Journal and Constitution, 12/20/98]


Ken AshfordIraq, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

That’s the number of U.S. military casualties to date in Iraq and Afghanistan (3,596 in Iraq) since Bush started the "war on terra" 5 1/2 years ago, according to Bloomberg.  AP adds, "All told, Congress has appropriated $610 billion in war-related money since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror assaults, roughly the same as the war in Vietnam. Iraq alone has cost $450 billion." The wars cost approximately $12 billion a month, according to a new Congressional Research Service report.

Meanwhile, Bush is supposed to provide another report to Congress this week on benchmarks achieved by the Iraqi government. It will be a very thin report:

WASHINGTON – A progress report on Iraq will conclude that the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad has not met any of its targets for political, economic and other reform, speeding up the Bush administration’s reckoning on what to do next, a U.S. official said Monday….

"The facts are not in question," the official told The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity because the draft is still under discussion. "The real question is how the White House proceeds with a post-surge strategy in light of the report."

Fred Thompson Was Nixon’s Boy During Watergate

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

1183542649_2985I always considered former senator and Law and Order actor Fred Thompson (pictured here, on the left) to be one of the "good" Republicans, if only because he was counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, the one that eventually buried Nixon.  After all, it was Fred Thompson who uttered the now-historical question: "Mr. Butterfield, are you aware of the installation of any listening devices in the Oval Office of the president?"

The answer ("yes") set off a chain of events that led to Nixon’s resignation.

It turns out that Thompson, while indeed on the committee investigating Watergate, was actually leaking things to the Nixon White House in an effort to protect Nixon.

The day before Senate Watergate Committee minority counsel Fred Thompson made the inquiry that launched him into the national spotlight — asking an aide to President Nixon whether there was a White House taping system — he telephoned Nixon’s lawyer.

Thompson tipped off the White House that the committee knew about the taping system and would be making the information public. In his all-but-forgotten Watergate memoir, "At That Point in Time," Thompson said he acted with "no authority" in divulging the committee’s knowledge of the tapes, which provided the evidence that led to Nixon’s resignation.

"Thompson was a mole for the White House," Armstrong said in an interview. "Fred was working hammer and tong to defeat the investigation of finding out what happened to authorize Watergate and find out what the role of the president was."

So not only was he a leaker, but he admitted it.

The funny thing is that, even then, the Nixon White House was unimpressed with the young Thompson:

Nixon was disappointed with the selection of Thompson, whom he called "dumb as hell." The president did not think Thompson was skilled enough to interrogate unfriendly witnesses and would be outsmarted by the committee’s Democratic counsel.


Nixon expressed concern that Thompson was not "very smart."

"Not extremely so," Buzhardt agreed.

"But he’s friendly," Nixon said.

Friendly, and dumb.  Like we need that in the White House (again).

Religious Extremist Terrorists Attack U.S.

Ken AshfordGodstuff, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Think they only come from the religion of Islam?  Try Christianity:

Three Burleson men who belong to a “radical Christian activist group” were in the Johnson County Jail on Friday night after a church deacon caught two of them attempting to ignite an explosive device on Independence Day at a church under construction in north Burleson, authorities said Friday.

Dayton Lee Calaway, 19, and Michael Philip Plaisted Jr., 18, were arrested Wednesday night near the Victory Family Church after they got bogged down in mud as a fleet-footed deacon chased them from the church in the 400 block of Northwest John Jones Drive, police said.

Two other people drove away, the deacon told officers.

An explosive device in a glass container was found propped against the church door. The suspects apparently tried to detonate the device twice before being interrupted by the deacon, police and Burleson Fire Marshal Stacy Singleton said.


Cmdr. Chris Havens, the Police Department spokesman, said the suspects boasted about belonging to a leaderless group of 10 or 15 who share a belief that society has become too focused on self-improvement and self-gratification and has lost focus on the glorification of God.

“They admit to being Christian and being brought up Christian, but they believe there should be one denomination and one church, not multiple denominations,” Havens said.

“They did not say they had a name for their group, other than they were a radical Christian activist group. That was the way they explained their group,” he said.

The suspects said the group has three levels of involvement: Bible study, consensual fighting and destructive acts. Because one of their beliefs is free thought, however, participation in all three levels is not mandatory, they told police.

This is not to suggest that Christianity is a haven for terrorists.  It’s to remind folks that all religions, not just Islam, have a fringe element.  And it’s wrong to single out one particular religion as promoting hatred and violence.

That said, had this been a radical Islamic group, can you imagine the media coverage?