Attorney Purge Updates

Ken AshfordAttorney FiringsLeave a Comment

This scandal is getting out of control. hard to keep up:

(1) Monica Goodling is now facing a Justice Department investigation for her role in screening career attorneys for party affiliation.

The Justice Department has launched an internal investigation into whether Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales’s former White House liaison illegally took party affiliation into account in hiring career federal prosecutors, officials said yesterday.

The allegations against Monica M. Goodling represent a potential violation of federal law and signal that a joint probe begun in March by the department’s inspector general and Office of Professional Responsibility has expanded beyond the controversial dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys last year.

The bad news is that this internal DOJ investigation may prevent her from testifying to Congress.  But at least the spotlight is on her, as it should be.

(2)  A top Justice Department official has now been accused of trying to bully fired prosecutors into silence.

In newly released statements, [two dismissed U.S. attorneys] alleged that they were threatened by Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty’s chief of staff immediately before Gonzales testified in the Senate in January.

Paul K. Charlton of Phoenix and John McKay of Seattle said that Michael J. Elston called them on Jan. 17 and offered an implicit agreement of Gonzales’s silence in exchange for their continuing not to publicly discuss their removals. Gonzales testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee the next day and refused to provide details about the firings.

“My handwritten and dated notes of this call reflect that I believed Mr. Elston’s tone was sinister and that he was prepared to threaten me further if he concluded I did not intend to continue to remain silent about my dismissal,” McKay wrote in response to questions from the House Judiciary Committee.

(3) The Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenas Karl Rove’s emails.

Also yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena to Gonzales seeking all of Rove’s e-mails in Justice Department custody related to the firings. They include e-mails turned over to Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald as part of his investigation of the leak of CIA officer Valerie Plame’s identity. The subpoena is the second to be formally served on Gonzales in the probe of the prosecutor dismissals.

The subpoena to Gonzales from Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) demands copies of any e-mails sent by Rove — through either the White House or the Republican National Committee — related to the appointment, performance or replacement of U.S. attorneys and career or political personnel at Justice.

The fact that the emails were sent to the Justice Department makes it hard to assert an executive privilege claim.  Heh.

(4)  Paul Kiel writes about Carol Lam’s firing: “In her written answers to questions from Congress, Lam recounted a conversation with Justice Department official Michael Elston after she was fired in which Elston made it clear to her that she would be gone within ‘weeks’ regardless of the fate of certain cases, and that this order came ‘from the highest levels of the government.’”

"Highest levels of government"?  Doesn’t sound like an apt description of Sampson and Goodling, does it.


Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

Time Magazine has come out with its list of the Top 100 Most Inflluential People In The World.  This is broken down into several categories (Top Political Leaders, Top Entertainers, etc.).

And here’s the list of the "Most Influential Leaders and Revolutionaries":

• King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia
• Peter Akinola, archbishiop, Nigeria
• Mohamed Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, president, Sudan
• Osama bin Laden
• Michael Bloomberg, mayor, New York City
• Raul Castro, acting president, Cuba
• Hillary Clinton, U.S. senator from New York
• Queen Elizabeth II, United Kingdom
• Sonia Gandhi, chair, Indian National Congress Party
• Hu Jintao, president, China 
• Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader, Iran
• Liu Qi, chief, Beijing Olympic Committee         
• Tzipi Livni, foreign minister, Israel            
• Angela Merkel, chancellor, Germany
• Barack Obama, U.S. senator from Illinois
• Nancy Pelosi, speaker, U.S. House of Representatives
• David Petraeus, commanding general, U.S. Army
• Pope Benedict XVI
• Condoleezza Rice, U.S. secretary of state
• John Roberts, chief justice, U.S. Supreme Court
• Arnold Schwarzenegger, governor, California 

Notice anyone missing?


RELATED:  Bush has a new nickname for himself.  He’s no longer "The Decider".  Dawning a new mask and cape, Dubya has dubbed himself "The Commander Guy".

Sounds like a recurring SNL character.

Uh… Thanks?

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

NothingWhat gift do you give to the person who has everything?

Or even better . . . what gift do you give to the person who doesn’t deserve anything?

How about giving them . . . Nothing?

That’s right.  Some enterprising people have packaged, and are now selling, …nothing.  The cost is a little over $6.00 and you get a plastic round container "filled to the brim with nothing".  Available here.

Opening Night

Ken AshfordLocal Interest1 Comment

Lots of good theater this weekend in the Winston-Salem area.

This year marks the 50th year of the debut of West Side Story, and the North Carolina School of the Arts is mounting a huuuuge production of the classic, with a cast of over 100.  The musical  is being directed by the directorial assistant of the original Broadyway production, using the original Jerome Robbins choreography.  That production is getting national attention, as shown by its write-ups in Playbill and  Performances of West Side Story will be held May 3-6 and May 9-13. Call the N.C School of the Arts/Stevens Center box office: 336-721-1945

Another classic musical graces the stage of my "home" theatre, the Winston-Salem Theatre Alliance.  It’s the 1960’s tribal rock musical, Hair.  If you haven’t seen this show, you really ought to before you die (just so you can say you saw it).  Nobody under 18 is admitted which means, yes, as noted in the Winston-Salem Journal, there will be nudity.  The cast includes my buds Emily Mark, who recently wowed Little Theater audiences playing the lead role of Belle in Beauty and The Beast (she opted out of the nudity, she told me), and Andy Lopina as Claude.  Hair is being performed at SECCA, May 4-6 and 10-13.  All shows are at 8:00, except Sundays at 2:00 p.m.  For information and reservations, call 336-768-5655.

GfavoriteBut in my own self-interest, I would like to plug God’s Favorite, a comedy by Neil Simon which is a modern-day telling of the book of Job.  It is staged by the Clemmons Community Theatre in cooperation with New Hope Presbyterian Church, and runs at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 2570 Harper Road, Clemmons, NC.  Show dates are May 3-5, and May 10-12.  Call 336-280-0455 for info.  This is a wildly funny comedy, good for the entire family.  Of course, I’m biased, because I play the role of Sidney Lipton, the messenger from God, who informs the hapless Joe Benjamin that he is the subject of a bet between God and the Devil. For information call 336-280-0455.

Under the direction of local stage veteran Norm Birdsall, the cast has worked very hard.  Kudos goes to Kevin Wendleboe, who dived into the lead role of Joe Benjamin without having any prior acting experience.  An incredibly tough task — he is onstage throughout the whole show, but he’s got it down like a seasoned pro. 

Carole Olsen, a familiar face on the Triad stages, plays his wife — the very put-upon and materialistic Rose — reprising the role she played years earlier. 

Kenny Gaylord plays the eldest of Joe and Rose’s children — David — a ne’er-do-well heavy drinking "bum".  Kenny delivers his lines with just the right sarcasm called for.

The younger children — Ben and Sarah — are played by Leo Ramsey and Faith Jeffers, respectively.  Both of these young actors have excellent natural acting instincts, and it’s a delight to watch them.

The cast is rounded out by Joe and Rose’s servants — Mady and May.  May is played by Ellie Jordan with a wonderful air of gruffness.  She’s very good, and (I’ve come to discover) a very witty woman offstage as well.  The gorgeous Lee Ann Chrisco plays Mady, and has some of my favorite lines in the play.  She plays her part with an impeccable, uh, ethnic flair and sassiness, which belies the sweetness she possesses in real life.

It’s been, for me, a rather difficult process with this show, as work and personal matters have been taxing lately.  But I’ve found my involvement with God’s Favorite to be a bit of an oasis, and I come home pumped every evening.  I really think we have a pretty good show, now that it has been tightened up.  Also, as Sidney Lipton, I kind of get to cut loose a la Jim Carrey or Robin Williams (although, perhaps, I don’t go that overboard).  That feels good.  Of course, I’m going to look like a moron if I’m out there bouncing off the stage walls to a dead (or worse, non-existent) audience.  So please try and come.

Pictured above: Scene from the original Broadway production of God’ Favorite, with Charles Nelson Reilly as Sidney Lipton, and Vincent Gardenia as Joe Benjamin.

“The Seventh Sense” Gets Picked Up By The Mainstream Media

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

The Chicago Tribune quotes from my blog in its editorial pages this morning.  Read it here  (scroll down a bit — right above Arianna Huffington’s post) 

[Thanks to Mark S. for informing me….]

Really, people!  Such a fuss!  I bloviate this stuff aaaaall the time and nobody reads or listens to me.  Heck, I don’t listen to myself most of the time.  But Andrew Sullivan points his finger at me, and suddenly, I’m an actual pundit?

Wellllll, whatever.

Only a matter of time before I get the call to appear on Hardball with Chris Matthews….

P.S.  The emails I have received in response to the post have been 100% in agreement, including the emails I’ve received from one or two veterans of the Iraq/Afghanistan campaign.  Seems like the propagandistic use — and then misuse — of Pat Tillman isn’t going down too well with our men and women in combat either.

Now I’ve Done It….

Ken AshfordBlogging1 Comment

Sully’s link to my blog post — a post critical of the military’s handling of the Pat Tillman matter — has gotten me a lot of attention.  Over 8,000 hits in the past two days alone.

But now, I think I’m in some hot water over it.

Look who visited my blog a few minutes ago:

Domain Name (Unknown)
Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : District of Columbia
City : Washington
Lat/Long : 38.8933, -77.0146 (Map)
Language English (United States)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1)
Javascript version 1.3

Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits

Time of Visit May 2 2007 4:35:35 pm
Last Page View May 2 2007 4:35:35 pm
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL
Visit Entry Page /
Visit Exit Page /
Out Click
Time Zone UTC-8:00
Visitor’s Time May 2 2007 1:35:35 pm
Visit Number 3,098

Yikes.  I upset "the man".  And note — this wasn’t a link from Andrew Sullivan’s site.  Nor was it a link from some Google search.  They just came here without a referring link!

Pretty soon there will be black helicopters circling my house….


Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

The AP asked the presidential candidates what item each would "most like to have if he were stranded on a desert island."


  • Sen. Joe Biden: "Jill, my wife."
  • Sen. Hillary Clinton: "A good book."
  • Sen. Chris Dodd: "Coffee with cream and sugar."
  • John Edwards: "A book."
  • Rep. Dennis Kucinich: His wife, Elizabeth.
  • Sen. Barack Obama: "Other than my wife and my kids, an inanimate object I would have to have would probably be a good book."
  • Gov. Bill Richardson: "Blackberry and a Davidoff cigar."


  • Sen. Sam Brownback: "Tarp."
  • Rudy Giuliani: "Books and music."
  • Mike Huckabee: "Laptop with satellite reception."
  • Rep. Duncan Hunter: "Mrs. Hunter."
  • Sen. John McCain: "Books."
  • Mitt Romney: "My wife, Ann."
  • Rep. Tom Tancredo: "Boat."

Kevin Drum thinks that Tom Tancredo had the best answer.  I disagree.  The best answer came from the shrill hobbit-like Dennis Kucinich.  I mean, have you seen his wife?


UPDATE:  CNN tell us their favorite reality TV shows:

-Delaware Sen. Joe Biden: "Don’t have one."
-New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: "American Idol."
-Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd: "’American Idol,’ which I say often reminds me of running for president sometimes."
-Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards: College basketball.
-Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich: C-SPAN coverage of the U.S. House of Representatives. No time for other TV.
-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama: "Other than the U.S. Senate on C-SPAN? I don’t watch them too often."
-New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: "Fox News."

-Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback: "None this season; too busy. Last season it was ‘The Amazing Race."’
-Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: Baseball.
-Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: "Nashville Star," USA Network’s country music competition.
-California Rep. Duncan Hunter: Watches Versus, previously called the Outdoor Life Network.
-Arizona Sen. John McCain: Arizona Diamondbacks baseball.
-Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: "American Idol."
-Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo: "None."

Study: Bill O’Reilly Hurls An Insult Every Seven Seconds

Ken AshfordRight Wing and Inept MediaLeave a Comment

Not making this up:

003borA new study by Indiana University media researchers finds that Fox News host Bill O’Reilly calls “a person or a group a derogatory name once every 6.8 seconds, on average, or nearly nine times every minute during the editorials that open his program each night.”

The study documented six months worth, or 115 episodes, of O’Reilly’s “Talking Points Memo” editorials “using propaganda analysis techniques made popular after World War I.” Researchers found that O’Reilly “was prone to inject fear into his commentaries and quick to resort to name-calling. He also frequently assigned roles or attributes — such as ‘villians’ or downright ‘evil’ — to people and groups.

Some findings from the study:

Fear was used in more than half (52.4 percent) of the commentaries, and O’Reilly almost never offered a resolution to the threat. For example, in a commentary on “left-wing” media unfairly criticizing Attorney Gen. Alberto Gonzales for his role in the Abu Ghraib scandal, O’Reilly considered this an example of America “slowly losing freedom and core values,” and added, “So what can be done? Unfortunately, not much.”

– The researchers identified 22 groups of people that O’Reilly referenced in his commentaries, and while all 22 were described by O’Reilly as bad at some point, the people and groups most frequently labeled bad were the political left — Americans as a group and the media (except those media considered by O’Reilly to be on the right).

Left-leaning media (21.6 percent) made up the largest portion of bad people/groups, and media without a clear political leaning was the second largest (12.2 percent). When it came to evil people and groups, illegal aliens (26.8 percent) and terrorists (21.4 percent) were the largest groups.

Four Dead In Ohio

Ken AshfordHistoryLeave a Comment

Kent_state_guardsmenIt’s hard to believe — even now — that there was a time when this country was so divided that National Guardsmen actually opened fire on Americans.

But it happened at Kent State University, 27 years ago, on May 4, 1970.  A student protest of Vietnam — a common scene in those days — resulted in the deaths of four college students, wounding nine more, including some left permanently paralyzed.

Years later, a trial would absolve the National Guard crew and its commanders, who argued that there was no "order" to shoot the students.

I’ve read just about everything written about the incident, so this is news:

A man who was shot in the wrist when National Guard troops killed four Kent State University students during an anti-war demonstration says he has found an audiotape that reveals someone gave a command to fire.

Alan Canfora wants the government to reopen the 37-year-old case because he thinks it will give both the victims and shooters a chance to heal.

"We’re not seeking revenge; we’re not seeking punishment for the Guardsmen at this late date," Canfora said Monday.

"All we want is the truth because we seek healing at Kent State for the student victims, as well as the triggermen who were ordered to fire. And healing can only result from the truth, and that’s all we want."

0204kentCanfora planned to release CD copies of the recording Tuesday at a news conference at Kent State, about 30 miles southeast of Cleveland.

Canfora said he recently requested a copy of the nearly 30-minute tape from Yale University, where a government copy has been stored in an archive.

He said that just before the 13-second volley of gunfire, a voice on the tape is heard yelling, "Right here! Get Set! Point! Fire!"

Sometimes history is slow to get the truth out, but it eventually comes out.

This Is My 4,000th Post

Ken AshfordBlogging1 Comment

What?  No cake?

The blogswarm from yesterday seems to have abated somewhat.  All-in-all, about 6,000 visits to my site between 1:00 p.m. and the end of the day.  But traffic is still heavy so far today (including a visit from someone at the office of the Army Director of Information Management — hmmm……), due to Sully’s link to my post about Pat Tillman.

This is data as of 10:15 a.m. :


Sitemeter is telling me I’m still getting about 100 per hour at the moment.  But people are only staying an average of 50 seconds.  I toyed once with the idea of picking up some extra revenue from advertising — this tells me its still a waste of time.

UPDATE:  Looks like heavy traffic is slowing the site a bit.  Going to turn off the webcam for a while…..

Technorati/Alexa is telling me, based on the past two years data, that I have international appeal.  52.2% of my visitors are from the United States, 8.7% are from Iran, and 4.3% from the following countries: United Arab Emirites, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Hungary, Israel, India, Mexico, and New Zealand.  Not sure I trust those figures.

And I guess the Aussies hate me.

Of course, that’s data for the past couple of years.  Today (so far), my traffic seems to be from the US of A, as one would expect:


Hey!  Here’s a nice factoid — whereas I am now ranked #265,739 of all websites (not just blogs) for United States users, I am ranked #50,330 for users in Tunisia.  So welcome, Tunisians.  I love your republic, and enjoy knowing that your chief exports are olives, olive oil, grain, and almonds, as well as zinc and various petroleum products.  I hope you are enjoying your temparate climate in the north, with its mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers.

Okay.  Enough of this self-indugence.  On to post # 4001….. AND BEYOND!!!!!

I Oughta Be In Pictures

Ken AshfordLocal Interest1 Comment

LeatherheadsThey’re filming the George Clooney movie "Leatherheads" in front of my office building this morning.  This is pretty common for L.A. and New York, but it doesn’t happen very much in Winston-Salem.

Clooney wrote the movie — he’s also starring in it, and he’s directing it.  It’s a movie having to do with football in the 1920’s, and that’s about all I know.  Renee Zellweger, Jonathan Pryce, and Stephen Root are in it, too.

Lots of old-timey cars parked on the street, and there are about 10 people on the sidewalk below my window dressed in 1920’s winter outfits.  Then, of course, there’s the crew, lights, reflectors, etc.

The company sent out an announcement telling us to come in and out of a different entrance at certain times today.  And the announcement ended with this:

"And . . . no, ladies . . . sadly, George WILL NOT be here for the shoot . . . so no need to to try for a sneak peek!

This last sentence apparently did not "take" with many of my fellow female (and gay) employees, and since I have one of the two offices that look right down over the film shoot, I don’t expect to get much work done this morning.

Had a chance to audition for this movie, thanks to the heads-up from Rebecca.  Now I’m wondering why I didn’t.  Oh, yeah,  It’s extra work.  Hurry up and wait.  Yawn.

Anyway, for local readers, here’s their rest of their intended film schedule:

  • April 25 – 27 2007 : Filming in and around Winston-Salem. Expected at Millennium Center on April 27. 
  • April 30 – May 2 2007 : Filming expected to resume in Winston-Salem.
  • w/c May 7 2007 : Filming to begin in Statesville, NC. Locations include City Hall and the Historic Vance Hotel. 
  • Late May 2007 : Filming expected to finish
  • Yikes! It’s A Blogswarm, Dorothy!

    Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

    2,500 3,300 Over 4,000 visits to my blog since 1:30 p.m. today?!?!?!?  Whaddup?

    Folks, I swear — there’s no porn here.  I mean it was just a simple post about Alyssa Milano.  Really.

    Ah, it’s Andrew Sullivan (from The Atlantic Online) linking to me and my not well-composed "thoughts" about Pat Tillman.

    Jeez, if I knew y’all were coming over, I would have straightened up a little bit.  Oh well, I got nothing to plug, but feel free to poke around, new visitors.  Sorry about the typos, but — well, read the banner.