Secret Order To Politicize DOJ Uncovered

Ken AshfordAttorney FiringsLeave a Comment

Murray Waas has a fascinating article in the National Review describing a secret order by Alberto Gonzales that delegated unprecedented control over the hiring and firing of senior Justice Department officials–including those who oversee the DOJ criminal division–to Kyle Sampson and Monica Goodling.

This order bypassed the traditional authority given to the deputy attorney general, the associate attorney general, and other senior Justice Department officials to control their own staffs and placed this important authority in the hands of two inexperienced and highly partisan individuals who, by all accounts, worked very closely with the White House.

In other words, Gonzales took himself out of the loop intentionally, allowing the White House’s political office and some DoJ hacks to call the shots.  This puts Gonzales in an awfully awkward position. All that forgetfulness, all the claims that he was only marginally informed make sense, now. But they make sense for the very good reason that Gonzales was marginally informed only after being very well informed that he was about to become very marginally informed. His lack of recall looks all the more pathetic the more deliberate it appears.

And consider this — Sampson graduated from law school in 1996, and has tried only one criminal case.  Goodling graduate from Pat Robertson’s Law School in 1999, after which she became a low-level analyst for the Republican National Committee.  Later she spent three years at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Virginia.  And those two — Sampson and Goodling — were handed the keys to the entire justice department of the United States, deciding who would and would not become U.S. attorneys throughout the entire country.

Senator Leahy is not amused.

Comment of Senator Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.,
Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
On Reports of Confidential Memo Granting Sweeping Hiring/Firing Authority To DOJ Political Officials
April 30, 2007

"It is disturbing to learn that the Attorney General was granting extraordinary and sweeping authority to the same political operatives who were plotting with the White House to dilute our system of checks and balances in the confirmation of U.S. Attorneys.

"This development is highly troubling in what it seems to reveal about White House politicization of key appointees in the Department of Justice. The mass firing of U.S. attorneys appeared to be part of a systematic scheme to inject political influence into the hiring and firing decisions of key justice employees. This secret order would seem to be evidence of an effort to hardwire control over law enforcement by White House political operatives.

"This memorandum should have been turned over to Senate and House committees as part of requests made in ongoing investigations. I expect the Department of Justice to immediately provide Congress with full information about this troubling decision as well as any other related documents they have failed to turn over to date."

It is truly alarming the lengths to which this White House has gone to politicize our criminal justice system. They apparently have been successful — the NYT chronicles the partisan pattern of criminal prosecutions.  I wonder how long it will take to undo the institutional damage wrought by this administration.

Four Years Later

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Bush, standing on the platform of an aircraft carrier, May 1, 2003.  "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended"


From Think Progress, a by-the-numbers look at the situation then, compared to the situation now:

Evangelist And His Bad Actor Sidekick To Prove Existance Of God — WITHOUT The Bible

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

KirkSign me up:

A prominent Christian best-selling author is asserting that he can prove the existence of God without using the Bible, and has challenged two atheists to a debate.

Ray Comfort, author of God Doesn’t Believe in Atheists, alongside fellow Christian and actor Kirk Cameron (Growing Pains) will butt heads with two ardent nonbelievers using only scientific fact in a debate sponsored by ABC. Comfort says that the evidence will “absolutely” confirm that there is a God, and he will not speak about his faith.

"Most people equate atheism with intellectualism," explained Comfort in a statement, "but it’s actually an intellectual embarrassment. I am amazed at how many people think that God’s existence is a matter of faith. It’s not, and I will prove it at the debate – once and for all. This is not a joke. I will present undeniable scientific proof that God exists.”

Iraq Reconstruction: What Your Tax Dollars Bought

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

• Shoddy work found at seven of eight Iraq reconstruction projects, report says
• Maintenance lags after projects are turned over to Iraqi control
• Only 10 of 17 generators installed at airport remain operational (some are "missing")
• Modular buildings built for $1.8 million were removed with no reason cited

and, oh yeah —

• 224 U.S. citizen deaths

Full story.

At Last …A Sex Scandal

Ken AshfordSex ScandalsLeave a Comment

Brian Ross of ABC News:

There are several thousands names, tens of thousands of phone numbers and they range from administration officials to lobbyists to advisers who are well known, people who appear on television, lawyers, and then just a lot of sort of ordinary businessmen and CEOs.

He’s talking about the names in the phone records of the "DC Madam", an escort service.  Apparently, the names include White House and Pentagon officials.

There is no reason to believe that the names won’t ensnare members of both parties, but since Republicans have controlled Washington for the time periods involved — well, it doesn’t look too good for them.

One day after Ross’s report, Bush’s Deputy Secretary of State Randall L. Tobias submitted his resignation, citing the DC Madam issue as his reason.  He claims he used the escort service, but "no sex was involved".

Heh.  Riiiiiight.

UPDATE:  ABC reports that "also on Palfrey’s list of customers who could be potential witnesses are a Bush administration economist, the head of a conservative think tank, a prominent CEO, several lobbyists and a handful of military officials."

The Great American Trailer Park Musical

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

Trailerpark1smNothing heals like laughter.  Man, that’s so true, and I found that out Saturday evening, when I had the pleasure of seeing The Great American Trailer Park Musical performed by The Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte.  It’s a sold-out run, and it’s easy to see why.

I knew little about the show, but from the title, I expected it to be a one-joke show, full of cliches about rednecks and white trash living in a trailer park.  Cheap shots at a rather easy target — that’s what I thought I was going to see.

And in a nutshell, that’s what it was.  But funny?  Hell, YES!!!!  I think it’s one of the funniest musical comedies I’ve ever seen.  There was not a dry eye in the house — the laughs just kept coming.  If it wasn’t the dialogue, it was the plot, or the lyrics, or the characters, or even the choreography.  I don’t think more than ten seconds passed without a wild roar from the audience.  And I can’t think of the last time I’ve seen a show, including those on Broadway, where — if I had the opportunity to see again the very next night I would have in a heartbeat.

The plot centers around Jeannie, who’s developed a severe case of agoraphobia and finds comfort spending her days lounging on the couch watching the guests on Oprah, Rickie and Montel prove that there are worse lives than hers. Her husband Norbert, a toll collector, is frustrated with having a wife who won’t go further outside than as far as she can while keeping one hand on the door knob, has taken to spending his nights at the local strip club.  Norbert becomes smitten with exotic dancer Pippi, who, rather conveniently, has just moved into the trailer across the yard.  Add to that Duke, Pippi’s jealous ex-boyfriend who sniffs magic markers to get high, and you’ve got one nutty show.

The glue that holds it together are three women who tell the story to the audience — the "Greek chorus" if you will — all trailer park residents themselves.  Each has their own story — one actually owns the trailer park, one has a husband on death row that she’s trying to keep alive by making sure that the trailer park uses as much juice as possible, and one is prone to hysterical preganancies.  These three carry much of the singing burden in the show, and also play the roles of minor characters throughout the play.

Altogether, every cast member has a chance to shine, and shine they all did.  This is not an ensemble piece — this is a musical where every single character and performer is a ten-ton dynamo.

In this particular production, everyone was dead on.  Everyone.  Direction was flawless.  Band was hot.  Choreography was hysterical.  Great voices.  Great comedy bits.  A fun set.  Great white-trash costumes.

My primary purpose for going, other than to see this show I had heard so much about, was to see the soon-to-be wed, not-at-all-like-the-parts-she-plays Heather Hamby, who portrayed the stripper Pippi.  Yes, she was scantily clad at moments, gyrated, and so on — that was nothing new for me, having seen (or been in) several of her shows (Okay — she kept her top on when she was in Madame Butterfly, but….).  What was really great was to see her play a hard woman, rather than a dumb blonde bimbo.  I had forgotten how low of an alto she is, and it was great to hear her belt, and walk the stage with confidence.  Great comic timing, too, as usual.

I could tell, however, that deep down, Heather was disappointed with the actor playing her "leading man", the middle-aged frumpy Norbert.  He was good, but I could tell that Heather secretly wished that I was playing Norbert, as I would have been perfect for the part (and I would have!).  But, like the trooper that she is, she made the best of it, even though it was clear that she longed to be shaking her tits in my face, just like old times.  In fact, that was the only disappointing part of the show for me as an audience member — that I wasn’t a part of it.  Sorry, Heather.  Sorry I let you down like that, but I’m glad it didn’t affect your performance.  You were phenomenal.

The Great American Trailer Park Musical runs through Sunday, May 6, but like I said, the run (including the added Sunday show) are now all sold out.  Still, you should check out the website anyway, and if you happen to see any of those performers in another production, you should check them out.

Psycho Ex-Girlfriends

Ken AshfordWomen's Issues2 Comments

(1) This makes me laugh.

(2)  Real phone messages from a psycho ex-girlfriend.  Not funny at all.  Very difficult to know what the "right thing to do" is. 

Love how every message starts "Oh, and by the way…."

(3) The Psycho Ex-Girlfriend Test

1. Do you cringe when you hear about your ex-boyfriend and his new love interest?
It depends on whether or not I have my own love interest
No, I wish the best for him and his new girlfriend
I have a voo doo doll of her in my room
A little bit.. I miss him sometimes..
2. Have you ever spied on your ex-boyfriend?
Uh, duh I stake out his apartment on Friday nights.
No, I am not a pyscho ass bitch
No, but I’ve thought about it
Yes, but only to vandalize his home with my girlfriends..
3. Do you think you could ever be friends with your ex-boyfriends new girlfriend?
Sure, I mean we both have similar taste in men.. Why not?
Maybe, if she made an effort
Only to get closer to HIMMMMM
No way! She’s the reason we broke up! Damn Hoe!
4. Your at local house party, and in walks your EX with his new girlfriend. What do you do?!
Run to the nearest exit, you don’t want him to see you in this!?
Wave and Scream his name across the house!! You guys have a lot to catch up on!
Inconspicuously trip his girlfriend when they’re walking past you
Ignore them.. they suck anyways
5. Do you STILL have memories of your exboyfriend? (cards, teddybears, photos, locks of hair, blood samples, t-shirts and/or recorded voicemails/ online convos?) – DON’T LIE NOW!!
Yes, I look at them all the time – ahhh there’s still a chance for us, I think..
Yea, but nothing too serious: a t-shirt and a card – no big deal.
Nah, I threw them all out.. Who needs bad memories?
6. Have you ever been tempted to hack into your ex-boyfriends email account / voicemail?
YES! I remember all his passwords, and I’m guilty of listening/ reading his messages. Anything to be close to him!!
Tempted : Yes. Followed Through : Nope. Don’t have the balls.
Uh no only pyscho stalkers do that..
7. Ok, somehow you’ve gotten a hold of your ex-boyfriend’s online Screen name account – and you see his girlfriend sign online – Do you mess with her?
Well – no harm in a little FUN!!!!
YESSSSSSSSS – it’s time to dish all the ex-boyfriends, DEEPEST DARKEST SECRETS BUAHAHAHAHAHA
No way… I’d sign off right away
I already told you that’s for pyscho stalkers!!
8. Do you constantly check your ex-boyfriends’ blogs, webpages, picture pages, livejournal, and / or myspace?
Guilty as charged.  Hell, that’s the only reason I came to discover this test in the first place!
Yes, for some reason I STILL need to know what’s going on with him
Nah, i’m over that asshole.
Only when that wave of nostalgia creeps up on me… I remember the good times.
9. Have you ever tried to break up your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend??
Of course not.. That’s wrong, un-ethical, and bitchy.
Yes, but I gave up after I realized they were good for each other
No, but I’ve thought about it..
10. Does the fact that your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend have both blocked your screen name due to constant annoying IMS and emails phase you at all?
Of course not, I just make a fake name on AIM and continue to mess with them
Yes, I learned my lesson. I’m done playing games
I would never be so annoying that someone would block me..
They blocked me? I fucking knew it…
11. Have you ever lied to your ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend to make her think less of him?
Yes and the stupid bitch believed me too!! HAHA!!
All’s fair in love and war…
Yeah, but she knew I was lying.. I don’t know why she wouldn’t believe I’m raising his three year old son..
No way. I’m too mature for that.
12. Have you ever put the moves on your ex-boyfriend only to be humiliated and rejected??
Yes but I know he’ll give in eventually… He’s only playing hard to get
Why doesn’t he love me anymore?!!!!!!!
No way.. He’s no good for me..
Yes, but he let me down gently.. I seriously thought there was a chance he was still interested..
13. Have you ever gotten in an all out fight with your ex’s new girlfriend, where you called her a bitch/hoe/slut/tramp/hussy/cheap whore/homewrecker/cunt/jewish barbie that sucks dick all day long..etc??
uh no.. I’m seriously not insane
That fucking Jewish whore…
Not only have I called her all those things.. I emailed my ex all the convos. He needs to know the truth about that cheap hussy..
She’s a bitch, But I wouldn’t tell it to her face..
14. Have you ever slashed your ex’s tires, egged his house, spread massive rumors about his tiny dick, pretended to be pregnant with his child, arranged lunch dates with his mom, dated his friends, or attempted other desperate means to engage his attention? (Use your imagination)
Yes, but I really am hiding his three year old child at my house.. He needs to come visit his son.. er… Charlie
Yes, but his dick really is small.. and you’d have lunch with his mom too, if you met her..
A few eggs never hurt anybody
No I’ve moved on with my life
15. Have you ever written letters to your ex’s new girlfriend, pretending to be your ex breaking up with her?
Anything to split them up. That bitch has got him blinded..
Yeah, but she didn’t fall for it.
There is no way I’d do something that low
Why the hell am I still taking this damn test
16. Do you work at Uno’s Bar and Grill?
Yes, who’s asking?
No way that place sucks
I hear they have good pasta,,
That fucking Jewish barbie.. wait till I get my hands on her..
17. Have you ever tried to beat that cheap whore (his new girlfriend) up??
I cannot speak to you without my lawyer present
My court date is next week… That bitch started it
No way, she’d kick my ass. Have you seen that sasquatch??
I’m too Cllllasssyyy for that
18. Did you make up a fake boyfriend/husband named Juancho to get your ex jealous?
Maybe. Are you from immigration?
Hey Juancho’s real!!!
I invited him to my fake wedding.. the bastard never RSVPed.. He was probably with HER.
What the hell is going on? Who the fuck is Juancho?
19. It’s official. That hussy has tricked him into marrying her. What do you do?!
I send them a gift.. I hope they are happy and have lots of babies
I send HER a gift.. In an unmarked container.. It’s ticking.. Run bitch..
I kidnap her, throw her in the trunk of my car, and show up at the altar on their wedding day…
Seriously, I’m scared.. Help me get out of this test..
20. Your ex and his new wife have filed a restraining order against you.. How do you handle this shocking news?
Leave them alone.. If the bomb didn’t scare her away, maybe they are meant to be..
Restraining order, my ASS.. I get so much plastic surgery done that they’d never recognize me! Then I move in next door.
HELP! The Psycho ex girlfriends are coming to GET ME!!!
I like squirrels
21. Last question.. After taking this test.. Do you think you are a psycho ex girlfriend???
And proud of it…
Absolutely not.

On The Radio

Ken AshfordPersonal1 Comment

I will be appearing on the radio, WBFJ (89.3 FM), tomorrow morning sometime between 8:00 and 8:30, plugging my show, God’s Favorite at the Clemmons Community Players.

Listen live here.

Followup On The “Christian” Protest At A Theater

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

0411_mike_03_thA few days ago, I wrote about (and posted the video) of an event that happened — live — during a performance of the play/monologue "Invincible Summer" — where 80+ people walked out mid-performance, and where one member of the audience went to the performer, Mike Diasey, and poured water on his notes, all because he used the word "fuck" a few times.

Daisey tracked down the group (it’s unclear if they were a "Christian" group or a public high school, or maybe a Christian group from a public high school) and talked to the school administrator, who said that Daisey’s use of the word "fuck" created — I’m not making this up — a "security issue".  (NOTE: As Daisey explains, the groups was told when they bought tickets that the show had strong language and adult themes).

He also tracked down the actual guy who destroyed the show’s outline.

Guess what?  The guy is a Christian who has anger management issues:

He has three kids–one is 21, and two are 17–and he’s terrified of the world. Terrified by violence, and sex, and he sees it all linked together–a horrifying world filled with darkness, pornography and filth that threatens his children, has threatened them all his life. They’re older now, but he says he still sees things the same way–and that the only way to protect his children and himself is to lock it all out of his life.

He also said he’s had anger-control issues for years, and sometimes acts of rage come over him–he explodes, and then has to apologize, and doesn’t know why it happens. He tries to lock it down, but it happens, and he’s ashamed of it. I told him that regardless of where we both stand, I felt very strongly that the repression of walling off everything in the world and viewing it all as filth is connecting with these outbursts, and that it isn’t going to work–until you deal with the root causes, and deal with the world, his anger and rage would keep using him.

He agreed with this.

It wasn’t all agreement–he reiterated the administrator’s line that it had been a "security issue" (his words) and that "we had to get our kids out of there". He said at one point, "You’re probably more *liberal* than I am" and the word *liberal* had this hook on the end of it, one that he probably didn’t even intend, but it was unavoidable for him–it sounded edged, like a slur.

He also casually used a coarse racial epithet to refer to black people in a very loose, unnecessary analogy, which was remarkable to me–in a situation where violence resulted from offense at language, our worlds are so far apart that he didn’t think for a moment about throwing out this word. I believe strongly that everyone is free to speak, but we are also accountable for our speech–the casual indifference of it shocked me under the circumstances of our conversation.

Read the whole thing.

True News or Onion Parody?

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/Torture1 Comment

You decide:

Extended overseas deployments affecting soldiers serving in Afghanistan and other locales overseen by U.S. Central Command should help to alleviate the stress on the Army, a senior U.S. officer in Afghanistan told Pentagon reporters today.


The tour extensions will provide more predictability and stability for soldiers and their families, [Army Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno] said…..

Answer below the fold….

Read More

Goodling’s Got Immunity

Ken AshfordAttorney FiringsLeave a Comment

Now that she won’t go to jail, will the graduate of Pat Robertson’s Regent University come to Jesus and, you know, tell the truth?

By 21-10, the House oversight committee voted to issue a subpoena to Rice to compel her story on the Bush administration’s claim, now discredited, that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa.

Moments earlier in the committee chamber next door, the House Judiciary Committee voted 32-6 to grant immunity to Monica Goodling, Gonzales’ White House liaison, for her testimony on why the administration fired eight federal prosecutors. The panel also unanimously approved — but did not issue — a subpoena to compel her to appear.

Fired prosecutor David Iglesius believes that Goodling holds "the keys to the kingdom" — i.e., she knows the behind-the-scenes political machinations that led to the politically motivated firing of the U.S. attorneys, as well as the development of the cover story to hide the truth.  Let’s hope this fine Christian woman puts her hand on the Bible ans swears to tell the truth.

My Bad

Ken AshfordCrime, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy2 Comments

That terrible tragedy at Virginia Tech?  My fault, it turns out.  So says noted "actor" Chuck Norris:

Though one can point to Cho’s own psychotic behavior and our graphic slasher media as potential contributors to his deplorable murder spree, we must also hesitate to consider how we as a society are possibly contributing to the growth of these academic killing fields. I believe those who wield the baton of the secular progressive agenda bear significant responsibility for the escalation of school shootings. Even conservatives who refuse to speak when evil flourishes must acknowledge some culpability.

Sorry about that.  Can y’all forgive me?

The Tillman Turnabout

Ken AshfordIraq, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy4 Comments

It’s sad and pathetic.

When pro-football player Pat Tillman left a lucrative sports career to serve his country fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, he was a darling of the right wing.  When he lost his life, he was praised and lauded by the right as a hero, giving his life to protect our freedoms blah blah blah

But when the word slowly leaked out that Tillman was killed by friendly fire, the rightwing pundits fell silent.  When it was revealed that the Army tried to cover up the circumstances of Tillman’s death, and that the family was being misled by our government, they fell more silent.

Now that the Tillmans are testifying before Congress, and that it has been revealed that Tillman was — oh my god — an atheist, the war supporters are being just plain ugly.  One general, we now learn, has described Tillman as "worm dirt":

In a transcript of his interview with Brig. Gen. Gary Jones during a November 2004 investigation, Kauzlarich said he’d learned Kevin Tillman, Pat’s brother and fellow Army Ranger who was a part of the battle the night Pat Tillman died, objected to the presence of a chaplain and the saying of prayers during a repatriation ceremony in Germany before his brother’s body was returned to the United States.

Kauzlarich, now a battalion commanding officer at Fort Riley in Kansas, further suggested the Tillman family’s unhappiness with the findings of past investigations might be because of the absence of a Christian faith in their lives.

In an interview with, Kauzlarich said: "When you die, I mean, there is supposedly a better life, right? Well, if you are an atheist and you don’t believe in anything, if you die, what is there to go to? Nothing. You are worm dirt. So for their son to die for nothing, and now he is no more — that is pretty hard to get your head around that. So I don’t know how an atheist thinks. I can only imagine that that would be pretty tough."

Asked by whether the Tillmans’ religious beliefs are a factor in the ongoing investigation, Kauzlarich said, "I think so. There is not a whole lot of trust in the system or faith in the system [by the Tillmans]. So that is my personal opinion, knowing what I know."


Greenwald chronicales the vile turn-around on Tillman from the right:

And finally, we have the hordes of cowardly warmongers — beginning with the President and Vice President — who constantly hide behind the troops and crassly exploit them as props in service of their political agenda, even though their "concern" for the troops could not be any more exploitative and insincere.

Just look at this repulsive post by Powerline’s John Hinderaker yesterday as he tries (needless to say) to defend the Government’s conduct in the Tillman case by telling his readers they need not listen to Kevin Tillman’s accusations because he is "an antiwar activist who has posted on far-left web sites."

What does Hinderaker omit from that description? That Kevin Tillman was in Afghanistan along with his brother, having volunteered to risk his life to fight for the U.S. Army in the wake of 9/11. But because he came to conclude that the invasion of Iraq was wrong — and because he has persistently demanded that the truth about the Bush administration’s conduct in his brother’s case be exposed — he is subjected to discrediting smears from smarmy little chest-beating play-acting warriors like John Hinderaker.

The "troops" are nothing but cheap and empty props to them. Before it was revealed that Pat Tillman was both an atheist and against the war in Iraq, he was paraded around after his death as though he, standing alone, was the Symbol and Justification for the warmongering Bush movement. Ann Coulter said that "Tillman was an American original: virtuous, pure and masculine like only an American male can be." Sean Hannity constantly invoked his name with antiwar guests.

Yet once it was revealed what Tillman’s actual political views were, they both simply declared that they "do not believe" it. What mattered to them was not who he really was — they could not care less about that — but his use to them in service of their twisted political propaganda.

Vile.  Ugly.