More Brownies, Anyone?

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

It’s really amazing who the Bush people got to fill government positions.  Horse show judges as head of FEMA?  That was just the tip of the iceburg:

The Washington Post reports today on another loyal Bushie: Julie MacDonald, deputy assistant secretary for fish and wildlife and parks. The Interior Department’s inspector general has been looking into her actions for a few months and issued his report yesterday:

The IG noted that MacDonald "admitted that her degree is in civil engineering and that she has no formal educational background in natural sciences" but repeatedly instructed Fish and Wildlife scientists to change their recommendations on identifying "critical habitats," despite her lack of expertise.

At one point, according to Fish and Wildlife Service Director H. Dale Hall, MacDonald tangled with field personnel over designating habitat for the endangered Southwestern willow flycatcher, a bird whose range is from Arizona to New Mexico and Southern California. When scientists wrote that the bird had a "nesting range" of 2.1 miles, MacDonald told field personnel to change the number to 1.8 miles. Hall, a wildlife biologist who told the IG he had had a "running battle" with MacDonald, said she did not want the range to extend to California because her husband had a family ranch there.

Thanks For Nothing, TJ Maxx

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

It’s hard to sort the techno-economic gobbledygook, but the bottom line is this: If you used your credit card at TJ Maxx or Marshall’s, changes are pretty good that hackers have your credit/debit card number:

At least 45.7 million credit and debit card numbers were stolen by hackers who accessed the computer systems at the TJX Cos. [parent company of TJ Maxx and Marshalls] at its headquarters in Framingham and in the United Kingdom over a period of several years, making it the biggest breach of personal data ever reported, according to security specialists.

While details are still sketchy, TJX said unauthorized software placed on its computer systems stole at least 100 files containing data on millions of accounts from systems that process and store transaction information in Framingham and Watford, United Kingdom. Moreover, TJX believes the hackers last year had the capability to steal payment card data from its Framingham system as transactions were being approved. Even the files TJX tried to protect through encryption may have been compromised because the company believes the hackers had access to the decryption tool.

"It’s the biggest card heist ever," said Avivah Litan of technology consulting firm Gartner Inc. " It’s done considerable damage."


TJX believes its systems were first accessed in July 2005 and on subsequent dates in 2005 and from mid-May 2006 to mid-January 2007. No customer data was stolen after Dec. 18, 2006.


Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

Yesterday was Movie-A-Minute; today is Book-A-Minute.  Some examples:


Ebenezer Scrooge

Bah, humbug. You’ll work thirty-eight hours on Christmas Day, keep the heat at five degrees, and like it.

Ghost of Jacob Marley

Ebenezer Scrooge, three ghosts of Christmas will come and tell you you’re mean.

Three Ghosts of Christmas

You’re mean.

Ebenezer Scrooge

At last, I have seen the light. Let’s dance in the streets. Have some money.




Spit. Hiss.


Shut your mouth before I hit you.


I can be civilized now that a man has bossed me around. I love you madly, Petruchio.



(Charlie gets a TON of Willy Wonka chocolate bars.)


Hooray. I’m an instant winner.

Willy Wonka

Hi kids. Four of you will undergo severe physiological distress that in the real world would get me sued, and one will be picked to be the Special One.

(Charlie gets picked.)




Alas. Something is wrong.

Encyclopedia Brown

Never fear. I will solve the mystery by employing my repertoire of obscure facts as a thinly disguised device for teaching kids educational information.

(He does.)


Sampson Is Screwing Gonzales

Ken AshfordAttorney Firings1 Comment

I can’t watch it live (here’s a nice rundown from US News), but the updates I get are pretty cool:

11:37 Update: Schumer’s up now for questioning. He wants to know about Gonzales’ statements about the process.

Sampson says that there were repeated discussions about the firings, starting in January 2005 through the firings. "I spoke with him every day," Sampson said.

Asked about the November 27 meeting about the firings, Sampson said that Gonzales was present and that he did speak, but that "I don’t remember the meeting clearly."

Now we’re on to Gonzales’ statement that Sampson did not share information about the firing process with senior DoJ officials who subsequently testified to Congress. " I was very open and collaborative in the process," Sampson said. When asked specifically whether Sampson had shared information with the two DoJ officials who testified falsely to Congress about the process, Will Moschella and Paul McNulty, Sampson said that he had.

Schumer: "So the Attorney General’s statement is false. How can it not be?" It sounds like that Sampson was about to repeat his line that it was something that wasn’t deemed important (the White House involvement in the firing plan), but Schumer cuts him off.

11:44 Update: Schumer’s on to the next inaccurate statement, by DoJ spokesperson Tasia Scolinos on March 24 that the AG "did not participate" in the process to select the U.S. attorneyys to be fired. Sampson admits that wasn’t an accurate statement.

From E&P:

Specter asked about Attorney General Gonzales’ "candor" in saying earlier this month that he was not a part of any discussions on the firings. He asked about the November 27, 2006 meeting "where there were discussions" and Gonzales allegedly attended. Was Gonzales’ statement about taking part in no discussions accurate?

"I don’t think it’s accurate," Sampson said. "He recently clarified it. But he was present at the November 27 meeting."

"So he was involved in discussions in contrast to his statement" this month? Specter asked.

"Yes." Sampson replied.

Sen. Charles Schumer then asked about Gonzales also claiming that he saw no documents on this matter.

Sampson replied: "I don’t think it’s entirely accurate."

Schumer: "There was repeated discussions??

Sampson: "Yes…at least five."

Schumer then asked if Gonzales was truthful in saying Sampson’s information on the firings was not shared within the depaartment.

Sampson: "I shared information with whoever asked."

Schumer: "So the Attorney General’s statement is false?"

Sampson: "I don’t think it is accurate."



Google Maps Tells Me To Jump In The Ocean

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

So, check it out. I asked directions from Google Maps — how to get from Winston-Salem, NC to London, England.

I’m told to drive up the East Coast and take the Mass Turnpike into Boston.  Then:

23.  Take exit 24 A-B-C on the left toward I-93 N/Concord NH/S Station/I-93 S/Quuncy [0.4 mi]

24.  Merge onto Atlantic Ave. [0.8 mi]

25.  Turn right at Central St [0.1 mi]

26.  Turn right at Long Wharf [0.1 mi]

27.  Swim across the Atlantic Ocean [3,462 mi]

Yup.  Apparently Google thinks I’m going to swim it!

And not only are they having me swim the Atlantic, but do they plop me off on the western side of England, which is closer to the US?  Hell, no.  They’re making swim to north of France (Amiens, I believe), adding a couple hundred more miles to my tired arms.  From there, I ttake the Chunnel.

It’s even funnier when you look at the map.

P.S.:  And apparently, Google Maps thinks I can swim across the ocean in 29 days.

My Sweet Lord

Ken AshfordGodstuff11 Comments

Actually, it makes more sense than chocolate easter bunnies:

Man cannot live on bread alone, but if he were to consume Cosimo Cavallaro’s newest creation he could live off of Jesus — for approximately eight months. An oddball artist known for his "eclectic" forms of expression, Cavallaro’s latest contribution to culture is a six-foot tall, anatomically-correct milk-chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ. His confectionary Christ is made with more than 200 pounds of chocolate, containing approximately 480,000 calories.



Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Selections from the Movie-A-Minute website:


Haley Joel Osment

I see dead people.

Bruce Willis

Try talking to them.

Haley Joel Osment

It worked.



Sessue Hayakawa

Build a bridge.

Alec Guinness

Only if you ask nicely.

(Alec Guinness helps the BRITISH by building a BRIDGE for the JAPANESE.)

Alec Guinness

What have I done?

(Everything blows UP, and everyone DIES.)

James Donald

Madness madness madness.

(War is bad.)



Leonardo DiCaprio

Your social class is stuffy. Let’s dance with the ship’s rats and have fun.

Kate Winslet

You have captured my heart. Let’s run around the ship and giggle.

(The ship SINKS.)

Leonardo DiCaprio

Never let go.

Kate Winslet

I promise. (lets go)




He’s guilty.

Henry Fonda

Wait, let’s discuss this.


Thank you, Henry Fonda, for teaching us the value of rational thought.


Not Buying It

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

It’s a great story….

Debbieandtoby[Debbie Parkhurst, 45] said she was home alone with the dogs Friday afternoon when she decided to snack on an apple. Suddenly, she said, a chunk of the fruit became wedged in her windpipe. "It was lodged pretty tight because I couldn’t breathe," she said. "I tried to do the thing where you lean over a chair and give yourself the Heimlich, but it didn’t work."

Parkhurst said she then began beating her chest, an action that might have attracted [2-year-old golden retriever] Toby’s attention. "The next thing I know, Toby’s up on his hind feet and he’s got his front paws on my shoulders," she recalled. "He pushed me to the ground, and once I was on my back, he began jumping up and down on my chest."

Toby’s jumping apparently managed to dislodge the apple from Parkhurst’s windpipe.

…"I, literally, have pawprint-shaped bruises on my chest," Parkhurst said. "I’m still a little hoarse, but otherwise, I’m OK. … I know it sounds a little weird, but I think he had a sense of what was happening. Of all the dogs in the world, I never would have expected this goofy one here to know the Heimlich."

…but I don’t buy it.

Does anyone really believe that a dog would "jump up and down" on its owner with such force that it could dislodge an apple?

Now I am fortunate to be daddy to two rather smart dogs.  But if I collapsed to the ground with an apple stuck in my throat, Bo (the big one) would lick my face, and Arrow (the little one) would fall to the ground beside me, belly-up, in a respectful homage to his (gasping, choking, soon-to-be-ex) owner.

There’s something about this story which just doesn’t ring true.  And of course, all we have is the woman’s word that this happened (Toby, her dog, is not corroborating the story). 

I suspect that what happened was — she was asked by friends, husband, kids or co-workers how she got paw prints on her neck.  Rather than give the real answer, which is far more embarrassing, she concocted a story about her dog performing the Heimlich.

And now she’s stuck with it.

Cna Yuo Raed Tihs?

Ken AshfordRandom Musings1 Comment

Max saepk, you lositn:

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

Malkin’s Manifesto

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/Idiocy1 Comment

Iphobe_2So wingnut Michell Malkin has written a "mini-Turner Diaries of batshit post-9/11 anti-Muslim paranoia", which she calls a "John Doe Manifesto".  Big on bravada and even bigger on prejudice, it is a how-to guide to justify every bigot’s anti-Muslim fear.

Let’s break it down, shall we?

Dear Muslim Terrorist Plotter/Planner/Funder/Enabler/Apologist,

Oh, why so formal, Michelle?

You do not know me. But I am on the lookout for you. You are my enemy. And I am yours.

Cue soundtrack from "Lord Of The Rings".  Or maybe the Darth Vader theme.

I am John Doe.

I am John Galt.  Nice to meet you.

I am traveling on your plane. I am riding on your train. I am at your bus stop. I am on your street. I am in your subway car. I am on your lift.

What are you?  Following people?  Or are you just omnipresent?  You know, like God?

I am your neighbor. I am your customer. I am your classmate. I am your boss.

You can tell the Michelle wants to write "I am your worst nightmare", but it’s probably too cliched, even for her.

I am John Doe.

I am Spartacus.  Nice to meet you.

I will never forget the example of the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 who refused to sit back on 9/11 and let themselves be murdered in the name of Islam without a fight.

"I will never use contractions either.  All the bad asses in the movies and on TV don’t use contractions."

I will never forget the passengers and crew members who tackled al Qaeda shoe-bomber Richard Reid on American Airlines Flight 63 before he had a chance to blow up the plane over the Atlantic Ocean.

Like an elephant, she.

I will never forget the alertness of actor James Woods, who notified a stewardess that several Arab men sitting in his first-class cabin on an August 2001 flight were behaving strangely. The men turned out to be 9/11 hijackers on a test run.

I will never forget actor James Woods in The Onion Fields.  I mean, did you see that?  That guy can really act.

I will act when homeland security officials ask me to "report suspicious activity."

"Like when I see two or three olive-skinned men boarding a plane, or — hell! — just walking down the street, I press 911 and tell somebody.  (They tell me to stop bothering them, but crusadors like me — I have my duty)."

I will embrace my local police department’s admonition: "If you see something, say something."

I spy with my little eye….

I am John Doe.

You know, Michelle — "John Doe" doesn’t quite have that fear-striking impact that you apparently think it does.  It’s like saying that you’re "Wally Cox" or "Percy Dovetonsils" 

If you’re going to keep repeating your name, maybe what you need is a really badass nickname — like "The Eradicator" or something.

I will protest your Jew-hating, America-bashing "scholars."

"Which, for convenience sake, I define as anyone on the left"

I will petition against your hate-mongering mosque leaders.

"As opposed to your NON-hate-mongering mosque leaders, of which there are none in my view."

I will raise my voice against your subjugation of women and religious minorities.

This from the woman who wrote In Defense of Internment, a book which said it was a good idea to round up innocent Japanese-Americans during WWII and put them into camps.

I will challenge your attempts to indoctrinate my children in our schools.

Muslim terrorists are teaching evolution now, apparently.

I will combat your violent propaganda on the Internet.

"Starting with Daily Kos."

I am John Doe.

Of the Springfield "Does"?  My, it’s a small world.

I will support law enforcement initiatives to spy on your operatives, cut off your funding and disrupt your murderous conspiracies.

And if they violate the civil rights of peace-loving Americans, so be it.  Remember, we have to give up freedom in order to preserve it.

I will oppose all attempts to undermine our borders and immigration laws.

You go, girl.

I will resist the imposition of sharia principles and sharia law in my taxi cab, my restaurant, my community pool, the halls of Congress, our national monuments, the radio and television airwaves, and all public spaces.

Right.  Only Christian fundamentalists can oppose things like homosexuality, etc.

I will not be censored in the name of tolerance.

"Because I am intolerant.  It’s the American way."

I will not be cowed by your Beltway lobbying groups in moderates’ clothing. I will not cringe when you shriek about "profiling" or "Islamophobia."

What?  Islamophobe?  Moi?

I will put my family’s safety above sensitivity. I will put my country above multiculturalism.

"Because my country has nothing to do with multiculturalism!  And I say that as an asian woman, the daughter of immigrants to this country!"

I will not submit to your will. I will not be intimidated.

"I will not pay a lot for this muffler"

I am John Doe.

Please to meet you.  Won’t you guess my name?

Too Clever By Half

Ken AshfordAttorney FiringsLeave a Comment


If the president’s aides were using RNC emails or emails from other Republican political committees, they can’t have even the vaguest claim to shielding those communications behind executive privilege.

Yeah.  I don’t see anyway around that.

UPDATE:  The Carpetbagger raises two other issues regarding the White House staffs use of RNC emails:

There’s still the Presidential Records Act to consider. The PRA mandates thorough record-keeping, which Rove & Co. apparently hope to avoid. The law isn’t supposed to be optional.

and also:

As Laura Rozen explained, there are security concerns to consider. Rozen noted earlier this week, that the White House is a huge electronic surveillance target and by announcing that they’re not using their official email accounts anymore, foreign intelligence agencies might “become curious about the 95% of the government’s business that Karl is lobbing outside the system.” Rozen added today:

A reader who has a security role at a federal agency writes, “On the issue of using outside/unofficial e-mail address from official sites, the CIO at [redacted] has expressly forbade the practice for security reasons as it is all too easy to put sensitive information in an e-mail. … Needless to say, hearing that the WH does not mandate that practice and lets [Rove] do 95% of his e-mailing from a blackberry, presumably with access to an unofficial address, is quite shocking. Still find it absolutely amazing that his clearance has not been revoked.”

Good points.

How Bad Is Sanjaya?

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

Very bad:

Simon Cowell went so far as to say if Malakar wins, he’ll quit.

One YouTube contributor in New York has launched a hunger strike and vows not to eat until the 17-year-old is ousted from the show.

Words cannot express the monumental badness of this guy.  He’s not even bad in an entertaining way (like the dubious singing skills of William Hung, or the acting skills of Subway spokesman Jerrod WhatsHisName).  He’s just plain bad.

He’s so bad, that I actually feel bad for him.  Unless he’s completely delusional (which, I suppose, is possible), it must be heart-wrenching to perform every week when you know that you are, by far, the worst singer that will hit the stage that night, and that millions of Americans will be sitting in their homes trying to out-top each other in finding the right words to explain your precise level of suckitude.

Hopefully tonight, America will put Sanjaya out of his misery.  And ours.

For those of you who missed Sanjaya’s hair this week, I recommend:

    Sanjaya Malakar Picks Challenging Song and Hairstyle

    See Sanjaya’s Ponyhawk in Action – Watch the Videos!

    "American Idol" Is More of a Popularity Contest

    SANJAYA videos including his ponyhawk on American Idol

    Sanjaya Attempts to Pull a King Leonidas from "300"


    A Recap of Gwen Stefani Night

    "He Looks Ridiculous, But I Love His Spirit"

    Did Not Know Hairstyle Was Even Possible

That’ll Teach Them A Lesson!

Ken AshfordRandom Musings4 Comments

Supermodel Vida Guerra (who I never heard of, but never mind) was upset that nude photos of her were making their way around the Internet.  She insisted that they weren’t real.

And to prove her point, she’s agreed to pose nude in Playboy.


A Shoutout To My Peeps

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

With Easter approaching, it’s time to celebrate Peeps and their fans.  Specifically, the history of rock & roll as performed by Peeps

Here are some Peeps re-enacting the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly (aka "the day the music died"):


Flash forward to 1967, and the album cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Peeper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band:


And who can forget the disco era as exemplified by the movie Saturday Night Fever Peeper?


And, of course, one of the greatest rock & roll movies ever made — Purple Peeple Rain:


More here.