Cloaking Device (Like, The Thing They Have In Star Trek) Invented

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Good.  Because now we can sneak up on those pesky Romulans:

Scientists create cloak of invisibility

WASHINGTON — Scientists are boldly going where only fiction has gone before – to develop a Cloak of Invisibility. It isn’t quite ready to hide a Romulan space ship from Capt. Kirk or to disguise Harry Potter, but it is a significant start and could show the way to more sophisticated designs.

In this first successful experiment, researchers from the United States and England were able to cloak a copper cylinder.

It’s like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky.

"We have built an artificial mirage that can hide something from would-be observers in any direction," said cloak designer David Schurig, a research associate in Duke University’s electrical and computer engineering department.

In this case, researchers used microwaves to try to detect the cylinder. Like light and radar waves, microwaves bounce off objects, making them visible to instruments and creating a shadow that can be detected.

Dirty Tricks

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

Approximately 14,000 Hispanic Democratic voters in Orange County, CA recently received a Spanish-language letter warning them to stay away from the polls:

Be advised that if your residence in the United States is illegal or if you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that can result in incarceration, and possible deportation for voting without the right to do so. …

Not like in Mexico, here there is no benefit to voting. In the United States there is no registration card to vote. Therefore, it is useless and dangerous to vote in any election if you are not a citizen of the United States.

Do not pay attention to a politician who may try to tell you otherwise. They only care about their own interests.

This letter is a deceptive ploy to suppress Hispanic voter turn-out. Immigrants who are naturalized U.S. citizens can legally vote. The letter has now been traced back to the campaign of Tan D. Nguyen, a Republican challenger to Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA).

Read More

Bad Days To Be A GOP

Ken AshfordElection 2006, RepublicansLeave a Comment

This is how bad things are for the lower-than-whale-dung GOP.

The new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll spells bad news for the GOP next month — public approval of the Republican Party is at an alltime low.

Charlie Cook now says that 50 GOP seats are in jeopardy.

Dick Morris says the GOP base is heading out the door and the result will be a two-house pickup for the Democrats.

Chris Shays continues to campaign for a straightjacket and a padded room.

Bush celebrated “National Character Counts Week” with a GOP representative who strangled his mistress.

The DCCC will borrow money to finish off 30 GOP incumbents, all in districts where the Democrat already leads, and the NRCC is pulling out of races in Texas, Ohio, South Carolina, and West Virginia. And the Dems are on the verge of winning a key seat in Pennsylvania as well.

Democrats are going to spend $20 million on GOTV and voter targeting efforts in key Senate races.

The Post endorses Jim Webb over George “N-Word” Allen.

A record 22 Democratic challengers have raised at least $1 million each to defeat GOP incumbents.

The Post today mentions the words “lame duck” and “Bush” in the same sentence.

The American Taliban base of the GOP wants to target gay Republicans on the Hill for a “pink purge” after the election in what would be the opening salvo in the unraveling of the modern GOP.

The New York Times says the GOP is facing alarm bells in Ohio.

Democrats are effectively using the minimum wage issue against the GOP.

Duke Cunningham used the Intelligence Committee and its staff to enrich himself. Curt Weldon dealt with some very unsavory characters to enrich himself.

Three Years Late To The Party

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Finally finally finally, even Jonah Goldberg stops drinking the Kool-Aid.  He admits that the Iraq War was a mistake.  But his cognitive dissonance is such that he still can’t admit that people who opposed war all along were rightWatch this worm squirm:

The Iraq war was a mistake.

I know, I know. But I’ve never said it before. And I don’t enjoy saying it now. I’m sure that to the antiwar crowd this is too little, too late, and that’s fine because I’m not joining their ranks anyway.

…I must confess that one of the things that made me reluctant to conclude that the Iraq war was a mistake was my general distaste for the shabbiness of the arguments on the antiwar side.

Jonah didn’t support the war because of logic or facts.  He supported it because its his knee-jerk reaction to oppose whatever them libruls say.


Susie’s take:

Shorter Jonah Goldberg: If I admit we were wrong about the war, that makes me right about everything else.

Drum also takes Goldberg to task:

But Jonah says that even though it was mistake to go in, we still need to see it through. And then there’s this:

According to the conventional script, if I’m not saying "bug out" of Iraq, I’m supposed to….

To my surprise, the rest of the paragraph is a suggestion that we should hold a plebiscite asking Iraqis if they want us to stay. But that’s not at all what the conventional script requires. The conventional script requires that those who think we should stay need to suggest a way in which we can win. Otherwise Jonah will be writing this same column in 2009, except this time it will be, "If we had known then what we know now, we would have been better off pulling out when we could."

Well, we do know now what we know now. The civil war in Iraq is getting worse, our current strategy plainly isn’t working, there are no more troops to send over, the political situation in Baghdad is untenable, and the U.S. Army is still culturally allergic to counterinsurgency and security training ("Everyone in the U.S. armed forces knows that the way to the top is to command American units, not to advise foreign units," says Max Boot, and he’s right).

Basically, that’s what Goldberg is saying: "All right, all RIGHT!  I was WRONG about Iraq!  I ADMIT it!  So that means I must be right about STAYING in Iraq to clean up the mess we made."

Kaye, We Missed You!

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Kgrogan1016 She hasn’t written in a while.  But sheee’s baaaack.

Eschewing capital letters and grammar, Kaye Grogan writes an almost indecipherable piece called "Window of opportunity? . . .quick close it!".  Let’s check it out and see what Kaye is blustering about today:

Are you getting mired down from the annoying propaganda of the political analysts who think they have a cutting edge on reading the minds of the voters as they project who is going to win the House and Senate in November?

A cutting edge on the minds of voters?  I don’t know what that means.  I think we need to start a Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count.  So we’re at one.

Well, don’t be fooled by their crystal balls — they don’t know diddly-squat!

Yes.  They don’t use polls, they use crystal balls.

Now all it takes is a little common sense to figure out that neither party should have the cutting edge — much less the Democrats, when it comes to reelection.

Again, I don’t know what Kaye means here by "cutting edge".  Apparently, she’s not using it in the normal way — i.e., the "cutting edge" of technology.  Apparently, it means "lead".  Although I don’t know why common sense should tell us that neither party has the lead — obviously, ONE party probably does.  Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 2.

If you have followed the trail of the special interest groups who control the Democrats, you should know by now the country would be in a nationwide "state of emergency" dilemma if the Dems are returned to power.

"Followed the trail".  Hmmmm.  Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 3.

When a potential voter observes the vulturous attitude of Nancy Pelosi waiting in the wings to be "Speaker of the House" this should be more than enough of an incentive to register your pets, pay a special visit to the dearly departed encouraging them to rise up and go to the polls long enough to vote — to defeat Pelosi’s chances of cracking her whip in the house.

Kaye is advocating commiting voter fraud in order to keep the Democrats from taking over the House.  And Kaye, it’s House with a capital H.  And WHIP doesn’t mean, you know, whip.

Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have more than one thing in common, but their main objective is securing a place in the history books as the first woman president and Speaker of the House.

Step One: They have to go into that machine that Jeff Goldblum used in "The Fly", and become a singular being (like Jeff Goldblulm and the fly).   You know — combine their DNA.

And with either one holding one of these positions would be catastrophic for the country.

Worse than Katrina or 9/11.

After observing the voting records of the "extremist" leftist Democrats — they could never be defined as the lesser of two evils — considering they are the total package when it comes to the axis of evil.

Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 4,5 and 6.  What is she talking about?  The leftist Democrats are the lesser of two evils (what are the "two"?) and are the total package when it comes to N. Korea, Iran, and Iraq?

This is one area the Dems have bragging rights to and they don’t have to worry that anybody else is going to steal their thunder.

What is one area? And "steal their thunder" brings us  Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 7.

If the Democrats had been in power since 2001 after the 9/11 attack — the United States would probably have been wiped off of the map by now.

Probably.  Because al Qaeda is that powerful.

I would feel about as secure as a mountain climber one strand away from my rope breaking peering down about 4,000 feet to the bottom — if they were in control. I can’t think of one single Democrat I would trust to oversee the safety of this country against our enemies.

Does the rope peer down 4,000 feet to the bottom?  Or does the climber break?  Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 8.

Waving the white flag in Iraq and raising taxes is the only wobbly platform the Democrats are running on.

Actually that sounds like TWO platforms.   Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 9.

And oh yes!. . .they are wearing those old tinseled halos as if their party is completely void of misconduct of any kind.

Which is why voting Republican is better.  Because they DON’T wear halos.  Or something.

And although the Republicans seem to be sitting around biting their fingernails not knowing how to use their power — expecting the American people to forget about how they have taken on the role of scarecrows, the alternative of returning Democrats back to power should be enough to scare the pants off of a bronze statue!

Scarecrows?  Pants on statutes?  Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 10, 11.  Kaye, are you feeling alright?

With both parties in the "dog house" over the ever growing illegal immigration problem — not even holding one’s nose while voting is going to suffice for the mess our leaders have gotten us into after taking an oath to defend our country against the invasion of our enemies.

I guess the dog pooped in the "dog house" which is why we have to hold our nose.  Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 12, 13.

Surely out of 300 million people there are better candidates to run for congressional seats. Choosing between the devil and the devil’s right-hand man leaves the voters wishing for other alternatives that just don’t seem to exist.

Hey! We almost understood that part.

There are other alternatives for voters, but it takes adventurous people who are not afraid to demand a change and then follow through to perpetuate the change.

It takes courage to write-in a candidate’s name.

The voters need to realize that even if the window of opportunity appears to be closed — there are other windows in the next room.

Sigh.  Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 14.

If the window of opportunity keeps opening for the Democrats to regain power — for gosh sakes — slam it shut!

Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 15.

We need Democrats in power about as much as we need a 4-6 year migraine.

Kaye Grogan bizarre metaphor count: 16.  And we think we know why Kaye is so ornery lately.  Try some Tylenol, dear.

Baghdad Power

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Bush in July:

"[I]ncreasing electricity in Baghdad is not the kind of thing that tends to get on the news."

And Denny Hastert returned from a trip to iraq in June, gushing over "so many lights shining brightly".

That’s right.  When faced with bad news constantly coming out of Iraq, all Bush &Co could come with in terms of good news was how electricity is coming back in Baghdad.

Guess what?  Turns out that that success story isn’t succesful.  The Brookings Institute says so.


Electricity levels in Baghdad are at an all-time low. Residents of Baghdad are receiving just 2.4 hours of electricity this month, compared to an average of 16-24 hours of electricity before the U.S. invasion. The lowest level prior to this month was 3.9 hours/day.

Gay Outings

Ken AshfordElection 2006, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

If you’re not following the "gay outing" controversy, you should be.

A gay activist blogger has released the names of GOP Congressman including social conservative Larry Craig (R-Idaho), GOP governors, other GOP politicians and their staff who, it is alleged, are closet homosexuals.  This is apparently not errant name-calling, and there is (supposedly) proof to back up his claims.

Now, why would he do such a thing?

That’s the question right wing bloggers are asking themselves.  I mean, if this guy is gay, then why should he CARE if there are gays in the GOP?  Why is he trying to expose them?  And the rightosphere is shocked — shocked — that the left is using sex in a political way.

TBogg mimics the right wing reaction and reduces it to this:

"Larry Craig is not gay and even if he was, which he isn’t, it’s wrong for liberals to point out that he might be gay (BUT HE’S NOT!) because there is nothing wrong with being gay (which Larry Craig isn’t) and it’s a dirty trick because it might cause conservatives who actually love gays (a group that doesn’t include Larry Craig..the gay group I mean) but have a hard time showing it, to not vote for him because they think he might be gay (not that he is) and we loves us some gays…and Larry Craig!"

The answer of course is this: the object here is not to expose gays, but to expose hypocrisy.  The names on the list are people who, like Mark Foley, cater to the anti-homosexual "values" voters while themselves being, or employing, homosexuals.  Will it cause a rift in the GOP?  Of course.  But the rift was already there.  This just brings it into the bright light of public scrutiny.

Greenwald explains:

Why does it even need to be pointed out that the issue isn’t the sexual morality of Larry Craig, Rush Limabugh and Newt Gingrich, but their vile hypocrisy, equally embodied by the anger being expressed by Bush followers over the use of sexual issues for political gain?

While many Bush followers are aware of this fact and cynically pretend not to understand it, others (I think the majority) are genuinely incapable of understanding that point because they block out the reality that the political movement to which they pledge their loyalty has made private sexual morality and exploitation of people’s private lives a central political weapon. Just as they spent three years blocking out the extreme violence, chaos and civil war they brought to Iraq (and some still do), they just refuse to recognize facts that undermine their desires.

Watching Bush followers angrily objecting to the use of sexual behavior and homosexuality for political gain — or listening them oh-so-solemnly lament how the Good People are being driven away from politics because of the personal, invasive treatment to which they are subjected — is about as jaw-droppingly astonishing as any spectacle one can fathom. This is a political movement built upon claims of moral superiority in the sexual and private realms. It is truly difficult to express the level of contempt and scorn that is merited when the most fervent supporters of that same political movement pretend to be offended and angry when it is revealed that the lives being led by their political leaders are grossly inconsistent with the sexual and moral values they claim to monopolize.

A Thought Experiment On Iraq

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

The Rude One:

A Quick and Easy Test to Determine Where You Stand on the Iraq War:
Let’s say we line up, oh, hell, a couple hundred thousand American soldiers, fine men and women in combat uniform, officers, non-coms, grunts, and we put them on TV. Then George W. Bush walks in with a loaded glock. Now let’s say that the President puts the gun to the temple of the first soldier and says, "If I shoot this Army private dead, there’s a chance America will be victorious and democracy will bring peace to Iraq. Do you want me to do it?" There’s no guarantees, though – just the chance. What would you say?

For the sake of argument here, let’s say that you answer, "Yes, it’s worth a soldier for the chance for peace in Iraq." So George W. Bush shoots the soldier in the temple and turns to his advisors, who check reports and, no, still no peace.

Then the President says, "If I cut off one limb or the genitals of the next ten soldiers, there’s a chance America will be victorious and democracy will bring peace to Iraq. Do you want me to do it?" What would you say?

For the sake of argument here, let’s say that you answer, "Yes, it’s worth ten wounded soldiers for the chance at peace in Iraq." So George W. Bush cuts off arms, legs, testicles, and turns to his advisors, who check reports and, no, still no peace.

Then the President says, "If I beat the next ten soldiers in the head with a hammer so that their brains are damaged, there’s a chance America will be victorious and democracy will bring peace to Iraq. Do you want me to do it?" What would you say?

For the sake of argument here, let’s say that you answer, "Yes, it’s worth ten brain-damaged soldiers for the chance at peace in Iraq." So George W. Bush uses a hammer to crack the skulls of the next ten soldiers and turns to his advisors, who check reports and, no, still no peace.

Then the President starts the cycle all over again. He places the gun to the temple of the next soldier.

How many soldiers would you let George W. Bush shoot dead? One? 3000? More? How many would you let him injure? 10? 20,000? More?

If you think the test is biased, unfair, and overly emotional, then you haven’t been paying attention. For, really, and come on, is the current U.S. policy in Iraq any more wishful than a lottery of death and mutilation.

Feel free to play with friends. For big fun, substitute Iraqis and multiply by a couple hundred.

Vernon Robinson Goes Off The Deep End

Ken AshfordCongress, Election 2006, Local InterestLeave a Comment

North Carolina Congressman Vernon "The Black Jesse Helsm" Robinson has always been weird and corrupt.  But this is just plain bizarre:

Vernon Robinson, who has run a series of brash advertisements about the two-term Democratic congressman, charged that Miller wants to import homosexuals to the United States and supported scientific studies that would pay teenage girls to watch pornography.

"Those are San Francisco values, not North Carolina values," said Robinson, repeating a common theme of his campaign.

Does anybody buy that crap?  I mean, does anybody really think that Brad Miller wants to "import homosexuals" to the United States?  And if not, doesn’t that make Robinson a liar unfit for office?

Stupidity In Education, Part XVIII

Ken AshfordEducationLeave a Comment

Bunch of uptight prissy pants, if you ask me:

Not It! Mass. Elementary School Bans Tag

The Associated Press
Wednesday, October 18, 2006; 10:00 AM

ATTLEBORO, Mass. — Tag, you’re out! Officials at an elementary school south of Boston have banned kids from playing tag, touch football and any other unsupervised chase game during recess for fear they’ll get hurt and hold the school liable.

Recess is "a time when accidents can happen," said Willett Elementary School Principal Gaylene Heppe, who approved the ban.

While there is no districtwide ban on contact sports during recess, local rules have been cropping up. Several school administrators around Attleboro, a city of about 45,000 residents, took aim at dodgeball a few years ago, saying it was exclusionary and dangerous.

Elementary schools in Cheyenne, Wyo., and Spokane, Wash., also recently banned tag during recess. A suburban Charleston, S.C., school outlawed all unsupervised contact sports.

"I think that it’s unfortunate that kids’ lives are micromanaged and there are social skills they’ll never develop on their own," said Debbie Laferriere, who has two children at Willett, about 40 miles south of Boston. "Playing tag is just part of being a kid."

A Better(?) Search Engine

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

Google is boring.  Yahoo search is boring.

At least compared to Ms. Dewey.  CNET explains:

A sultry woman who makes wisecracks related to the keywords that are typed in. The search results appear as a long, scrolling list in a window that pops up on the upper right.

Set against a futuristic cityscape background, Ms. Dewey–with her hair pulled back–probably represents a digital-age librarian. Her name refers to the Dewey Decimal classification system used for cataloging books in libraries.

Her quips relating to keywords range from mundane and silly to provocative. For instance, during a search for "George Bush" she mentioned how easy it was to make jokes about the president. For a search for "sex" she picked up a yellow ergonomic exercise ball and said "Safety first, and make sure you get it on film." And when I searched on my CNET colleague Greg Sandoval’s name, she said "Oh Greg, you do give good search."

She turns obnoxious when the user isn’t typing in keywords, though, saying things like "Helloooo, type something here," while pointing to the search box, and tapping the "glass" screen and asking "Anyone there?" She also pretends to lasso the user and reel him or her in. But most of the time she stands around alternating between looking bored or being coquettish.

I tried her.  She’s slow to load, and slow to give search results, but …it is kinda fun.


I Felt The Aftershock

Ken AshfordDisastersLeave a Comment

Told you, Cheryl.

After calls to the National Weather Service and a report from the Geological Survey, police quickly confirmed that there had been an earthquake. The calls heated up again last night, when many people in town heard and felt aftershocks. More than 30 people called Winston-Salem police communications between 7:45 and 8:45 p.m. The geological survey reported a 1.5 magnitude quake at 7:54 p.m. about 4 miles southwest of downtown, and a 2.4 magnitude quake about 3 miles southeast of downtown.

What I felt must have been the 1.5 magnitude.

Only this was closer to my house.

Using Google Earth and the USGS coordinates, here are the quake epicenter, the 1.5 mag aftershock epicenter, and my house (click to enlarge):


And a close-up view of my house in relation to the aftershock (click to enlarge).  You can see individual houses to get a sense of scale:


According to Google Earth, I was 1.63 miles from the aftershock’s epicenter.

What did it feel like?  Nothing.  Just a low rumbling that lasted about a second.  Nothing shook.  Just a low rumbling.

More from the local paper.