Bush Ratings Plummet

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

An Associated Press-Ipsos poll conducted this week found President Bush’s approval rating has dropped to 33%, matching his all time low. "His handling of nearly every issue, from the Iraq war to foreign policy, contributed to the president’s decline around the nation, even in the Republican-friendly South."

In the generic congressional poll, Democrats lead Republicans by a whopping 55% to 37%, a result similar to the Fox News poll released yesterday.

Key statistic: 19% of those who voted for Bush in 2004 now plan to back Democrats in the 2006 midterm elections.

No Thanks, I’ll Hold It

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

An artsy public toilet in Switzerland is made with one-way mirrors.  This is what it looks like from the outside:


So far, so good.  But like I said, these are one-way mirrors, so this is what it looks like from the inside:


Um, not for me.  More here.

“Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Promo and Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, Personal1 Comment

The "Debbie Does Dallas" article in Go Triad is here.  It’s entitled "’Debbie Does Dallas’ Keeps Its Clothes On". 

Well, that’s not entirely true.  We may sneak in a little nudity.  But you’ll have to see the show to find out for sure.

The article is good.  And again, we’re treated to another enticing picture of Heather ("Debbie") with her now-trademark lollipop.  Poor Heather.  She’s really a nice girl, and now that tarnishing image is all over Winston-Salem area, in the newspapers, and various local blogs.  (No, actually she loves it).

A snippet from the article:

The pornographic film, "Debbie Does Dallas," entered the pop-culture lexicon in 1978. In both the movie and theatrical version, Debbie plays a young cheerleader who gets a chance to try out for the Dallas pro-football squad. Unfortunately, her parents won’t pay her expenses because they don’t consider cheerleading a "suitable lifetime occupation."

Debbie and her fellow cheerleaders set up Teen Services Inc. to earn money after school, but they quickly find that doing their bosses pays more than minimum wage. Virginal Debbie has to decide whether following her dreams are worth succumbing to her Mr. Greenfelt.

I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m really curious to see who they got to play that "Greenfelt" guy.  An actor of unparalleled stature and talent perhaps?

Ticket sales are going well, so you should get yours soon.

Along those lines, I have another "Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical" rehearsal quote of the day:

"When I think of things I would like to masterbate with, a record album would be among my last choices — second only to a knife." — Female actor, who really — I swear — is a nice girl


Ken AshfordHistoryLeave a Comment

What if we could go back in time and vote again on past presidential elections?  Who would we vote for, using 20/20 hindsight?

Scripps Howard News Service polled Americans to find out.  What winner would have lost?  Well, Nixon, of course, would have lost his re-election bid in 1972.  And Bush 42 would have lost — twice.


Lyndon B. Johnson (D)


Barry Goldwater (R)



Richard Nixon (R)


Hubert H. Humphrey (D)


George Wallace (I)



George McGovern (D)


Richard Nixon (R)



Jimmy Carter (D)


Gerald Ford (R)



Ronald Reagan (R)


Jimmy Carter (D)


John Anderson (I)



Ronald Reagan (R)


Walter Mondale (D)



George H. Bush (R)


Michael Dukakis (D)



Bill Clinton (D)


George H. Bush (R)


Ross Perot (I)



Bill Clinton (D)


Bob Dole (R)


Ross Perot (Ref.)



Al Gore (D)


George W. Bush (R)


Ralph Nader (G) or
Pat Buchanan (Ref.)



John Kerry (D)


George W. Bush (R)


Ralph Nader (I)


Good Morning, Good Morning

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment


Overheard this morning during the few seconds between when my wife’s alarm went off and when she hit the snooze button :

"Mr Secretary, do you think this may be related to al Qaeda."

Well, shit. There’s no falling back asleep after hearing that.

Tell me about it.

When I hear stories about us (or the U.K., or Canada) foiling terrorist threats, I always recall the 2004 presidential campaign.  Conservatives mocked John Kerry when he suggested that we can ensure our national security through — among other things — good intelligence and law enforcement. 

Here, for example, is what Ed Gillespie, Chairman of the Republican Party in 2004, said in response to Kerry’s message:

"Terrorism is not a law enforcement matter, as John Kerry repeatedly says. Terrorist activities are not like gambling. Terrorist activities are not like prostitution. And this demonstrates a disconcerting pre-September 11 mindset that will not make our country safer. And that is what we see relative to winning the war on terror and relative to Iraq."

The Bush people even ran an anti-Kerry ad based on this theme. An Bush himself told a Florida audience:

"Kerry said, and I quote, ‘The war on terror is far less of a military operation and far more of an intelligence-gathering law enforcement operation.’ (Audience boos.) I disagree. I disagree….. After the chaos and carnage of September the 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers. With those attacks, the terrorists and supporters declared war on the United States of America — and war is what they got. (Audience applauds.)

Bush used almost the identical words again and again and again. Cheney used it a few times himself.

Now skip forward to the past 24 hours.  Who foiled the terrorist plot…

Was it soldiers?

Nope.  Scotland Yard.

An intelligence-gathering law enforcement agency.

Democrats are BETTER on national security because they know how to do it.

UPDATE:  Reports are sketchy, but it looks like the terrorist suspects were of Pakistani origin.  Bush, is cozy with Pakisan.  They are our "ally" in the war on terror.

Old Testament Parenting

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

I suppose people with kids will find this funnier than I did, and I thought it was pretty funny:

Mvc072l‘Lamentations of the Father’ [An excerpt]
by Ian Frazier

Laws Pertaining to Dessert

For we judge between the plate that is unclean and the plate that is clean, saying first, if the plate is clean, then you shall have dessert.

But of the unclean plate, the laws are these: If you have eaten most of your meat, and two bites of your peas with each bite consisting of not less than three peas each, or in total six peas, eaten where I can see, and you have also eaten enough of your potatoes to fill two forks, both forkfuls eaten where I can see, then you shall have dessert.

But if you eat a lesser number of peas, and yet you eat the potatoes, still you shall not have dessert; and if you eat the peas, yet leave the potatoes uneaten, you shall not have dessert, no, not even a small portion thereof.

And if you try to deceive by moving the potatoes or peas around with a fork, that it may appear you have eaten what you have not, you will fall into iniquity. And I will know, and you shall have no dessert.

On Screaming

Do not scream; for it is as if you scream all the time. If you are given a plate on which two foods you do not wish to touch each other are touching each other, your voice rises up even to the ceiling, while you point to the offense with the finger of your right hand; but I say to you, scream not, only remonstrate gently with the server, that the server may correct the fault.

Likewise if you receive a portion of fish from which every piece of herbal seasoning has not been scraped off, and the herbal seasoning is loathsome to you and steeped in vileness, again I say, refrain from screaming. Though the vileness overwhelm you, and cause you a faint unto death, make not that sound from within your throat, neither cover your face, nor press your fingers to your nose. For even I have made the fish as it should be; behold, I eat it myself, yet shall not surely die.

Various Other Laws, Statutes, and Ordinances

Bite not, lest you be also bitten again. Neither drink of your own bath water, nor of the bath water of any kind; nor rub your feet on bread, even if it be in the package; nor rub yourself against cars, not against any building; nor eat sand.

Leave the cat alone, for what has the cat done, that you should so afflict it with tape? And hum not the humming in your nose as I read, nor stand between the light and the book. Indeed, you shall drive me to madness. Nor forget what I said about the tape.

There’s much more.

What Year Did The 9/11 Attacks Occur?

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/Torture3 Comments

Believe it or not, 30% of Americans don’t know.

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Some 30 percent of Americans cannot say in what year the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington took place, according to a poll published in the Washington Post newspaper.

While the country is preparing to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the attacks that claimed nearly 3,000 lives and shocked the world, 95 percent of Americans questioned in the poll were able to remember the month and the day of the attacks, according to Wednesday’s edition of the newspaper.

But when asked what year, 30 percent could not give a correct answer.

Of that group, six percent gave an earlier year, eight percent gave a later year, and 16 percent admitted they had no idea whatsoever.

This memory black hole is essentially the problem of the older crowd: 48 percent of those who did not know were between the ages of 55 and 64, and 47 percent were older than 65, according to the poll.

The Post telephone survey was carried out July 21-24 among 1,002 randomly selected adults. The margin of error is plus or minus three percentage points.

This isn’t like the year Pearl Harbor was bombed, folks.  This was a significant event in your lifetime.

I hope these people don’t vote.

It’s Not You

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

Typepad is having problems today apparently.  Posting and commenting may be a little weird.

UPDATE (3:30 pm):  Seems to have gone away — whatever it was.

New Amendments Would Protect Torturers

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/Torture1 Comment


The Bush administration has drafted amendments to a war crimes law that would eliminate the risk of prosecution for political appointees, CIA officers and former military personnel for humiliating or degrading war prisoners, according to U.S. officials and a copy of the amendments.

Officials say the amendments would alter a U.S. law passed in the mid-1990s that criminalized violations of the Geneva Conventions, a set of international treaties governing military conduct in wartime. The conventions generally bar the cruel, humiliating and degrading treatment of wartime prisoners without spelling out what all those terms mean.

What does this mean?  Well, the Supreme Court in Hamden basically said that Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention pertains to al Qaeda detainees.  That means that the U.S. government cannot engage in the degradation of detainees.

Bush’s amendments don’t actually change that Geneva Convention or the requirement that we adhere to it, but they just make it virtually impossible to enforce.  In other words, the CIA and military can engage in humiliating and degrading interrogation techniques and — even though it’s counter to international treaty — they can’t be prosecuted for it.

Amygdala sarcastically quips:

Because if American power to engage in forced nakedness of prisoners, to put them on dog leashes and in women’s underwear isn’t preserved, god help the survival of our nation. And its ideals.

If America isn’t about putting people on dog leashes and in women’s underwear, what is it about?

Billmon is exactly right:

This is like letting John Gotti rewrite the RICO statute.

New Reality Show Will Lead To Broadway Role

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

GreaseplaybillYup, Broadway is reviving Grease again, but the casting will have a bit of a twist:

The T-Birds and the Pink Ladies of "Grease" are coming back to Broadway, where producers are turning to a reality television show to cast the lead roles.

NBC said on Tuesday it will broadcast a talent show titled "You’re the One That We Want" — a play on a hit song from the show — in which viewers can vote for singers to play the roles of the naive new girl in town, Sandy Dumbrowski, and Danny Zuko, the tough gang leader with a soft center.

The show, produced by Britain’s BBC Worldwide Productions, follows the model of the BBC’s "How Do I Solve A Problem Like Maria?" in which Julie Andrews wannabes compete to star in a new production of "The Sound of Music" to open late this year.


The producers said the TV show would premiere mid-season, without giving a specific date, and the Broadway musical would open in June 2007.

It will not be the first time a reality TV graduate has trod the boards of Broadway. Josh Strickland, who plays the title role in "Tarzan," was a contestant on the talent show "American Idol."

The musical will be directed by Kathleen Marshall, who directed last season’s revival of "The Pajama Game" starring Harry Connick Jr. It won the 2006 Tony Award for best revival of a musical and Marshall won the Tony for best choreography.

An interesting idea, but why Grease?  That has to be one of the most over-rated American musicals ever!

The Lamont Victory

Ken AshfordElection 2006, IraqLeave a Comment

It wasn’t so much a Lamont victory as a Lieberman loss.  I’m sure the political blogosphere will have a lot of post-game analysis about why Lieberman lost.  Much of it will no doubt suggest that Lamont won only because of the blogs (even the mainstream media has reported that angle). 

The "bloggers did it" meme is silly.  They may have helped raise money (although Lamont funded a huge majority of his own campaign).  The reason Lieberman lost the primaries is because of his steadfast support of the Iraq War, and the Connecticut voters (most of whom, I assume, or at best tangentially aware of the political blogosphere) rejected Lieberman for that.  It’s that simple. 

Okay, not quite that simple.  Lieberman did far worse than just support the Iraq War.  He reiterated the tried GOP talking point that disagreeing with the Commander in Chief about the Iraq War means you are "weak on national security".  That’s utterly absurd, and he should know better.  Being strong on national defense doesn’t mean starting senseless and unproductive wars in countries that never attacked us and that posed no threat to us.

But, to me, this headline says it all:

Sixty percent Americans oppose Iraq war: CNN

…that’s all you need to know as to why Lamont prevailed.

UPDATE:  Yes, I’m aware that Joe hasn’t given up yet.

ANOTHER UPDATE:  I agree with what Josh Marshall writes in Time:

So who brought Joe Lieberman down? Was it the liberal blogs? Was Lieberman the first political casualty of the Iraq War?

Both. But neither.

Yes, Iraq was the issue that crushed Lieberman in the Democratic party. And the blogs were the vehicle that helped that latent but pervasive disgruntlement among Connecticut Democrats become aware of itself. But Joe Lieberman succumbed to a political ailment (common to long-serving senators) that would have been as recognizable to Daniel Webster and Henry Clay as it was to so many 21st century bloggers: He got his head lost in the clouds of national politics and lost touch with his constituents.


Many pundits claim that Lieberman’s defeat is a replay of the way Democrats tore themselves apart over Vietnam. It’s an appealing thought for Republicans. And it has got nice drama. But those pundits are either being disingenuous or are caught in a time warp. Democrats are actually fairly united on the Iraq War in their opposition to it — which is actually where most Americans are right now. And though many senators are not as full—throated in their opposition as the base of the party, you don’t see any successful challenges being made against other senators who aren’t ready to bring the troops home.

With Lieberman, there’s something different. It’s not just that he wouldn’t wash his hands of the Iraq War. Lots of Democrats won’t. It’s more than that. He’s seemed almost militantly indifferent to the disaster Iraq has become. And his passion about the war seemed reserved exclusively for those who questioned it rather than those who had so clearly botched the enterprise. His continual embrace of President Bush — both literal and figurative — was an insult to Democrats, the great majority of whom believe Bush has governed as one of the most destructive Presidents in modern American history. It’s almost as though Lieberman has gone out of his way to provoke and offend Democrats on every point possible, often, seemingly, purely for the reason of provoking. Is it any wonder the guy got whacked in a party primary?

Liveblogging The WFDD “Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Interview

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, Personal, Popular Culture7 Comments

I_9850aBackground here.

9:50 am:  Jamie (Director) talks about the "curiousity factor" of the show.  Compares DDD with "American Pie" and "Something About Mary".  Avoids the word "particularly", which he has a hard time saying.  Um, Arthur Miller?

9:52 am:  Heather ("Debbie") mentions her dry, deadpan sense of humor.  Yup.

9:53 am:  Yeah, Jamie.  Of course you didn’t have reservations about doing the show.  Your ass wasn’t onstage.  But in the end, you were right.  It’s not what I originally thought it was.

9:55 am:  Jamie says he makes a lot of bad decisions in his life.  We’ll have to get him to expand on that.

9:57 am:  Heather says: "Left for the audience to decide whether what Debbie did was right or wrong".  Good point.  Jamie takes the controversial stance that he is opposed to people selling their bodies for money.  Good to know.

9:58 am:  "Timeless classic"?  Very funny.

9:59 am:  That’s it?  Wow, those ten minutes really fly!

Nice job, guys!

Podcast of the Triad Arts show interview available here.

The Science Behind Mel Gibson’s Malibu Meltdown

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Last Mel Gibson post, I swear.

This isn’t exactly news to any who has been drunk before, but it’s nice to see it confirmed:

Was this alcohol-fueled soliloquy an ugly insight into Mr. Gibson’s character — in other words, in vino veritas? Or was it just the tequila talking?


“We all have things that we might think or feel or even be attracted to that we know are wrong,” said Dr. Corcoran, who is also the dean of arts and sciences at Northern Kentucky University. For example, he said, people are likelier to look at pornography when they drink than when they are sober; alcohol reduces inhibitions, for good or ill.

Alcohol suppresses the prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum regions of the brain, said Dr. Nora D. Volkow, the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, who declined to comment specifically on the Gibson case.

The cerebellum governs motor coordination, which explains the drunk’s weaving walk and iffy driving skills. The prefrontal cortex “is normally making an assessment of the appropriateness of your acts,” she said, modulating desires and urges. After a couple of drinks, Dr. Volkow said, suppressing such impulses becomes much harder.

“Alcohol brings you back into adolescence and childhood,” she said, the time before the prefrontal cortex is fully developed.

This leads to a condition that researchers call the “alcohol myopia effect,” in which someone who has had too much to drink reacts to immediate cues without regard to consequences or the broader social context. G. Alan Marlatt, director of the Addictive Behaviors Research Center at the University of Washington, said that psychologists often focus on the difference between “traits and states.” Inebriation is a temporary state, but it might unleash one’s deeper and more permanent traits, he said.

RELATED:  I woudn’t recommend this, but you can now get Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitic rant as a ringtone for your cellphone.