A Unique Solution To The Middle East Problem

Ken AshfordMiddle EastLeave a Comment

Yogic_flying Why didn’t somebody think of this before?

Reuven Zelinkovsky was a colonel in the Israeli army, but now he has renounced military might to join a squadron of yogic flyers at the Sea of Galilee to throw a "shield of invincibility" around the Jewish state.

As Hezbollah rockets fired from nearby Lebanon boomed in the background, he explained that the solution to the latest conflict to engulf the Middle East was "not to kill the enemy but to kill enmity."

This can be done through the "technology" of yogic flying which, for those trained in the technique, is the spontaneous result of transcendental meditation, said Zelinkovsky as he emerged Tuesday from the first of two daily four-hour sessions.

The bespectacled electronics engineer, who served in the army from 1966 until 1982, is part of a worldwide movement led by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the former guru to The Beatles.

The movement’s Natural Law Party has unsuccessfully fielded candidates in US presidential and British general elections, touting yogic flying as a solution to the world’s ills.

Yogic flying, derided by critics as glorified bum-hopping, is the purported ability to levitate through the advanced practice of transcendental meditation, or TM.

Proponents of the art say world peace can be achieved by thousands of simultaneous yogic flyers spread across the globe.

I don’t know about anybody else, but it seems to me that if missiles are going to be flying through the air, the last place I want to be is in the air with them.

Those Poor Gas & Oil Companies

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & Deficit2 Comments

GasomgAs Jon Stewart pointed out recently, let’s not feel bad for the oil companies.

Poor BP set a record quarterly profit of $6.118 billion, or roughly $55,000 per minute.

And news comes out today that Exxon second quarter profits for this year jumped 36 percent.  They netted "earned $10.36 billion in the second quarter, the second largest quarterly profit ever recorded by a publicly traded U.S. company."

Also, Shell just announced its second quarter profits.  They went up 40 percent in the second quarter, with a net yield of $7.32 billion.

Meanwhile, at the pump, here’s the NC graph:


Happy motoring, everybody!

UPDATE:  Think Progress reminds us of the politics behind the oil and gas interests:

One year ago today, Congress finalized the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which lavished $14.5 billion in tax breaks on energy firms, nearly 60 percent of which went to “oil, natural gas, coal, electric utilities and nuclear power.”

One year ago, the average national gas price was $2.14. Today, it’s $3.00. The country is no closer to ending its addiction to oil, and fuel economy standards are still stuck at 27.5 miles per gallon (where they’ve been for 20 years). Meanwhile, “five of the world’s largest energy companies are expected to report combined second-quarter profits next week of more than $30 billion.”

For most Americans, this is no reason to celebrate. But most Americans aren’t “Representatives of industries who are benefiting from tax incentives available through the Energy Policy Act of 2005.” Those industry reps are holding a “celebration” of the bill on Capitol Hill today with Energy Secretary Bodman….

Whose House?

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

These are pictures of a house rendered in CAD.  See if you can identify whose house it is.  Some of the furniture may be missing, but yes, you do know whose house it is.





Here’s a couple of dead giveaways, if you haven’t figured it out yet…



Weighing In On The Israel-Lebanon Thing

Ken AshfordMiddle EastLeave a Comment

Look, I know it’s complicated.  And I don’t feel compelled to pick a side.  This much I will say.

There’s no question that Hezbollah is, or certainly acts like, a terrorist organization, and Israel is justified in defending itself from those attacks.

But to my mind, Israel’s response is disproportionate, over-the-top, and reckless.  Two example in the past 24 hours:

(1)  "Ooops" attack on the Red Cross.  Look at the picture — a missile entered the van with bullseye precision.

AmbulanceIn Sunday’s attack, Chaalan was thrown backward while the other medics rushed to pull the wounded from the smashed vehicle. As they pulled the child out, the Israelis struck again, blowing up the second ambulance.

"I felt like I was dying," Chaalan said Monday, after his release from a hospital. "I thought, ‘I’m dead.’ "

Fortunately, he was only stunned and needed three stitches to close a wound on his chin.

After the attack, a Red Cross volunteer reached the organization’s headquarters in Tyre, which relayed news of the assault to the International Red Cross headquarters in Geneva. After nearly two hours of negotiations, the Israelis guaranteed safe passage for the volunteers and the wounded back to Tyre.

Despite a donation of blood from Chaalan, the wounded man, 40-year-old Ahmed Mustafa Farwaz, lost his right leg below the knee, while his son Mohammed Farwaz, 14, remained in serious condition with shrapnel wounds to his abdomen. The elder Farwaz’s unidentified mother suffered severe nerve damage to her legs.

(2)  "Ooops" attack on the UN, killing 4 U.N. observers, including a Canadian, a Chinese, an Austrian and a Finn. Kofi Annan is calling the attack deliberate.

Annan said in his statement the post had been there for a long time and was marked clearly, and was hit despite assurances from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that UN positions would not be attacked.

"I call on the government of Israel to conduct a full investigation into this very disturbing incident and demand that any further attack on UN positions and personnel must stop," Annan said in the statement.

Another “Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordPersonalLeave a Comment

Here’s the thing.  I’m too frantic trying to remember choreography moves, which is why I can’t remember many of the funny things said during rehearsals.  Be that as it may, some things stand out:

"I forgot the part where I scratch my kitty, and that’s why we got thrown off" — Female cast member during choregography rehearsal

"I like astroturf, just not on my nice baby ass."  — Female cast member during choreography rehearsal

More will come to me later, and I’ll update as necessary.

Meet some of the Debbie cast members (and their "inner celebrities") here.

My Celebrity Friends

Ken AshfordWeb Recommendations11 Comments

MyHeritage.com is a website that traces family geneology.  But they’ve got a cool new feature which has little to do with geneology.

All you do is go here, upload a picture of yourself (a quick and easy free resigistration may be required), and their "face recognition" software kicks back a list of celebrities with similar facial features and structure.  Things like hair, makeup, glasses, etc. are not factored in.  Not even facial fat.  It’s a bone structure, spacing-between-the-eyes kind of thing.

Eager to try, I obtained pictures of friends of mine (and Debbie Does Dallas co-actors) from their blogs and ran them through the face pattern recognition software.

And now, without their permission, I give you the results (below the fold).  The numbers in parentheses represent how closely their face matches their "inner celebrity".

Now before you look at the results, keep one thing in mind.  This is based on ONE PHOTO.  The MyHeritage website lets you submit more photos, to get a more accurate reading.

Read More

Dude, That Is So Wrong

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

From Missouri:

The assault trial of a man accused of shoving a cell phone down a woman’s throat has begun.

Prosecutors say 24-year-old Marlon Brando Gill was angry and jealous when he forced the phone into Melinda Abell’s throat in December. But defense attorneys insist the 25-year-old victim swallowed the phone intentionally to prevent Gill from finding out who she’d been calling.

Gill is charged with felony first-degree assault.

A doctor at a Kansas City hospital’s emergency room used a tool called a "pincher" to remove the phone from Abell’s throat.

She testified yesterday that she couldn’t remember how the phone got in her throat, saying she drank too much that night. Court records show that her blood alcohol content was three times the legal limit.

Citizen Diplomacy

Ken AshfordForeign AffairsLeave a Comment

On September 12, 2001, the French newspaper La Monde headlined "We Are All Americans Today", or something like that.  That was certainly the global sentiment.  Everybody was united with us, and we Americans were united.

Incredible how five years of Bush policies have not only divided the country, but turned our longstanding friends and allies into rampant America-haters.  It’s really isn’t much of a surprise, given the whole "fuck you, world" dismissive attitude that’s displayed by the present adminsitration and it’s supporters.

Fortunately, someone is doing something about it:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – With anti-American sentiment at unprecedented levels around the world, Americans worried about their country’s low standing are pushing a grassroots campaign to change foreign perceptions of the United States "one handshake at a time."

The idea is to turn millions of Americans into "citizen diplomats" who use personal meetings with foreigners to counter the ugly image of the United States shown in a series of international public opinion polls. They show widespread negative attitudes not only toward U.S. policies but also toward the American people and, increasingly, even American products.

To stem the relentless decline of America’s international standing — a dramatic change from the almost universal sympathy for the country immediately after the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington –leaders of more than 30 civic organizations formed a "Coalition for Citizen Diplomacy" two years ago.

The coalition, a loose alliance of national, state and community groups, held its first national summit in July in Washington, where speakers deplored the sorry state of the U.S. image but expressed hope that individual action and international people-to-people exchanges could go a long way toward improving things.

The powers behind this movement include major businesses, like Exxon and McDonalds, who realize that anti-American sentiment hurts business.  And their right.

Rape Victim Denied Morning-After Pill

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Health CareLeave a Comment

Look.  If your religion prevents you from doing your job, then either (a) get another job or (b) get another religion.  Here’s what I’m talking about — a story from Lancaster, PA:

A Good Samaritan Hospital emergency room doctor refused to give a rape victim a morning-after pill because he said it was against his Mennonite religion.

Rebuffed by the doctor, the woman called her gynecologist, who wrote the prescription. Her local pharmacy told her it was out of the drug and referred her to a sister store in Reading.

The former medical director of the hospital said he sees nothing strange about asking a woman from eastern Lebanon County to drive to Reading for a drug.

"People drive to Reading to buy jeans. Even if that were the case, that you had to drive to Reading to get this [prescription], to me that does not rise to a compulsion that you have to pass laws that [doctors] have to do something," Dr. Joe Kearns said.

Well, he might have a point about passing laws, but that doesn’t remove the moral obligation of caregivers to, you know, give care.

Emergency contraception, often called the morning-after pill, gives a high dosage of birth-control medicine that can prevent pregnancy.

It’s a pill that Dr. Martin Gish, the physician who treated the rape victim, said he has prescribed.

"This is an issue I’ve struggled with for years," Gish said. "My current feeling is life begins at conception, and I feel that anything that interferes with that" causes an abortion.

"The dilemma I have is the whole rape issue: Which side are you more concerned with? Are you more concerned about the mother or the life that was possibly created? That’s my dilemma," he said. "I personally don’t have this thing worked out. I’m not sure how my faith can line up with my practice at times of what I’m asked to do."

And while I think the doctor here is sincere about having a "dilemna", he has to understand that ultimately it’s not about him and his issues.  Not when he puts on the stethoscope.  He needs to recognize who his patient is, and treat that patient.  And if he can’t, he needs to find work elsewhere.  The woman was raped for chrissakes.  Why should she have to jump through hoops to get the care she needs?

Ken Jennings Blog

Ken AshfordBlogging, Popular Culture1 Comment

Ken Jennings, the dude who won 74 times in a row on Jeopardy!, netting a total of $2.5 million, has started a blog.

Already, he’s created quite a buzz, mostly from a post last week about Jeopardy!:

Dear Jeopardy!,

Hey, I hope you remember me. It’s been a while since we talked. We were a bit of an item a couple years back, in all the papers, but I think we both know that was just a summer thing. The last time we saw each other…well, the magic just wasn’t there. That’s why I don’t mind when I see you with a new special someone. Or two. Nearly every night! … I’m sorry, is this sounding passive-aggressive? I don’t mean to badger you. I remember that, when we were together, it seems like all I ever did was nag you with questions.

Let me start again. What I really wanted to talk to you about was your image. You’ve got a good twenty years on you now, and that’s Trebek-era alone. Times have changed since your debut, but when I watch you, it’s the same-old same-old: the same format, the same patter, the same fonts, the same everything as when I first crushed out on you in fourth grade. You’re like the Dorian Gray of syndication. You seem to think “change” means replacing a blue polyethylene backdrop with a slightly different shade of blue polyethylene backdrop every presidential election or so. Would you mind a few suggestions on how you might really freshen up your act a bit?

He lists several snarky criticisms of the show, ending up with Alex Trebek himself:

Finally, Alex. I know, I know, the old folks love him. Nobody knows he died in that fiery truck crash a few years back and was immediately replaced with the Trebektron 4000 (I see your engineers still can’t get the mustache right, by the way.) But that’s beside the point: “Alex” is the franchise. You can’t just bring in Ryan Seacrest without warning, more’s the pity. But I think a few little host tweaks would do a lot of good.

  1. On Price Is Right, Bob Barker ends every show with a plug for his personal favorite cause. “Spay or neuter your pet!” or whatever. Something like this would humanize Trebek. I propose a new sign-off, along the lines of, “Can our returning champion do it again on tomorrow’s show? Tune in and find out, everybody. Legalize cannabis. Good night.”
  2. You know how Trebek likes to read foreign words in these thick, strained accents, thinking he’s being muy auténtico? He should continue to do this, but instead of delivering them himself, he needs to have a little ventriloquist’s dummy with a sombrero to pipe in with those words. (The sombrero can be switched with a beret for French words.)
  3. Whenever Alex says “Correct!” to a contestant, he should do the two-index-finger point, like Isaac in the Love Boat credits.

Pretty funny stuff.