Caught On Tape

Ken AshfordBush & Co.2 Comments

What an embarassment.

Here’s your President, caught unaware that he was miked, talking to some world leaders.  First, chomping with his mouth full on a dinner roll, he responds to Blair’s proposition about sending international peacekeepers to quell the situation in Israel and Lebanon:

"See the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it’s over."

How Churchillian.  And of course, another Bush quote for the ages — here’s Bush talking to a staffer about his speech at the G8:

"I’m just going to make it up as I go along. Some of these guys talk too long."

And Bush also demonstrates his mastery of the obvious — in a conversation with Russian Premier Putin about their flights home:

"You eight hours? Me too. Russia’s a big country and you’re a big country. Takes him eight hours to fly home. Not Coke, diet Coke. … Russia’s big and so is China. Yo Blair, what’re you doing? Are you leaving?"

Story and audio clips here.  BBC has the unbleeped video.

No doubt, many Bush supporters will praise Bush’s substantively empty tough talk.  On that point, Tbogg is right:

[W]e’re in the mess we’re in because we need to do better than Earl from down at the garage who thinks that fixing the Middle East is as simple as gettin’ folks to stop doin’ that "shit".

Firedoglake has more thoughts on the Bush embarassment.

UPDATE:  More from Arianna Huffington:

Yes, on one level, it’s great comedy — as funny as anything SNL or The Onion could come up with. "Yo, Blair!"? Bush’s kindergarten insight that "Russia’s big and so is China". The dripping with sarcasm frat-boy banter:

Bush: Thanks for the sweater; it was awfully thoughtful of you. I know you picked it out yourself.

Blair: Oh, absolutely!

What was next, the two of them high-fiving and yelling "Psyche!"?

But on another level, the conversation was the most dispiriting exchange I could imagine hearing at a moment like this.

Has there ever been a more feeble statement by a U.S. president than "See, the irony is what they really need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it’s over"?

Churchill it ain’t.

Indeed, it says all you need to know about how this president’s disastrous mismanagement of foreign policy has undermined America’s standing in the world.

The Middle East is teetering on the brink, and the President of the United States is reduced to sitting on the sidelines, helplessly ruminating on what "they" need to do to try and broker a settlement.

Other thoughts are on the media obsession with the profane language, rather than more telling issues:

Indeed, Bush’s unplugged moment today included some of the most surprisingly newsworthy remarks from the president in a very long time. We got a glimpse into how the British Prime Minister is pressing Bush on the Middle East. We heard a little about how the president would like to see the crisis resolved. We learned that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice might be traveling to the region, presumably to apply diplomatic pressure and invest the U.S. in the crisis. And for those interested in Bush’s persona, we learned that Bush is perhaps even more unsophisticated and clumsy in private than his fiercest critics had feared.

But the real media interest thus far has been in Bush’s use of a "bad word." As Ezra concluded, "This is your press corps."

IN OTHER BUSH-RELATED NEWS:  A former Bush official kills his autistic son and himself.

The Worst Unintentionally Bad Web Addresses

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

From Independent Sources:

1. A site called ‘Who Represents‘ where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is

2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at

3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at

4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at

5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power Generator company…

6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales:

7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s always

8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is

9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art designers, and their whacky website:

10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at

Some of these sites, I’ve noticed, have gone and changed their name.

And Now Your Moment Of Zen

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

Zuiilin English is a popular Japanese TV show that combines aerobics with English lessons. 

You’ll really want to see this.  It’s so good, I’m going to "bump" this post to the top.  Enjoy:

The Red Paperclip Guy

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

RedpaperclipOne year ago, a guy named Kyle McDonald set out to get buy a house . . . with only one red paperclip.

Using Craigslist, he decided to barter the red paperclip for something slightly better.  Then he would take that object and barter it for something slightly better. 

And so on . . . until he got a house.

He traded the red paper clip for a fish-shaped pen, and posted on Craigslist again.

Roaming Canada and the United States, he exchanged the pen for a ceramic knob, and in turn: a camping stove, a generator, a beer keg and Budweiser sign, a snowmobile, a trip to the Canadian Rockies, a supply truck and a recording contract.

Next, in April, he got himself really close, obtaining a year’s rent in Phoenix…

One year and sixteen trades later, he got a house.  Here’s his blog.

Is Castro Dead?

Ken AshfordBreaking NewsLeave a Comment

2:40 p.m.:  There’s apparently a buzz on Wall Street that Fidel bought the (collective) farm (so says the un-reality based Jonah Goldberg at The Corner), but nothing on the wires as of yet….

It’s only a rumor, but it stil might be a good time to read this article on, written a couple of weeks ago, about a post-Castro Cuba.

3:00 p.m.:  Hmmmm.  If it’s a "Wall Street rumor", it’s apparently not a big one, because stocks are doing very little in afternoon trading.

3:20 p.m.:  Then again, stocks have jumped 80 points since 1:30 p.m.  Still, I’m pretty close to calling the rumor "bogus".  Still nothing on the wires.

3:25 p.m.:  Make that 100 points up since 1:30 p.m.  Another 20 points in the last 10 minutes.

3:50 p.m.:  Yeah, I’m officially calling this a "bogus" rumor.

So Are They Gone Or Not?

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Rumsfeld on the Taliban in Afghanistan, December 2002:

KING: What’s the current situation in Afghanistan?

RUMSFELD: It is encouraging. They have elected a government through the Loya Jirga process. The Taliban are gone. The al Qaeda are gone.

Bush on the Taliban in Afghanistan, September 2004:

"The Taliban are no longer in existance."

Rumsfeld, today, when asked about the if the Taliban in Afghanistan will be defeated:

At a joint news conference with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Rumsfeld said militants "don’t want to see a country like Afghanistan have a successful democracy. They won’t succeed."

Second Headbutter Behind The Grassy Knoll

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Ezra Klein gets a little obssessed with the headbutting video.

What’s more, take a look (as you did the JFK assassination video) at Materazzi’s head. What I would expect–after a frontal assault on his chest–is for his body to move backwards and for his extremities to compensate (momentum conservation for you science folks) by lurching forwards. What’s more, you’d expect the severity of the lurch to correspond to the severity of the initial insult. And indeed, you can see but the tiniest eensiest bit of forward Italian head motion before it, out of nowhere, FLINGS back wildly and Materazzi’s entire body crashes to the floor. That means there was an invisible headbutter, or that the dude was acting in accordance with the way the Italians played roughly all World Cup: skeezily.

The Anti-Times Rally

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

A small rally was staged outside the New York Times office by right-wingers protesting how the NYT leaks secrets and loves al Qaeda and blah blah blah.  A very disappointing 150 people showed up.  My favorite photo:


So, according to this guy, publication of a NC subway map (you know like the one on the MTA website here) assists al Qaeda.  Apparently, if the New York Times doesn’t publish it, al Qaeda will be flummoxed as to how to obtain the information.


Policy Shift

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Financial Times:

The White House confirmed on Tuesday that the Pentagon had decided, in a major policy shift, that all detainees held in US military custody around the world are entitled to protection under the Geneva Conventions.

What amazes me is that it was ever a QUESTION to begin with!

UPDATE:  Spencer Ackerman believes today’s announcement is little more than a shell game.

The White House is insulting your intelligence if it expects you to believe that its new policy of extending Geneva Conventions protections to all detainees in U.S. military custody is sufficient to redress the proven abuse and illegality of its war on terror. The very obvious loophole is what will happen to detainees outside of U.S. military custody — as in CIA custody, such as the so-called "black sites," where Geneva is a sick joke. Which is a fairly apt description of this new White House attempt at damage control.

Iraqi Brutality [Update: And Afghanistan]

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Even to those who are aware of how bad things are in Iraq, this report totally shocks and disgusts:

One international official told me of reports among his staff that a 15-year-old girl had been beheaded and a dog’s head sewn on her body in its place; and of a young child who had had his hands drilled and bolted together before being killed.

The author of this dispatch, TNR’s Lawrence Kaplan, seems to be arguing that Iraqis are simply barbarians so we should just carpet bomb the whole country.

Or something like that.

Of course, doing so would take away the ONLY remaining rationale for the war in the first place.  Remember, there were no WMDs and Saddam didn’t pose a threat to us.  The only remaining rationale is that we were doing a wonderful service to the Iraqi people.  If we just go in there and shoot up the place indiscriminately, we’re left with no moral high ground.

UPDATE:  The same kind of stomach-churning stuff in Afghanistan, too:

Taliban use beheadings and beatings to keep Afghanistan’s schools closed

The letter pinned overnight to the wall of the mosque in Kandahar was succinct. "Girls going to school need to be careful for their safety. If we put acid on their faces or they are murdered then the blame will be on their parents."

To My Gay Friends In Guilford County

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, Republicans, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

There’s a wanker in your midst.

This is from the blog of Marcus Kindley, Chairman of the Guilford County Republican Party:

We now say that homosexuality is ok. That it is natural. Yes it is as natural as pedophilia.

If it were natural then we wouldn’t be having a conversation about it, because there would be no procreation. It really is that simple. All the other studies and written articles are the justification for the actions of this group of individuals.

It’s A Woman’s World

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Yup.  Men are becoming more superfluous than ever before.

Why do I say that?  Because of the rapid advances in the development of artificial sperm:

Scientists have raised hopes of an end to male infertility after producing mice using artificial sperm.

Artificial sperm have been used to create living animals for the first time, in an experiment that promises an end to male infertility.

Scientists have fertilised mouse eggs with sperm grown from embryonic stem (ES) cells to produce seven pups, proving that working reproductive cells can be made in the laboratory. The births provide the strongest evidence yet that it will be possible eventually to use stem cells to treat infertile men who can make no sperm of their own.

Now granted, this scientific journey is designed to treat infertile men, but who’s to say that women won’t someday walk into a Walgreen’s and order some artificial male sperm?