Gas Prices

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Gas_pricesWith gas prices going up — and expected to climb — we recommend you put "Gas Buddy", aka, in your browser’s list of favorites.

The site will direct you to other sites where you can browse for the lowest gas prices in your area. 

Below is a chart (slightly modified by me) showing current prices in and around the Winston-Salem area, as of the date and time of this post.  [The prices are actually from, which was accessible through Gas Buddy.]

Lowest Regular Gas Prices in the Last 36 Hours
Price Station Area Time
2.75 Gashopper Winston-Salem Mon
9:12 AM
NW Blvd & Broad Street
2.77 QUALITY PLUS Winston-Salem Sat
11:43 PM
2.78 Quality Mart Winston-Salem Mon
9:12 AM
Country Club at Peace Haven
2.78 Quality Mart Winston-Salem Mon
8:14 AM
4995 Country Club Rd (At Peace Haven Rd)
2.78 Hess Winston-Salem Mon
8:14 AM
546 East Sprague St (US 52 Exit 108-A)
2.78 Hess Winston-Salem Mon
8:14 AM
1425 Silas Ck Pkwy (just west of Peters Ck Pkwy)
2.78 Hess Winston-Salem Mon
6:54 AM
Peters Creek & Silas Creek at I-40
2.79 Shell Winston-Salem Mon
9:34 AM
2801 Reynolda Rd
2.79 BP Winston-Salem Mon
9:34 AM
3836 Reynolda Rd
2.79 Citgo Winston-Salem Mon
9:12 AM
University at Northwest Blvd
2.79 Texaco Winston-Salem Mon
7:37 AM
2898 Reynolda Rd
2.79 Shell Winston-Salem Mon
7:37 AM
4905 Reynolda Rd
2.79 Chevron Winston-Salem Mon
7:37 AM
2800 Reynolda Rd
2.79 Shell Winston-Salem Mon
6:41 AM
2.79 In N Out Winston-Salem Mon
6:38 AM
2.79 Shell Winston-Salem Sun
9:14 PM
Jonestown at US421
2.81 Grand Prix (Formerly BP) Winston-Salem Mon
9:34 AM
3598 Yadkinville Rd (Just off Reynolda Rd – NC-67)
2.81 Gran Prix Winston-Salem Mon
7:37 AM
Yadkinville Rd & Valley Rd
2.82 BP Winston-Salem Mon
9:34 AM
4575 Yadkinville Rd
2.82 BP Winston-Salem Mon
7:37 AM
Yadkinville Road and Spicewood Drive
2.82 Citgo Winston-Salem Sun
3:00 PM
I-40 & Linville Rd
2.83 Exxon Winston-Salem Mon
9:35 AM
4975 Reynolda Rd
2.83 Shell Winston-Salem Sun
10:35 PM
3398 Robinhood Rd (At Peace Haven Rd)
2.83 Exxon Winston-Salem Sun
10:35 PM
3396 Robinhood Rd (Just S of Peace Haven Rd)
2.84 Exxon Winston-Salem Mon
6:51 AM
Jonestown at US421
2.86 BP Winston-Salem Sun
3:00 PM
I-40 @ Linville Road
Legal Issues: As this site depends on visitor price updates, North Carolina Gas Prices is not responsible for information inaccuracies, inconsistencies or errors. North Carolina Gas Prices reserves the right to make changes to any of the site content at any time without notice.

I’ll also be adding some gas info to the right column of this site.

Mr. Less-Than-Forty

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

For the first time, Bush drops below 40% in Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll:

Bush Job Approval
Approve Disapprove
Today 39 60
Apr 15 42 57
Apr 14 44 54
Apr 13 45 53
Apr 12 45 53
Apr 11 43 55
Apr 10 42 56
Apr 9 43 55
Apr 8 44 55
Apr 7 45 54
Apr 6 43 56
Apr 5 41 58
Apr 4 41 58
Apr 3 42 57
Apr 2 42 57
Apr 1 42 57
Dates are release dates. Surveys conducted on preceding three nights.

I Have A Question

Ken AshfordEnvironment & Global Warming & EnergyLeave a Comment

The first statement in the "statutory mission" of the United States Forest Services says that the agency should be:

Advocating a conservation ethic in promoting the health, productivity, diversity, and beauty of forests and associated lands.

So why is it in favor of a proposal to sell 300,000 acres of forest land in Western North Carolina in order to pay for local schools?

I understand both sides of the debate, but it seems to me that the United States Forest Service is on a side that is antithetical to its mission.

By the way, the land in the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forest is some of the prettiest I’ve ever seen.






Pharmacy Protests Escalate

Ken AshfordHealth Care, Sex/Morality/Family Values, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

Not only are some pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for morning-after pills and contraceptives (on the basis that it violates their personal religious beliefs), but now there are reports that they are not filling prescriptions for things like antibiotics and vitamins.  Why not?  Because the prescriptions are being filled for womens’ health clinics which (among other things) also happen to conduct abortions.

Via Kevin Drum, who adds:

The only silver lining I can see to this stuff is that it presents a marketing opportunity for an aggressive pharmacy chain, which might be able to attract new business with a simple slogan: "We respect your privacy. We’ll fill all your prescriptions, and we’ll fill them with no hassles." I won’t hold my breath waiting, though.

Ezra offers a thought experiment:

Here’s a question: scientologists, who are recognized, for tax purposes, as a religious sect, do not believe in antidepressants. They believe in vitamins. How do you think society would react if a significant number of scientologist-pharmacists at major drug stores ceased filling prescriptions for Paxil and Prozac and began offering vitamins instead? And if you don’t think folks would be pleased, explain to me why it’s a different, more-pernicious state of affairs.


Ken AshfordGodstuff, Right Wing and Inept Media, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

For no particular reason, I wanted to share this quote from the Rude Pundit:

In any sane nation, Rush Limbaugh would be a homeless junkie, shouting on street corners before he pissed himself again.

Also, for no particular reason, did you know that the Lord asks Pat Robertson to ask about other peoples’ sex lives?  Here’s a bit from an actual interview that Pat (PR) had with CBS’s Rita Braver (RB):

PR: And I said, "Tell me about your problem." And she said, "I’ve got this asthma." And I said, "Have you been to the (LAUGHTER) doctor?" And– and she said, "Yes. The doctor said my asthma was caused by praying with nuns." And I said, (LAUGHTER) "A doctor?"

RB: That sounds–

PR: "A doctor?"

RB: –that sounds like– (LAUGHTER) you should’ve advised her, "Maybe go see another doctor."

PR: There was– (LAUGHTER) well see– the– "A doctor told you this?" (UNINTEL) said, "Yes, that’s what my doctor told me." And I says, "There is no way that praying with nuns is gonna cause you– asthma." And then I prayed. And I said, "Lord, what’s wrong with her?" I just prayed silently. And the Lord said, "Ask about her sex life." And–

RB: The– the Lord said that to you?

PR: Yes, He said that to me. And I said, "There’s no way I’m going to ask a strange woman about her sex life." So I said– (COUGHS) "Excuse me for– being personal, but would you tell me about your marriage."

She said, "Oh, I have a wonderful marriage." I said, "You do?" She (UNINTEL PHRASE), "A wonderful husband, wonderful marriage. It’s just absolutely marvelous." I said, "You do?" She said, "Yes." So I prayed again. (LAUGHTER) I said, "Lord, what’s the matter?" And she– He said, "Ask her about her sex life."

RB: I– it’s hard to imagine the Lord–

PR: The– the–

RB: –saying this to you–

PR: –the Lord say– well He did.

Second Verse, Same As The First

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Iran, IraqLeave a Comment

Press Conference with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, yesterday:

Q: What planning, if any, has the Pentagon been undertaken for the possibility of military action involving Iran? And has the nuclear strike option been ruled out?

RUMSFELD: You know, someone comes up with an idea, runs it in a magazine or a paper; other papers pick it up and reprint it; editorialists, then, say, Oh, Henny Penny, the sky is falling, and opine on this and opine that.

…But it is just simply not useful to get into fantasyland.

Press Conference with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, 9/22/02:

Q: Sources say the President has a war plan on his desk about attacking Iraq? What types of options were provided to the President?

Rumsfeld: Of course I could and I won’t. I must say I find the people that are talking to the media about war plans are so far out of line and so disgracefully misbehaving that I find it stunning and a weak effort.

First of all I can tell you that anyone who knows anything isn’t talking and anyone with any sense isn’t talking therefore the people that are talking to the media by definition people who don’t know anything and people who don’t have a hell of a lot of sense.

The War Against Easter

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Right Wing and Inept MediaLeave a Comment

Yup.  There’s one of them, too.   

Think Progress has the low-down, but my favorite is this graphic and quote from Fox’s Bill O’Reilly:


O’REILLY: "Although some left-wingers in the media deny it, we have documented a number of cases where Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter have been attacked by secular interests. Lawsuits and corporate policies have proved this point over and over again."

The humorous thing is the picture of the Easter Bunny (and Santa) behind Bill’s over-inflated head.

I’m pretty sure the Bible never alludes to bunnies — especially egg-laying bunnies — especially colored egg-laying bunnies anywhere in connection with the death and resurrection of Jesus.  I’ll go so far as to suggest that colored egg-laying bunnies don’t make an appearance at all in the Bible.

Which leads me to this conjecture: if Bill had been around during the Middle Ages when the whole bunny thing was injected into the Easter holiday, he would be registering his complaint that it’s a secular attack on a Christian observance.

Coulter Schaudenfreude

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

Ann Coulter on the 2000 Presidential elections:

Seventy-five percent of the voter/felons unearthed were registered Democrats(!). If that sample is representative — and 8 percent of all Florida voters is a lot more representative than the average Gallup poll — about 5,000 felons voted illegally in Florida’s election this year. Had those votes been excluded in a post-election contest — which is, incidentally, the purpose of a post-election contest — Bush would have netted another 2,500-vote advantage.

Exclude all the crooks from the Florida election, and Bush won by 13,430 votes — more than all the dimpled chads in the Florida Supreme Court’s fantasies.

Well, the 2000 election mess is fading into history, but not voter fraud in Florida. 

And who’s the numero uno fraudulent voter?

Why, it’s Ann Coulter!

You may already be aware of the story of how Ann, well, lied under oath about her address, and tried to vote in a county precinct that she didn’t live in.  One might initially attribute this to a mistake — you know, not knowing where the voting precinct was located — except that Ann used the address of her realtor, not her own address, on her registration.

But even if you know some of the story, you must go visit Brad Blog, who has obtained (and posted) all the revevant documents.

Another Day, Another Lie Exposed

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

The constant drumbeat of misdoings just continues:

On May 29, 2003, 50 days after the fall of Baghdad, President Bush proclaimed a fresh victory for his administration in Iraq: Two small trailers captured by U.S. and Kurdish troops had turned out to be long-sought mobile "biological laboratories." He declared, "We have found the weapons of mass destruction."

The claim, repeated by top administration officials for months afterward, was hailed at the time as a vindication of the decision to go to war. But even as Bush spoke, U.S. intelligence officials possessed powerful evidence that it was not true.

A secret fact-finding mission to Iraq — not made public until now — had already concluded that the trailers had nothing to do with biological weapons. Leaders of the Pentagon-sponsored mission transmitted their unanimous findings to Washington in a field report on May 27, 2003, two days before the president’s statement.

The three-page field report and a 122-page final report three weeks later were stamped "secret" and shelved. Meanwhile, for nearly a year, administration and intelligence officials continued to publicly assert that the trailers were weapons factories.

Think Prgoress catalogues some of those public statements lies by members of the Bush Administration.

Tom Tomorrow asks "a serious question for conservatives":

Why do you still believe anything this administration says? How many times do you have to be shown that pretty much everything they tell you is a lie before you stop trusting them? Seriously, do you have some kind of mental disorder, or are you just not very smart? (Or do you understand that it’s all bullshit, but don’t care?)

Mahablog: "As I recall, Saddam Hussein had the same deal going with his weapons scientists. They’d tell him what he wanted to hear so they could keep their jobs. This sort of thing is not supposed to happen with the government of a free nation."

Shakespeare’s Sister looks at righty reactions and spin.

UPDATE:  Tapped reports that Howard Dean is all over this, asking the Bush Administration to declassify the document in question.  What possible reason can the Bush Administration give to avoid declassification — especially since (a) they’ve just launched a blitzkreig about how important it is to declassify documents to "inform the public"; and (b) the war against Saddam (as opposed to the rebuilding of Iraq) is over?

FURTHER UPDATE:  Get this.  On the subject of declassifying the document, Scotty McClellan today said this:

I think the CIA will tell you — and I spoke to them earlier today — that a finished product like this, a white paper like this, takes coordination, it takes debating, it takes vetting, and it’s not something that they will tell you turns on a dime. It’s a complex intelligence white paper and it’s … one derived from highly classified information takes a substantial amount of time to coordinate and to run through a declassification process. And they will tell you this.

So, when it comes to discrediting Joe Wilson, classifed information can be turned into declassified information through a mere presidential wave of the hand and a game of telephone tag to underlings.  But when it comes to information which may discredit the Bush Administration, it takes a "substantial amount of time".

FINAL UPDATE (maybe):  This is funny.  Scotty is angry at the media for reporting the story that the mobile labs were not weapons of mass destruction, and — get this — the media should apologize.  Think Progress writes:

McClellan’s complaint is that the Washington Post and others suggest that President Bush may have known about the report before he made definitive statements that the trailers were for the purpose of building biological weapons.

When McClellan was asked when the White House became aware of the Pentagon field report, however, McClellan couldn’t say. He told the press corps “I’m looking into that matter” but the answer was “not the point.”

Just Where The Heck . . . Is Kaye Grogan’s Brain?

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Grogan0412Kaye’s back again this week at Renew America, still griping about illegal immigrants (for the fourth week in a row).  She’s obviously tried to do some thinking about solutions.  Her latest opus is entitled "Just Where The Heck . . . Is The Back Of The Line?".

What kind of lousy fence do we have built alongside the border anyway?

Oh, dear.  Kaye is under the impression that there is an actual 2,000 mile fence along the entire U.S.-Mexican border.

The pictures I’ve seen of the fence and on television, reminds me of something made out of Teflon or tin — you know the type of fencing material a landfill may use to keep stray dogs out of the garbage.

Kaye wrote that sentence while looking out the window.

If the price to add 700 more miles of fencing is going to cost billions of dollars, somebody is getting ripped off!

Oh wait a minute . . . that’s us!

So you complain about the shitty (partial) fence, and then you complain about money being spent to build a more substantial one, Kaye.  Pick a gripe.

If the United States is as prosperous as we have been led to believe, surely we can afford a real fence or wall to keep masses of illegal immigrants from scaling over into America.

Kaye, you’ve got us thinking.  How much would it cost to build a fence on the U.S.-Mexican border?

We went to to obtain an estimated quote for a fence running 2000 miles, or 10,560,000 feet. 

First of all, we weren’t sure what kind to get.  We ultimately decided to get a commercial-grade (rather than residential grade) steel ornamental fence, because it sounded like it would do the trick. 

We couldn’t decide whether we wanted it to be "classical style" or "majestic style", but we figured "Hey, we’re AMERICA.  Fuck, yeah!", and went with the "majestic".   Hope that didn’t add too much to the cost.

CommercialhomeThey let us choose the height — we went with the highest one (120 inches).  We don’t want those Mexicans to be able to, as Kaye puts it, "scale over into America", right? 

It’ll look like the picture at the left, except it’ll be 10 feet high.  And no trees and grass and stuff.

We got the kind with "3 rails" instead of "2 rails".  Don’t know why.  Guess we thought it would be more sturdy.  You know, in case some really strong Mexican decided he was going to bend the bars or something?

Anyway, here’s the cost estimate (click on it to enlarge):


So that fence is going to run us $ 713,856,060.83.  And that’s just for materials.  That doesn’t include shipping.  Or tax.  Or labor.  Or Haliburton skimming.

Okay.  Good to know.  Back to Kaye.

Right now, we have enough border patrols to guard one mile tract, per guard. By the time they get to one end and back, at least a thousand immigrants can crossover into America.

Especially if they were really small, and moved really fast.

There needs to be a guard stationed every few feet, if we are going to get tough on immigration violators.

Oh, crap.  More math.

Okay.  If we stationed a guard every, say, 12 feet along our 2,000 mile border, that amounts to 880,000 guards for every 8 hour shift, or a grand total 2,640,000 guards. 

Employing all those guards is going to cost a pretty penny.  Where can we find some cheap labor to fill all those positions?

Many members of our government keep saying that 12 million people should go to the back of the line and come through the proper channels to become U.S. citizens. Just where the heck is the back of the line? Can you imagine how long a line would be with that many people?

Bite me, Kaye.  We’re not going to do more math simply because you have a problem distinguishing between figurative speech and literal speech.

And can’t you just imagine how truthful illegal immigrants are going to be when they tell authorities how long they’ve been in America? There is no way to determine how long undocumented workers have been here — much less determine that they have passed the test to become U.S. citizens. They can say they’ve been here five to ten years. Who can dispute it?

Right.  That’s how it would work, Kaye.  We would literally line up 12,000,000 immigrants single file, and when they come to the table, we ask them how long they’ve been in this country. Then, we rearrange them in line based on their responses.  And then we start letting them in – first come, first served.

The Democrats are working overtime, trying to squeeze as many foreigners as they can into America, otherwise they have zero chance of returning to power. Why else would they be supporting a non citizen or felon voting right’s bill?

And not to be outdone, the Republicans are trying to dodge the real issue hoping to not alienate the Hispanic voters — so they won’t lose power. They would rather alienate millions of hard-working Americans instead.

Sounds like its a bi-partisan effort.

The United States does not owe any other country allegiance, and we are certainly not obligated to keep up a poor country, because their leaders are suppressing their people. The Mexicans should be protesting in Mexico against their government — not in America.

We’re keeping up Mexico by the influx of undocumented workers?

Before our leaders agreed to sign a free or fair trade agreement with other countries, there should have been a "fair wage" agreement mandated in the document or the signed document would be declared null and void.

And I should be paying $1.50 for gas.  Sadly, the world doesn’t work that way.

Senator Ted Kennedy said that it would take around $246 billion to deport 12 million people back to their country. That amount sounds far-fetched even if it is quoted by extremist Kennedy.

Senator Kennedy, I know gas prices are high, but $246 billion? Why not send them packing, and through the same route they used to enter America?

That’s right.  Just take out an ad in the newspaper telling illegal immigrants to leave, and they’ll just leave.  Easy peasy Japanesey.  What’s that gonna cost – a few bucks?

While my grandfather on my mother’s side migrated from Germany, my grandfather on my father’s side was a Cherokee Indian.

"Struggles With Reality" was his name.

The lineage of people on my father’s side was already in America. So, I feel a special allegiance to my country.

Like all Native Americans and their descendents.

Yes, we all have ancestors who came to America hoping for a better life, but the proper channels were followed. And millions were not allowed to come to America in hordes.

Right!  It says "huddled masses", people — not "huddled hordes"!

The whole process was orderly.

She’s right.  Just look how neatly arranged they were:0008n039_1

Besides, I don’t think the immigrants who came through Ellis Island brought flags, drugs, gang-members or suitcase bombs from their former countries.

"Like those nice Italian-Sicilan immigrants that you see in The Godfather.  They came, assimilated, and we never heard from them again."

They came here to become Americans in every way. They accepted, and eventually adapted to the traditions in America.

Which is to pull up the ladder once they arrived.  Just like Kaye.

Now many have hidden ulterior motives for coming to America.

To take all of our shitty jobs, the bastards.

Members of congress should have stayed in session until they reached an agreement to fix the immigration problem — even if it was just temporary.

You said they were "working overtime, trying to squeeze as many foreigners as they can into America".  Make up your mind, Kaye.

Instead, they go off to celebrate Easter, while America is on the brink of disaster.

Which is the worst time to honor the resurrection of Christ.

As Momma used to say to us (when we were children ) — and in hot water: "boy . . . you’re in a heap of trouble!"

Now we see where you acquired your rapier wit, Kaye.

Likewise to the leaders of our country: "boys . . . you’re in a heap of trouble!"

Indeed.  Because Kaye is likely to keep writing about this for the next several months.

Nathan Tabor Blames The Media

Ken AshfordRight Wing and Inept Media, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

TaborWe are so fortunate to have this goon running for the NC State Senate in our district.  If nothing else, he’ll give us reams of satirable material for a long time to come:

To hear the mainstream media tell it, Katie Couric will be the savior of CBS News.

Oh, we don’t think they’re saying that at NBC.

She’s perky, blonde — and getting blonder by the day. She is widely portrayed as a tough interviewer who manages to exude the sweetness of an Iowa poultry queen.

We’ll have to defer to Nathan’s obvious authority on the subject of Iowa poultry queens. 

Frankly, we don’t even know what an "Iowa poultry queen" is, or how one is bestowed with such an honor.  And we don’t want to know.

The CBS Evening News — which is consistently dead-last in the ratings, welcomes her as a breath of fresh air — the type of lady who can attract the under 35 crowd — even though she herself is pushing 50.

Because as we all know, people only watch the news if the newscaster is the same age as themselves.

But it will take more than a Colgate smile and a cheerleader personality to rescue network news, which seems to specialize in bashing anyone considered patriotic, pro-military, or anywhere to the right of Ted Kennedy.

Right.  The media is always bashing the right.  Like this horrible graphic:Bushworstdisaster

It’s no accident that, during that dark period of American history between the two Presidents Bush, many ordinary Americans referred to CBS as the Clinton Broadcasting System.

"Ordinary Americans" like this guy, posting at the Free Republic:

"Okay, back on topic, the Clinton Broadcasting System should be disenfranchised. But so should NBC. Remember, NBC refused to interrupt Titanic for W news. I was astounded that that Leftie Peter Jennings, of all talking heads, appeared the most objective in reporting the USSC decision."

It wasn’t so long ago that robotic anchorman Dan Rather had to step aside amid the shame of circulating phony documents attacking the credibility of the leader of the Free World. I have never heard a single person complaining about missing Rather and his routine attacks on Republicans.

Well, he’s a robot.  Who’s gonna miss a robot?

Broadcast journalists such as Katie Couric feign concern for the poor and downtrodden, even as they line their personal bank accounts with millions.

Whereas Nathan heroes don’t have concern for the poor and downtrodden while they line their bank accounts with millions.  Tom Delay anyone?

As a viewer, you wonder sometimes if they care at all about slandering an honorable American such as Congressman Tom DeLay since, at the end of the day, they can simply return to their penthouse apartments and gated communities and not have to deal with the hardships in life faced by average Americans.

Yes, Nathan hates it when the media slams Tom DeLay who is, after all, an average American facing the hardships of everyday life Hole No. 3 on a remote all-expenses-paid junket to a Scotland golf course.

Long ago, viewers tuned out and turned off the nightly news. I don’t believe that these former viewers abandoned their interest in civic affairs. I simply know too many baseball dads and soccer moms who are heavily involved in their communities and care deeply about what happens to America.

Nathan lives in Kernersville, NC.  FYI.

And certainly in the wake of 9/11, people are aware of the fact that the troubled people in a distant land can wreak havoc on the American way of life.

People abandoned network news because network news abandoned them.

Or maybe it had something to do with — oh we don’t know — the advent of the 24 hour cable news network?  The Internet?

Or maybe a lot of people stopped viewing the nightly network news because they’re working two jobs and aren’t home during the half hour that it’s on each day.

Jeez, what a moron.

Sure, the networks can try gimmicks to lure viewers back — such as solo female anchors…

A woman anchor is a "gimmick"?  Wow.  Welcome to Nathan’s world, where it’s always 1950.

… letting viewers vote for the stories they want to see…

No, Nathan.  That’s American Idol, not the nightly news.

… and hiring heartthrobs as national correspondents.

Right.  We all remember that disasterous television moment when Brad Pitt interviewed Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.  Don’t we?

But that’s all just window-dressing.

What the nightly news really needs is a dose of reality.

Ah, this should be good.  Like what, Nathan?

It should be produced by people who live in the real world — the world of ten-year-old cars, monstrous medical bills, and coupon-clipping.

That’s right, Mrs. Paige Greenway of Eau Claire, Wisconsin!  Put down the Eau Claire Shopper’s News and catch the first plane to New York right now!  There’s some news shows that need producin’.

The newscast needs to reflect the world that we actually live in — not the conservative hellhole envisioned by Barbra Streisand and the rest of the liberal crowd.

Let’s be clear about this:  Nathan wants the news to reflect the real world of "monstrous medical bills", and not some "hellhole" world.  Because monstrous medical bills are fun!!!

Network news should employ people of real diversity — and that would include people with conservative viewpoints.

So to summarize: 

Employing 50 year old women = gimmicky "fake" diversity. 

Employing conservatives = real diversity. 


After all, conservatives lead many of our state legislatures, our businesses, and our athletic teams. Wouldn’t it make sense for conservatives to be present in newsrooms as well?

Gee, he’s right.  Wouldn’t it be nice if there was, like, an entire 24 hour cable news network full of conservative commentary?  Some place on your television dial where the news is just rip-and-read from the White House talking points?  Some place run up by a former GOP consultant and advisor like, say, Roger Ailes?

The advent of cable and the ascension of Fox News have permitted viewers to see current events from a different perspective — one not colored by left-wing propaganda. After seeing a bit of fair and balanced coverage, many viewers probably decide they simply don’t want to go back to network-style nonsense.

Fair and balanced????  What’s Nathan been smoking?  EVERY conservative I know acknowledges that Fox is right-wing biased.  They LIKE it that way.  But they are not so delusional as to think it is "balanced"!!!

It will take more than a pretty face for an effective makeover at CBS News.

It’ll take Bill O’Reilly.

It will also take a dedication to the pursuit of the truth, and a willingness to accept the fact that — believe it or not — most Americans love America and don’t want to see their President, Generals, and religious leaders routinely mocked on the small screen.

Unless the President has the last name of Clinton, the General is on the wrong side of the Iraq War, and the religious leader is, well, black.  Then it’s cool to mock them.  In fact, it’s patriotic.

BONUS:  Be sure to check out these other Renew America columnists —

Shorter Doug Hagin:  "Americans are getting stupider.  I know; I used to train bartenders."

Shorter Peter and Helen Evans: "We like to sit around and think about scary things that don’t exist in the real world, and then write about them."

Shorter Bruce Wilson:  "Okay, gay marriage doesn’t technically threaten traditional marriage, but we should pretend like it does."

Shorter Bonnie Alba:  "Guess what I found out?  If you cover each ear with the Bible, it’s possible to block out the sounds of science."