Our Solar System

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

This is pretty cool.  This webpage shows a scaled version of our solar system, where 1 pixel equals about 1000 kilometers.  You start off at the sun, and you scroll to the right until you hit Mercury.  Then Venus.  Then Earth, and so on.  Not only are the distances between the planets to scale, but the planet sizes are to scale.

Be prepared for A LOT of scrolling.  This is a looooong webpage.

Blank Stares

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

The Nation:

[S]enior administration officials from the Departments of Defence, State, Treasury and Homeland Security trooped up to Capitol Hill to brief the Senate Armed Services Committee about the plan to let Dubai Ports World, a firm owned by the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in charge of ports up and down the east coast.

Noting a particularly concerning line in the 9-11 Commission — "The United Arab Emirates was becoming both a valued counterterrorismally of the United States and a persistent counterterrorism problem" — U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Michigan, asked the administration representatives: "Just raise your hand if anybody (at the witness table) talked to the 9-11 commission," said Levin.

The senator’s request was met with blank stares.

A Civil War By Any Other Name

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

The brass at the Pentagon "reject" the notion that a civil war is brewing.  Well, I guess the Pentagon has to say that, although ex-Pentagon officials have been signing a different story for quite a while:

“It’s just political rhetoric to say we are not in a civil war. We’ve been in a civil war for a long time,” said Pat Lang, the former top Middle East intelligence official at the Pentagon. [Newsday, 5/12/05]

So which is it?  You be the judge.  Let’s look at events over the last 24-48 hours:

  • Sistani is threatening to deploy his own militia.

  • The top Iraq Sunni political party has pulled out of negotiations for the formation of a new government in protest over sectarian violence.

  • Violence over the past 24 hours has cost 130 lives:
  • A day after a suspected al Qaeda bomb destroyed a major Shi’ite shrine, Iraq canceled all leave for the police and army and minority Sunni political leaders pulled out of U.S.-backed talks on forming a national unity government, accusing the ruling Shi’ites of fomenting dozens of attacks on Sunni mosques.

    Washington, which wants stability in Iraq to help it extract around 130,000 U.S. troops, has also called for restraint, reflecting international fears that the oil-exporting country of 27 million may be slipping closer to all-out sectarian war.

    The main Sunni religious authority made an extraordinary public criticism of the Shi’ites’ most revered clerical leader, accusing him of fuelling the violence by calling for protests […]

    Police and military sources tallied more than 130 deaths, mostly of Sunnis, around the two biggest cities Baghdad and Basra in the 24 hours since the bloodless but highly symbolic bombing of the Shi’ite Golden Mosque in Samarra. Dozens of Sunni mosques have been attacked and several burned to the ground.

    Certainly has the earmarks of a civil war, yes?  And we’re still in the crossfire.  Seven U.S. soldiers killed in the past 24 hours.

    UPDATE:  More civil war deniers over at GOP.com.  Iraq is going great, they say, because mail carriers are carrying one third the amount of mail they did before the invasion, instead of one fifth.  (GOP.com cites the New York Times as its source, but fails to tell us what NYT added — i.e., that more and more Iraqi mail carriers are getting shot at).

    Hack Gets Hacked

    Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

    Michelle Malkin posted the cartoons that offended Muslims throughout Europe, and went on Fox News to show them.

    Her site is now down.  Apparently the source of the denial-of-service hack is from Turkey.

    I’m not sure what Malkin was trying to prove by publishing the cartoons.  And while I don’t condone digitial sabotage, I have the distinct feeling that Michelle intentionally provoked this, half-seeking to generate just this response.  When all is restored with her blog, she will no doubt whine about the victim of cyberterrorism.  I, for one, will be unsympathetic, just as I would be for a kid who pokes a stick at a rabid dog and complains about being bit.

    Digitial “Black Like Me”

    Ken AshfordRaceLeave a Comment

    Erika_closeupthumbErika Thereian is blonde and sports a California tan.  When playing online in Second Life, her avatar is a Pamela Anderson look-alike.

    Erika_in_midnight_skinthumbBut for a lark, she recently remodelled her skin so that she looked more like Serena Williams, and spent three months in the digital world that way:

    Some of her friends shied away, she believes. Then there were the "guys that thought I was an easy lay, for lack of a better term. It scared me honestly, some of the assumptions made. …I lost a couple of what I thought were good friends [who] stopped IMing and chatting. They were polite to a fault when I showed up, but [it] was weird.

    Full story here.

    What? Me Worry?

    Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

    Regarding the Dubai Ports deal, Bush said this morning:

    The management of some ports, which, heretofore, has been managed by a foreign company will be managed by another company from a foreign land. And so people don’t need to worry about security. This deal wouldn’t go forward if we were concerned about the security for the United States of America.

    Yup.  "Nothing to see here.  Daddy will take care of everything."

    This comes on the heels of the revelation that the WH negotiated a "secret deal" with the UAE company:

    Under a secretive agreement with the Bush administration, a company in the United Arab Emirates promised to cooperate with U.S. investigations as a condition of its takeover of operations at six major American ports, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

    The U.S. government chose not to impose other, routine restrictions.

    In approving the $6.8 billion purchase, the administration chose not to require state-owned Dubai Ports World to keep copies of its business records on U.S. soil, where they would be subject to orders by American courts. It also did not require the company to designate an American citizen to accommodate requests by the government.

    While this deal does not necessarily implicate national security, it certainly looks like the White House bent over backwards to make sure that DPW was not accountable to American courts and oversight.

    But, that’s okay, says Bush.  Don’t worry.

    One of the six ports, by the way, is in New Orleans.  I wonder how many New Orleanians are reassured by Bush’s comment.

    To The Batmobile!

    Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

    0069610It looks like Osama’s days are numbered:

    In his latest adventure, Batman will dispense with his old enemies, the Riddler and the Joker, and take on Osama bin Laden instead.

    In Holy Terror, Batman!, a new graphic novel by the Batman writer Frank Miller, the Caped Crusader will take on al-Qa’eda when his home town, Gotham City, which is based on New York, is attacked by terrorists.

    "It is, not to put too fine a point on it, a piece of propaganda – Batman kicks al-Qa’eda’s ass," Mr Miller told a San Francisco comic book convention. "It just seems silly to chase around the Riddler when you’ve got al-Qa’eda out there.

    Well, it seems silly to have a fictional character going after bin Laden, but at least somebody’s on the case.

    "Superman punched out Hitler. So did Captain America. That’s one of the things they’re there for. It’s an explosion from my gut reaction of what’s happening now, a reminder to people who seem to have forgotten who we’re up against."

    I think most people know who we’re up against.  The problem is, the Bush Administration forgot.  Then again, since they probably read comic books, maybe this will serve as a reminder.

    The Real Port Problem

    Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

    It’s not who is conducting the stevedoring operations, and not really whether they are an American company, a Great British company, or a Dubai company.

    The real problem from a national security standpoint is, and always has been, this:

    Only 4 percent or 5 percent of those containers are inspected. There is virtually no standard for how containers are sealed, or for certifying the identities of thousands of drivers who enter and leave the ports to pick them up. If a nuclear weapon is put inside a container — the real fear here — "it will probably happen when some truck driver is paid off to take a long lunch, before he even gets near a terminal," said [Stephen Flynn, a retired Coast Guard commander who is an expert on port security at the Council on Foreign Relations].

    John Kerry, by the way was all over this back in late 2003

    PORTSMOUTH — Calling the busy harbor port here a "point of opportunity" for terrorists, John F. Kerry called yesterday for significantly increasing screening of cargo and hiring of customs inspectors to improve security at the nation’s ports. After a morning boat tour of the harbor, Kerry expressed concern that US inspectors scrutinize only 4 percent of containers that are unloaded daily at the nation’s ports. He declined to give his own target percentage when asked, but said that the US should strive for 100 percent, though he acknowledged that the high cost of inspecting all containers would make it difficult. Kerry argued that President Bush has failed to make US ports more secure after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

    … and throughout the 2004 campaign:

    "The measurement is not, are we safer; the measurement is, are we as safe as we ought to be. And there are a host of options that this President had available to him, like making sure that at all our ports in America, containers are inspected. Only 95 percent of them — 95 percent come in today uninspected. That’s not good enough."

    I find it slightly amusing that Bush supporters kept calling Kerry weak on homeland security, and — even now — still are content to have only 5% of containers inspected in our ports.

    UPDATE:  The New York Times informs us:

    That port, along with the five others Dubai Ports hopes to manage, are the last line of defense to stop a weapon from entering this country. But Mr. Seymour, head of the subsidiary now running the operations, says only one of the six ports whose fate is being debated so fiercely is equipped with a working radiation-detection system that every cargo container must pass through.

    South Dakota Bans Abortion

    Ken AshfordWomen's IssuesLeave a Comment

    The law is clearly unconstitutional, and South Dakota legislators know it.  There isn’t even an exception for the health of the mother.  The only reason South Dakota passed it was to give the U.S. Supreme Court the opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade.  Full story here.

    I think that South Dakota is going to be disappointed in the end.  If the Roberts Court overturns Roe, it will be an admission that the law changes based on the make-up of the SCOTUS bench.  The problem is that the justices — both conservative and liberal — are more concerned about the credibility of the law (and stare decisis), rather than hot issues of the day.

    Brokeback Mountain

    Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

    So I saw it the other night.

    It was okay.  Beautifully shot.  A bit plodding at  times.  Good acting, but on the whole, pretty forgettable for me.  Too many words have been written about the whole "gay" thing, and nothing I could say could add or detract.  It doesn’t have, as rightwing homophobes suggest, a "gay agenda"; it’s just about two cowboys with a secret forbidden relationship.  As a movie, it was not a huge tearjerker, nor a huge romance — but it was a chick flick nonetheless.  Which is why I’m kind of non-plussed by it.

    But I bring it up only as a preface to this story:

    In Turkey, a pirated DVD version of the intentionally controversial movie hit the streets even before it arrived in theaters.

    The title has been translated into Turkish as the less-poetic "Faggot Cowboys."

    According to Screenhead.com, news of the DVD’s unofficial release has caused outrage in the Muslim country.

    My advice to Turks is quite simple: if you are outraged by this movie, don’t smuggle it into your country, and change its name.  I mean, it’s not like it’s being forced on you.

    By the way, for a good laugh, you should read Pat Boone’s review of "Brokeback Mountain".  Well, it’s not really a review, because Pat didn’t see it.  After all, Pat’s family has been traumatized by Hollywood westerns before.  It happened many years ago when they all went to see…

    a very popular musical film, "Paint Your Wagon." It had been a celebrated Broadway smash, terrific music, and the movie version starred Clint Eastwood, in a singing role! It was at the Cinerama Dome, a posh downtown theater in Hollywood – what could have been more ideal for a family outing?

    But as the thing rolled along, with giant production, huge cast, all the "good stuff," I realized that the story was about a struggling frontier town whose city fathers decided that the cowboys needed feminine companionship – so they’d build a whorehouse and import a lot of "ladies" to stock it! And when a big musical number centered on all the girls coming in by stagecoach and all the rugged wranglers salivating to get at them, I gathered my flock and we left.

    Yeah, Pat.  If "They Called The Wind Mariah" gets your panties in a bunch, then "Brokeback Mountain" really isn’t your cup of tea.

    But even though Pat hasn’t seen "Brokeback", he’s still traumatized by its success:

    I cringed when Clint Eastwood, the quintessential Western hero, had to give the Golden Globe for best director to Ang Lee for "Brokeback," and saw my friend Denzel Washington cringe as he announced the Golden Globe for BEST FILM went to the same sorry tale.

    Clint Eastwood is "the quintessential Western hero"?  But wasn’t he in "Paint Your Wagon", that horribly offensive movie that you and your brood stormed out of in a fit of Christian rage?

    Well, Pat’s a grown man.  I’m sure he can get over this Brokeback Mountain-mania, right?

    I’ve since been obsessed with wondering what John Wayne would say. Will his beloved "Alamo" be remade now, with a "new slant," into "Al and Mo"? Will "Shane" be modernized into "Shame, with Al and Ladd"? Will Hollywood treat us to "Catfight at the OK Corral"? "Hang ’em Limp"? "He Wore Yellow Ribbons"? "Stagecrotch"?

    I probably couldn’t repeat, or in this space print, what the Duke would have to say.

    I’m having a hard time finding Pat’s moral center here.  Not only is he fantasizing about John Wayne swearing, but since not seeing "Brokeback Mountain", Pat’s become obsessed with taking the titles of classic Westerns, and gaying them up.  Even John Waters isn’t that obsessed with homosexuality.

    I think Pat has issues.  Maybe he should move to Turkey.

    Or You Could Get A Girlfriend…

    Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

    157Kevin McCormick had an epiphany one day:

    One day, I had to face the facts:  I had no idea how to dress myself.  After going through old yearbooks and photographs, I came to the stunning realization that I needed serious help with my wardrobe.  So, at first I did what most people would do.  I went to others for advice.  It was good, but limited.

    So Kevin went the extra mile. 

    He created a website, called dresskevin.com, posted pictures of all of his shirts, pants, jeans, etc., and asked readers to dress him . . . daily, by simply clicking on the items. 

    Sometimes, he’s dressed more than once per day, if, say, he’s going to work and then clubbing in the evening.

    As of this writing, for example, we are asked to dress Kevin for a trip to the gym on Wednesday afternoon.  (Kevin helpfully provides the weather – it’s going to be roughly 50 degrees and partly cloudy)

    With each article of clothing, he also lists the last time he wore it ("I wore this 19 days ago"), so that readers won’t have him wearing the same thing over and over again.

    It looks like a lot of women are enjoying playing "dress-up" with Kevin, which only goes to prove . . . um . . . something.

    Pictured at the right is Kevin, with what his readers selected for him to where to work today (2/22/06).


    Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

    GoldendomeI think that in a few years’ time, we’ll look back on today’s Golden Dome bombing and recognize it as the spark that ignited the Iraqi Civil War (all capital letters).

    This was not some equivalent of a church bombing in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  To Iraqi Shiites, this is the equivalent of bombing St. Paul’s in New York, or the National Cathedral.

    UPDATE:  This is not good

    In one ominous sign of how Shiites may react, Iraq’s top Shiite cleric and the country’s vice president hinted that local armed militias might play a bigger role in security in future, if the government can’t protect such holy shrines.

    Both Sunnis and the United States fear the rise of such militias, which Sunnis view as little more than death squads. American commanders believe they undercut U.S. efforts to create a professional Iraqi army and police force — a key step toward the eventual drawdown of U.S. forces.