The New Enemy?

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Crusades Rolling Stone has a truly frightening article on a truly frightening movement:

It’s February, and 900 of America’s staunchest Christian fundamentalists have gathered in Fort Lauderdale to look back on what they accomplished in last year’s election — and to plan what’s next…But despite their unprecedented power, fundamentalists still see themselves as a persecuted minority, waging a holy war against the godless forces of secularism. To rouse themselves, they kick off the festivities with "Soldiers of the Cross, Arise," the bloodthirstiest tune in all of Christendom: "Seize your armor, gird it on/Now the battle will be won/Soon, your enemies all slain/Crowns of glory you shall gain."

Meet the Dominionists — biblical literalists who believe God has called them to take over the U.S. government. As the far-right wing of the evangelical movement, Dominionists are pressing an agenda that makes Newt Gingrich’s Contract With America look like the Communist Manifesto. They want to rewrite schoolbooks to reflect a Christian version of American history, pack the nation’s courts with judges who follow Old Testament law, post the Ten Commandments in every courthouse and make it a felony for gay men to have sex and women to have abortions. In Florida, when the courts ordered Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube removed, it was the Dominionists who organized round-the-clock protests and issued a fiery call for Gov. Jeb Bush to defy the law and take Schiavo into state custody. Their ultimate goal is to plant the seeds of a "faith-based" government that will endure far longer than Bush’s presidency — all the way until Jesus comes back.

The godfather of the Dominionists is D. James Kennedy, the most influential evangelical you’ve never heard of. A former Arthur Murray dance instructor, he launched his Florida ministry in 1959, when most evangelicals still followed Billy Graham’s gospel of nonpartisan soul-saving. Kennedy built Coral Ridge Ministries into a $37-million-a-year empire, with a TV-and-radio audience of 3 million, by preaching that it was time to save America — not soul by soul but election by election. After helping found the Moral Majority in 1979, Kennedy became a five-star general in the Christian army. Bush sought his blessing before running for president — and continues to consult top Dominionists on matters of federal policy.

"Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost," Kennedy says. "As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors — in short, over every aspect and institution of human society."

It helps that Dominionists have a direct line to the White House: The Rev. Richard Land, top lobbyist for the 16-million-member Southern Baptist Convention, enjoys a weekly conference call with top Bush advisers including Karl Rove. "We’ve got the Holy Spirit’s wind at our backs!" Land declares in an arm-waving, red-faced speech. He takes particular aim at the threat posed by John Lennon, denouncing "Imagine" as a "secular anthem" that envisions a future of "clone plantations, child sacrifice, legalized polygamy and hard-core porn."

The Dominionists are also stepping up efforts to turn public schools into forums for evangelism. In a landmark case, the Alliance Defense Fund is suing a California school district that threatened to dismiss a born-again teacher who was evangelizing fifth-graders. In the conference’s opening ceremony, the Dominionists recite an oath they dream of hearing in every classroom: "I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe."

Not to worry, says Paul Weldman at The Gadflyer:

Please, my secular friends, don’t think that most Christians believe this stuff. The dominant trend in Christianity today is the Purpose-Driven, super-casual megachurch, where you can grab a latte on your way in, it’s OK if you wear shorts to Sunday service, and the sermon is more Oprah Winfrey than Oral Roberts. Take in a few minutes of a sermon by Joel Osteen, the hottest young pastor on the scene (just flick around at night at the top end of your cable channels – you’ll run into him), and you begin to think that accepting Jesus isn’t so much about eternal life and ultimate truth, but more about getting along with your spouse, being effective and happy in your job, and being smart with your money.

Paul, I agree that most Christians are not as fanatical and dangerous as the Dominionists.  That is because most Christians understand about humility and free will, and how government imposition of faith not only goes against the Constitution, but it goes against the tenets of Christianity as well.

The problem is that the fundamentalist Christian movement is well-financed and very vocal.  Look how much free press they got in the Schiavo matter, even though most of the country — including most Christians — disagreed with them.  And what happens is that you almost never hear about the religious left — you know, people who think Jesus was about helping the poor (instead of giving tax cuts to the rich) and not killing people (instead of going to war).

So, Pat — the Dominionists, traitors not only to the Gospel but to the founding principles of this country, must be stopped.  Not because I have a problem with the views they hold; but because they have a problem with the views everybody else holds.  Hell, they admit it.  If it were up to them, nobody would be a free thinker.  And when you remove the ability to think freely, you remove the esseence of what it is to be free.

The Journalism & Blogging Panel

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

For those who missed it on C-Span yesterday, I will answer the questions you want to know:

1.  Yes, Jeff Gannon is really amazingly stupid.

2.  No, Wonkette did not talk about ass-fucking.  I think she was aware she was on C-Span.  In fact, she did quite well, as did Matt.

Digby has some nice comments.

Conservatives Scare Me Sometimes

Ken AshfordRepublicansLeave a Comment

Read this, from Kevin Drum:

FRINGE WATCH….Dana Milbank reports today on the escalating rhetoric at a recent conservative conference about out-of-control judges. First came Phyllis Schlafly, suggesting that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy ought to be impeached. Up next was Michael Farris, who said that not only should Kennedy be impeached, but so should anyone who voted against impeaching him. Then there was the climax of the day:

Not to be outdone, lawyer-author Edwin Vieira told the gathering that Kennedy should be impeached because his philosophy, evidenced in his opinion striking down an anti-sodomy statute, "upholds Marxist, Leninist, satanic principles drawn from foreign law."

Ominously, Vieira continued by saying his "bottom line" for dealing with the Supreme Court comes from Joseph Stalin. "He had a slogan, and it worked very well for him, whenever he ran into difficulty: ‘no man, no problem,’ " Vieira said.

The full Stalin quote, for those who don’t recognize it, is "Death solves all problems: no man, no problem."

Lovely. But here’s the scariest part: as Milbank says, "This was no collection of fringe characters."

He’s right. Increasingly, this is the mainstream of the Republican party. It’s time for some housecleaning, folks.

The Debate Link has more.

The Unitarian Jihad

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Startling new underground group spreads lack of panic! Citizens declare themselves "relatively unafraid" of threats of undeclared rationality. People can still go to France, terrorist leader says.

You would have to be a Unitarian (or at least familiar with it) to fully appreciate this manifesto, but here it is:

Greetings to the Imprisoned Citizens of the United States. We are Unitarian Jihad. There is only God, unless there is more than one God. The vote of our God subcommittee is 10-8 in favor of one God, with two abstentions. Brother Flaming Sword of Moderation noted the possibility of there being no God at all, and his objection was noted with love by the secretary.

Greetings to the Imprisoned Citizens of the United States! Too long has your attention been waylaid by the bright baubles of extremist thought. Too long have fundamentalist yahoos of all religions (except Buddhism — 14-5 vote, no abstentions, fundamentalism subcommittee) made your head hurt. Too long have you been buffeted by angry people who think that God talks to them. You have a right to your moderation! You have the power to be calm! We will use the IED of truth to explode the SUV of dogmatic expression!

People of the United States, why is everyone yelling at you??? Whatever happened to … you know, everything? Why is the news dominated by nutballs saying that the Ten Commandments have to be tattooed inside the eyelids of every American, or that Allah has told them to kill Americans in order to rid the world of Satan, or that Yahweh has instructed them to go live wherever they feel like, or that Shiva thinks bombing mosques is a great idea? Sister Immaculate Dagger of Peace notes for the record that we mean no disrespect to Jews, Muslims, Christians or Hindus. Referred back to the committee of the whole for further discussion.

We are Unitarian Jihad. We are everywhere. We have not been born again, nor have we sworn a blood oath. We do not think that God cares what we read, what we eat or whom we sleep with. Brother Neutron Bomb of Serenity notes for the record that he does not have a moral code but is nevertheless a good person, and Unexalted Leader Garrote of Forgiveness stipulates that Brother Neutron Bomb of Serenity is a good person, and this is to be reflected in the minutes.

Beware! Unless you people shut up and begin acting like grown-ups with brains enough to understand the difference between political belief and personal faith, the Unitarian Jihad will begin a series of terrorist-like actions. We will take over television studios, kidnap so-called commentators and broadcast calm, well-reasoned discussions of the issues of the day. We will not try for "balance" by hiring fruitcakes; we will try for balance by hiring non-ideologues who have carefully thought through the issues.

We are Unitarian Jihad. We will appear in public places and require people to shake hands with each other. (Sister Hand Grenade of Love suggested that we institute a terror regime of mandatory hugging, but her motion was not formally introduced because of lack of a quorum.) We will require all lobbyists, spokesmen and campaign managers to dress like trout in public. Televangelists will be forced to take jobs as Xerox repair specialists. Demagogues of all stripes will be required to read Proust out loud in prisons.

We are Unitarian Jihad, and our motto is: "Sincerity is not enough." We have heard from enough sincere people to last a lifetime already. Just because you believe it’s true doesn’t make it true. Just because your motives are pure doesn’t mean you are not doing harm. Get a dog, or comfort someone in a nursing home, or just feed the birds in the park. Play basketball. Lighten up. The world is not out to get you, except in the sense that the world is out to get everyone.

Brother Gatling Gun of Patience notes that he’s pretty sure the world is out to get him because everyone laughs when he says he is a Unitarian. There were murmurs of assent around the room, and someone suggested that we buy some Congress members and really stick it to the Baptists. But this was deemed against Revolutionary Principles, and Brother Gatling Gun of Patience was remanded to the Sunday Flowers and Banners committee.

People of the United States! We are Unitarian Jihad! We can strike without warning. Pockets of reasonableness and harmony will appear as if from nowhere! Nice people will run the government again! There will be coffee and cookies in the Gandhi Room after the revolution.

Hey, I’m No MacGyver, But . . .

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

Wendychili It always struck me as odd, this story about the lady who found a finger in her Wendy’s Chili.

I mean, everybody heard the story, and went "Ewwwwww…".  But the question nobody asked (it seemed) was . . .

Whose finger was it?

One would assume that somewhere there would be a Wendy’s person with four fingers somewhere, right?  Or a cattle rancher?  Right?

Meanwhile, the lady, whose name is Anna Ayala, was busy whoring herself on television, as one often does, with her attorney, as one often does when they are preparing to sue the ass off of a major corporation and they don’t want to blow their case.

Suddenly though, when the police show up at her house with a search warrant, Ms. Ayala grows "sick of" and "tired of" the whole story.

And where is your dead Aunt, Ms. Ayala?  More importantly, how many fingers are on your dead aunt’s corpse, Ms. Ayala?

Robert Novak: Seedy-looking Leering Liar

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Novak LIE:

Novak, on CNN’s Crossfire yesterday (to co-host Paul Begula):

NOVAK: The real problem with the universities, Paul, is that they don’t invite conservatives. They have only left-wing speakers on campuses like Berkeley and Harvard. They don’t let people like me tell them what the truth is about America.


Here are some of the "only left-wing" speakers who have spoken at Harvard and Berkeley in the past year:

  • Former executive director of the Christian Coalition and Southeast regional chairman for the Bush-Cheney ’04 campaign Ralph Reed (Harvard, 3/23/05)
  • Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith (Harvard, 3/3/05)
  • U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (Harvard, 9/28/04)
  • Former U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige (Harvard, 4/22/04)
  • Bush-Cheney ’04 campaign manager Ken Mehlman (Harvard, 4/13/04)
  • Former Club for Growth president Stephen Moore (Harvard, 3/11/04)
  • Students for Academic Freedom president David Horowitz (UC Berkeley, 2/3/05)
  • Former U.S. Senate candidate Bill Jones (UC Berkeley, 10/6/04)
  • Weekly Standard editor William Kristol (UC Berkeley, 10/4/04)
  • Conservative columnist and author Michelle Malkin (UC Berkeley, 9/7/04)

Oh, I forgot one more: Robert Novak himself (video) who spoke at Harvard University’s Institute of Politics on April 8, 2004 (exactly one year ago today).

Hat tip: Media Matters

Friday Random Ten

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

I don’t usually do this, although many bloggers do.  When they do, I feel old, because they often list songs and groups that I have never heard of.  But that’s not the reason why I don’t do it.

B000006mThe reason I don’t do it is simply because I don’t usually have my iPod with me when I blog (it usually is in the car).  But today I have it, so here is my Friday Random Ten:

  1. A Tight Knit Family – March of the Falsettos
  2. Variations – Andrew Lloyd Webber
  3. Brandy (You’re A Fine Girl) – Looking Glass
  4. Has Been – William Shatner
  5. Hey Jude (Live) – Paul McCartney
  6. The Big Sky – Kate Bush
  7. Is She Really Going Out With Him – Joe Jackson
  8. Homeward Bound – Simon & Garfunkel
  9. Voices Carry – ‘Til Tuesday
  10. For What It’s Worth – Buffalo Springfield

Not a bad mix.  See anything post-2000?  Anything from 1990 forward?  Nope.  That’s me.

Okay, Shatner.  But that doesn’t count.  Shatner never counts.

Anyway, the list gives me a good excuse to post a picture of Kate Bush.

How It Happens

Ken AshfordRepublicansLeave a Comment

Day #1:  A reader to PowerBlog writes a comment:

I am so sick of liberals talking about "separation of church and state".  I finally went to the Constitution to see if I can find the phrase.  What I found was much more startling.  The Constitution is full of spelling errors!  Has anyone noticed this?  — Jason S., Dubuque, IA

Day #2:  One of the authors of PowerBlog, a thirtysomething male of no discernible expertise in any relevant matter, blogs as follows:

In the comments section, one of PowerBlogs’s readers points out that the Constitution is full of spelling errors.  It sure is!  I mean, "…to eftablifh juftice, enfure domeftic tranquility…"?  I think one can openly question whether the Constitution, which the left loves to embrace, is indeed authentic.

Day #3:  Michelle Magalalalang gets angry and stomps here widdle foot:

Here we go again.  Have we been duped by the left and the MSM?  The boys at PowerBlog have the goods.  It appears that the so-called "living Constitution" that liberals love is . . . wait for it . . . a forgery!  The tip-off is the spelling errors, but the boys at PowerBlog are on the case.  My only question is this: If the Constitution were soooo real and great, then how come all the typos?  Is this just the tip of the iceberg?

More to come, I’m sure . . .

Day #4:  PowerBlog posts:

We have a confirmation!  It appears that both the type-faced version of the Constitution and the hand-written version of the Constitution contain the same errors in spelling and grammar.  Such consistency of the same errors strongly indicate that (a) this is part of a well-organized liberal conspiracy to foist a phony Constitution on us, or (b) extra-terrestrials are somehow involved.  Option b is silly, so option a is the most likely…

Given all the overwhelming evidence, I think we can conclude that this is the greatest scandal in the history of America and that PowerBlog should be deified as the greatest blog in the history of the world, and Time magazine should be grateful to have the chance to write about us again.

Day #4 (continued):  InsertPundit weighs in, linking to PowerBlog’s latest post:

This sounds about right.

Day #4 (continued):  LGF shows some pictures of some olive-skinned people in another country burning an American flag.

Day #4 (continued):  Michelle Magalalalang creams in her panties:

Some liberal out there just sent me an email telling me I shouldn’t be "creaming in my panties" about Constitutiongate.  Typical liberal.  Oh!  And here’s another email from someone who calls me an "Asian".  Nice language.  But it is what I have come to expect.

Meanwhile, the boys at PowerBlog have nailed this fishy Constitution business down.  My only question is this: where is the MSM in all this?  Why haven’t they responded to the fact that liberals probably have conceivably fabricated this Constitution in order to further their agenda?  What am I supposed to make of the MSM’s silence on this scandal?  Should I be — what’s this???

Look!  Another mean email!  Quit it, you liberals!!  Oh, no!!  Here’s a website where they cut off my head and put in onto someone else’s body!!!  I’m telling!!! 

Day #5:   The Fox Evening News with Brit Humidor:

"Evidence suggests that the Constitution is false.  For one thing, it contains numerous spelling errors, say many prominent Republicans, including these ones [rolls video of prominent Republicans opining that the Constitution is fake, except for possibly the Second Amendment]. For further analysis, I have invited several Republicans to comment.  And to balance out their views, we’ll be checking in with Zell Miller and Marlee Matlin."

Fox News scroll for the next 48 hours:  "The Constitution is a fake, says sources; all heads turn toward Democrats for an explanation."

Day #6:  Michelle Magalalalang:

Anyone besides me notice how the only ones who seem to be coming out and saying that the Constitution is authentic . . . are liberal academicians?  Last night, on Chris Matthews’ "Hardball", they actually showed a Harvard legal historian saying that the Constitution is real, and offering some questionable data that the letter "s" used to be written like an "f".  Well, of course that’s what he is going to say!  Duh!  Meanwhile, the MSM is being unusually quiet to all the questions being asked and I —

OHMYGOD!  Someone sent me an email where they used my name in a "k-i-s-s-i-n-g up in a tree" poem!  Oh, will this torture never cease?!? 

Day #6:  InsertPundit displays some "natural" "campus" pictures of young co-eds in halter tops.  He adds:

Because I am only a law professor, I can’t decide where I come down on this ConstitutionGate scandal, but I think these round-ups by PowerBlog and Mickey Maus manage to summarize all sides of the issue pretty well.  And even if this turns out to be over-reaching on the part of conservatives and Republicans, I’m sure that liberals and Democrats are somehow just as guilty, if not more so, of the same thing — if not in this scandal, than in some other one.

Day #7:  As the cable news channels and blogospheres argue and bitch about whether the Constitution is real or not, the Republican-controlled Congress quietly convenes and passes every possible draconian law ever devised by Satan himself.

They Fight Crime!

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

Crime He’s a shy neurotic cowboy living undercover at Ringling Bros. Circus. She’s a foxy mute journalist trying to make a difference in a man’s world. They fight crime!

He’s a war-weary voodoo photographer with acid for blood. She’s a cold-hearted foul-mouthed mercenary with the power to see death. They fight crime!

He’s a genetically engineered soccer-playing card sharp on a mission from God. She’s a cold-hearted paranoid bodyguard from Mars. They fight crime!

He’s a notorious chivalrous werewolf from the ‘hood. She’s a wealthy foul-mouthed fairy princess operating on the wrong side of the law. They fight crime!

Face Shake

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

89efb4799656f1b Relax your face, jaw, tongue, etc.

Set your camera.

Shake your head back and forth really fast.

Snap your  picture.

B120fdc3acae1b9 And then send your photo to these guys, which has to be one of the oddest sites on the web.8325e85a2f865edc

End of the PowerLine

Ken AshfordAssisited Suicide/Schiavo, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Ezra Klein says it so perfectly that I quote him in full:

With the Schiavo memos proven to be from a Republican source and Powerline not apologizing for their truthless innuendo and slander, it’s time to break out the popcorn and see if Big Trunk and Hindrocket can clear the shark. Odds are on massive carnage, but they might just end up laughing stocks. For that, see August Pollack on "Powerline-was-completely-fucking-wrong-gate" (Best. Gate. Ever.). It’s not just that they have no shame, it’s that they once met shame on a street, beat the shit out of him, rolled him up in a carpet, and threw him off a bridge. And don’t even ask me about the nightmare they put truth through. To paraphrase Marv in Sin City, after what they did to poor honesty, hell must have seemed like heaven.

Powerline, we must begin to understand, has no fucking idea what they’re talking about at any given moment. Once upon a time, some GOP operative sent by the Ghost of Nixon got something right for them in the Free Republic comments section, and ever since then the homo-erotically named bloggers over there have thought his success their own and tried to get a bunch of other Important Stories About Treasonous Democrats right too. But they don’t. Reading their site is like watching a blind child in a dog park — you keep trying to warn him not to step in the piles of shit, but you’re never able to get there quite quick enough. They want to make a point on Carter and end up calling him a traitor — ooh, all over your shoe! They want to attack the AP but end up proving themselves utterly ignorant of how cameras workdamn, you got it on your sock! They try to accuse Democrats of faking the Schiavo memo until an aide to current Republican Senator and Bush’s former HUD Secretary Mel Martinez — Agh, it’s all over you!

They get nothing right. Their fact-checking skills are atrocious. They neither report nor call experts, it’s just whatever they invented twenty seconds ago. Watching them work is like attending a high school debate match in the impromptu event. Arguments are created on the fly, accuracy is unimportant so long as the product accuses the "MSM" or Democrats of some cardinal sin that’ll leave Powerline’s sycophantic readers moaning with the exquisite pleasure that comes only from having one’s biases expertly stroked. The plausibility of their claims ranges from pathetic to laughable (has Big Trunk debated PZ Myers on the biological uncertainty of evolution yet?) and their traffic and credibility is entirely predicated on the work someone else did, success they’ve been totally unable to replicate. They have failed.

So enough’s enough — can we please stop taking them seriously? They’ve exhausted their purpose, which was proving that the blogosphere isn’t self-correcting and, in fact, offers rich rewards to opportunists with a polygamous relationship to the truth. Powerline’s not useful anymore. They’re not funny, like Glenn, or intellectually interesting, like Tacitus (old school Tacitus, anyway), or rhetorically talented, like Sullivan. They’re just there, hopping up and down and begging someone to take their latest theory — thought up seven seconds ago on the can — seriously. Don’t oblige them.

Republicans Want Democrats to Stop Republicans

Ken AshfordRepublicansLeave a Comment

From the Wall Street Journal‘s article on the fragmentation and destruction of the Republican Party:

One-third of Republicans say Democrats in Congress should prevent Mr. Bush and party leaders from "going too far in pushing their agenda"…

Republicans want Democrats to stop Bush and the Republicans in Congress?  Well, sure, but next time . . . think before you vote, okay?!?

First Family Values

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

Drink From the NY Post:

April 7, 2005 — VIDEOTAPE of Jenna Bush in very high spirits at a bachelorette party is being sold and could end up on national TV by the end of the week. Luckily for Jenna, the cameraman missed "the high point . . . Jenna on all fours doing ‘the butt dance’ — and doing it very well — as guys were ogling her thong," said our source. Club patrons do the suggestive dance when the deejay plays the 1988 hit "Da Butt," by E.U. The president’s blond daughter arrived at NerveAna, a ’90s-themed lounge on Varick Street, at 10:30 p.m. last Friday with several other pretty young things in a battered old blue minivan.

If there is a tape, it’ll be on the web by the end of today.  Mark my words.