List of Meteor Showers

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Meteor For people like me, who love to watch the sky for "shooting stars":

  1. Jan. 4 Quadrantids: Radiant–Bootes. Very short lived shower, less that one day. Variable rate, but generally around 60 per hour. Speed 41 kps and bluish color.

  2. Jan. 16 Delta Cancrids: Radiant–just west of Beehive. Minor shower, rate about 4 per hour. Very swift.

  3. Jan. 18 Coma Berenicids: Radiant–near Coma star cluster. Only one or two per hour, but among fastest meteors known–65 kps.

  4. Feb. 26 Delta Leonids: Radiant–midway in Leo’s back. Feb. 5 to Mar. 19 with peak in late Feb. 5 per hour at 24 kps.

  5. Mar. 16 Corona-Australids: Radiant–16 hr 20 min, -48 deg. 5 to 7 per hour from Mar. 14 to Mar. 18.

  6. Mar. 22 Camelopardalids: No definite peak, with only one per hour. Slowest meteors at 7 kps.

  7. Mar. 22 March Geminids: Discovered in 1973 and confirmed in 1975. Rate generally about 40 per hour. Seem to be very slow meteors.

  8. Apr. 4 Kappa Serpentids: Radiant–near Corona Borealis . 4 or 5 per hour from Apr. 1 to 7.

  9. Apr. 7 Delta Draconids: Radiant–near Cepheus border. From Mar. 28 to Apr. 7. Slow meteors at about 5 per hour.

  10. Apr. 10 Virginids: Radiant– near Gamma in bowl of Virgo. 20 per hour.

  11. Apr. 15 April Fireballs: Radiant– between The Water Jar and Scutum, very erratic. From April 15 to 30 many bright bolides from Southeastern sky.

  12. Apr. 17 Sigma Leonids: Radiant– at Leo Virgo border, actually has moved into Virgo in recent years. Weak shower of 1 to 2 per hour.

  13. Apr. 22 Lyrids: Radiant– near Vega. 15 per hour, bright and long lasting meteors. From Comet Thatcher.

  14. April 25 Mu Virginids: Radiant–near Libra. 7 to 10 per hour of medium speed meteors.

  15. Apr. 28 Alpha Bootids: Radiant– near Arcturus. From Apr. 14 to May 13. Slow meteors with fine trails.

  16. May 1 Phi Bootids: Radiant–near Hercules. From Apr. 16 to May 12. 6 per hour.

  17. May 3 Alpha Scorpiids: Radiant– Near Antares. From Apr. 16 to May 9.

  18. May 4 Eta Aquarids: Radiant– near Water Jar. From Apr. 21 to May 12. 21 per hour, yellow with bright trails. Comet Halley debris.

  19. June 3 Tau Herculids: Radiant–near Corona Borealis. About a month long, 15 per hour max, most quite faint.

  20. June 5 Scorpiids: Radiant–near Ophiuchus. 20 per hour with some fireballs.

  21. June 7 Arietids: About 30 per hour. Slow moving with some fireballs.

  22. June 13 Ophiuchids: Radiant– near Scorpius. Only 3 per hour but fast moving bolides are common. Duration–25 days

  23. June 16 June Lyrids: Radiant–near Vega. Another part of May Lyrid meteor stream. 15 per hour, faint blue meteors.

  24. June 20 Ophiuchids: Radiant– near Sagitarrius. Rate varies from 8 to 20, with occaisionally many more.

  25. June 30 June Draconids: Radiant–near handle of Big Dipper. Rate varies from 10 to 100 per hour. Pons-Winnecke Comet is parent.

  26. July 28 Delta Aquarids: Radiant–near Capricornus. 25 per hour, slow (24 kps) with yellow trails. Duration–40 days

  27. July 30 Capricornids: Radiant–near Aquarius. Tough to tell these from Delta Aquarids. 10 to 35 per hour with bolides.

  28. Aug 10 Perseids: Radiant–near Double cluster. 50 to 100 per hour, yellow with trails and bolides. The best modern dependable shower. Duration–5 days.

  29. Aug 20 Kappa Cygnids: Radiant–near Deneb. 12 per hour with many fireballs. Duration–15 days.

  30. Aug 31 Andromedids: Radiant– near Cassiopeia. Occaisionally spectacular, usually 20 per hour. Some red fireballs with trails. Biela’s Comet parent.

  31. Sept 23 Alpha Aurigids: Radiant– near Capella. 12 per hour, fast with trails.

  32. Oct 7 Piscids: Radiant–near Aries. 15 per hour at 28 kps.

  33. Oct 9 Draconids: Raidiant–near Hercules. Spectacular when comet Giacobinni-Zinner passes near Earth. 200 per hour when comet is close is not uncommon, 1000 per hour sometimes.

  34. Oct 20 Orionids: Radiant–near Taurus. 30 per hour, fast (67 kps) often in colors with long trails. Duration–8 days

  35. Nov. 5 Taurids: Radiant–near Pleaides. 10 per hour with many fireballs. Debris from comet Encke. Duration–45 days.

  36. Nov. 12 Pegasids: Radiant–Near Square. from Oct. 10 to late Nov., 10 per hour, used to be spectacular.

  37. Nov 17 Leonids: Radiant–near Sickle. Most spectacular of modern showers. 1966 saw 500,000 per hour– 140 per second. Comet Temple–Tuttle is parent. 20 per hour between 33 year shows, fastest known at 71 kps. Duration–4 days.

  38. Dec. 10 Monocerids: Radiant– near Gemini. 12 per hour.

  39. Dec. 11 Sigma Hydrids: Radiant–near Head. 12 per hour, fast.

  40. Dec. 14 Geminids: Radiant–near Castor. 60 per hour, many bright, white but few trails. Icarus, the Earth-crossing astroid seems to be the parent. Duration–6 days.

  41. Dec. 14 Leo Minorids: 10 per hour, somewhat faint. Discovered by amateurs in 1971.

  42. Dec. 20 Delta Arietids: 12 per hour, must view in early evening, before radiant sets.

  43. Dec. 22 Ursids: Radiant–Little Dipper Bowl. Medium speed, 20 per hour, many with bright trails. Duration–2 days

The Most Offensive and Humorous Website

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family Values1 Comment

is a government website.  I’ve mentioned it here before, but only recently have I had a few moments to explore it.

It is, the website in which the federal government continures to insert itself into family matters (again), often taking positions that are, well, ridiculous.

This site already is generating some controversy.  For one thing, it offers this offensive approach to sexual oreintation:

As such, your child is certain to hear about alternative lifestyles at some point. Since adolescents are impressionable…

I know adolescents who are far less impressionable than their Fox-listening, dogmatic church-attending, dittohead parents.  Don’t you?  But then it goes on to say that you should discuss this with your adolescent:

  • Your discussions should take into account your adolescent’s awareness of alternative lifestyles as well as how common they are in your particular community

Yes.  Tell your impressionable adolescent about the importance of conformity, and being just like everybody else.

  • If you believe your adolescent may be gay, or is experiencing difficulties with gender identity or sexual orientation issues, consider seeing a family therapist who sharIf you believe your adolescent may be gay, or is experiencing difficulties with gender identity or sexual orientation issues, consider seeing a family therapist who shares your values to clarify and work through these issues.

Now, this is actually good advice…as long as you recognize that the one with the "issues" is you, Mr. and Mrs. Parent.

The site also gives short-shrift to condom use (do you see it mentioned here?), and leans heavily toward an abstenance-only "education".  The think about abstinance-only education is that it doesn’t work — in fact, it is downright dangerous as recently reported in a major study of adolescents:

Teens who pledge to remain virgins until marriage are more likely to take chances with other kinds of sex that increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, a study of 12,000 adolescents suggests.

The report by Yale and Columbia University researchers could help explain their earlier findings that teens who pledged abstinence are just as likely to have STDs as their peers.

The latest study, published in the April issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, found that teens pledging virginity until marriage are more likely to have oral and anal sex than other teens who have not had intercourse. That behavior, however, "puts you at risk," said Hannah Brueckner, assistant professor of sociology at Yale and one of the study’s authors.

Among virgins, boys who have pledged abstinence were four times more likely to have had anal sex than teens who have remained abstinent but not as part of a pledge, according to the study. Overall, pledgers were six times more likely to have oral sex.

The pledging group was also less likely to use condoms during their first sexual experience or get tested for STDs, the researchers found.

That’s right.  The Christian right (who is behind the abstinance-only pledge movement) is directly responsible for the huge spike in anal sex among high schoolers.  Heh.

Some of the government website is purely comical.  This page, for example, gives some oddly-contrived ways of beginning to discuss sex with your kids.  Now, imagine you are a teenager and your parent attempts to begin using a dialogue with you by using these "conversation starters":

Your jeans are looking a little short! How much taller do you think you’ve grown since last year? More changes are going to happen. Do you know what some of those changes are?

A teenager, at that point, should be able to remind his or her parent that they have sex ed in school, unless of course the parent is one of those crusaders who fought to have it taken out.

I haven’t seen Jason around here lately. Sometimes relationships with old friends change during teen years. How are things going with your friends?

The teenager will answer "fine", which (by the way) may actually be the truth.  End of conversation.

That song has a good beat, but the song makes it seem like having sex makes you a man (or woman). Do you think that’s true?

"Dad, you’re listening to one of YOUR records.  And I don’t know what "wang chung" even means".

They never talk about STDs on that television show, even though they have lots of stuff about sex. Have you heard about anybody at your school who has gotten an STD?

That’s what I like to see when I watch television.  Sitcoms about STDs.  Why don’t they do more of those?

I heard that there was a wild party last weekend after the game. Have your friends been talking about it? Did you know that alcohol and drugs really increase the chances of having sex and geting a disease?

Ah, yes.  Exaggerations and fears.  The staples of any good propaganda program.

I heard a commercial on the radio about always being prepared by having condoms. Do you or your friends think that condoms really make sex safe?

"As opposed to having sex without them, Mom?  Yes.  Yes I do think that.  Man, I can’t wait to get out of this house!"

I overheard a couple of kids from the neighborhood saying that, if you’re dating someone, you have to have sex with them in order to prove that you’re loyal and you’re not cheating on them. Do you think that’s what loyalty is about?

"No, it’s what sex is all about though."

Ms. Martin told me that there are five girls at your school that are pregnant. What do your friends think about teenagers having a baby?

"Actually, it’s only three now, Mom.  Two of them have had an abortion."

This is a dumb question and a dumber conversation starter.  Your adolescent is not a moron.  They will think that just as you do.  Teenage pregnancy is a drag.

I know that a lot of your friends from work have their own cars. But they’re a lot older than you are, and I don’t want you to ride with them alone.

And this isn’t even a question and conversation starter at all.  It is a command.

Some guys go out for a good time over the weekend, and end up with thousands of dollars taken out of their paychecks for the next 18 years. Do you know how that could happen?

"Hey, yeah.  Where is Dad?"

I was at the store yesterday and ran into Kendrick, Mrs. Jakes’ son. He joined the military after high school. What do you think you want to do when you graduate from high school?

"Break the chains of this family’s oppression by becoming a porn star, war protester and commie.  In that order."

I know that you would like to have a family some day. Tell me about what you would look for in a wife (or husband). How will you know she (he) can be trusted to share the future with you?

"I hope she won’t browbeat and moralize me all the time, Mom."

Anyway, it’s a rather, uh, interesting site.

Attend The Tale of Bad Casting

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Sweeney What?  Are you kidding me?  Such a stir of reactions!

First of all, they are making a movie of Sweeney Todd?  That is fantastic!!  Nobody will see it or like it (except for theater folk), but that is largely beside the point.

But . . . Russell Crowe as the title character?  Possibly, says Playbill:

Russell Crowe is in the running to star in the planned movie version of Stephen Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd, according to the Daily Mail newspaper.

The report says that Crowe is "mulling over" whether or not to accept the role. The movie is being made by Sam Mendes’ Scamp Films, although Mendes has not confirmed that he will direct it. As for the other main casting, there are reportedly several names in consideration for the role of Mrs. Lovett. Emma Thompson, Imelda Staunton and Toni Collette are all cited by The Mail as being "in the mix".

Staunton has built a reputation for musical theatre, having appeared in the Donmar Warehouse’s Divas cabaret series and Richard Eyre’s hugely successful production of Guys and Dolls at the National Theatre. Collette starred in the Broadway musical The Wild Party and also offered a musical turn in the film Connie and Carla. Thompson acted in musicals while at Cambridge University, and later starred in Me and My Girl in the West End.

John Logan is on board to write the screenplay. His screen resume includes The Aviator for Martin Scorsese and Gladiator for Ridley Scott.

The original Broadway production of Sweeney Todd featured Len Cariou and Angela Lansbury as Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett. A live performance of the Harold Prince production was filmed in Los Angeles, with Lansbury but with George Hearn rather than Cariou — and that performance is now available on DVD. Sweeney Todd will only be the third of Sondheim’s musicals for which he wrote both music and lyrics to be given the full-movie treatment. The others are the 1966 film of A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum, which starred Zero Mostel, and 1977’s A Little Night Music, which starred Cariou, Elizabeth Taylor and Diana Rigg.

If that happens, the movie will be DOA.

Not An April Fool’s Day Joke

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

From Daily Kos:

Ok, it’s quiz time! Consider the following two statements:

Abstinence helps protect teens from contracting a sexually transmitted disease, becoming pregnant, and the emotional risk and responsibility involved with sex. Abstinence is the healthiest choice for teens because they are not ready for the adult emotions of sex and the adult choices that sex entails…

Abstinence for your teen means that he or she would avoid voluntary intimate sexual contact (oral, anal or vaginal). This is the best choice emotionally and physically for all teens. The values that come from abstinence, such as respect, responsibility, and self-control, will benefit their future relationships…

Tell them that abstinence is the healthiest choice… Waiting for sex shows self-respect. Let your teen know that even though they are capable of having sex, having sex will not make them an adult…making good choices will.


A homosexual is a person who prefers sexual contact with people of the same sex… If you believe your adolescent may be gay, or is experiencing difficulties with gender identity or sexual orientation issues, consider seeing a family therapist who shares your values to clarify and work through these issues.

Now, here’s the question: What is the source of those two statements?

a) A religious website

b) A government website

c) A book by Rick Santorum

If you picked choice b, you’re right. Yes, kids, your tax dollars are funding, and the LA Times will tell you all about it:

How should you talk to your children about sex? Tell them no sex, says a new government Web site that proclaims "abstinence is the healthiest choice." That’s dictating values, say organizations including the American Civil Liberties Union and gay rights groups, and they want the site taken down.

Michael Leavitt, secretary of the Health and Human Services Department, says the Web site is right on target.

The site was designed for parents who are embarrassed about talking with their children about sex, Leavitt said in a statement.

"Parents have a tremendous amount of influence on their children and we want them to talk with their teens about abstinence so that they can stay safe and healthy," he said.

Promoting abstinence is fine, said Monica Rodriguez of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, but the government should also address the needs of teenagers who are already sexually active, gay or lesbian, or who have been sexually abused.

For example, she said Thursday, the site should promote the proper use of contraceptives, and it should not imply that homosexuality is wrong by encouraging parents of gay or lesbian children to consult a therapist.

"By and large, it’s a Web site that believes in abstinence until marriage," said Rodriguez, whose advocacy group promotes comprehensive sexual education. "Everything on the Web site is designed to promote that value and help parents communicate that value to their children."

Never mind the study that showed that teens who pledge abstinence are not only almost as likely to be infected with an STD, but they’re also more likely to have anal or oral sex.

But the government says they won’t, and as we all know, the government is always right.

I Have One Question:

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not list right-wing domestic terrorists and terrorist groups on a document that appears to be an internal list of threats to the nation’s security . . .

[The document] lists left-wing domestic groups, such as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), as terrorist threats, but it does not mention anti-government groups, white supremacists and other radical right-wing movements, which have staged numerous terrorist attacks that have killed scores of Americans.

Congressional Quarterly
Animal Rights Groups and Ecology Militants
Make DHS Terrorist List,
Right-Wing Vigilantes Omitted

March 25, 2005

Here’s my question:  How come???  Remember this guy??


Pope Given Last Rites

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

He’s coming in second in the DeathRace.

Actually, I liked this Pope.  I attended an Easter Mass in Vatican City in 1983.  He blessed us in, like, a hundred different languages. 

A whole generation is about to learn (and I am about to re-learn) those silly and wonderful rituals about black smoke and white smoke as a new pope is elected selected.  One good thing: at least it will get the media to shut up about Terri Schiavo.

More Rightwing Self-loathing

Ken AshfordAssisited Suicide/Schiavo, RepublicansLeave a Comment

At Alan Keye’s Renew America site, they aren’t mincing words:

Dear President Bush,

As a lifelong Republican and staunch supporter of you and your policies, I feel compelled to write to you today, during this Easter season of life and liberty from sin and death, where we all come together to experience the transcendent joy which traditionally marks the anniversary of our Lord Jesus Christ’s passion, death and resurrection.

However, with great sadness and in stark contrast to the joyous atmosphere which traditionally permeates the collective soul of our nation in springtime, here today we stand together instead to watch one of our own, Terri Schiavo, starve to death at the very hands of the people who claim to be her fellow Americans, indeed, those same individuals who swore oaths to be her protectors and defenders.

"One of our own"?  What does he mean by that?  Are all wingers brain dead?  Or on a feeding tube?  Or what?

Well, it goes on like that for a while, but it soon gets incredibly shrill.

You had all of our support. Our loyalty was boundless. Our hopes and expectations in your leadership were limitless — until now. Support, loyalty, hope, expectation — these now lie in shattered pieces on the ground. Do you realize what you have done? Can you comprehend the magnitude of destruction? How many more will follow Terri to the grave before God is ready to receive them now that the gates of hell have been unleashed?

Fuck me!  The gates of hell have been unleashed?  Excuse me.  I just soiled myself.  I am soooooo not prepared for this.  I thought it might happen, but — you know — I thought it might be because of wars or whatever.  Not hospices.

You had the opportunity to become a truly great president. This opportunity rested in the palm of your hand. Yet, you chose to throw it away, for it was inseparably linked to the precious life of Terri Schiavo. Your greatness, along with the respect that we had for you, now lies in the grave with her.

History will not place your marble bust along side those of Washington and Lincoln, who heroically and by demonstrable faith led our nation through very dark and dangerous times into safety and prosperity to become "one nation under God." Such an honor is not befitting men in authority who betray oath, trust and loyalty as you and others have done.

"One nation under God" was put into the Pledge of Allegience in the mid-1950’s — a while after Washington and Lincoln — but I get your point.

No Mr. President, your bust will be placed next to that of Pontius Pilate where, like him, you, too, will be provided a marble wash basin to forever rest in front of your image.

I recall that Pilate "washed his hands" of Jesus (that’s where that phrase comes from, in fact) using a basin.  I just don’t recall that Pilate was forced to look at a sink for the rest of his life.

Mr. President, history will record that at the moment of Terri Schiavo’s death, you did not eliminate Saddam Hussein — you became him.

Paul Rasavage

Sounds like Paul is unhappy.  Of course, I have a clue as to why, and it may have nothing to do with Terri Schiavo, or the president.  The clue rests in his bio:

Paul is also founder of the Serenellians, a Catholic apostolate that ministers to individuals who desire to break free of their addiction to pornography . . .

Paul, a life without porn is a life without pictures and movies of naked people having sex with each other.  Yeah, I mean — everything in moderation — but . . . you know.  Get real.

Harvard Political Review on Jon Stewart

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

Inciteful comments on The Daily Show from the Harvard Political Review:

People are listening to Jon Stewart. With his recent best-seller America (The Book) and his hit fake news show on Comedy Central, The Daily Show, it seems clear that his message is being heard: for instance, over 1.5 million people tuned in to watch Stewart interview John Kerry. Still, his message and role are not so clear, depending in large part on who is listening.

Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly characterized Stewart’s audience as "stoned slackers" and "dopey kids," when Stewart appeared on The O’Reilly Factor last September. Regardless of the veracity of those statements, O’Reilly hit closer to home when he added, "You know what’s really frightening? You actually have an influence on this presidential election. That is scary, but it’s true."

Tough Crowd
O’Reilly’s description of Stewart’s fans is a bit off the mark. According to the National Annenberg Election Survey from the University of Pennsylvania, Daily Show viewers are 78 percent more likely than the average adult to have four or more years of college education. If these are the "stoned slackers" to whom O’Reilly referred, it is interesting to consider who watches his program: the survey found that O’Reilly’s audience was only 24 percent more likely than average to have this same level of education.

With such an educated audience comes a certain set of expectations for Stewart. His popularity among educated young Americans might be due to a desire for a more critical (or satirical) approach to the news. When the same Annenberg survey also found that Daily Show viewers know more about election issues than people who get their news from traditional media outlets, this is not because Stewart better informs his viewers-the viewers themselves tune in to his program already informed of the issues.

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March 29, 2015

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Goat March 29, 2015 is the day that, according to that mental giant Bill O’Reilly, we will all be able to marry goats, "mark his words":

O’REILLY: The judges in Massachusetts knew they weren’t going to be impeached when they said to the state legislature, "Gay marriage is now legal in Massachusetts because we say it is. We the judges" — they knew they weren’t gonna be impeached. They knew the legislature didn’t care. You get the government you deserve. In California, the prevailing wisdom is marijuana is no big deal, let’s legalize it. And since we can’t get that through the legislature, we’ll do it this way. And they did it! You see?

And 10 years, this is gonna be a totally different country than it is right now. Laws that you think are in stone — they’re gonna evaporate, man. You’ll be able to marry a goat — you mark my words!

I think O’Reilly has gone off the deep end.  Yesterday, he said — in all apparent seriousness — that the ACLU is a greater threat than al Qaeda.

O’REILLY: All right, this hour’s devoted to the most intense threat to your freedom in the world. It’s not Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is not the most intense threat to your freedom — it’s the American Civil Liberties Union. And I will back up what I say.

Let’s just think about that for a second — who would you rather be trapped in an elevator with:


or . . . .


Now That Terri’s Dead . . .

Ken AshfordAssisited Suicide/Schiavo, GodstuffLeave a Comment

Amy Sullivan asks the one question that I would like answered:

A cradle Baptist, I was taught in the church that while we were not to hasten death, neither were we to postpone or fear it. The ending of a life was sad for those who remained, but a joyous event for the one who died. As one of my friends put it this week, If all of these folks believe Terri Schiavo was a Christian, shouldn’t they want her to slip from this life to be embraced by the arms of God? I understand that this is a particular kind of religious belief, not shared by all, but it is a belief to which most of the leaders you’ve seen on tv over the past few weeks subscribe. And yet the implication of their fight has been that death is something to be held at bay using all available means, that any quality of life is better than what may come next.

The Man Who Saved The World

Ken AshfordForeign AffairsLeave a Comment

Incredible(!) story from The Moscow News about something that happened in 1983 that you didn’t know about, because you were sleeping soundly in your bed.  I reprint it here in full:

PetroveThe Man Who Saved the World Finally Recognized

Sirens blaring, warning lights flashing, computer screens showing nuclear missiles on their way, one man in charge of a red button labeled “START” – that’s start a retaliatory strike — and a roomful of people at their terminals and switchboards waiting for him to push it. Sound like a typical Hollywood Cold War cliffhanger?

It was indeed just like in the movies, says the man who was poised over the red button over twenty years ago, except “in the movies, Hollywood specialists and directors can stretch a little situation into half an hour. In our case, from the time I made the decision to when it was all over, it was five minutes max.”

Stanislav Petrov was a Soviet army officer monitoring the satellite system for signs of a U.S. attack, the year was 1983, and his instructions, if he detected missiles targeting the Soviet Union, were to push the button and launch a counter-offensive.

He didn’t. Minutes later, no missiles came; months later, the frightening data across his monitor was determined to have been a system glitch. Today, the Association of World Citizens is calling him “the forgotten hero of our time,” a title befitting the man whose responsibility had been to start World War III.

On the Spot

Half an hour past midnight on September 26, 1983, he saw the first apparent launch on his computer monitor in a glass-walled room on the top floor of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) command and control post.

“I was supposed to supervise the combat crew. When the first launch happened, everyone was stupefied. After the first launch, I started giving orders, because in the room below, where there were five switchboards, and all the operators jumped out of their seats to see what my reaction was. I can only imagine what went on at the other posts.”

The warning system was by now showing five missile launches in the U.S., headed toward the Soviet Union. The “START” command Petrov was expected to give would have started an irreversible chain reaction in a system geared to launch a counter-strike without human interference.

“The main computer wouldn’t ask me [what to do] — it was made so that it wouldn’t even ask. It was specially constructed in such a way that no one could affect the system’s operations.” All that was up to Petrov was analyzing the available information and either saying the alarm was false or giving the computer the go-ahead, as per the directive he himself wrote.

Why Didn’t He Do It?

All the data checked out, to all appearances, the system was right on target — or rather, the missiles it reported were. A couple of thoughts flashed past Petrov’s mind.

“I just couldn’t believe that just like that, all of a sudden, someone would hurl five missiles at us. Five missiles wouldn’t wipe us out. The U.S. had not five, but a thousand missiles in battle readiness.” It just didn’t seem like any scenario considered by military intelligence before.

The second thought on Petrov’s mind every time he was on duty was this:

“I imagined if I’d assume the responsibility for unleashing the third World War — and I said, no, I wouldn’t.”

The tension must have been overwhelming — did he really have the time to consider the global context of his actions?

“I always thought of it. Whenever I came on duty, I always refreshed it in my memory. At that moment, there was no time to think, I had to work, work, work.”

Petrov reported the alarm to his superiors and declared it false. Had he been mistaken, the mistake would have become obvious in minutes: the post’s detection system had a 15-minute advantage over the ground radars. No missiles rained on Soviet Union in a quarter hour; rather, in an hour, high command descended on the command post.

What Happened?

“It was a false alarm started aboard a satellite,” says retired General Yuri Votintsev, then the Commander of the Soviet Missile and Space Establishment. Votintsev raced to the command post and was the first to hear Petrov’s story after the incident.

“I noted Lieutenant Colonel Petrov’s correct actions, given the situation. Literally within a minute he informed all the command posts that the information about the launch of space vehicles is false. His actions were duly noted.”

Petrov himself tells a different story — although at first he was praised for his actions, he found himself slighted and picked on after the warning system was meticulously dissected and many bugs were found.

“When a lot of garbage was found in the way the system worked, it was uncomfortable for them to praise me — like they’re all horrible and I’m the only one who’s any good.”

Twenty-One Years Later

Several months later, Petrov retired from the army, exhausted by the stress. Twenty-one years later, Petrov, surviving on a tiny army pension in a small town outside of Moscow, is being honored for his decision by the San Francisco-based Association of World Citizens. On May 21, 2004 Colonel Petrov has joined the ranks of World Citizens and receive a financial award AWC raised for him through its website.

The director of Memorial, Russia’s historical heritage and human rights organization, Arseny Roginsky, congratulated Petrov on behalf of AWC in an awards ceremony that took place at Moscow News’ office. The only regret AWC had, he said, was that they hadn’t acknowledged Petrov’s heroic action years ago. “They believe, you see, that in this world, people who are capable of actions like that can be counted up on one hand.”