I’m It

Ken AshfordPersonalLeave a Comment

Lizard Queen at Bluebus.org* tagged me with this particular meme. (1) Number of books you own: Far too many, especially if you include Samuel French plays (which number in the hundreds). (2) Last book bought: A History of the World In Six Glasses by Tom Standage.  It’s a look at world history and the impact on it from 6 beverages: … Read More

How To Win Online Arguments

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

Win online arguments!Enjoy battling it out on the bulletin boards? Like getting stuck into a good, pointless argument with only one aim – to win at any cost? Then this guide is for you – simply follow the 12-point guide below and success will be yours! 1. Get friendlyAlways refer to your opponent by his/her first name. Your messages will … Read More

Back To Blogging…

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

…after a few days hiatus.  Unusual work demands, home Internet problems, and amateur theatrics (literally) kept me busy.  Here’s a few things to amuse yourselves with: Titanic Passanger List The Gay Agenda Computer Animation Get Better And Better (Check out the hands!) Imagine/Take A Walk On The Wild Side Remix Sung By George Bush Seeing With Sound Alcohol Intake Without … Read More

Funny Foto Du Jour

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Saudi Prince Abdullah, a few days after overseeing the arrest of Christians for committing the crime of praying, sniffs the hair of an infidel while his bodyguards attempt to withhold their embarrassment.  Cardboard cutouts of the President and his mother look on.

Okay . . .?

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

I have no idea what it means, but this post on Fafblog — reprinted here in its entirety — brought a smile to my face: We have been to the opera. And by "the opera" we mean "the post office" and by "been to" we mean "thrown buckets of fish at" and by "we" we mean "people who are not … Read More

Understand Me?

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

Readability Results for this website, as analyzed by this website: Summary Value Total sentences 548 Total words 5,664 Average words per Sentence 10.34 Words with 1 Syllable 3,650 Words with 2 Syllables 1,176 Words with 3 Syllables 568 Words with 4 or more Syllables 270 Percentage of word with three or more syllables 14.80% Average Syllables per Word 1.55 Gunning … Read More

Somebody’s In Deep Doo-Doo

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

This RealPlayer media file is nearly an hour long.  It is a lecture from a biology class at Berkeley.  The real fun begins at timestamp 48:45 or so.  That’s where the professor explains the terrifying consequences that will soon befall the student that stole his laptop.  Seems like the student (whoever he was) made a gross error in judgment, to … Read More

Landmark Restaurant Going Bye-Bye

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Playbill informs us that the curtain is coming down on the wonderful Howard Johnson’s in Manhattan’s Time Square: Howard Johnson’s, Landmark of Old Times Square, to Shut Down Howard Johnson’s, one of the last functioning remnants of the rough-and tumble, Runyonesque Times Square of yesteryear, will be torn down sometime this year, the New York Post reported April 19. The … Read More

This Is Disconcerting

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Earth’s gravity may lure deadly asteroid A HUGE asteroid which is on a course to miss the Earth by a whisker in 2029 could go round its orbit again and score a direct hit a few years later. Astronomers have calculated that the 1,000ft-wide asteroid called 2004 MN4 will pass by the Earth at a distance of between 15,000 and … Read More

Thrillseekers Beware!

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

Rideaccidents.com is the world’s single most comprehensive, detailed, updated, accurate, and complete source of amusement ride accident reports and related news. The site includes a record of fatal amusement ride accidents in the United States since 1972, and, for the past six years, has recorded all types of accidents, including many from outside the United States. Pictured at the right … Read More

On The Internets

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

Digby has an excellent article comparing the right-wing vs the left-wing blogospheres.  The thrust? The right blogosphere operates largely as part of the greater Republican message machine. *** By contrast, the left blogosphere is populated by “citizen bloggers,” who work in non-political occupations for a living and blog for reasons of personal interest. This sphere actually operates as a unique … Read More

Friday Random Ten

Ken AshfordPersonalLeave a Comment

Another Friday, another Friday Random Ten from the shufflin’ of the iPod: The Sound of Philadelphia – MFSB My Sweet Lord – George Harrison Along Comes Mary – The Association The Rumour – Lauren Christy There Are Worse Things I Could Do – Stockard Channing (Grease Soundtrack) The Man With the Child in his Eyes – Kate Bush I’ll Never … Read More