Hypocrisy of the Right – Part II

Ken AshfordBlogging, Republicans, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Eason Jordon believed that U.S. soldiers were targetting journalists. Ann "It’s Time for the New McCarthyism" Coulter wants U.S. soldiers to target journalists. Eason Jordon’s statement is made in a closed-door symposium with relatively few listeners. He retracts it almost immediately. Ann Coulter’s statement was made on national television to untold millions of listeners. She never retracts it. Eason Jordon … Read More

Life Imitates Python

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

An indignant Israeli is suing a pet shop that he says sold him a dying parrot, reports the Ma’ariv newspaper. Itzik Simowitz of the southern city of Beersheba contends the shop cheated him because the Galerita-type cockatoo not only failed to utter a word when he got it home, but was also extremely ill. Mr. Simowitz adds that the shop … Read More

The Toynbee Mystery

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

Signs like this one were first spotted in New York and Philadephia in 1996. They appear to be plastic and baked into the street or sidewalk. The plaques make reference to Stanley Kubrick’s "2001" (and perhaps "2010"), but what do they mean? Some publicity was generated about the bizarre plaques, and it turns out that these signs appear throughout the … Read More

Right Blogosphere vs. Left Blogosphere

Ken AshfordBlogging, Democrats, RepublicansLeave a Comment

Chris Bowers at MyDD has an excellant post comparing the right wing political blogosphere with the left wing political blogosphere. It is worth a study, not just a mere read, so do it. The basic thrust is this: The left wing blogosphere gets more traffic The left wing blogosphere has been more influential in affecting actual political change (raising money … Read More

Frappachinno Double Latte, Anyone?

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

Ever in need of a Starbucks while walking the streets of New York City? The solution is to open your eyes and look around; chances are you will see one. But just in case you don’t, this website has got a photo of them all.  Pictured here is the Starbucks at the corner of Broadway and Reade.

Fun With Animals

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This and other unique animals can all be found at The Ugly Zoo. Or perhaps you might be interested in seeing the winners of the somewhat disturbing "I Look Like My Dog" contest.

TV in the 1930’s

Ken AshfordRandom Musings1 Comment

This (RealMedia file) is a fragment of a very early television broadcast from the early 1930s which had been recorded off the air waves by amateur enthusiast using a home gramophone recording system.  It is popular British singer Betty Bolton.  What’s she singing?  Who knows — the sound has been lost.

This Girl Is Sad

Ken AshfordRandom Musings3 Comments

The picture doesn’t do her justice. And what’s worse, she’s having a hard 2005 so far. So . . . everyone who is reading this . . . please give a nanosecond of good vibes out to her, and maybe — collectively — the thoughts of everyone will manifest themselves into a ray of sunshine that will turn her 2005 … Read More