What It Means

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other SportsLeave a Comment

I am by no means a sports nut. And I don’t understand the "fandom" that comes with many sports. Like NASCAR. How can car mechanics even be called a sport, which (I always thought) had something to do with physicality and the indomitable human spirit . . . or something close to that? No matter. I’m in no position to … Read More

Blogging Jumps The Shark

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

I’m not the first to say it, but it bears re-stating — blogging has officially jumped the shark. The moment when the shark got hisself all jumped: 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, last night. That’s the moment when Larry King first blogged. Ugh! And this is what he blogged: Posted: 10:00 p.m. ET From Larry King, host, "Larry King Live" … Read More

Drunk Flight Crew Members Beat Passenger

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

If you are not worried about Syrian musicians on your flight, then maybe you should worry about swarthy flight attendents. That’s right — the friendly skies have just got . . . uh . . . stupider. MOSCOW – Drunken passengers often give air crews trouble, but Russia’s leading airline on Tuesday reported an "unprecedented" reversal: A passenger was assaulted … Read More

Hawking Flip-Flops About Universe

Ken AshfordRandom Musings1 Comment

After almost 30 years of arguing that a black hole swallows up everything that falls into it, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking backpedaled Thursday. Source. Does this mean we can all get rid of "A Brief History of Time" which none of us ever read anyway? P.S. On second reading, it occurs to me that "backpedaled" might not have been the best … Read More

Way To Go, Kid!

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Frankly, I think anyone who can spell "autochthonous" deserves far more than $18,000. He deserves a Congressional Medal of Honor or something. And now I am stuck trying to think of any other English word which has "-chth-" in it (in a row, of course). Anyone?


Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

As reported here: A German couple who went to a fertility clinic after eight years of marriage have found out why they are still childless – they weren’t having sex. The University Clinic of Lubek said they had never heard of a case like it after examining the couple who went to see them last month for fertility tests. Doctors … Read More

Strange Meeting

Ken AshfordPersonalLeave a Comment

The Washington Post is reporting that Tuesday (March 2), Bush had "an unusual 80-minute session in the Oval Office with five network correspondents who agreed that his comments would not be directly quoted or attributed to him." Unusual indeed. First of all, Bush was willing to devote a full 20 minutes more to chewing the fat with these reporters than … Read More

The New Culture War

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Random MusingsLeave a Comment

Let’s take stock, shall we? Uproar about breasts on TV, films which are (arguably) anti-Semitic, Howard Stern being fired because his boss has a new "decency" policy, and debate about whether or not straight people should have to sit still while gays sanctify their lifelong devotion to one another. Not too long ago, I made a comment to the effect … Read More

The Memory Hole

Ken AshfordWeb RecommendationsLeave a Comment

I’ve been a fan of www.memoryhole.org since they took an electonically redacted DOJ document, unredacted it, and posted it. (The document was an internal DOJ study which was highly critical of its own minority hiring practices. The DOJ heavily redacted the most incriminating parts, and posted it on its website. Someone was able to remove the electronic redactions, and it … Read More