An 82-year-old film clip from a Charlie Chaplin movie premiere that appears to show a woman talking on a mobile phone has baffled movie buffs and caused an online sensation. George Clarke, a film festival organiser from Belfast, claims to have discovered the puzzling vision, shot in 1928, on a Charlie Chaplin DVD. Mr Clarke said he studied the black-and-white … Read More
Friday Funnies
Let's start off with this typical story. You're a Russian cop, and you pull over a guy's car, ask for the license and registration, but then you have to jump into the guy's car when a pack of Russian wolves come out of nowhere. Russian Cop Hops In Car To Avoid Wolves – Watch more Funny Videos Now, since it's … Read More
UFOs DID Arrive Yesterday
Yesterday, I made a short tongue-in-cheek post about how some Air Force dude predicted that yesterday was the date for "a fleet of extraterrestrial vehicles to hover for hours over the earth's principal cities". Ha, ha. Big joke, right? Except…. A silvery vision of a dozen balloon-like dots hovering in yesterday's clear-blue sky over West 23rd Street had thousands speculating … Read More
“Things Are Going To Start Happening To Me Now”
FINALLY — and somewhat to my surprise — I now have a listing in IMDb (the Internet Movie Database) When do I get my invitation to the Oscars? P.S. The title of this post is a reference from "The Jerk":
UFOs To Arrive Today
Look up: A newly-published 352-page book by a retired Air Force officer, Stanley A. Fulham, tentatively predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities. According to the author, the aliens will neither land nor communicate on that date; they are aware from eons of experience with other planets in similar conditions … Read More
I’m No Football Coach…
…but the whole point of an onside kick is to get the ball back, isn't it? This is an epic football fail:
Captain Jack Sparrow Shows Up For School Mutiny
Not long ago, a nine-year-old girl attending Meridien Primary School outside London, wrote the following letter: It reads: Captain Jack Sparrow, At Meridian Primary School, we are a bunch of budding young pirates and we were having a bit of trouble mutiny-ing against the teachers, and we'd love if you could come and help. Beatrice Delap, aged nine, a budding … Read More
World Premiere
The movie I'm in (or perhaps "of which I am on the cutting floor") premieres next month. Blurb: When people start dying in a small southern town, it’s up to the deputysheriff, her ex-fiancée, and her current boyfriend to figure out what ishappening. Little do they suspect that a vengeful spirit has possessed acell phone and is the cause of … Read More
Maybe He’ll Stay Down There
Remember those 33 trapped Chilean miners? Yes, they're still down there, but it looks like they'll finally be rescued early next week, perhaps even this weekend. Miner Jonny Barrios, 50, may not be eager to come out. Apparently, there is a virtual encampment of relatives and friends near the mine site, and his wife is dutifully there. Unfortunately, she ran a woman … Read More
Baseball: The Tenth Inning
I, like many others, was and remain a big fan of Ken Burns' nine-part, 18.5 hour Baseball documentary series when it came out 1993. That series was fascinating look at America's favorite pastime since its inception over 100 years ago to 1993. That series ended with the clear message that baseball had survived wars, depression, and scandal, but it always persevered. Ironically, when … Read More
I Was Just Complaining About This….
Seriously, though. Why does my battery hover between 100% and 60% for 7-8 hours, and then plunge from 60% to 0% in about an hour? Can you imagine if fuel tanks in cars worked that way?
I Call “B.S”
Austalia's Next Top Model judge Sarah Murdoch announced the wrong winner during last night's finale, then stood by while the loser made a victory speech, just to tell her she hadn't won. Here's the clip: But I have to tell you, the whole thing looks staged to me.