The fireball was seen across parts of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin, and appeared around 10pm last night. Not a UFO, just a meteor. Very cool videos though:
Consumer Protection Alert: Wii Fit
This could happen to you: London, Apr 14 (ANI): Amanda Flowers, a catering worker in Manchester, needs 10 sex sessions a day – courtesy a fall from her Wii Fit board which turned her into a sex addict. Even the slightest of vibrations, from mobile phones to food processors, turns her on, reports The Daily Star. She said: "It began … Read More
Library of Congress Sinking To Literary Depths
Not a joke… this is a Tweet from the United States Library of Congress: I'm not sure I want future historians to have access to this.
The Manchester Union Leader Wins The Internet Today
… because of this picture and caption: Firefighters wrap up at the scene of a fire at 15 M. St. in Hampton this morning, where a home was gutted by two fires this morning. Right, Wayne McGowen, who was sleeping in the basement of the house when it caught fire, watches firefighters at the scene along with neighbor Kali Burns, … Read More
The Utililtarian Value of Social Networking
Social networking can be about connecting (or reconnecting) in a unique way with your friends, your family, your co-workers, etc. It can bind you with your past. It can forge relationships of a business or personal nature that influence your future, your job, etc. Then again, it has other uses, too:
78 Things About Johnny Cash That You Didn’t Know
1. Johnny Cash started smoking when he was 12 years old.2. The Masons rejected Cash’s application for membership “on moral grounds.”3. Cash learned how to hypnotize himself from country singer Johnny Horton.4. To commemorate his birthday, Cash’s family wants you to wear black.5. Cash adopted his signature all-black suits as a good luck charm after he wore a black t-shirt … Read More
April Fool’s Day
(1) "Google Translate for Animals" is pretty easy to spot. (2) In fact, Google Topeka itself is having a little fun. (3) Kodak (4) Youtube is offering videos in text-only mode. (5) Justin Bieber has bought out the Funny Or Die website (6) Wikipedia's main page (7) Starbucks introduces more sizes: (8) Google Maps streetview in 3D mode? (9) I think Improv Anywhere is pulling … Read More
Google Autocomplete
I like that Google tries to guess what you're googling before you finish typing it — a process known as "autocomplete". But sometimes it is just strange.
ChatRoulette Piano Improv With Ben Folds
He's not the first to do it, but he's the first big star to do it, and do it live in concert. Ben Folds, during a live concert in Charlotte this past weekend, improvs on the piano to people he meets randomly on ChatRoulette (a social webservice that randomly connects people with webcams to other people with webcams).