…. they found each other. Awwwwww: While waiting in La Guardia airport for his flight back home to Charlotte, North Carolina, on January 15, 2009, Ben Bostic happened to notice Laura Zych, a chic, pretty brunette. She ended up on the same plane, but not the same row. “I would have totally forgotten about it,” he said later, “if it … Read More
The Decade… In Icons
Courtesy of the New York Times Click to embiggen: RELATED: Paul Krugman writes the only interesting decade retrospective that I've read to date. His basic thrust is that the decade, for all it's ups and downs, amounted to a big nothing: [F]rom an economic point of view, I’d suggest that we call the decade past the Big Zero. It was a … Read More
I’ll Weigh In on This
And by "this", I mean this. It seems to me that if your neighbors are accusing you of being "white trash", then spraying painting the side of your house with Hitler references tends to re-enforce their point, not yours. Just sayin'.
Space Chair
The new Toshiba ad is the highest HD advertisement ever filmed, and it is pretty fun. And no, it's not fake.
This Is Getting Out Of Hand….
I'll ask again: It's just a tray, right? I mean, it's not that big, and it's what — white, with a little blue and red paint on the edge. That's all it is, right? I mean – even the Shamwow had a little bit of innovation…. Let's not get carried away…..
From Our Mail Bag
Commentor Ben Burnett passed along something amusing that it too good not to share: A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I … Read More
Best Protest Signs Of 2009
The Huffington Post selected their favorites, and I selected mine from theirs. Some of these are unwittingly funny (the signholder was displaying their ignorance); others were, for lack of a better phrase, "sign-crashing"; others were just plain clever (especially, it seems, the ones for gay rights/Prop 8 — I'll leave it to you to figure out which ones those are). … Read More
What’s Your Secret?
People who like the website "PostSecret" will like this video by Frank Warren (who created PostSecret) in which he asks one question: What's Your Secret? Funny, moving, shocking… it's all there: PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God from Frank Warren on Vimeo.
“Ummmm… Okay”
That's my reaction to the news that three-times married TV icon Meredith Baxter Burney, (the mom on Family Ties) has announced that she is gay. It's also my reaction to the news that Facebook is getting rid of regional networks. And while I'm being non-plussed, you can file this under "Things I Already Suspected To Be True"
Website Of The Day
It's just a tray, right? I mean, that's all it really is….. right? (Apparently, this company is operated out of Greensboro…)
Man Discovers His Biological Father Is Charles Manson
That's gotta mess with ya: A Gandhi-following, peace-loving, free-spirited vegetarian who was adopted at birth has discovered the worst possible thing a son could find out about his father – his dad is Charles Manson. "It’s like finding out that Adolf Hitler is your father," said Matthew Roberts, a Los Angeles disc jockey. A curious Roberts, 41, began investigating his … Read More
Galileo’s Fingers Found
CNN: Two fingers cut from the hand of Italian astronomer Galileo nearly 300 years ago have been rediscovered more than a century after they were last seen, an Italian museum director said Monday. They were purchased recently at an auction by a person who brought them to the Museum of the History of Science in Florence, suspecting what they were, … Read More