Dear Mary Claire of Walt Disney Productions: Is that you in the upper-lefthand corner of your response letter, or the lower-righthand corner? Because apparently, that's how your misogynistic employers see you — as either a rosy-cheeked virgin, or a ugly hunchback witch. Clearly, they would never acknowledge that a woman can be anything other than those things – and especially not … Read More
Cute Of The Day
Dad catches foul ball at Phillies game, and gives it to his daughter. She throws it back.
Observations With Which I Concur
Culled from here: 1. More often than not, when someone is telling me a story all I can think about is that I can't wait for them to finish so that I can tell my own story that's not only better, but also more directly involves me. 2. Have you ever been walking down the street and realized that you're going … Read More
Short Takes
(1) I recommend Facebook Lite. It's Facebook's clutterless version. (2) 9/11 tribute? None from me today. I'm not sure what can be said this year that wasn't said in any prior year. Commemorate amongst yourselves. I think kitchy 9/11 tributes get worse and worse every year (picture below is from 2002) (3) Rob Miller, the Democratic challenger to Joe Wilson (R-SC) … Read More
Grocery Shopping
The picture below represents two lanes at the grocery store checkout, and the number of items in each cart. So you're shopping, and in a hurry. You have ten items in your cart, so you can go into the 10-items-or-less express lane at the left. But there is one more thing you need/want. Do you put it in the cart, forcing … Read More
Real Like Composition
Jarbas Agnelli saw a photo in the newspaper of birds sitting on electric wires and decided to set it to music. Twist: The score was built around a musical theme using the birds as notes.
2001: A Space Odyssey With Titles Played By A High School Band
I don't know why this cracks me up, but it does:
“Duh” Research Of The Day: Men become Tongue-Tied Goofs In the Presence of Attractive Women
Yes, it's true. When around attractive women, we men "temporarily absorb most of our cognitive resources", which is a polite way of saying we become stammering idiots. Now there's research to back it up.
Cute Maltese Puppies
I'm told my blog has been making people cry, what with references to dead babies and all. So I'm bringing in some puppies to cheer things up…
Creepy Post Mortem Photos From The Victorian Age
The people in the Victorian age seemed to like post-mortem photos. I'm not quite sure what the appeal was. Take this, for example: Someone actually thought it would be fitting to have this girl pose with her dead brother. I don't know — seems rather traumatizing to me. Typically, a post-mortem photograph depicted the dead person in a peaceful state … Read More
Nation Panicked By Ominous Music
Ominous Music Heard Throughout U.S. Sends Nation Into Panic The chyrons are the best….
Listen Folks, If You Are Going To Use Facebook, Learn The Difference Between Wall Posts And Email
Learn from Tracy: BTW, Tracy… aren't you engaged?
How The Internet Sees You
I don't quite understand this: Personas is a component of the Metropath(ologies) exhibit, currently on display at the MIT Museum by the Sociable Media Group from the MIT Media Lab. It uses sophisticated natural language processing and the Internet to create a data portrait of one's aggregated online identity. In short, Personas shows you how the Internet sees you. … Read More