881 performers simultaneuously doing the Thiller choreo, breaking the record: That occurred this past weekend in Austin, TX. And then there was the largest "zombie walk" evah at the Monroeville Mall…
Inspiration Of The Day
At the age of 73, the guy still has some game. Good enough game, in fact, to get on the basketball team at Roane State College in Tennessee. (Note: he's twice as old as the school itself). He's making the daily 35-mile commute from his home in Farragut to Harriman (TN) to take the required 12 hours of credits with classes in … Read More
I’m A Virgin, As It Turns Out
Born on September 27. That's me. That makes me a Libra, right? Nope. You see, the astrological signs were developed by ancient astrologers, based on scientific observations of the locations of the sun within constellations. For example, the sun was "in" the constellation of Aries between March 21 and April 19, so people born between those dates had the zodiac sign of Aries. … Read More
From Now On, Please Don’t Send Me Fan Mail
I, like Ringo Starr, have had enough. And I'm sure we get the same amount of fan mail.
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha
Seems like the oldest Brady girl really got around. Maureen McCormick has written a memoir in which she.. discusses her romance with TV sibling Barry Williams, her dates with Michael Jackson and Steve Martin, cocaine binges and parties at the Playboy Mansion and the home of Sammy Davis Jr., an unwanted pregnancy and trading sex for drugs. And thus, another icon from my childhood is … Read More
Did It Work?
A Florida man shoots himself in the arm after his girlfriend refuses to have sex with him.
Just Wondering
So I read: A Metrolink engineer driving a commuter train sent a text message about 22 seconds before the train collided with a Union Pacific freight train last month, the National Transportation Safety Board said Wednesday. And what did he text? I’m guessing oops. gota go. gonna colide with another train!!1!1! ttyl 🙂
Excerpts From Hamlet’s Facebook News Feed
Horatio thinks he saw a ghost. Hamlet thinks it’s annoying when your uncle marries your mother right after your dad dies. The king thinks Hamlet’s annoying. Laertes thinks Ophelia can do better. Hamlet’s father is now a zombie. – – – – The king poked the queen. The queen poked the king back. Hamlet and the queen are no longer … Read More
Emily Will Eat Them Anyway
More fun from the CakeWrecks blog, which features badly-decorated cakes. Here are some cakes where the decorators misunderstood some rather simple instructions….