This is on the cusp of going viral, so weigh in. Backstory: GTA V (that's "Grand Theft Auto V") was released, and a lot of people had pre-ordered it from places like Gamestop. At midnight of the release which was two days ago, people lined up at Gamestop (and other places) to get their reserved copy. So this one guy … Read More
Fictitious Journalist Tweets Are Awesome
Anyone who reports on the debt ceiling without explaining the debt ceiling is doing a disservice to their audience and the American people. — Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoyACN) September 18, 2013 What role could journalists have if not to inform the public of important issues facing the country and educate when they do not understand? — Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoyACN) September 18, … Read More
Some Ig Noble Prize Winners
MEDICINE PRIZE: Masateru Uchiyama [JAPAN], Xiangyuan Jin [CHINA, JAPAN], Qi Zhang [JAPAN], Toshihito Hirai [JAPAN], Atsushi Amano [JAPAN], Hisashi Bashuda [JAPAN] and Masanori Niimi [JAPAN, UK], for assessing the effect of listening to opera, on heart transplant patients who are mice. REFERENCE: "Auditory stimulation of opera music induced prolongation of murine cardiac allograft survival and maintained generation of regulatory CD4+CD25+ … Read More
This Happened
I guess a side-benefit of increasing acceptance to gay marriage is that we get to enjoy more of the choreographed proposals:
Duckworth Dresses Down IRS Contractor
It is one of those rare Congressional exchanges that's both dramatic and compelling: Yesterday during a House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), who lost her legs and use of her right arm when she served in Iraq, dressed down an IRS contractor who used his military disability status to receive government contracts reserved for disabled vets. The catch? The … Read More
The Insane Sorority Girl Letter… Read By Michael Shannon
If you've been under a rock the past few days, the latest Internet meme is an actual letter written by a Delta Gamma sorority girl to her sisters. It demands to be printed in full: If you just opened this like I told you to, tie yourself down to whatever chair you’re sitting in, because this email is going to … Read More
April Fool’s Day From The White House
Obama announced he was to have a "very special message" this morning. Turns out to be YouTube phenom, Kid President:
Just Sayin’
Anne Hathaway's husband looks like William Shakespeare…. …. who was married to a woman named Anne Hathaway 500 years ago.
Chilling Out, Maxing, Relaxing All Cool
Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Theme Song Prompts School Lockdown Travis Clawson's life got flipped, turned upside-down. A receptionist at an eye doctor's office in Pennsylvania called 19-year-old Travis Clawson on Thursday to confirm an appointment. Instead, she got an outgoing message that alarmed her. She thought she heard the teenager say something about shooting up the school. The receptionist then … Read More
Distracting Headlines
Report: As many as 8 people may be involved in avalanche in Scottish Highlands - @STVNews "Involved"? What does that mean? Does that mean "buried" or "trapped"? And if so, why not say that? Unless the headline is saying that these 8 people started the avalanche. But if that's the case, then the headline should say that. *Sigh(
Additional Myers-Briggs Personality Types
BY JAMES HANNAHAM Unfeeling Uncaring Judging Screaming (UUJS) Lurking Touching Hurting Regretting (UTHR) Lying Denying Confessing Lying (LDCL) Smoking Dancing Laughing Fucking (SDLF) Moping Whining Crying Leaping (MWCL) Loving Buying Owing Impoverishing (LBOI) Hating Marrying Abusing Divorcing (HMAD) Running Swimming Boxing Fencing (RSBF) Writing Drinking Drinking Drinking (WDDD) Opening Sniffing Tasting Questioning (OSTQ) Eating Sleeping Videogame Playing (ESVP)
Deadspin Wins The Internet
Deadspin is the news organization that broke the story (which I'm not writing about) regarding Notre Dame player Manti Te'o and his non-existent girlfriend. The reason why I say they "win the Internet" is not because of their groundbreaking story, but because of this twitter exchange: followed by….