A "snowball sentence" contrived by Dmitri Borgmann – each word is one letter longer than the last: I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting; nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality, counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications’ incomprehensibleness. Try to come up with one yourself.
Miss America Drama
Heather’s got the story on a little event happened at Miss America involving the parents of two contestants (who both happen to be from just down the road in High Point, NC).
Life Is A 1950’s B Movie
So we had the UFOs in Texas last week (by the way, mystery solved, I think). Now, it’s The Blob in the sewers of Lewiston, Maine.
What My Doppelganger Is Doing….
From Northern Dwarf: The thought of winning Best in Show however had never really crossed my mind until it happened. It was such a proud moment especially when it was conformed that Ken Ashford, the Himalayan Dwarf’s creator, was the only other breeder in the country to have won BiS at a specialist club show with a Himmy. Within the … Read More
Are You A Psychopath?
Quote of the day: "Spanning all cultures and eras, roughly one man in every 100 is born a clinical psychopath, as well as one woman in every 300. They are so common that every person reading this sentence almost certainly knows one personally; indeed, a significant number of readers are likely psychopaths themselves." Take this test (and read the accompanying … Read More
Abe Vigoda Status
For those of you like me who can never remember if actor Abe Vigoda is dead or alive, there is a website devoted to that, and just that.
Squirrels Are Devious
Longtime readers of this blog know that I occasionally post about how we underestimate the vile wickedness and violence inherent in the contemporary squirrel. (See here and here and here and here and here and here). Well, science have discovered another aspect to the clever deceptiveness of these furry rats: Now it turns out that grey squirrels are even more … Read More
Married For 3 Days, Losing Each Other 60 Years Ago: A Couple Reunites
A heartwarming (and incredible) story. I won’t give any of it away. Go read.
It’s STILL Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Concord, NH (my home town) — Main Street: By the way, it looks like those cars on the left side of the street are plowed in. I kinda wish the primaries were today, instead of last week.
People In Order
People in order, from age 1 to 100, playing the drum: People in order, based on the length of their relationship:
What The Hell Am I Eating?
I decided to have a healthy lunch today (I need to do this more often), so I went for the salad bar. I also got me a packet of french dressing to put on it. That’s when I noticed something. They only had packets of Hellman’s "French-Style Dressing". Now, they had "Russian Dressing" (no "style" there). They had "Ranch Dressing" … Read More
Chuck Norris Facts
I learned yesterday (from NPR of all places) that reciting facts about Chuck Norris is a teenage fad these days. So naturally, I had to check it out. A "Chuck Norris Fact" is a statement showing how bad-ass Chuck Norris is. Sort of like the "You’re Momma" jokes of the 1990’s. And now, here, free of charge, are some of … Read More