It’s December 11… … and it’s 72 degrees. Just sayin’.
At My Age
At age 45: Andre Marie Ampere, a French physicist, discovered the rules relating magnetic fields and electric currents. George Foreman recaptured the heavyweight championship with a 10th round knockout, becoming the oldest person ever to win the heavyweight championship. Earl Vickers created a program for displaying things other people accomplished when they were your age. John Vida quit a 3-pack-a-day … Read More
iPod Cleaning
Good tip from Unclutterer: I offered up the following advice: One day, one room: Dedicate half an hour to cleaning one room every day instead of cleaning the whole house on the weekend. My husband and I still subscribe to this policy. In addition to picking up after ourselves throughout the day, we set aside 15 to 30 minutes for … Read More
Tramps Like Me
I scored some tickets to see The Boss. Twenty-five years ago, that would have been a major coup. It would have required having major connections or an all-night sleepout in front of Ticketron or something. Now all it requires is an Internet connection.
Arbuckle is a comic strip that intentionally rips off Garfield. In fact, "Arbuckle" is just "Garfield" comic strips redrawn with the thought bubbles (from Garfield) removed. The result? "Garfield" changes from being a comic about a sassy, corpulent feline, and becomes a compelling picture of a lonely, pathetic, delusional man who talks to his pets. Here, for example, is the … Read More
Twenty-First-Century Computing, as Explained by My Mother
Actually, it’s by the mother of McSweeney’s List writer Pasha Malla, but it could just as well be my mother: the Internet: "Where people mess around with words." e-mail: "A way of communicating with people. You plug in and go for it." website: "Where you post information about a topic. Any topic. It could be anything. Therein lies the freedom." … Read More
Women’s Pro Golf
Up until today, women’s professional golf has ranked about No. 141 in my list of favorite sports, falling somewhere between tetherball and underwater hockey. But now I would place women’s professional golf at, oh, No. 54. This is why and this is why.
Christmas Idea For My Dog, Arrow
…who recently lost part of his ear… View other custom-made dog (and other animal) armor here.
Wikipedia: Mamihlapinatapai (sometimes misspelled mamihlapinatapei) is a word from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego, listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the "most succinct word", and is considered one of the hardest words to translate. It describes a look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire but … Read More
That’s how much it would cost to buy the 12 gifts mentioned in The 12 Days of Christmas. I’m willing to bet much of that is due to the five golden rings which, when you think about it, is unnecesssarily extravagent. By the way, that’s up 4% from last year.
If I Had The Time And Inclination To Waste My Life….
…I just might spend it doing this. Pictured above is (obviously) an island. But what is unique about it is this: it is a do-it-yourself portable island. It was built by one guy, and it rests on top of 250,000 empty plastic bottles, which cause it to float. The bottles were combined in nets, then plywood and bamboo was lay … Read More
In Which I Address Paul McCartney’s Ex-Wife
Heather Mills has a question: "There are many other kinds of milk available. Why don’t we try drinking rats’ milk and dogs’ milk?" My answer: Because that’s disgusting?!?
The Cat With Two Faces And Three Eyes
Sorry. Probably should have posted this on Halloween. Read about the miracle cat here.