Now I’ve seen it all. Okay. They’re not Hallmark cards, but… Three Squares Greetings is a new and unique line of greeting cards that expresses the sentiments of inmates as well as those on the outside who care about them. The creater founded the greeting card company as a result of not being able to find a suitable birthday card … Read More
Right Brain v Left Brain
Which way is this dancer spinning – clockwise or counter-clockwise? NOTE: If the picture is choppy or grainy, click on it and look at it in a separate window… If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa. Most of us would see the dancer turning counter-clockwise though you can try to focus … Read More
Transplanted Northerners
I could have used this info ten years ago when I moved from the North to the South: In the South: If you run your car into a ditch, don’t panic. Four men in a four-wheel drive pickup truck with a tow chain will be along shortly. Don’t try to help them, just stay out of their way. This is … Read More
Thrill The World
Mark your calendars! "Thrill the World" is a project by Ines Markeljevic to break the Guiness World Record for the Largest Simultaneous Dance of Michael Jackson’s Thriller! It’s scheduled for October 27/28, 2007 – and you, too, can register to join in on the fun. For what it’s worth, I still like the "Lego" version:
Pravda Gives Me Credit
Yeah, it’s true. Nobody is more surprised than me. But there it is. Follow the link, and look at the credits under the picture of Hillary. Listen, comrades Russian journalist guys. I didn’t take that picture of Hillary Clinton. I stole it from the web, just like you did. And for the record: "I am not now and never have … Read More
Would You Believe…
…that the grandson of the tenth U.S. President is alive today? Yup. John Tyler was the tenth president of the United States, serving in office from 1841 to 1845. In 1853, at age 63, he fathered a son named Lyon Tyler. At age 75, Lyon Tyler fathered Harrison Tyler, who was born in 1928. Therefore, the grandson of a US … Read More
Life Is Like A — What???
Computer translations are not new. They’re not perfect either. This program can take an English phrase (song lyric, etc.) of your choosing and translate it from English to French, then from French to German, then from German to Italian, then from Italian to Portuguese, then from Portuguese to Spanish, and then from Spanish back into English. In a perfect world, … Read More
World Clock Extraordinaire
This is cool. Lot of facts at your fingertip. You can set the counters to zero by clicking the "Now" button, and watch the counters tick as time elapses:
Lost And Found
I was going to write a post about those missing boy scouts down the road a bit, but it turns out they showed up.
An Open Letter To Paul Anka
Dear Paul: Stop it. For God’s sake, please stop it. I remember well the summer of 1974 when America endured your musical glee over the fact that some chick was doing homage to you by getting knocked up. Yes, she wanted you to know that she was "thinking of you", which is why she decided to endure several months of … Read More
Avast, Me Hearties
Yup, it’s National Talk Like A Pirate Day…. again. UPDATE: There is, of course, an online translator — just in case your pirate talk is not up to snuff. I took a snippet from Heather’s blog about being at "Legally Blonde: The Musical" for the MTV taping and ran it through the Pirate Speak translator: Arrr, the cast ga’e an … Read More
Chocolate Overload
For chocolate lovers, this is a nice review of what is like to eat a chocolate bar with 99% cocoa. Keep in mind that a regular Hershey bar is 11% cocoa, and a "Special Dark" Hershey bar is only 45% cocoa. Most exotic varients of "dark chocolate" only clock in at around 60%. I especially liked this part: I carefully … Read More
Cool Stuff I Don’t Need
Toaster Post-its Notes. Leave a message on the toaster — it gets burned in to the toast. On the other hand, the design for this book-chair-with-wheels thing is kinda clever:
Playing With Google Earth
2 Minkle Road, Ossining, New York (where I lived at age 5) My dorm in London, 1983 (now apparently razed)