The last 1:47 of the game (edited down) The front page of Monday’s sports section of the Boone NC paper, the Watauga Democrat:
New Words
smexting pp. Sending text messages while standing outside on a smoking break. [Blend of smoking and texting.] Potterhead n. A person who is a big fan of the Harry Potter series of books. floordrobe n. A pile of discarded clothes on the floor of a person’s room. [Blend of floor and wardrobe.] carbage n. The garbage that accumulates in some … Read More
Partial Face Transplants
Natalie Portman & Keira Knightley: Queen Elizabeth and Sir Elton John: Oprah Winfrey and Condi Rice: Paris Hilton & Meryl Streep: Hillbillary Clinton: Lots more here.
Things That Make Me Roll My Eyes
USA Today: A Colorado Springs elementary school no longer allows students to play tag because of fears the game "fuels schoolyard disputes," The Gazette reports. “It causes a lot of conflict on the playground,” Assistant Principal Cindy Fesgen tells the paper. She says they decided to ban the popular game after children complained about being chased around the schoolyard. Well, … Read More
An Unconfortable Experience In The Public Men’s Room
As a fitting coda to my paranoid post yesterday, I’d thought I’d pass on this post from a diarist at Daily Kos: Two weeks ago, the kids and I went on a trip to visit friends in San Antonio, Texas. On the way we stopped at a rest area just off the interstate. What happened next made me very uneasy… … Read More
A Closer Look At “The Blonde Moment”
You’ve all seen the video. Now let’s parse her answer. Remember the questions was, why couldn’t one-fifth of Americans locate our country on a world map. And here’s how Miss South Carolina responded: I personally believe that U.S. Americans… As opposed to U.S. Algerians, for example… …are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation … Read More
Drama Queen
Tuesday, August 21, 2007: I have just returned from my semester auditions. It was the first time I’d had an actual audition since I auditioned for the MFA Program, it was my first grad school audition, it was my first UNCG audition, it was the first semester audition, and I was the first one to go. [horror story, horror story, … Read More
For some reason, I have the opening strands of "Mr. Sandman" running through my head constantly today. Now, you will too. Welcome to my world.
Proposal on the Astrodome Jumbotron: During Monday night’s 7-0 loss to the Nationals at Minute Maid Park, a fan failed in his public attempt at asking his girlfriend to marry him, the Houston Chronicle reported on its Web site. With the couple on display on the stadium’s jumbotron, the male fan got down on one knee to present the ring. … Read More
Ah, These Kids Today…
Benoit College has published its annual "mindset" list — the list that reflects certain truisms about the incoming college freshman class. Everytime I read this list, I feel like an old fogie. For example, here’s some things to know about the Class 0f 2011 (those born in 1989): They never “rolled down” a car window. They have grown up with … Read More
I’ll Take The Fake Chinese Food We Get Here In America…
…over the real Chinese food they have in China, thank you very much.
UFO in Haiti?
Is this short video of UFOs, reportedly shot last week, real or fake? I’m going with fake, and here’s why. Look at the palm trees in the video. They all look exactly alike. A very clever forgery though.
Cardboard Kids
Is the traffic on your street going too fast? Do what this guy did. Place full-size cardboard cutouts of kids on your lawn (preferably near the road). Motorists see them and slow down (and some of them even shout at the "kids" for playing too close to the street.