Some selections: You think they have any for "US Out of Iraq" or "Support A Woman’s Right To Choose"? Not on your life….
Your Daily Dose Of Cute
Two sleepy otters holding hands: [H/T to Amanda Marcotte, who thought this was so cute that it made her throw up in her mouth a little]
Texting While Driving
89% of Americans surveyed think it should be outlawed. 56% of Americans admit that they’ve done it. Sounds about right. And, by the way… guilty as charged. UPDATE: Of course, it could be worse: Police in the Baltic state of Estonia stopped a man who was driving erratically at the weekend, only to find he was blind. The 20-year-old was … Read More
If it were anyone other than Barry Bonds, and the fact that he — you know — cheated to get this high, I would be all into the hype, just as I was several decades ago when Hank Aaron shattered Ruth’s record. But Bonds, you know, cheated. I think he should get the record — obviously, he can’t not get … Read More
On Clutter
A good essay: And unless you’re extremely organized, a house full of stuff can be very depressing. A cluttered room saps one’s spirits. One reason, obviously, is that there’s less room for people in a room full of stuff. But there’s more going on than that. I think humans constantly scan their environment to build a mental model of what’s … Read More
What’s Your House’s Walk Score?
What is Walk Score? Walk Score helps people find walkable places to live. Walk Score calculates the walkability of an address by locating nearby stores, restaurants, schools, parks, etc: 90 – 100 = Walkers’ Paradise: Most errands can be accomplished on foot and many people get by without owning a car. 70 – 90 = Very Walkable: It’s possible to … Read More
The Red Shirt Phenomenon
An analytics experts examine the data, and discovers that — yes, indeed — the "red shirts" on Star Trek (the poor saps who beam down to the planet with Kirk) do indeed die with more regularity than their yellow or bllue shirt counterparts. For those of you too uninterested in reading his scholarly article, perhaps you might enjoy his powerpoint … Read More
Sur L’étang D’or [On Golden Pond]
Associated Press: French President Nicolas Sarkozy yesterday lost it with two American news photographers covering his New Hampshire vacation – jumping onto their boat and loudly berated them. The confrontation came as Sarkozy and his companions sailed along Lake Winnipesaukee. He spotted Associated Press photographer Jim Cole and freelancer Vince DeWitt aboard Cole’s boat, which was outside a buoy barrier … Read More
You Sockdologizing Old Man-trap!
An interest website showing English words that are no longer used. Having taken a brief look, I can say with confidence: these words will not be missed. A sample: novaturient adj 1679 -1679 desiring changes or alterations The novel’s author rightly rejected the novaturient wishes of the screenwriters orgiophant n 1886 -1886 one who presides over orgies The orgiophant had … Read More
Heh: THE call letters KUNT have landed at a yet-unbuilt low-power digital television station in Wailuku, Maui. Alarmingly similar to a word the dictionary says is obscene, the call letters were among a 15-page list of new call letters issued by the Federal Communications Commission and released this week. The same station owner also received KWTF for a station in … Read More
High Flying, Adored
NASA astronauts flying in space …drunk? Astronauts?!? Hmmmmm….. Top Ten Signs Your Starship Captain is a Drunkard 10) When Spock mind probes him, Spock gets hammered.9) Wakes up next to a Klingon chick at least once a week.8) Starts the ship’s self-destruct sequence just to fuck with the yeoman who blew him off in the officer’s lounge.7) Each time you … Read More
Death-Predicting Cat?
Associated Press: PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Oscar the cat seems to have an uncanny knack for predicting when nursing home patients are going to die, by curling up next to them during their final hours. His accuracy, observed in 25 cases, has led the staff to call family members once he has chosen someone. It usually means they have less than … Read More
Lifted (and Other Things)
(1) I haven’t seen "Ratatouille", but I hear it’s really good. I also hear that the animated short, "Lifted", that they show before the feature is pretty good too. Not only do I hear it; I know it. Because here it is….. In my humble opinion, what Disney was to the 20th century, Pixar will be to the 21st. (2) … Read More
I Wonder…
When this photo was taken, did the photographer know that he/she was possibly taking the picture of two future presidents? Damn hippies.