A good article on the benefits — and perils — of self-deception.
New Words
The folks at wordspy.com are always on the lookout for new words and phrases popping up in the English language. Here are some of the latest: password fatigue n. Mental exhaustion and frustration caused by having to remember a large number of passwords. (Citations) Streisand effect n. The widespread dissemination of information caused by an attempt to suppress that information. … Read More
Spoof Of The Dove Real Beauty Campaign
First, the real ad campaign (which I’ve posted before): Now, the spoof: RELATED: Is your dog fat? This gadget will tell you.
Theological Question
The new tech guy where I work — whose name is Bill — has a tendency to talk about himself in the third person, as in: "When he gets a chance, Bill will come and take a look at your computer problem" or… "Bill does not like it when you have a bottle of water so close to the keyboard. … Read More
Jenny’s Alternate Phone Numbers*
867-5306 (cell) 867-5307 (work) 867-5308 (pager) — by GRETCHEN VANWORMER — from McSweeney’s Lists (* If you’re under 30, and/or over 50, and/or have to ask, then look here.)
Steam Trek
There’s no dearth of Star Trek parodies out there, but this has to be one of the best — a silent movie version:
Short Bites
Kind of busy day, so I’ll compile one long lazy post: (1) Scripps spelling bee: The winner spelled "serrefine", a noun describing small forceps. The five-time player (but never champion) Samir Patel got utzed on "clevis", and came in 34th. I managed to only watch some it on TIVO. The best moment was during one of the bio-clips when one … Read More
You May Be Getting Less Spam (For A While, Anyway)
Why? One of the world’s top spammers has been arrested, "and federal authorities said computer users across the Web could notice a decrease in the amount of junk e-mail." Good.
Auspicious Circumlocution Or A Loquacious Lexicon? You Be The Omnipotent Yeoman
The American Heritage Dictionary has just come out with a list of "100 Words That All High School Graduate — And Their Parents — Should Know". I think I know most of these words, but some of them — well, if I were to ever use those words, or even know them, I’d end up in the Nerd Hall of … Read More
I Stand Corrected
My Mom just learned that you "home in" on something, not — as she always believed — "hone in" on something. She’s been saying it wrong all these years. So have I. P.S. At least I knew it was a "dog-eat-dog world", not a "doggie dog world". UPDATE: If you look at the post directly above this one, you’ll see … Read More
Cute Overload
Not a lot of time or inclination to do another installment of "1980’s Videos Explained", so instead, I’ll simply show a video of a cat with baby bunnies…. Frankly, I think it is a disaster waiting to happen….
You Might Want To Rethink That Logo, Guys
Flickoff.org is a Canadian grassroots organization sanctioned by the Ontario government. Its mission is to get North Americans to turn off the lights, thus reducing the amount of fossil fuels we burn. That’s all well and good, but I think their logo is going to cause confusion: