… I kind of always thought that all flamingos were gay.
How Does A Kangaroo Keep Cool?
I’m a bit intrigued by Google’s new offering: Google Trends. It’s a service (I guess you can call it that) which shows "surges" in what people are googling, but it employs an algorithm that takes out the obvious stuff (like "weather" or "porn"). I check it out right now, and #4 on the trend list is: how does a kangaroo … Read More
A Good Reason To Watch Idol Tonight
I no longer have any interest, since Melinda Doolittle was voted off last week. But then again, maybe this might be worth checking out: Paula Abdul broke her nose over the weekend after she fell while trying to avoid stepping on her Chihuahua, her publicist said Monday.
A Heavy Sleeper Indeed
Man sleeps through gunshot to the head: A small-caliber bullet struck the 37-year-old Altizer man in the head as he slept Sunday morning, but he didn’t realize it until he awoke nearly four hours later and noticed blood coming from his head, said Cpl. R.H. McQuaid of the Cabell County Sheriff’s Department. The bullet that struck him was one of … Read More
I Am Better Than Your Kids
A classic (click the icon in the upper right corner if you have trouble viewing):
Best. Book. Title. Ever.
Available at Amazon. And yes, it’s for real. From a customer review: The five sections explain all you’ll need to know to about classifying carts, section two lists Class A: False Strays, Types 1-11 and section three Class B: True Strays, Types 1-22. Each type gets a page with a cool photo and details about what to look for. The … Read More
Where’s Ken?
Top baby names of 2006: Girl Names 1 Emma 2 Madison 3 Ava 4 Emily 5 Isabella 6 Kaitlyn 7 Sophia 8 Olivia 9 Abigail 10 Hailey 11 Hannah 12 Sarah 13 Madeline 14 Lily 15 Ella 16 Alyssa 17 Riley 18 Chloe 19 Lauren 20 Grace 21 Kaylee 22 Samantha 23 Brianna 24 Mia 25 Alexis 26 Addison 27 … Read More
Lost In Translation
After translating the titles from English-to-French and then back from French-to-English, using Google Translate…. ALBUM: BANDAGE CLUB OF SGT. PEPPER’S OF LONELY HEART’S Side One "Bandage Club of Sgt. Pepper’s of Lonely Heart’s" “With A Little Of Assistance Of My Friends” "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" "Being Better" "Fixing A Hole" "It Leaves The House" “Being With The Profit … Read More
Friday’s 1980s Videos Explained: “Safety Dance” Edition
Here we go: Lars and his midget/jester companion (Greeble) are traveling through the English countryside for no apparent reason when they come across a chick lass with long flowing locks. She is obviously insane, having fallen victim to the Stupid Plague — a terrible affliction of the mind which causes adults to dance around like blithering idiots and contort their … Read More
I Promote Punctuation
When I say "I promote punctuation", I don’t mean that I am promoting being punctual. I mean, I want to promote this – the interrobang: From Wikipedia: The interrobang is a rarely used, nonstandard English-language punctuation mark intended to combine the functions of a question mark and an exclamation mark. The typographical character resembles those marks superimposed one over the … Read More
Attack Of The Killer Squirrels — Part III
Last November, I wrote a couple of posts (here and here) about the terrorist squirrels. Sure, you laughed. But now are you laughing???? Story and video: Violent squirrel leads to school lockdown UPDATE: Link fixed.
How To Act Around The Queen
Queen Elizabeth 2.0 is in the country, and I’m sure we’re all in need of a refresher course on how to behave in case we run into her. Fortunately, the Washington Post delivers, sourcing Robert Lacey, the queen’s biographer and royal historian: 1. Try to relax and be natural. 2. You don’t have to curtsy or bow. That requirement went … Read More