In case you ever wanted to:
Where The Hell Is Matt?
A guy named Matt decides to dance all around the world. Watch this video — I promise it’ll make you smile: His website.
“Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Rehearsal Quotes Of The Day
"It’s so much better with them doing all the work so I can focus on my orgasm."- Female cast member, regarding her non-participation in the all-girl orgy scene/dance. "I had to do research." – Jamie [male director of the homosexual persuasion], commenting on his stage direction for the all-girl orgy scene.
“Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Rehearsal Quotes Of The Day
I think I might make this a quasi-daily feature for a while. Maybe even compile them in the sidebar to the right. I was thinking that some of the humor of these quotes might be too "inside", but actually, some of these quotes are even funnier out of context. "Yeah. All the guys wrestle each other. It’s, like, homoerotic, I … Read More
Overheard At Rehearsal For “Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical”
"No doubt we are all going to hell" — Emily Mark
A Very Unamicable Divorce
Dr. Bartha, the guy who blew up his Manhattan townhouse with him in it (and he eventually died) so that his wife couldn’t take possession of it in their divorce proceedings . . . was kind of a prick: The ex-wife hid from the Nazis as a child; he drew swastikas all around their house. Their children tried to call … Read More
The Worst Unintentionally Bad Web Addresses
From Independent Sources: 1. A site called ‘Who Represents‘ where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… 2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views 3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island 4. Need a therapist? Try … Read More
What Did I Miss?
So, I take a few days break from blogging, and WWIII breaks out? Whaddup with that?
The Red Paperclip Guy
One year ago, a guy named Kyle McDonald set out to get buy a house . . . with only one red paperclip. Using Craigslist, he decided to barter the red paperclip for something slightly better. Then he would take that object and barter it for something slightly better. And so on . . . until he got a house. … Read More
I’m Depressed
Apparently: Lawyers are 3.6 times more likely to be depressed than members of other professions, and it’s not just because their jobs are more stressful. For most people, job stress has little effect on happiness unless it is accompanied by a lack of control (lawyers, of course, have clients to listen to) or involves taking something away from somebody else … Read More
Eight Lives Left
A kitten survives a trip through the wood chipper: FORT LAUDERDALE — The little orange-and-white ball of fluff is a fighter. Any kitten that survives a tumble through a wood chipper would have to be. His meow would almost be pitiable if he weren’t so full of energy and spunk just two weeks after his rescuer and veterinarian debated whether … Read More
For no reason whatsover, I present this bizarre clip from The Maury Povich Show in which our Maury generously helps a terrified young girl overcome her debilitating fear of — wait for it — pickles. I don’t know whether to laugh (probably not) or cry (no, not that either).