Parrot Exposes Husband’s Philandering Family’s Dog Survives 60-Mile Trip In Car’s Grill
Love Lasts A Year
Italian scientists (and really, what else would they study?) have proved it: Some couples may disagree, but romantic love lasts little more than a year, Italian scientists believe. The University of Pavia found a brain chemical was likely to be responsible for the first flush of love. Researchers said raised levels of a protein was linked to feelings of euphoria … Read More
Kiss Of Death
This is the kind of news story that I’m embarrassed to blog about, but I do anyway: A 15-year-old girl with a peanut allergy died after kissing her boyfriend, who had just eaten a peanut butter snack, hospital officials said Monday. Christina Desforges died in a Quebec hospital Wednesday after doctors were unable to treat her allergic reaction to the … Read More
He Didn’t Have Enough Slanty Pieces
Hey, I liked Lego too, but then I grew up: Portland, Oregon – A 40-year-old man is behind bars, accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars of Lego sets. William Swanberg was indicted on Wednesday by a Washington County grand jury on two counts of felony theft and one count of attempted felony theft.
No, I’m Not Making This Up
Just in time for Thanksgiving, the inventor of Stove Top stuffing has died. Her obit is in today’s New York Times. If you are at a loss for something to be thankful for tomorrow, why not give a shout out to her?
Same Ol’, Same Ol’
Is there really much difference between this CNN "Thanksgiving holiday rush" story from today, and this CNN "Thanksgiving holiday rush" story from 2004, and this CNN "Thanksgiving holiday rush" story from 2003?
A town in Idaho has decided to change its name to "SecretSanta.Com" in order to hype an online gift exchange management service. I kid you not. Surprisingly, this is not the first time this has happened. Just ask the folks in, Oregon. [ is an e-Bay-like online audition site].
Something I Didn’t Know
Of the many things I didn’t know, one of them is that Martin Luther King delivered a rough draft of his "I Have A Dream" speech in Rocky Mount, NC: "And so, my friends of Rocky Mount, I have a dream tonight," he said. "That one day, right here in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, the sons of former slaves and … Read More
EXCLUSIVE: An Interview With My New AOL Buddy
AOL’s instant messenger (AIM) program self-installed two new "buddies" on my buddy list under the heading "AOL BOTS". My new buddies are named "MovieFone" and "ShoppingBuddy". Well, I figured if they are new buddies of mine, I better get to know them. So, armed with a virtual giftbasket, I started an online chat with my new online pal, ShoppingBuddy. Below … Read More
Remember learning syntax in grade school? You know — nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc., and how they all fit together? You typically learn that every communication has a noun and a verb. or at least good sentences do. But, when you think about it, much communication really isn’t that way. In fact, there are words we use that aren’t really parts … Read More
Where’s Richard Lederer* When You Need Him?
I was reading a post somewhere talking about the "Murtha foofaraw". What’s that word? "Foofaraw"? Is that how it’s spelled? Isn’t it something like "falderol"? Or is that something else? Have I been saying it wrong all these years? What’s the etymology? Okay, maybe it’s time for a refresher course: It’s a "dog EAT dog world", not a "doggie dog … Read More
Intriguing News Stories
"Cool Mom" who gave drugs, and booze and sex to teens at parties gets sentenced to 30 years Baby girl born with heart in hands, literally (UPDATE: She died) And the winner is: Bird executed after toppling 23,000 dominoes UPDATE: We may have a usurper to the throne, via Shake’s Sister: A train driver caused delays on a German rail … Read More
That’ll Show ‘Em!
Don’t like people using profane words in your presence? Then kill yourself: Tyler Poulson was riding with his brothers last night when he became offended by one of them using profanity. Poulson, who recently returned from an LDS mission, threatened to get out of the truck if he continued. One of the men, not thinking he would, told Poulson to. … Read More