In Vermont: BARRE — Despite a smaller-than-expected turnout, a Vermont group unofficially qualified for the Guinness Book of World Records on Sunday by playing the longest baseball game. Organizer Bobby DeAngelis of Rutland said the teams played for 200 innings, totaling 48 hours, 32 minutes and 45 seconds at the Barre Recreation Field. The mark of 48:09:25 was set by … Read More
Back In My Hometown Of Concord NH…
State Rep. Lynne Blankenbeker (R-Concord) is a nurse in the Navy Reserves and is currently at Fort Dix, N.J., training with the U.S. Army. On Thursday, she wrote an email to her colleagues in the New Hampshire House and updated them on her training, explaining that the Army was "short staffed," which is why she was at Fort Dix. In … Read More
Well, this is just disturbing…. Me: The JULIA ROBERTS look: The CHARLIZE THERON look: The SANDRA BULLOCK look: The DEMI MOORE look: The BEYONCE look: The KATY PERRY look: Try it on yourself at Taaz Virtual Makeover.
This Will Make Your Day
A guy proposes online in what could be the cutest online proposal evah. Check it out at
Why You’re Wrong
You're wrong because when you first got that idea in your head, it was full of misinformation. Misinformation which, sadly, you became married to: Once an idea enters your mind it's hard to get rid of it. Even after you've been proven wrong and know that you are, your brain is wired to stick with the original information. It even … Read More
This Is Why The French Can Never Win Wars
Liza Minnelli recently received a new recognition when she was ranked as an "officier" in France's Legion of Honor. By the way, this is what she said upon receiving the award… and you can just HEAR her saying it, too: "I’m honored!… I’m totally in love with all of you! To stand in this room in front of all of … Read More
Rapture Guy Has Stroke
Thankfully, it was a mild one. Because he's got some more 'splainin' to do when his LAST explanation falls through: When the apocalypse failed to occur on May 21, Camping was widely mocked and he called it "a very difficult time." He has since insisted that his prediction was overall correct. On May 24 he clarified that a "spiritual" Judgment … Read More
The Center For Disease Control Has A Sense Of Humor
Yes, this is the actual CDC. Yikes. I hope they're just kidding around.