It’s Over

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other SportsLeave a Comment

With the 5-3 loss against the Blue Rays last night, I'm giving up on The Red Sox's chance at the playoffs.  Nope, not even a wild card position.  We're one month out and 6.5 games behind.  And half the starting team is on the DL list. Wait'll next year…. again.


Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other SportsLeave a Comment

USA v. Algeria is going on right now.  I can't watch it, but I tuned in here to see a running commentary.  At the 89 minute mark, it was a 0-0 draw. Groan. Then USA scored at the 91 minute mark. Awesome. Also in the C group, England is playing Slovania at the same time.  England is up 1-0. ONE … Read More

Sox Got The Mojo

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other SportsLeave a Comment

Tampa Bay had the winningest record of all the MLB teams this year so far.  Earlier this week, they were 32 wins and only 12 losses, a percentage of around .700. And the Sox swept them, three games in a row.  In Tampa Bay. So the Boston Boys are doing something right.  Still, they're in the toughest division in baseball.  … Read More

Opening Day Shock Horror Surprise

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other SportsLeave a Comment

Red Sox beat Yankees, 9-7. It was, by all accounts, not a pretty win (so much for BoSox pitching), but it was a win nonetheless.  So, gift horse and all that…. UPDATE:  They probably won because of this kid (performing the Kurt Russell locker room speech from the movie "Miracle"):

When Tiger Woods Needs Brit Hume’s Advice…

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other Sports, Right Wing and Inept Media, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy2 Comments

The Tiger Woods story, as I've often said, isn't a news story.  It certainly doesn't warrent a panel discussion on a Sunday morning "news" channel. And it certainly doesn't require commentary like that offered by Brit Hume, who said this weekend that Tiger Woods isn't going to be made whole until he rejects his religion and accepts the correct religion … Read More