And Now It’s…. Oh Dear… Senator Al Franken’s Turn?

Ken AshfordCongress, Democrats, Political Scandals, Sex Scandals, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

The sexual harassment purge is getting ugly. WaPo: Broadcaster and model Leeann Tweeden said Thursday that Al Franken “forcibly kissed” and groped her during a USO tour in 2006, two years before the Minnesota Democrat’s election to the U.S. Senate. “You knew exactly what you were doing,” Tweeden wrote in a blog post for Los Angeles radio station KABC, for which she works as … Read More

More More Moore (How Do You Like It?)

Ken AshfordCongress, Election 2018, Political Scandals, Sex Scandals, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Roy Moore is now adopting the “best defense is a good offense” strategy. He is setting up to hit the Washington Post with a lawsuit over the allegations that he had sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl while Moore was in his 30’s. According to AP, Moore told his supporters in Huntsville, Alabama on Sunday that the WaPo story was “fake news” and … Read More

More Fallout From More Pedophilia

Ken AshfordCongress, Election 2018, Political Scandals, Sex Scandals, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Republican Alabama State Representative Ed Henry said on Friday that he wanted someone to bring charges against the women who accused GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore of making sexual advances on them when they were teenage. This has brought huge backlash against Henry, naturally. Vulnerable GOP Senator: Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, Roger Ailes, Roy Moore… No MOORE… — Barbara … Read More

Roy Moore Sex Scandal

Ken AshfordCongress, Election 2018, Political Scandals, Sex Scandals, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

The woman is a god-fearing, Trump-voting Republican: Leigh Corfman says she was 14 years old when an older man approached her outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Ala. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore. It was early 1979 and Moore — now the Republican nominee in … Read More

The GOP Tax Plan Hits Middle Class

Ken AshfordClass Warfare, Congress, Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Having failed to repeal and replace Obamacare, almost everything is riding, politically speaking, on the new GOP tax bill.  And it looks like a tough road to passage. A Washington Post poll provides a good starting point for measuring public opinion at the outset of the tax debate. Only one-third of Americans support the plan, against half opposing it. Sixty percent of the public … Read More

Flake Bows Out

Ken AshfordCongress, RepublicansLeave a Comment

In a growing sign of discontentment with their President, another Republican Senator has announced he will not run for re-election: Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona: Condemning the nastiness of Republican politics in the era of President Donald Trump, Sen. Jeff Flake on Tuesday announced he will serve out the remainder of his term but will not seek re-election in 2018. The bombshell, … Read More

Republican Hypocrisy Exhibit No 352

Ken AshfordCongress, Republicans, Sex Scandals, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

Earlier this week, Republican Rep. Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania voted in favor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which “would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy,” according to GovTrack. The congressman has been lauded by the Family Research Council, for his stance on abortion, as well as for family values, generally. He also has been endorsed by LifePAC, which … Read More

What Roy Moore Means For The Republican Party

Ken AshfordCongress, RepublicansLeave a Comment

If there is any person less suited for national politics than Donald Trump, it is Roy Moore. Known once as the “Ten Commandments Judge”, Roy Moore was removed from the Alabama Supreme Court bench when he defied orders from the US Supreme Court.  I have written about him several times over the years. Last night, he won the Republican primary … Read More

BREAKING: Graham-Cassidy Looks Dead

Ken AshfordCongress, Health CareLeave a Comment

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) just announced that he will vote against the latest GOP effort to repeal ObamaCare, potentially dooming the legislation.  He joints Rand Paul (R-Ky) in being against the bill. BREAKING: McCain says in statement, “I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal.” — Steven Portnoy (@stevenportnoy) September 22, 2017 If both stick to their word, then the bill … Read More

Quick Thought About Graham-Cassidy

Ken AshfordCongress, Health CareLeave a Comment

Literally nobody in the health insurance industry likes this bill. Literally nobody in the health care industry likes this bill. The chaos and misery it would unleash are practically undebatable. So why are they doing this? Two reasons, I think. (1)  Sanders and others have been talking about, and getting endorsements for, “Medicare For All” (i.e. universal health).  For Graham and others, this screams … Read More

Interesting Poll Numbers From North Carolina — Trump Underwater

Ken AshfordCongress, Democrats, Local Interest, Polls, Republicans, Trump & Administration, Voter Suppression & Voter SecurityLeave a Comment

From PPP: PPP’s new North Carolina poll finds strong, bipartisan opposition to cuts the General Assembly has made to the budget of the North Carolina Department of Justice. Only 18% of voters support the 10 million dollars in cuts that have been made, to 60% who say they are opposed to them. This opposition is shared by independents (9/68), Democrats … Read More

BIG Vote Today On Something That Nobody Knows What It Is

Ken AshfordCongress, Health Care, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

In a few hours, Senate Republicans will vote whether to start debate on a plan to overhaul American health care, without knowing exactly what is in that plan or, by extension, how it will change the lives of millions of Americans. There are few, if any, comparable examples of a bill with such wide-reaching consequences, being voted on so abruptly, with so … Read More

Trumpcare Declared Dead But GOP Not Finished Screwing America

Ken AshfordCongress, Health Care, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

So this happened: My colleague @JerryMoran and I will not support the MTP to this version of BCRA #HealthcareBill — Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) July 18, 2017 Republican senator from Kansas and his Republican colleague from Utah said “no” to the GOP plan to replace Obamacare. This comes even before the CBO had scored it, but it would have resulted in … Read More

Healthcare Update

Ken AshfordCongress, Health Care, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Yesterday was a strange news day and not just because of the Trump’s tweets about Morning Joe.  I want to cover much of it, and it is going to take a couple of posts. First, healthcare. The Senate Health Care bill looks dead.  McConnell wanted to get the Senate bill, BCRA, passed before the July 4 extended break.  He wanted … Read More

Senate Health Care Bill Off Fast Track

Ken AshfordCongress, Health Care, RepublicansLeave a Comment

It looks like BHCA (the Better Health Care Act, which isn’t) is not going to be voted on before the July 4 break, as Senator McConnell had hoped. I don’t see how he thought he could put such a terrible bill through committee, without hearings, without almost no debate, without amendments, and get a vote passed.  The horrible CBO score … Read More