Dear Dismayed Conservatives

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

Dear Dismayed Conservatives: I hereby make these promises to you. We will protect your lives and livelihoods. We will listen to and respect your beliefs. We will never try to force you to change your religion, sexual orientation, or first language. We will do our best to reduce the number of abortions in our country. We will have no tolerance … Read More

Election Post-Mortem

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

Well, my predictions were pretty close. I predicted a Democratic gain in the House of 24 seats — it’s 28 right now. In the Senate, I predicted a Dem gain of five seats (meaning that they don’t take the majority).  They have four in the pocket, and have all but "won" in Montana and Virginia.  Those states will probably be … Read More

Live-blogging the Election Results

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

Apparently, CNN’s invitation to me got lost in the snail mail, so I’ll be liveblogging solo. Don’t get the impression that I’m sitting here at my computer doing this all evening.  It’s a long night and the results will be trickling in.  So I’m doing this and other things (like reading scripts). 6:00 p.m. – Canary in the coalmines.  Polls … Read More

Why Vote-By-Mail Is Better

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

No waiting for hours in line No polling place intimidation No confusion about where to go to vote No need to make arrangements for childcare or time off from work No malfunctioning voting equipment No need to hire and train poll workers Increased election process integrity through signature verification Lower election administration costs Increased voter turnout Any arguments to any … Read More

Election Day Potpourri

Ken AshfordElection 20061 Comment

I HOPE TO LIVE-BLOG THE ELECTION RETURNS TONIGHT, SO STAY TUNED…. But if you want to follow the returns yourself, the WSJ has a great checklist (PDF format) with tips on what to look for. I know.  I usually don’t get revved up about midterm elections either.  But this one is important, because we need people in Congress to act … Read More

The State Of the Race, Part III: Good News From VA?

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

The most recent poll, just released, puts Webb over Allen by an astounding eight points. That’s a contradiction with a Gallup Poll released this morning, which put Allen up by three. The difference?  The Gallup Poll was conducted Nov. 1-3 (in the wake of the Kerry messup).  This new poll was conducted Nov. 3-5. Looks good.

The State Of The Race, Part II: My Predictions

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

Senate 50-50, which means Republicans retain majority.  We’ll ultimately win Missouri (it’ll take more than a day to get the official results), but it ultimately won’t matter because we’ll lose Virginia.  See my prediction map here. House Democrat pickup of 24 seats, meaning they’ll take majority control. RELATED:  A good cheat sheet for tomorrow.

GOP Dirty Tricks

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

As we come down to the wire on Election Day, reports are popping up of widespread Repubican dirty tricks.  It’s called robo-calling: What we’re talking about is something a bit different. What we’re seeing is an apparent coordinated effort from the NRCC — the House GOP committee — to place calls that appear to be from the local Democratic candidate … Read More

Dem Senate Takeover Prospects

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

Here’s all you need to know. The Democrats will take over the House.  Nobody doubts that anymore. As for the Senate, the Democrats will make gains, but in order to take over and get a majority, they need to win in three of these four closely contested states: Montana, Missouri, Virginia, and Tennessee. Now check out this chart (click to … Read More

GOP Message Not Sinking In

Ken AshfordElection 20061 Comment

Good news from today’s New York Times poll.  It looks like America isn’t the bastion of conservatism that Fox News likes to think it is… On Bush’s handling of Iraq: 29 percent of Americans approve of the way President Bush is managing the war, matching the lowest mark of his presidency. Nearly 70 percent said Mr. Bush did not have … Read More

About Kerry’s Botched Joke

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

My goodness!  Such a fuss. But conservative/evangelical blogger La Shawn Barber gets it: I don’t like John Kerry…. I mocked him for his condescending attitude toward “the poor”… I made fun of him for hanging out at black churches at election time… I called Kerry a racist for trying to appeal to blacks… …I’d curse him to his face. [But] … Read More