Because of the hurricane, I am extending my 5 million dollar offer for President Obama's favorite charity until 12PM on Thursday. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 30, 2012
Yes, Mitt Is Campaigning
Mitt Romney has suspended his campaign out of concern and sympathy for Sandy, except… he hasn't. He's in Ohio right now, at a "storm relief event". Here's the press pass given to NPR's Ari Shapiro… It looks like a VICTORY RALLY to me. Here's a sign there…. Here's the Romney campaign video playing… And here's a Politico reporter reporting on … Read More
“It’s The Hurricane Disaster Relief Effort… Brought To You By Federal Express!”
With Sandy bearing down on us, it's important to remember that Romney thinks things like FEMA should be left to the states and/or privatized. In this clip, Romney was asked at a debate for the Republican presidential candidates about emergency-response efforts, and he suggested FEMA should be shuttered, moving responsibility to the states. "Absolutely. Every time you have an … Read More
Romney Turnout Not As Big As Official Romney Photo Suggests
Actually…. A close-up of the Romneney sign:
Wingnuts Go Apocalyptic Over Latest Obama Ad
Here's the ad: A young attractive woman (actress Lena Dunham) talks about her "first time"….. the first time she voted for Obama. It's cute, and a little edgy (and not too original) Well, conservatives are clutching the pearls and clearing the shelves at Fainting Couches R' Us (and just as they were recovering from Obama's use of the word bullshiter, … Read More
Romney-mentum? Nope.
Yes, Romney clearly did have things going for him for the two weeks following the first debate. But that's all gone now… Nate Silver looks at the daily tracking polls for today, and it's Obama's gain: Silver writes: Take Wednesday’s national tracking polls, for instance. (There are now eight of them published each day.) Mr. Romney gained ground in just one … Read More
Been Busy…
I've been out of the loop for the past couple days. I'm sure I didn't miss much, because the debates are over, and now it's the home stretch. The candidates will be covering the country coast to coast — er, I mean Ohio coast to coast, as they sprint through these last two weeks of the election. So there's probably not … Read More
Bayonets and Horses And How To Stop Digging A Hole When You’re In It
In last night's debate, President Barack Obama basically humiliated Mitt Romney in response to his lie about the size of the U.S. Navy, pointing out that if we have fewer ships than in 1916, "we also have fewer horses and bayonets." Republicans apparently leapt to their keyboards, Googled away and, instead of slinking away in hopes that voters also wouldn't hear that the Navy … Read More
PPP: Obama Wins Debate by 11 Points in Swing States
Good polling news: PPP's post debate poll in the swing states, conducted on behalf of Americans United for Change, finds that Barack Obama was the big winner in tonight's face off. 53% of those surveyed in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin think Obama was the winner to 42% who pick Romney. … Read More
Post-Debate Mortem
Well, despite my enthusiasm last night, Romney did manage to get a bit more energized, so it didn't turn out to be the trouncing that it appeared half way through. Oh, Obama won. Is say so. So did the polls. But it was clear that Romney wasn't trying to win; he just didn't want to be knocked out. And he … Read More
Not Really Liveblogging This Debate But….
Holy fuck! Is Romney getting pants on live TV? I think so. And Romney looks like he knows it, too.
I Believe… That In 2012 Christians Changed Their Minds About Mormon People…
Politics influences religion, not the other way around: The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association removed language labeling Mormonism a “cult” from its website after the famed preacher met with Republican nominee Mitt Romney last week and pledged to help his presidential campaign.
Tonight’s Debate
I'm not sure what to say about tonight's debate, except to opine that I don't think it will matter much. It's foreign policy, and people don't care about that. I expect viewership will be low. Romney, if her's smart, should make the debate about his views and policies, rather than trying (as he did last debate) to prosecute Obama about … Read More
What Is It With Republicans And Calling Something Terror?
So Romney had a chance to screw Obama on Benghazi, but he blew it. He decided to make it about when Obama called it an "act of terror" and he got his facts wrong, and he looked really really really stupid. Obama did in fact call Benghazi an act of terror the very next morning after the attack happened, in the Rose … Read More
Don’t Fear The Pollster
Don't worry about national polls. Early this week, Gallup came out with a national polls showing that Romney was over Obama by 51 to 45. You would think that is badm but you needed to look at the poll crosstabs from the previous day (when it was 50-46) and compare: Romney's entire advantage in the poll comes from a massive lead in the … Read More