Aide Blows Christie Scandal Wide Open

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Political Scandals1 Comment

A major bombshell has just dropped in the Bridgegate scandal. David Wildstein, Governor Chris Christie’s appointee to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, has publicly claimed that Governor Christie knew about the improper and illegal lane closures on the George Washington Bridge. In a letter Wildstein not only relays that Governor Christie knew about the lane closures … Read More


Ken AshfordElection 2016, Political Scandals, Republicans2 Comments

I was willing to give Governor Christie the benefit of the doubt that it was a rogue staffer who was responsible for the closing of lanes on the GW bridge on 9/11/13, and that he (and the rest of his staff) knew nothing about it. But a photo published earlier this week in the Wall Street Journal along with new revelations … Read More


Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

Investigators of every stripe dream about getting smoking gun documents like the ones multiple media outlets obtained today. They not only show aides and appointees of Chris Christie conspiring to punish the mayor of Fort Lee, N.J., a Democrat who did not endorse Christie’s reelection bid in 2013, but they capture a tone and mentality that, well, you might find in the … Read More

Finally, The DOJ Steps In

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Local Interest, RaceLeave a Comment

Justice Department to sue North Carolina over voting law By Holly Yeager, Published: September 29 | Updated: Monday, September 30, 12:01 AM The Justice Department will sue North Carolina on Monday over the state’s new voting law, according to a person briefed on the department’s plans, the latest move by the Obama administration to counter a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that officials have said threatens the voting … Read More

RNC Chair Threatens NBC And CNN

Ken AshfordElection 2016, RepublicansLeave a Comment

Demonstrating once again that laser-like focus on jobs and the economy, Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus has sent a letter to NBC and CNN threatening that if they produce a miniseries on Hillary Clinton, the GOP will boycott them in the 2016 primary debates. It's August, Congress is gone, and it's time for the silly season — which gets off … Read More

House Bill 589

Ken AshfordElection 2014, Election 2016, Local InterestLeave a Comment

North Carolina is set to pass one of the most strict voting limitations bills in the country.  Not only does it include a strict voter-ID law and provision shortening early voting and eliminating same-day voter registration for early voting, but it’s also a laundry list of ways to make it harder for people to vote, and which cannot plausibly be … Read More

GOP Giving Up On Latinos

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Race, RepublicansLeave a Comment

A good article by Benji Darlin suggests that the GOP is experiencing a backlash and revision when it comes to wooing the Latino vote.  After Romney lost last year, almost every Republican politician and pundit suggested that the GOP needed to woo Latinos if it was going to remain a viable party. After the past few weeks, and with an … Read More

How’s That Hispanic Outreach Going, GOP?

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Immigration and Xenophobia, RaceLeave a Comment

Pablo Pantoja has an impressive resume.  He served in Iraq and Afghanistan, on tours with the National Guard.  Since then, he's climbed the ladder of Republican politics.  Most recently, he was the State Director of Florida Hispanic Outreach for the Republican National Committee. Until yesterday. Yesterday, he became a Democrat. Why?  Here's an excerpt from his explanation: Yes, I have … Read More

Hillary 2016

Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

I would have had no problem with Hillary in 2008.  And for a long time, I had hoped she would run in 2016. But her illness lately had me wondering if she was up to the job, not to mention the campaign. Today she testified about the Benghazi incident, and although I only heard some of it, I can say … Read More