Cost Of The Government Shutdown: $3 Billion

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & Deficit, Gubmint Shutdown, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

The U.S. economy will likely never recover $3 billion lost during the five-week partial government shutdown, according to a report released by the Congressional Budget Office on Monday. The 35-day shutdown ― the longest such closure in U.S. history ― reportedly reduced GDP in the fourth quarter of 2018 by $3 billion and an additional estimated $8 billion in the … Read More

Breaking: Trump To Speak On Shutdown; Will He Invoke A National Emergency?

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Gubmint Shutdown, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

The White House is now making plans for an afternoon event today, where President Trump is poised to make an announcement about the border and the government shutdown, per @jeffzeleny @kaitlancollins. Invoking national emergency has been on the table — Manu Raju (@mkraju) January 25, 2019 People I’ve been talking to this morning are convinced, following the arrest of Roger … Read More

Breaking — Day 35 Of Government Shutdown Brings Stoppage of Flights Into LaGuardia

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Gubmint ShutdownLeave a Comment

NBC New York reports: A ground stop has been ordered at LaGuardia airport due to staffing related issues, the Federal Aviation Administration said Friday. The stop was ordered shortly before 10 a.m. Some arriving flights are also being delayed. The government shutdown has entered its 35th day, the longest federal shutdown over. CNN reports that Newark and Philadelphia are also affected. … Read More

Movement, Ever So Slightly, On Ending The Government Shutdown

Ken AshfordCongress, Gubmint Shutdown, Immigration and Xenophobia, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

NY Times: WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans and Democrats on Tuesday offered the first glimmers of a potential resolution to the five-week partial government shutdown, scheduling procedural votes Thursday on President Trump’s proposal to spend $5.7 billion on a border wall and a competing bill that would fund the government through Feb. 8. The plan for the Senate to consider the … Read More

Trump Responds To SOTU Postponement With Petty Tit-For-Tat

Ken AshfordCongress, Gubmint Shutdown, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

After Nancy Pelosi opted yesterday to un-invite Trump to give a State of The Union speech because of the shutdown, Trump responded just now with this: Hah! That’ll show her!  I triple-dog cancel your trip — Michael Bitzer (@BowTiePolitics) January 17, 2019 He’s capitalizing shutdown in official letters. As well as “Southern Border Security”. Congresspeople use Air Force aircraft … Read More

“We Are Getting Crushed”

Ken AshfordGubmint Shutdown, Immigration and Xenophobia, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Maggie Halberman writes in the NY Times about the pressures inside the White House: President Trump has insisted that he is not going to compromise with Democrats to end the government shutdown, and that he is comfortable in his unbendable position. But privately, it’s sometimes a different story. “We are getting crushed!” Mr. Trump told his acting chief of staff, … Read More

Trump Doesn’t Like Plans

Ken AshfordGubmint Shutdown, Immigration and Xenophobia, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

From Axios’ Jonathan Swan: When a frustrated adviser once tried to convince President Trump to consider a strategic plan, the president launched into a story about his friend Mike Tyson, the former world heavyweight boxing champion. What he’s saying: “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth,” Trump said, echoing a famous Tyson quote. I had asked the adviser whether … Read More

Country REALLY Divided on Day 26 of Shutdown

Ken AshfordGubmint Shutdown, Immigration and Xenophobia, Polls, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

From Gallup today, the country is more divided on Trump than with any other president in polling history. The average 79-percentage-point difference between Republicans’ and Democrats’ job approval ratings of President Donald Trump during his second year in office is the largest Gallup has measured in any presidential year to date.  But Trump still polls at historical lows. Overall, an … Read More

Exhausting Futility Continues

Ken AshfordGubmint Shutdown, Immigration and Xenophobia, L'Affaire Russe, Polls, Russia, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Shutdown Day Number 23 and there is no sign of movement. Trump apparently has little to do but tweet all day — childish attacks on Elizabeth Warren (racist attacks there) and on Jeff Bezo’s personal life. But that is kind of the point that Trump wants to make — he’s ready to work on a deal and Dems are off … Read More

The Buck Stops With Everybody

Ken AshfordGubmint Shutdown, Immigration and Xenophobia, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Impasse. Government is shut down. Nobody is budging. At a meeting yesterday with Pelosi and Schumer, Trump asked if they would fund his wall. He specifically said “wall” and NOT “border security” (he lied in a later tweet about this). Pelosi said no, and Trump said (verbatim) “Bye bye” and left. At present, he seems to have rallied the Republicans … Read More

The Non-Crisis Ploy

Ken AshfordGubmint Shutdown, Immigration and Xenophobia, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Flop sweat for Donald Trump. As the government shutdown enters its third week, and there is no movement on funding Trump’s wall, Trump is looking and acting desperate. Tonight, he will go on primetime television and, everyone expects, he will declare some sort of emergency and then try to get his wall funded by the military. Basically, the administration is trying … Read More

Why Should Democrats Negotiate When Team Trump Can’t Even Agree On What A “Wall” Means?

Ken AshfordGubmint Shutdown, Immigration and Xenophobia, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

In an interview published Sunday in the Los Angeles Times, Kelly was quoted saying that the current White House plan for a barrier is “not a wall.” “The president still says ‘wall’ — oftentimes, frankly, he’ll say ‘barrier’ or ‘fencing.’ Now he’s tended toward steel slats,” Kelly said. “But we left a solid concrete wall early on in the administration … Read More

The Dumbest Shutdown Ever

Ken AshfordCongress, Economy & Jobs & Deficit, Gubmint Shutdown, Occupy Wall Street, Social SecurityLeave a Comment

Most people slept through it, but yes, the United States government shutdown for several hours last night. Yesterday, in something of a throwback, the two parties struck a deal and came out with a bi-partisan spending bill. Great news, right? But Republican and libertarian Rand Paul had to make a point: Republicans no longer care about deficit spending.  Rand wanted … Read More

The Hillary Clinton Paradigm

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Gubmint Shutdown, Obama OppositionLeave a Comment

Courtesy of the Rolling Stone, this is how it works: You start with the assumption that Hillary Clinton is corrupt. After all, there have been whispers and accusations and investigations and allegations and scandals with ominous names like WHITEWATER and BENGHAZI for years. Even if you can’t describe exactly what she’s done wrong, there must be something to all these … Read More