Tea partiers, in conjuncture with the Oklahoma legislature, are talking openly about forming a militia to oppose the federal government. Really. Associated Press: OKLAHOMA CITY April 12, 2010, 09:30 pm ET Frustrated by recent political setbacks, tea party leaders and some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature say they would like to create a new volunteer militia to help defend … Read More
Palin and Obama Spar Over Nuclear Weapons
It all started yesterday when Obama was asked to respond to Palin's comments. Specifically, George Stephanopoulos of "Good Morning America" asked Obama this: STEPHANOPOULOS:I want to get to some of those broader issues [of nuclear proliferation]. Because you're also facing criticism on that. Sarah Palin, taking aim at your decision to restrict the use of nuclear weapons. Your pledge not … Read More
More Ugly Republicans
Right wing talk jock Neal Boortz tweeted this today: Sadly, retaliation of this sort has already happened: Last Friday, someone going by the name "dermdoc" posted a thread on a message board for Texas A&M students and alumni with this topic: "Laid off my first Obama voting employee today." "Our reimbursement rates are spiraling downward, taxes are projected to … Read More
Fox News Cuts Away From Obama… Again
Earlier today, Fox New's Happening Now cut away from President Obama's signing of the health care reconciliation bill (the one that fixed a couple gaps in the big one passed last week) in order to cover…. wait for it… a plane crash that never happened. Fox News was (it claims) told that the airplane had flap problems, so they cut … Read More
Conservative Blogger Finds Proof That Obama Is A Socialist
The conservative blogosphere is having a collective climax today because a blogger from sayanything.com snapped a photo of some old reference books about socialism in the White House Library. According to this blogger, the White House tour guide said that the White House library was stocked by Michelle Obama. Connect the dots. Michelle Obama stocked the White House library with (two? three?) books … Read More
The conservative CPAC is underway. And although I expected that many of the conservative speakers would be making jokes about Obama's use of a teleprompter (they can't help themselves), I didn't expect this: Sam Stein of Huff Post tweets that there have now been six teleprompter jokes at the conservative CPAC conference, all read off of teleprompters. It's not certain … Read More
Maybe Calling Obama A “Socialist” Wasn’t A Good Idea
The unspoken GOP tactic is this: Paint Obama as a socialist. That way, people will start disliking Obama. And the GOP wins the day. Problem is, the strategy may have backfired. Why? Because it seems to have caused many Americans to reassess their view of socialism, rather than Obama. According to this recent Gallup poll: More than one-third of Americans … Read More
The Answer Is “No”
Actual billboard in Minnesota (NPR has the backstory)
Question Time
Something unusual happened today in American politics — something never before seen. President Obama appeared at the Republican party retreat. Their invitation. He gave a speech, hitting on the same points as his State of the Union, and then…. …. he took questions. He took questions from Republican congressmen. It was much like "Question Time" that they have in the … Read More
Tea Party Plans Strike: January 20
Uh-oh. NOW we've done it. The Tea Party movement is going to show all us libruls that they are here and they mean it, if by "it" we're talking about their general opposition to government, Obama, and America (but not the flag and country music). I guess…. That's right, on January 20 of this year, Tea Partiers everywhere will… well, … Read More
The Latest Obama Outrage
Seriously? This photo is what has some on the right all in a tizzy? Seriously? OTHER ANTI-OBAMA DERANGEMENT IN THE NEWS: Effigy of Obama Hanging in Jimmy Carter's Hometown
Right Wing Exploits The Northwest Airlines Terrorism Episode
The Village Voice wrote my post for me. Some excerpts: Napolitano has not been too sharp in her response to the incident, but her statements that the TSA performed well in the aftermath of the incident ("once this incident occurred, everything happened that should have"), and that there is at present "no indication" of a wider plot behind the crotch-bombing, … Read More
Quote Of The Day
Here it is, from the (I'm assuming, Republican) mayor of Arlington TN, on his Facebook page, referring to Tuesday night when Obama announced an increase in troops to Afghanistan: "We sit the kids down to watch 'The Charlie Brown Christmas Special' and our muslim president is there, what a load…..try to convince me that wasn't done on purpose…" Riiiiight. I'm sure … Read More
Potential Terrorist Caught In Ohio Making Bomb
You know why you haven't heard this story? Because the would-be terrorist wasn't Muslim and didn't have a funny-sounding name. He was an extreme right-winger teabagging anti-government type: CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio – Following a pipe bomb explosion Monday night, police and federal law enforcement officials are trying to figure why a Center Avenue man turned his apartment into a bomb … Read More
“Pray for Obama” vs. “Pray for Obama’s Death”?
Apparently, "Psalm 109:8" appeared at the top of Google Trends last week, the internal Google device that sees what people are searching most. And why? Because of a new bumper sticker popping up all over the country. The bumper stickers say "Pray for Obama", but the biblical reference is Psalm 109:8, so it's not as "nice as it sounds. Psalm … Read More