FBI? You watching? His penis must be REALLLLY small.
Joe Wilson’s “Special Relationship” With The Obamas
Joe Wilson, the "You Lie!" guy, went on Fox News Sunday to tell Chris Wallace that he ain't going to apologize for his outburst again, to anyone. Wallace asked Wilson about Maureen Dowd's op-ed, in which she alleges that Wilson's disrespect for the president was motivated by racism. Wilson came back with a surprising and absurd defense: I respect President … Read More
Teabagger Protest In D.C.
How many Tea Party prostesters went to march on D.C. this weekend? According to Michelle Malkin, it was in the neighborhood of 2,000,000. Wingnut bloggers from Glenn Reynolds to the Pajamas Media to Newsbusters excitedly link to Malkin. And they all shouted with glee: "See?!? We're no 'fringe'!!! Two million!!!" Except that ABC News, citing the DC fire department, reported that between 60,000 … Read More
House Republicans Behaving Badly
Joe Wilson's cat call ("You lie!"), for which he apologized, was the most egregious display of childishness last night by the House GOP. But it wasn't the only sad display: But while the majority of both parties' lawmakers behaved as adults, the insolence by House Republicans stole the show. There was derisive laughter on that side of the chamber when … Read More
It’s Like He’s A Child Molester…
From Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia, (where Obama is delivering his indoctrination into socialism speech this morning):
Obama Scheduled To Turn All Schoolchildren Into Socialists
Less than two hours away. The best write-up on this non-issue comes from Forbes writer Tunku Caradarajan in an article aptly titled "Too Many Kooks": The Silly Season ceases to be "silly" when what passes for political debate in America turns not merely stupid or witless, but certifiably demented. I write of the kooky reaction of many conservatives–politicians, citizens and … Read More
Thoughts Of The Day Re Obama’s Indoctrination Speech
How long did it take the right to go from: "if you criticize the President you are a traitor" to "School children should not trust the President." But seriously, what IS it with the objection to President Obama talking with school children and encouraging them to study hard and learn and do well? I mean, it's not like he's going … Read More
The Latest Rightwing Freakout
On September 8, President Obama will speak to schoolchildren throughout the country. He's going to convey a rather standard message. In an August 26 letter to principals, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan described Obama's September 8 speech as being about "the importance of education" and "persisting and succeeding in school." Duncan also offered K-12 "classroom activities" to "engage students and … Read More
The Onion Is On A Roll
Sometimes the headline is enough: Afterbirthers Demand To See Obama's Placenta See also The American Prospect's Adam Serwer: The Onion Wins The Internet
McCain Booed For His Opinion That Obama “Respects The Constitution”
Hate it for him, but he's with the wingnut party, so…. By the way, I'm looking here at five law school exams written by Obama for his Constitutional Law class. Dude knows the Constitution. Can Granny say the same thing?
Remembering 9/11 In The Obama Years
It amazes me what conservatives decide to get in a tizzy about. The latest? Obama signed into law a measure in April that designated Sept. 11 as a National Day of Service. OMG!!! Here's how a conservative wrote about this in The American Spectator. This is an actual quote, not — I repeat, not — a parody: The plan is … Read More
New Birther Poll Shows A Weird Mix Of Ideology And Ignorance
From Public Policy Polling: After we conducted polls over the last couple of weeks finding significant numbers of 'birthers' in North Carolina and Virginia, we decided to take the question national but also drum down more specifically on where exactly the people who think Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States do think he's from. Oh, this should be … Read More
Michele Bachmann on Health Care
I love her. Here she is on Hannity last night: Money quote: It is not within our power as members of Congress, it’s not within the enumerated powers of the Constitution, for us to design and create a national takeover of health care. Nor is it within our ability to be able to delegate that responsibility to the executive. Pinhead, … Read More
The Reason For Health Care Reform Opposition
It's buried in this MSNBC story, but here it is: While just 36 percent believe Obama’s efforts to reform the health system are a good idea, that number increases to 53 percent when respondents were read a paragraph describing Obama’s plans. In other words, when you describe Obama's general health care plan without mentioning Obama, a lot more people like … Read More
Teabagger Yells “Heil Hitler” To Jewish Man Praising Israel’s Health Care System
Naturally, he’s offended. At the end of the confrontation, she makes a mock crying noise, indicating that he’s a wimp. This is pretty disgusting, even by teabagger standards. I can’t embed it, but you can see it here . UPDATE: Okay, found an embeddable version… Here’s a short interview with the “Heil Hitler” woman. Her husband has three jobs and … Read More